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Blind battle with bp Blind battle with bp

11-27-2007 , 07:56 PM
Sorry if this is obvious, but I suck at playing heads-up against these super-loose people.

Only played 39 hands with Villain, 69/7/1.93. Quite aggressive, he's bet 92 on a 9TJ8 board on the flop and turn heads up, bet K hi on an AAxx board on flop and turn, and other such stuff. So far he's only bet the river or raised anywhere with strong hands.

Poker Room skin
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $0.50/$1
3 players

Pre-flop: (3 players) Hero is SB with 4 5
Button folds, Hero raises, BB calls.

Flop: 4 8 Q (3SB, 2 players)
Hero bets, BB calls.

Turn: 2 (2.5BB, 2 players)
Hero bets, BB calls.

River: 2 (4.5BB, 2 players)
Hero ?

Final pot: 6.5BB

Should I have bet the turn? Is the river an easy bet?
11-27-2007 , 08:00 PM
Just call preflop, you have no folding equity so try to get in cheaply with this very marginal hand.

Since you raised preflop, once you get to the turn I would just check/call down vs this guy.
11-27-2007 , 09:30 PM
i don't mind the raise pf. even these guys fold complete junk pf or on the flop. i think i mix between raising and completing, just to see how he plays in different situations.

on the turn, i agree with ILP. the pot is very small, so you needn't worry about protection that much. i think you'll get more value by inducing bluffs. that's just based on the info you provided in the OP. but if you've seen him make very light call-downs but never seen him bluff yet, this could swing to a bet.
11-27-2007 , 09:44 PM
Based on your read sounds like a b/f. If he's only raising strong hands then you're safe. Your hand is vulnerable and it looks like a flop peel. Getting a fold is good.
11-27-2007 , 10:07 PM
i don't mind the raise pf. even these guys fold complete junk pf or on the flop.
What is he folding PF realisticly? 0-5%?

On the flop he prolly folds more if you complete and bet any flop

I really think raising PF here is silly
11-27-2007 , 11:58 PM
He may be loose preflop and agressive post flop, but he is not raising much hands. I would probably limp then bet the flop. I think he is much more likely to let go of the hand with a smaller pot. Putting in extra bets when we are behind preflop with almost no fold equity I think is a mistake. Probably check call the river since we have a read that the villain doesn't showdown lightly. We may even induce a bluff. Interesting hand.
11-28-2007 , 12:24 AM
def b/c imo. Too many hands he's looking you up light with or will bluff-raise.
11-28-2007 , 12:37 AM
Bet/fold based on read.
11-28-2007 , 01:02 AM
Bet/fold based on read.
If I got to the river taking OP's line, I would check/call here. Looking at this guy's stats, I think he will bet with alot more hands than he will call with. Bet/folding this strong of a hand vs someone with those stats is not an option for me. I dont wanna bet/call either. Seems like only one line makes sense.

So there it is. Vmacosta, Waffle, and Me. Three different answers. Good luck Fadook.
11-28-2007 , 01:10 AM
Bet/fold based on read.
If I got to the river taking OP's line, I would check/call here. Looking at this guy's stats, I think he will bet with alot more hands than he will call with. Bet/folding this strong of a hand vs someone with those stats is not an option for me. I dont wanna bet/call either. Seems like only one line makes sense.

So there it is. Vmacosta, Waffle, and Me. Three different answers. Good luck Fadook.
ILP, on paper your argument makes sense, but I basically whiff on the "river bluff-inducing" 4 times out of five. That's also about my success rate with river-sexying. I'd like to think it's just because I'm an agro, tenacious player and ppl are afraid to bluff/vb me light, but I'm afraid it's for a little less flattering reasons.
