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1/2  2 JJ Hands 1/2  2 JJ Hands

01-08-2008 , 11:03 PM
JJ Hand #1

Villian 32/0/2 over small amount of hands (50)

Poker Stars $1.00/$2.00 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with J J
1 fold, MP calls, Hero raises, 3 folds, MP calls

Flop: (2.75 BB) 2 Q 9 (2 players)
MP bets, Hero raises, MP calls

Turn: (4.75 BB) 6 (2 players)
MP bets, Hero folds

JJ Hand #2

Villain is 73/5.88/.62 over about 50 hands
Totaly messed up this one; but just want to make sure.

Poker Stars $1.00/$2.00 Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with J J
UTG calls, 1 fold, Hero raises, 1 fold, BB calls, UTG calls

Flop: (3.25 BB) 9 8 K (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets, BB folds, UTG calls

Turn: (4.25 BB) 3 (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks

River: (4.25 BB) T (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG folds

Last edited by willwonka; 01-08-2008 at 11:16 PM.
01-08-2008 , 11:13 PM
Hand 1, I just call down from the flop donk. Let him barrel off.
Hand 2, bet all the way. His flop call suggests he doesn't have a King. He could easily have a 9, 8, or just ace high. If he check-raises the turn you can fold.
01-09-2008 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by bobhalford
Hand 2, bet all the way. His flop call suggests he doesn't have a King.
Not true down here in the 1/2 trenches. You see K2s+, KTo and KJo c/c, c/c, c/c like scared bitches a lot here. Still, it's bet, bet, bet as the villain will have an 8, 9, or a draw a hell of a lot more than he'll have KT or KJ.
01-09-2008 , 04:45 AM
Hand1- Just call down.

Hand2- Easy turn bet, no reason to put him on a K yet. Not the greatest board to be giving free cards on when we are often ahead. Check behind river if u like.
01-09-2008 , 04:50 AM
#1 dont fold here, you are giving up way too easily! and make sure to note what he likes to donk. Also yeah what bob said, just call down. you dont want to make his crap hand fold and you are not exactly very much ahead here for a value raise

#2 easy 3 street value bet. Against these loose passive you just have to bet bet bet. Remeber when you had that AK that missed, and he called all your bets with bottom pair?
