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Why are people not more alarmed from the threat of N.Korea Why are people not more alarmed from the threat of N.Korea

08-10-2017 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
wtf are you ranting about now wil? Don't you find it odd that someone who isn't American is pushing right wing American agendas? I wouldn't be surprised if mongidig was being paid to post here.

If someone who wasn't an American, during the process of passing Obamacare, was posting on here saying "yeah we need to pass Obamacare", and they were very vocally supportive of Obama, what would you have thought?
I think it is in the best interest of non-Americans to not support the ACA, if they believe the US taxpayer subsidizes the world's healthcare/pharmaceutical costs. Other people benefit from our healthcare system and the wonderous things it produces.

I also think if you think mond is paid to post here to influence the massive crowd of 15 nutjobs, you have a screw loose.

I also think you are a person who has no idea what you are talking about.
08-10-2017 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This isn't gonna be a 12 round fight. At the time of its choosing, the US will knock out NK and any other nation that threatens us.
Of course, but it may sustain a lot of damage in the process.

And why are you suing 'us' when you mean 'them'?
08-10-2017 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
wtf are you ranting about now wil? Don't you find it odd that someone who isn't American is pushing right wing American agendas? I wouldn't be surprised if mongidig was being paid to post here.
No one on this earth, not even wil, is stupid or crazy enough to employ such a bed-wetting orifice-dribbling non-entity to post his 'thoughts'.
08-10-2017 , 02:02 AM
It's just suspicious to me that the person is not American, but yet they:

* constantly post pro-Trump, right wing talking points
* talk about respecting the police and the American flag
* use the words "us" and "we" when suggesting America will trivially have war with NK
* post right wing propaganda from America's #1 right wing propaganda network complete with a pro nuclear war cry from a right wing nut job

That's just over the last couple days. I'm sure mongidig has been pushing all sorts of right wing garbage under the guise of being an American. The average reader who sees their posts are going to think they're the standard redneck American Conservative gun toting Obama hater/Trump supporter. That's what I thought about them. But no, they're not American, and you know what? It hasn't even been established to me that they know who Barack Obama is, because they sure as hell didn't know who Dwight Eisenhower was.

You know, governments and NGOs all over the world hire people to act as sock puppets and influence online discussions. It's something that the United States, which is where I live, does.

Russia does this.

And I would guess the majority of countries on Earth do this at least to some level, and there's no telling how many private organizations such as multi-national corporations do this. So in knowing this, and learning that mongi - "Who is Ike? Who likes Ike?" - dig is not an American, but constantly pushes all this right wing pro-Trump American propaganda, it makes me seriously question their sincerity, motivations, and agenda.
08-10-2017 , 02:10 AM
are you projecting because the most prominant examples are correct the record and share blue

do you often project?
08-10-2017 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think it is in the best interest of non-Americans to not support the ACA, if they believe the US taxpayer subsidizes the world's healthcare/pharmaceutical costs. Other people benefit from our healthcare system and the wonderous things it produces.

That doesn't answer my question.
08-10-2017 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
are you projecting because the most prominant examples are correct the record and share blue

These are good examples of private orgs*. State level sock puppets like what the US and Russian governments have are another level entirely.

Do you often make assumptions?

* I know correct the record employed sock puppets, but I don't know if share blue did.
08-10-2017 , 02:44 AM
08-10-2017 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This isn't gonna be a 12 round fight. At the time of its choosing, the US will knock out NK and any other nation that threatens us.

We aren't just a superpower, we are a hyperpower
Unless they use cyber attacks to threaten and are Russian.
08-10-2017 , 06:22 AM
Ok, so, we're all gonna die soon and the last thing on anyone's mind is further wil analysis, but for those devoted wilstorians:

Originally Posted by wil318466
You may only refer to yourselves as part of the collective when supporting left-wing lines of thought. Anything having to do with inclusion such as race, feel free to use terms like "us", but even more so terms that imply morality and intelligence.

You are all honorary Americans when discussing identity politics on the left. On the right you are not Americans and can't refer to yourselves in that manner. Don't forget that. Always remember how inclusive and welcoming the left is, as long as you agree with them.

He's not even necessarily wrong, he's just describing how all things work. My doormat says "No small-n nazis, No Fat Hitlers" and I think that makes perfect sense. Like, you need parameters to define a group, by definition, right?

But that's not the interesting part. That entire post is describing his personal experience, much of which took place here on 2p2. He, like many, many others, wanted to identify and be identified as some sort of left-leaning/progressive/liberal person because, duh, we rock, but then found out that, oops, his actual views on things aren't actually left-leaning/progressive/liberal.

I'm almost positive there was once a person in the 40s who uttered the words:

"I'm the best Nazi around. I've saved at least 100 Jews and I'm still going strong."

To which a fellow Nazi most likely replied:

"Yeah, uh, that's not what us Nazis are all about. Like, at all. We're supposed to be rounding them up and killing them."

And the person said:

"Wat. That's insane. Why would I kill Jews? Are you ****ing with me? Ok, well, I guess I'm not a Nazi at all then."

See, unlike that antiNazi, wil never took it in stride and is still exceedingly bitter years later. If there's one phrase I can close on to describe him, before we all die in this upcoming nuclear hellfire, it would be "cognitive dissonance". He's so deplorable as f--k and has been for quite awhile but so desperately wants to see himself and be seen as not, and the end result is all this spew .

On that note, ya'll know what time it is. It's Serena S-Walk Time.

p.s. This also explains why he got so triggered the other day when I asked him if his sociopolitical views changed with the birth of his first child. Even though I was asking that with empathy and good faith, the last thing he wants is to be reminded of, well, everything I just typed.
08-10-2017 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
It's just suspicious to me that the person is not American, but yet they:
He's been posting here for a little while now. You showed up with tears in your eyes, yet you question his motives.

Typical leftist move though. Mind-reading others and their intentions are standard from your side. It's a constant.
08-10-2017 , 09:26 AM
Sock Puppets all over these two sheep Politics forums. Anyone thinking that political discusion on the worlds largest poker forum is not being monitored and does not have a sock puppet or 15 is sorely mistaken and incredibly naive.

Having said that, as long as those that bring this topic up have a colored name, the afformentioned identification of such activities isnt at all to be considered "conspiracy theory" in nature...

****Paging 18ball, paging 18ball... we need a Whiny Conspiracy Theorist Identifier¡¡¡¡****

Last edited by NoQuarter; 08-10-2017 at 09:38 AM. Reason: Maintaining #1 status
08-11-2017 , 07:55 PM
China has come out and stated that if NK starts a war they will remain neutral. They also stated that any attack by the U.S. or any attempt to remove him or his government and they will back NK.

Not sure if things just got better or worse.
08-11-2017 , 08:14 PM
China wants their buffer state.
08-11-2017 , 08:54 PM
This could be the start of ww3. China has drawn a line and U.S. cant allow N.k. to develop an arsenal that could wipe them out.

With Trump at the helm let the lord help us all.

Although I don't see a solution Trump might have to gamble with China.
08-11-2017 , 09:02 PM
China won't do a damn thing. They are well aware they could not win a fight against the US.
08-11-2017 , 09:19 PM
sounds like an easy way to not pay them the money we owe...
08-11-2017 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Of course, but it may sustain a lot of damage in the process.

And why are you suing 'us' when you mean 'them'?
I'm not suing anybody.
08-11-2017 , 09:33 PM
Lets just pray for the Guamanians and pray the US doesn't have the opportunity to go for the three peat in world wars.

At this point, the US should shoot down any rocket fired by NK given their latest threats.
08-12-2017 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I'm not suing anybody.
Congrats, you finally caught one.

Originally Posted by mongidig
At the time of its choosing, the US will knock out NK and any other nation that threatens us.

We aren't just a superpower, we are a hyperpower
Why are you using "us" and "we" when you're not American?
08-12-2017 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Lets just pray for the Guamanians and pray the US doesn't have the opportunity to go for the three peat in world wars.

At this point, the US should shoot down any rocket fired by NK given their latest threats.

Nonsense. This is going to massively increase Guam's tourism! It's a great thing!
08-12-2017 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Nonsense. This is going to massively increase Guam's tourism! It's a great thing!
I here "Crater National Park" will be their biggest attraction. Their new Green water hot springs should really bring in the crowds. In the evening you can unwind and enjoy the new northern lights.
08-12-2017 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This isn't gonna be a 12 round fight. At the time of its choosing, the US will knock out NK and any other nation that threatens us.

We aren't just a superpower, we are a hyperpower
Originally Posted by wil318466
China won't do a damn thing. They are well aware they could not win a fight against the US.
It's really kind of sad that people believe this nonsense.
08-12-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
It's really kind of sad that people believe this nonsense.
Cheer up! It's not sad at all.
08-12-2017 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
It's really kind of sad that people believe this nonsense.
What's nonsense about it?

China entering a direct conflict with the United States would be catastrophic for them. To be blunt, they simply aren't ready yet. And they know it. And they would be doing it alone, with US allies surrounding them.

Russia is the only military power that would be a direct challenge. If we truly went at it, no nukes, we'd crush China. Russia, not so much, even with full NATO support.

Our true adversary is Russia, it has been 1945. The Chinese can go EAD.
