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c/r semmi bluff? 5-T 6max c/r semmi bluff? 5-T 6max

07-19-2009 , 08:56 AM
villain was pretty agro post but didn't seem that aggressive pre, the stats i have after 56 hands are (but i think while playing the hand i had less hands) 43/2/1

Poker Stars $5/$10 Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.4 SB) Hero is CO with K Q
1 fold, Hero raises, BTN 3-bets, 2 folds, Hero calls

Flop: (7.4 SB) 9 J 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets, Hero calls

Turn: (4.7 BB) 7 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets, Hero calls

River: (6.7 BB) 5 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets, Hero folds

so here are some questions:

i thought about c/r the turn as semi bluff - but as u see i chickened out since i figured i really need to hit in order to take the pot - u think i make any hand fold here?
what kind of a villain do i need to play against to make this play work , and do i do this for value or because i want villain to fold. also when u pull this trick - u barrel river ui? seems hard to do.
07-19-2009 , 09:23 AM
I think the board is too draw heavy for you to have enough FE in this spot. There will be too many draws in your range.

In general we want a villain who is not heavily SD bound and that we know double barrels a lot, so we know his turn c-bet often doesn't mean much. I think if you do c/r the turn you have to c-bet the river to try and fold Ace high.
07-19-2009 , 09:44 AM
How many made hands are you checkraising on this turn? 4 combos of T8s, 3 combos of 77? I can't imagine there are many made hands you'd call the flop c/r the turn with, but I could be wrong. Villain probably isn't nitty enough to make a big fold here. I'm usually looking for 1.) foldy villains, 2.) a believable scare card that might cause some FE in addition to my semibluff, or 3.) a spot where the ranges are wide. I'm not sure there are many better hands in his range you can fold out.
07-19-2009 , 11:48 AM
yeah, these were my thoughts as well. Ty.
i think i need to stove turn in order to know if our equity is good here for pure value...
07-20-2009 , 01:31 AM
Is he really 43/2 or is that at supposed to be 43/20?
07-20-2009 , 05:17 AM
I think your hand is going to look too much like a draw to CR and have any fold equity here. You have about 38% equity against a 12% 3-betting range from villian (assuming he 2 barrels with all of his 3-betting hands). I say cc and donk the RVR if you improve.
07-20-2009 , 05:48 AM
I think you played it rly well but there is def a few streets which are debatable/close.

First of all PF. Capping this hand is not gonna be a mistake and its a good hand to cap against people who wont show down AJ etc UI against a cap. Capping also prevenst you from folding the best hand on very ugly boards for your hand - say A hi flops and say when you fold on monotone flops and villain has J, Q or K hi. In a very laggy and showdown bound environment the fe goes down a lot and capping is a much less appealing option - tho still an option worth considering.

Flop: I wouldnt semibluff this flop. Tho there are some villains against whom I'd do it. I would also do it if I had a rly strong image. As a default tho the hands I semi bluff here are:

- Flush draws: Q hi and lower Id raise and I would flip a coin with weak K hi, I wouldnt raise A hi fd's unless it was a "cheap showdown raise where Id raise flop bet turn and check behind river, which is something Id do against people who wouldnt play back with QT/KT kinda hands. A hand like KQ with a fd Id raise for value and to piss him of.

- OESD's: I would def raise T8. Not always QT but I think its worth it against the majority of players. Against someone SD bound enough to call down a raise with KT and KQ I wouldnt.

- Gutshots: I wouldnt ever raise a gutshot here unless villain is extremely tight. It simply adds way too many semibluffs to your range and makes it way to profitable for villain to just showdown anything.

As played I think turn is super std so to the river: You still beat some hands here that a normal villain 3bets PF. Since his range should be so wide you still beat: KT, QT, K8s, T8s and chop with other KQ. So a river call isnt really that bad. What would kill the EV of a river call is if villain is bad or good enough to 3barrel A hi (straightforward ABC players usually dont but bad players will and rly good players who knows you show down KQ will vbet AK/AQ/AT here).

So river is rly close. I dont mind a call in the right scenarios but it depends a lot on the opponent.
07-20-2009 , 05:55 AM
I know Oink is the nuts here, but capping KQs OOP vs a 2%PFR 3-bettor (small sample naturally, but low agg PF read given by OP in write-up) seems marginal at best.

Besides I play the same on all streets figuring to be behind his range 100% on the turn. Don't think we can get him to fold anything but another KQ maybe. Other K-high hands aren't really in his range IMO, so our hand has no real SD value vs his range and therefore requires a river bet when missed to win the hand.
07-20-2009 , 09:21 AM
OK ppl - i made a mistake here in villain's stats. does it make any difference?

after 57 hands he was 35/25/2.8 ( i knew i thought he was way aggressive than i put in the beginning, guess the lack of sleep finally take its price...).
07-20-2009 , 09:34 AM
so oink due to the new stats - a cap pre is a good option here because of villain range, right?
and river call looks better now, right?
07-20-2009 , 11:44 AM
CAP is ok preflop,you got ok equity against standart BTN 3betting range here.
I would call this down,but i dont mind a fold here as well.
He could be doing this with hands like Q10,K10 etc
+ If you call in this spot you can make a note on him.
07-20-2009 , 11:46 AM
I dint even notice your stat read.

After 57 hands stats means nothing and I dont even look at em
07-20-2009 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Oink
prevenst you from folding the best hand on very ugly boards for your hand

- Gutshots: I wouldnt ever raise a gutshot here unless villain is extremely tight. It simply adds way too many semibluffs to your range and makes it way to profitable for villain to just showdown anything.
I'd put these 2 points together and convince myself to raise here. With the backdoor flush draw and 2 overcards I'd add this gutshot to my semi-bluffing range against most. Since this is a resteal I think I can get him to fold a lot of A highs in his range, especially on bluff outs.
07-20-2009 , 12:00 PM
Back in the day when I started playing Sharpie at 5/10 and 10/20 on stars/ftp he was 13/8 in my db after 400 hands. I know its sick variance but I just dont look at stats untill I have a few 100 hands in which case I look at vpip and PFR. For other stats to be important you need +1k hands.

But if I have seen him limping a lot then capping is not a good option. My first post was written assumig villain was unknown. I didnt see the stat read at all

Edit: WTF?!?

Didnt Skillgambler just make a reply here about the stats? Rly weird imo!!
07-20-2009 , 12:06 PM
Given that he's 35/25 and probably somewhat competent, do you like the semi-bluff more? I've been playing around with stove and a super wide 3-betting range for him. The problem here is that this board hits a lot of his range and there aren't enough A highs that are going to fold. I think I'm changing my mind on the semi-bluff here because of board texture. Although, we do have a lot of outs against a wider range here so it's probably fine.
07-20-2009 , 12:30 PM
yeah i made a post and deleted it because i thought villains stats werer 40/2, mentioning that i would be worried getting 3bet by this guy, and hence would tend to draw more and semibluff less

edit: my point is, if he is 40/2 over 50 hands i wouldnt totally ignore that
