this hand makes me sick on so many levels
whats the deal with people wanting
to turn sdable hands into bluffs
id give you props for calling down
barring a 7, 9, or T on the river
exactly what hands in your range would you play this way
the answer is zero
you gain more value if he has air
by letting him fire again on the river
any valueraise youd might make should wait for the river
such as if you did actually have a J here
which will be such a small percentt of the time
a J makes up such a small part of your pfr ranging
youre better off waiting to the river to r/c
a hand like 99, TT, QQ, KK, AA, A8, K8
would be better off r/f this river
if you want to maximize value
time to go clean up cause i just puked all over myself
edit: brassmonkeys a friend im encouraged to berate him