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2/4 4 Handed Peel the Flop vs CO with Backdoor Straight Draws and Overs? 2/4 4 Handed Peel the Flop vs CO with Backdoor Straight Draws and Overs?

07-20-2014 , 09:08 PM
Four Handed

Just sat down and no reads on players.

I'm in BB with 7c8h

CO raises and BTN and SB folds.

I call with 7c8h

Flop 5h5d2d

I check, CO bets.

Peel this flop with a backdoor straight draw and overs?
07-21-2014 , 01:12 PM
If you're against a good opponent, I fold. If you're against someone who will check hands like A8s on a turn brick, I'd consider peeling.
