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99 facing action in posistion 99 facing action in posistion

11-15-2008 , 01:39 PM
I havn't met many a player at 1/2 that are this crazy with air, giving him credit for a PP or AK. Anywho, did I do anything wrong here or is call down proper line with this hand?

Full Tilt Limit Hold'em, $2.00 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from

Preflop: Hero is CO with 9, 9
UTG raises, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets, 2 folds, UTG caps, Hero calls

Flop: (9 SB) 7, 3, 5 (3 players)
UTG bets, Hero raises, UTG 3-bets, Hero calls

Turn: (7.5 BB) 2 (3 players)
UTG bets, Hero calls

River: (9.5 BB) 10 (3 players)
UTG bets, Hero calls

Total pot: $23 (11.5 BB) | Rake: $1
11-15-2008 , 01:53 PM
I just call down from the beginning (without raising the flop first). The thing is, if Villain is capping, say, AA-JJ and AK preflop (more or less standard for some players), then you're a pretty big dog to his range on the flop, since AA-JJ is 24 combos and leaves you with 2 outs, whereas Villain's 16 combos of AK will have 6 outs against you. Also, since this is not a steal situation and the initial raise came from UTG, Villain's range does figure to be fairly narrow.

Anyway, though, aside from the flop raise, the hand does seem pretty standard to me.
11-15-2008 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nick C
I just call down from the beginning (without raising the flop first). The thing is, if Villain is capping, say, AA-JJ and AK preflop (more or less standard for some players), then you're a pretty big dog to his range on the flop, since AA-JJ is 24 combos and leaves you with 2 outs, whereas Villain's 16 combos of AK will have 6 outs against you. Also, since this is not a steal situation and the initial raise came from UTG, Villain's range does figure to be fairly narrow.

Anyway, though, aside from the flop raise, the hand does seem pretty standard to me.
Whats your cut off for PP's to raise the flop here. AA-KK obviously. QQ we have 59%, and JJ we are 48%. I added TT into the range since most in my games will cap T's if they gonna cap. Since we need 67%(is this right?) to raise this flop. We should only be raising with KK and AA here. Is this right?
11-15-2008 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by LanXang
Whats your cut off for PP's to raise the flop here. AA-KK obviously. QQ we have 59%, and JJ we are 48%. I added TT into the range since most in my games will cap T's if they gonna cap. Since we need 67%(is this right?) to raise this flop. We should only be raising with KK and AA here. Is this right?
Depends what hands they're going to 3-bet. If they call down QQ to any raise, then raising the turn is the clear play. Also depends what they do with AK, if they fire a blank turn then raising the turn is the clear play.

I would typically raise AA-QQ on the flop versus guys that are going to 3-bet the flop with QQ-99 so I can get more bets in, versus more passive opponents I'd raise the turn.

With 99 I would call down and pray for no Ace through Queen to hit.
11-15-2008 , 08:16 PM
This could be a long term leak for me...

With these trouble pairs, say 77 (at lowest) - 1010 what is the best line to take?

Simply call down from flop after 3-betting/capping pre if opponent leads into me on flop or C/R. I of course would mix it up with an aggressive opponent who could just be ******o and or on tilt. This line of course feels weak but I'm here to make money and what opponent goes this nuts without AKs or high pair?
11-15-2008 , 09:13 PM
if i raise the flop, and get 3bet, you should probably be folding this on the turn or river.

i dont' want to fold the turn or river, so i just call down from the flop, and bet if he checks.

if you stove a realistic UTG raise/cap PF, we are doing well enough to call down with no A on turn/river, but if we raise and get 3bet, our hands sucks balls, as we are now ahead of like 2-3 combos of flush draws, and when i say ahead, i mean barely.
11-16-2008 , 02:37 AM
How would I adjust to an opponent when say he's on the button or one off?

Take the same exact hand but the cap comes from a button player. How would you adjust to that?

I was thinking briefly but I believe it'd play out just as the hand posted did, except I may c-r the flop and call down if he 3bets?
