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1/2 - line check with A high 1/2 - line check with A high

08-30-2009 , 12:08 PM
PokerStars Limit Hold'em, $2.00 BB (6 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q, A
UTG calls, MP raises, 1 fold, Button calls, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets, 1 fold, MP calls, Button calls

Flop: (10.5 SB) 8, 3, 9 (3 players)
Hero bets, MP calls, Button calls

Turn: (6.75 BB) 10 (3 players)
Hero bets, MP calls, 1 fold

River: (8.75 BB) 9 (2 players)
Hero bets, MP calls

C/C the river and allow him to bluff? Villain is 43.75/7 over 130 hands with a WTSD of 45.
08-30-2009 , 05:37 PM
I check/call flop and reevaluate on the turn. bluffing 3streets blindly into two opponents is bad.
08-30-2009 , 05:48 PM
checking the flop is terribad, DUCY?

anyways i think that this is probably too thin for value although you have the best hand a good deal of the time. if you had a really sick read that he would have raised a pair earlier, then sure, go ahead and bet. i don't think i know more than 1 person at 1/2 who fits that description.
08-30-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Eskiboy
I check/call flop and reevaluate on the turn. bluffing 3streets blindly into two opponents is bad.
Bluffing implies that we have the worst hand.
08-30-2009 , 08:01 PM
Turn is close. Probably a c/c.

I have no idea why we bet the river.
08-30-2009 , 08:04 PM
OP, did you intend your river bet to be a bluff or a value bet? help us out a bit here.

honestly the more i look at the board texture the more i realize that you are beating only a few hands [AJ, KJ, KQ, A7, maybe worse A-hi's since he's peel-happy]. nonetheless, i think i just go ahead and bet the river because these hands have to make up more than 11% of his range and i think this is a really poor river to c/c because he shouldn't have a ton of missed draws w/o showdown value here.

Last edited by asmitty; 08-30-2009 at 08:10 PM.
08-30-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
OP, did you intend your bet to be a bluff or a value bet? help us out a bit here.
It doesn't matter. Either way it sucks.
08-31-2009 , 01:39 AM
I think you should check-fold the turn without a specific read on your opponents.

Your opponents probably peeled the flop because they had a pair or a straight draw. The turn ten-card should often have given straigthpeelers the straight or a pair.

That both opponents peeled the flop with less is a little far fetched.

If you do bet the turn, the river pairing the board doesn't really change your status vs villain. If you were ahead you are still ahead. A check-call then seems sound. The paired board should induce some bluffs.

Mr Knight
08-31-2009 , 11:35 AM
c-bet flop is standard. w/o some good reads on your opponents, I'd c/evaluate the turn. If you are continuing past the turn, you should plan to be showing down A-hi.
