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AQ in capped pot, I can't be good here right? AQ in capped pot, I can't be good here right?

07-27-2008 , 02:43 AM
MP is 27/20/2
BB is 65/44/1.8

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with Q A
1 fold, MP raises, Hero 3-bets, 2 folds, BB calls, MP caps!, Hero calls, BB calls

Flop: (12.5 SB) K 5 A (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets, Hero calls, BB calls

Turn: (7.75 BB) 7 (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets

I'm virtually never good here except the occasional chop right? Easy laydown or call it down?
07-27-2008 , 03:16 AM
folding here is really really bad. People will mindlessly fire underpairs here. AJs is a possibility too.
07-27-2008 , 03:24 AM
I'm not sayin I can fold but you must play in some whack games Nina.
07-27-2008 , 03:27 AM
with an AF of 2, i can see villain taking a b/f line on at least flop and turn with QQ to however low his pf cappin range for pairs is. also, i think AJs, ATs and AQ are gonna be in there sm portion of the time.

if bb had folded pf, i call down 3 streets, but cos bb is still in, i kinda wanna r/c the flop to get bb out, though he'll probably call 2 cold anyways, that's ok too.
07-28-2008 , 03:22 AM
I can't see folding that for one bet on the turn and river unless you know for sure that MP's capping range is strickly AA, KK and AK, or if it includes QQ, JJ or some other underpair he would never CB twice there. It would be a rare player, if any, that I felt I knew well enough to feel OK throwing away AQ there for one bet per street.
07-28-2008 , 04:03 AM
He could have QQ-TT and just testing the waters on this flop. I would Raise on the flop and see what happens. you could also be conservative and call down but i wouldn't fold here unless he 3 bet the flop and bet into me on the turn then based on his stats i don't see much i could beat.
07-28-2008 , 05:20 AM

Firing QQ-99 is bad here?

Eric dont look like Ax. Could have Kx. But could also have QJ, QT, JT, QQ-TT and 99-55 with bdfds.

Villain in BB could have, well, two cards.

MP should def fight for the pot with underpairs, at least the better ones like QQ and JJ.
07-28-2008 , 02:18 PM
Should I be raising this flop to try and get it HU? Seems bad to me because I could face a 3bet that I hate calling and would potentially fold out QQ-TT that might fire again.

Also, if we're calling the turn are we committed to calling the river? Firing 3 streets with an underpair doesn't really fit with MP's style imo, though I don't have any detailed notes on him.
07-28-2008 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by ericishungry
Should I be raising this flop to try and get it HU? Seems bad to me because I could face a 3bet that I hate calling and would potentially fold out QQ-TT that might fire again.

Also, if we're calling the turn are we committed to calling the river? Firing 3 streets with an underpair doesn't really fit with MP's style imo, though I don't have any detailed notes on him.
yeah, that's what I would do 100% of the time. Pot is too big to mess around. I raise to get BB the hell out, and then figure out what to do against MP. I'd prob pretty much always showdown if he still plays back at me, but folding the river UI would not be horrible imo if we are quite sure he's a straightforward player.
07-28-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by ericishungry
Should I be raising this flop to try and get it HU?
I don't think so.
Originally Posted by ericishungry
Seems bad to me because I could face a 3bet that I hate calling and would potentially fold out QQ-TT that might fire again.

Originally Posted by ericishungry
Also, if we're calling the turn are we committed to calling the river?
I think so.

Originally Posted by ericishungry
Firing 3 streets with an underpair doesn't really fit with MP's style imo, though I don't have any detailed notes on him.
You have to be awfully sure of that to call turn and then fold river.
07-29-2008 , 02:35 AM
please raise the flop so K6 folds or calls two, same with gutshots, etc.

raise flop, get 3bet, call down

as played, lol at folding turn
