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WTF is it w/ transgender  students and bathroom/locker rooms? WTF is it w/ transgender  students and bathroom/locker rooms?

05-14-2016 , 01:41 AM
I stopped at a random gas station on the way back from vegas. The mens bathroom was occupied and I really had to poop. So I used the womens bathroom. 30 seconds later a woman knocked and I said "just a minute" in a raspy high pitched voice. I finished my poop a few minutes later and when I was leaving the bathroom the woman had a look of disgust either because she really had to go or because I was a guy. As I walked by, I whispered "its ok I'm a transgender."

So personally I think this is great for situations where there is a wait time or cleanliness issue in the mens bathroom.
05-14-2016 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Actually, it was a pretty good read because...

Yeah, no ****, dude. You quite obviously didn't bother trying to find and read it in the first place --that was my point! Before even trying to understand the basic facts at hand you came here to bitch. You're a greedy, toxic old man who's pissy because transgendered people are treated with an incredibly minor degree of respect. This will never ever inconvenience you in the slightest, but you're still having yourself a good cry. For real, GFY.
In fact I was surprised that I couldn't find the letter, tried a number of different ways, and was happy for the link but you've decided anyway that I didn't bother. One strike against you. Second strike: I didn't come here to bitch, I raised a topic. Third strike: I'm all for transgender rights but adults are one thing and children are another and I don't care for government mandates either and on top of that it's bad timing.

You didn't even address any of my quotes/comments. You're just some bundle of outrage that doesn't know how to discuss a topic and are reduced to hurling insults which, btw, are entirely ineffective against me.
05-14-2016 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
I stopped at a random gas station on the way back from vegas. The mens bathroom was occupied and I really had to poop. So I used the womens bathroom. 30 seconds later a woman knocked and I said "just a minute" in a raspy high pitched voice. I finished my poop a few minutes later and when I was leaving the bathroom the woman had a look of disgust either because she really had to go or because I was a guy. As I walked by, I whispered "its ok I'm a transgender."

So personally I think this is great for situations where there is a wait time or cleanliness issue in the mens bathroom.
I used a women's room at a Starbucks about a month ago under similar circumstances. A woman was waiting outside and gave me a stern look. I said 'You want equal rights? So do I' and didn't care what she thought.
05-14-2016 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
So do I' and didn't care what she thought.
Howard Beale in a nutshell, basically.
05-14-2016 , 03:53 AM
I don't care what you think, either.
05-14-2016 , 05:14 AM
Haha oh wow at the "I'm all for transgendered rights, just not for children" because they're the ones that get made fun of all the time and it's something like half attempt suicide. you're so vile.

the condescending thread title is so, so telling.
05-14-2016 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
"Hey, transgendered kids already have a difficult life. So **** em"

"Schools might have to pay for a curtain and benches. TYRANNY THANKS OBAMA"

Compelling argument.
Honestly, you shouldn't post anything on here. Everything you say is concentrated AIDS. You do nothing for anyone. What a waste.
05-14-2016 , 07:50 AM
Well moo, you are a known bigot. It is not surprising you don't like bigoted arguments being mocked. You don't think I should post, I think you should log off this planet.
05-14-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
In fact I was surprised that I couldn't find the letter, tried a number of different ways, and was happy for the link but you've decided anyway that I didn't bother. One strike against you. Second strike: I didn't come here to bitch, I raised a topic. Third strike: I'm all for transgender rights but adults are one thing and children are another and I don't care for government mandates either and on top of that it's bad timing.

You didn't even address any of my quotes/comments. You're just some bundle of outrage that doesn't know how to discuss a topic and are reduced to hurling insults which, btw, are entirely ineffective against me.
The letter is linked to in your own linked article. If you couldn't find it you must be pretty dumb. You still don't seem to have read the whole article because you still don't seem to understand what's happening here.
05-14-2016 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well moo, you are a known bigot. It is not surprising you don't like bigoted arguments being mocked. You don't think I should post, I think you should log off this planet.
When someone says 'bigot' as frequently as you do, it's meaning is diminished significantly.
05-14-2016 , 09:02 AM
I'm with you Howard, this whole mess is so stupid and unnecessary. Stupid ****ing social engineering. Next we'll need separate bathrooms for kids who think they're animals or plants.
05-14-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
When someone says 'bigot' as frequently as you do, it's meaning is diminished significantly.
I say it frequently to the small minority of bigoted morons on this site. You just happen to be in that category.
05-14-2016 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I used a women's room at a Starbucks about a month ago under similar circumstances. A woman was waiting outside and gave me a stern look. I said 'You want equal rights? So do I' and didn't care what she thought.
So to be clear: Howard uses whichever bathroom he feels like whenever he wants and mouths off at anyone who gives him a "stern look" (so triggering!). But trans people cant do the same because reasons.
05-14-2016 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
So to be clear: Howard uses whichever bathroom he feels like whenever he wants and mouths off at anyone who gives him a "stern look" (so triggering!). But trans people cant do the same because reasons.
Thread's about one class of trans ppl and it's political effects. There's already a huge backlash in the usual places. But nobody answered the question of how a trans student is to be determined. No diagnosis required, simply based on a statement. What happens when a 10 y.o. states that they are transgendered, the school tells the parents that from now on the child is going to use the 'other' bathroom/locker room and they can gtfo w/ w/e they say.

We've just seen a whole bunch of votes put at risk, if you're not an R. I don't see how anyone can't see the timing for this as terrible.
05-14-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
What happens when a 10 y.o. states that they are transgendered, the school tells the parents that from now on the child is going to use the 'other' bathroom/locker room and they can gtfo w/ w/e they say.
One of the other documents you have failed to read is the DC Guidance document which was referenced in the supplement. You should read the whole document so you can stop sounding so uninformed, but of specific interest might be the section starting on page 6 "Developmentally Appropriate Protocols". This should help with some of your confusion.

You will also find on page 5 a list of terms that should not be used to describe transgender or gender-nonconforming students. That list includes "boy-girl" so you might consider replacing that term with something less offensive.
05-14-2016 , 12:14 PM
This sort of reminds me of the VA end-of-life counseling controversy, where the use of a booklet called "Your Life, Your Choices" was predicted to lead to all kinds of terrible consequences by people who didn't bother to read it.
05-14-2016 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
But nobody answered the question of how a trans student is to be determined.
I don't know how many times we have to tell you to actually read the gov't guidelines. You know, those guidelines that you're all worked up over? You should read them!

As an alternative, maybe transgendered people should just do what Beale does and use whichever bathroom they feel like whenever they want?
05-14-2016 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
One of the other documents you have failed to read is the DC Guidance document which was referenced in the supplement. You should read the whole document so you can stop sounding so uninformed, but of specific interest might be the section starting on page 6 "Developmentally Appropriate Protocols". This should help with some of your confusion.

You will also find on page 5 a list of terms that should not be used to describe transgender or gender-nonconforming students. That list includes "boy-girl" so you might consider replacing that term with something less offensive.
Thanks for this, I will read it tonight when I get home and hopefully it will do as you say. I am also not comfortable w/ the boy/girl thing but couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't be cumbersome (a person whose birth certificate says 'girl' but actually identifies as male, for example). If you can suggest another, better term, I will use it and I will also stop using the other one.
05-14-2016 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
As an alternative, maybe transgendered people should just do what Beale does and use whichever bathroom they feel like whenever they want?
It was an emergency and I didn't like the way the woman looked at me bec it's just a damn single user bathroom, ffs. Get over it.
05-14-2016 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Thanks for this, I will read it tonight when I get home and hopefully it will do as you say. I am also not comfortable w/ the boy/girl thing but couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't be cumbersome (a person whose birth certificate says 'girl' but actually identifies as male, for example). If you can suggest another, better term, I will use it and I will also stop using the other one.
Transgirl/transboy seems obvious as **** to me and I haven't followed this at all. If you've heard of transwoman it seems clear.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
05-14-2016 , 12:33 PM
Howard didn't read materials on trafficking when he was paying enslaved women for sex. Not real surprising he didn't read this material either.
05-14-2016 , 12:38 PM
"They already have their own water fountains. Just how equal do these people want to be?"

The world's already had this argument. Equality requires actual integration with the rest of society and not just a special place in the corner where the minority won't cause so much trouble.

A single user bathroom for everyone doesn't seem like a problem. Telling some subset that they are mandated to only use the special bathroom so they don't bother the bigots seems like it might be a slight problem...
05-14-2016 , 12:59 PM
Equating the civil rights movement with this trans **** is laughably bogus and the perfect symbol of how bankrupt our society is right now, that this ludicrous analogy is carrying the day.
05-14-2016 , 01:22 PM
I hope you have a loving transgendered child.
05-14-2016 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
As an alternative, maybe transgendered people should just do what Beale does and use whichever bathroom they feel like whenever they want?
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I hope you have a loving transgendered child.
FYI, "transgendered" is also on the list of terms that should be avoided (which I only learned while researching for this thread). See the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.

Originally Posted by Howard Beale
If you can suggest another, better term, I will use it and I will also stop using the other one.
The link above will help with this. People have actually been thinking about these issues for quite some time.
