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3bet with 66 3bet with 66

08-01-2008 , 06:46 AM
MP's stats were 58/5/5 over 50 hands
button was 44/23/.9 over 150 hands

I figured Mp could be limping with about anything and the button was on semi tilt and was raising fairly light. Also, at this point my table image was very good, as I was on a huge rush and won at showdown was over 75% and many of these were against the button, who was frustrated. They also both had low WTSD numbers of around 30.

Is the 3bet pf ok or OOP is this spewing? Would it be better to call or fold?

Should I have folded to the MP's flop rasie? I figured that there was a strong possibility he was on a draw, but button calling two cold after a raising pf, might have indicated he had a hand.

Are there any river cards that you would fold to? qh or jh would look like a pretty bad card.....but the pot is big and this guy has been pretty agrro.

Poker Stars $2/$4 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with 6 6
1 fold, MP calls, 1 fold, BTN raises, Hero 3-bets, 1 fold, MP calls, BTN calls

Flop: (10 SB) 9 2 8 (3 players)
Hero bets, MP raises, BTN calls, Hero calls

Turn: (8 BB) 9 (3 players)
Hero checks, MP bets, BTN folds, Hero calls

River: (10 BB) 3 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP checks
08-01-2008 , 10:09 AM
preflop doing anything else would be bad. HU easy calldown vs the flop raise here, thats usually air. 3 way complicates it but im not folding yet. Hand seems good ck call this river.

i have no clue what button is doing in this hand, calls 2 cold on the flop to fold the turn?
08-01-2008 , 10:38 AM
Calling preflop is fine since you have good position to CR the PFR if you get a flop you like.

The rest is fine.
08-01-2008 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Spy Dog
Calling preflop is fine since you have good position to CR the PFR if you get a flop you like.

The rest is fine.
Disagree calling preflop out of the small blind is horrible. If you let the BB in for one and the open limper your hand has bad equity four way. If you play this hand a 3 bet is needed to lock out the BB and give the limper a chance to fold and get HU with plenty of dead money in a race situation. This is a good board for your hand I probably bet/call or bet/fold the river but I don't want to check there. To often the OP shows up with busted flush or str8 draws.
08-01-2008 , 11:49 AM
In my experience, a 58/5 guy is never folding if we 3-bet. So, you either have a 3-way (and sometimes 4-way) pot with initiative and no chance to protect your hand. Or, you have a 4-way pot (and sometimes 3-way) with a chance to protect your hand. I'll take the latter all day long.
08-01-2008 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Spy Dog
In my experience, a 58/5 guy is never folding if we 3-bet. So, you either have a 3-way (and sometimes 4-way) pot with initiative and no chance to protect your hand. Or, you have a 4-way pot (and sometimes 3-way) with a chance to protect your hand. I'll take the latter all day long.
I agree
08-01-2008 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I agree

I would rather have a 3 way pot and have the lead than a 4 way pot that I have to check fold almost every flop but a set. If you are looking at a 4 way pot you don't have odds to flop a set your better off folding. Anyway you look at it calling is horrible. There is no hand the BB will fold at that point and no chance the limper folds. Even if the limper only folds 30% of the time it is the correct play. IMO Otherwise, fold preflop and move on. Calling 66 and playing it multiway out of position without the lead is negative equity.
08-01-2008 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by noles321
I would rather have a 3 way pot and have the lead than a 4 way pot that I have to check fold almost every flop but a set.
I'm pretty sure that those 4-way flops that you want to c/f are not flops you should be cbetting in a 3-way situation. In fact, I'd like to know which flops you would c/f 4 ways, yet cbet 3-way in a 10 SB pot where nobody is going to fold.

Folding preflop is certainly an option if you aren't comfortable playing this hand postflop when you don't flop a set.
08-01-2008 , 03:04 PM
You're getting over 4-1 on a call if the BB comes along. Given this line up you probably have the odds to try for a set because they are going to spew at least a couple BB to you. However, I don't agree that you can only play this for set value. Calling preserves your relative position against a guy who probably makes a continuation bet on every flop, which means you can protect your hand on favorable flops. 66 actually does get some good flops where you would like to try and protect your hand against another 12 outs (assuming the other 2 players have overcards). I think calling is just fine. I also think raising is fine, especially with the reads you have on these players, for the reasons already mentioned in this thread. I don't think you should fold here.
08-01-2008 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Spy Dog
I'm pretty sure that those 4-way flops that you want to c/f are not flops you should be cbetting in a 3-way situation. In fact, I'd like to know which flops you would c/f 4 ways, yet cbet 3-way in a 10 SB pot where nobody is going to fold.

Folding preflop is certainly an option if you aren't comfortable playing this hand postflop when you don't flop a set.
If I can get pos 1 to fold to the 3 bet and am HU against button I will continuation bet all flops. FWIW
08-01-2008 , 03:57 PM
I used to always try so hard to get HU with the LP raiser by 3-betting in this spot and it just doesn't work. You always end up 3 or 4 to the flop. People just don't openlimp and fold to 3-bets.
08-01-2008 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by noles321
If I can get pos 1 to fold to the 3 bet and am HU against button I will continuation bet all flops. FWIW
Ya but were pretty certain given the Early players stats that he is going nowhere and you still need the BB to fold. Also, don't discount the possiblility that it may get capped and now you'll need to hit your set. Bloating the pot is going to put yourself in some awkward situations post flop.

I 3b 99 for sure, maybe 88. I call with 77,66 and maybe more depending on the table dynamics and the spewability of my opponents postflop.
08-01-2008 , 08:37 PM
I really don't think it's a question with 88 or 77. 66 seems like the line for me. I can't prove it, as ILP would say, but it feels like it's the point where just calling or raising are close. 55 and lower I would just call and mostly play for set odds. Like I said, having good relative position on an aggressive player that will make too many continuation bets suggests a call is fine in this spot.
