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What has conservative views done to progress humanity? What has conservative views done to progress humanity?

02-04-2014 , 08:28 PM
^^ You're looking at the situation from the US perspective. Kurto is saying the UN perspective. It's completely different, and the reason is politically.

The US in general doesn't care about the environment because we can rebuild and afford to take the financial loss. Other countries are much more dependent on environmental factors than we are.

The attitudes are shockingly different. I remember an article where many countries wanted to sign a carbon reduction pledge and the US refused, with some foreign representative chastising the US representative "to either lead, or get out of the way".

In fact, I googled it. It was in Bali, discussing the Kyoto protocol. Undersecretary of
State Paula J. Dobriansky was the person.

Read about it.
02-05-2014 , 02:39 PM
The OP reads like a recruitment ad for Al-Quaeda

Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't start many threads, I just chime in here and there when I think I might be able to add to a discussion. My political views have evolved over the years because I've read these forums, thought about different things and gained experience as I've gotten older.

One thing is bothering me more and more as time goes by, and I have to throw it out there : what have conservatives done to make society better?

In almost every single way, in all the historical examples, in the ideologies and politics and policies, what has the conservative line of thinking done to help societies?

I know this might not be PC, but if we look historically at the Muslim world I think it's a pretty good example of what conservative ideas can do to a group of people. A thousand years ago the Muslims were the most advanced and cultured people on the planet during "The Islamic Golden Age". With the influence of Al-Ghazali, along with some unfortunate events like the sack of Baghdad, this drastically changed the Muslim world to this day. They have never recovered in terms of science or liberal ideas and societies.

The attitudes towards women, the ridiculous religious views, the rejection of facts towards global warming, science, economics, the list just goes on and on. It's to the point of absurdity.

Look. Look around the planet. Google a map and ask yourself where you'd like to live, and every single time liberal democratic progressive societies are the ones I'd pick.

My question is this : What has the conservative viewpoint done to help further us as human beings?

As I get older, this question really is starting to bother the **** out of me.
02-05-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by 3ptbb
The OP reads like a recruitment ad for Al-Quaeda
I would think it seems like the exact reverse.
02-05-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by 3ptbb
The OP reads like a recruitment ad for Al-Quaeda
And your posts read like recruitment ads for Hitler.

Wow, we're good posters.
02-05-2014 , 04:16 PM
Alqueda is the new hitler already?
02-05-2014 , 04:20 PM
When someone raises hyperbole, I like to go all in.

Last edited by AlexM; 02-05-2014 at 04:21 PM. Reason: It works every time but once.
02-05-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Israel is obviously a "western thinking" country. They have progressive ideas and policies. Don't get this confused with their politics. I don't agree with the way they handle their foreign affairs but that's an entirely different discussion.
interesting thread, but i had to stop here. No, it's not.

if u can name a "western thinking" country that supports it's government's plan to build a massive wall guarded by their military to segregate a race of people who live in their country, then you can prove me wrong. but you can't, because western thinking countries stopped being OK with their governments discriminating on the basis of race 50 years ago.

and a MASSIVE LOL to the "FED system no free markets people." that train of thought is dumb, there is no other word for it.

would your view change if central banks were the foundation of the greatest period of prosperity in human history? what if central banks were founded and the standard of living for the average person rose to the highest point in human history? would you still think that way?

yes, because that is exactly what has happened and there's still "ZOMG evil FED!" ppl.

and before you point to booms and busts after the FED was instituted look at the MASSIVE busts in the US during the 1800s and step your economic history game up. what happened when the first Bank of the US was abolished by Jackson? was that a great time to be a farmer?

but obviously the gold standard would solve every economic problem is 2014.
02-05-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Why do conservatives call talking points and narrow opinions principles?
pretty much because their world view (if they ever had one) is intellectually bankrupt, and the average "conservative" has outsourced thinking to inflammatory media personalities.

but since they are white like me and hate gays like me and are still kind of nervous about blacks like me i will vote for whoever they tell me to, even if their policies are most destructive to me.
02-05-2014 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by DrawNone

would your view change if central banks were the foundation of the greatest period of prosperity in human history? what if central banks were founded and the standard of living for the average person rose to the highest point in human history? would you still think that way?

yes, because that is exactly what has happened and there's still "ZOMG evil FED!" ppl.
In the 100 years before 1913 the dollar gained a little in strength.

In the last 100 years the dollar has been raped.

Look around you dude....poverty everywhere....people can't afford ****.
02-06-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
pretty much because their world view (if they ever had one) is intellectually bankrupt, and the average "conservative" has outsourced thinking to inflammatory media personalities.

but since they are white like me and hate gays like me and are still kind of nervous about blacks like me i will vote for whoever they tell me to, even if their policies are most destructive to me.
You are intellectually bankrupt like everyone else who votes (conservative or liberal) because you actually think your vote matters. VOTING IS BULL****.

Amazing that smart "intellectuals" like yourselves actually think there is a difference between democrats and republicans and that your LOLVOTE matters.

Get a clue.
02-06-2014 , 12:36 AM
Believing your vote doesn't matter is incredibly narcissistic. It's not that your vote doesn't matter, it's that you, yourself, are incredibly insignificant, and voting brings you face to face with that. In reality, voting is a very important thing for you to do, but you have such an exaggerated sense of your own self worth that when you compare what you think your worth is to the inescapable math you see in the value of a vote, you have to tell yourself that voting isn't worth your "oh, so valuable" time to maintain your charade.
02-06-2014 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
pretty much because their world view (if they ever had one) is intellectually bankrupt, and the average "conservative" has outsourced thinking to inflammatory media personalities.

but since they are white like me and hate gays like me and are still kind of nervous about blacks like me i will vote for whoever they tell me to, even if their policies are most destructive to me.
I feel like I just got levelled, but if not then LOL

Originally Posted by AlexM
Believing your vote doesn't matter is incredibly narcissistic. It's not that your vote doesn't matter, it's that you, yourself, are incredibly insignificant, and voting brings you face to face with that. In reality, voting is a very important thing for you to do, but you have such an exaggerated sense of your own self worth that when you compare what you think your worth is to the inescapable math you see in the value of a vote, you have to tell yourself that voting isn't worth your "oh, so valuable" time to maintain your charade.
Or maybe in reality your vote really doesn't matter?
02-06-2014 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Believing your vote doesn't matter is incredibly narcissistic. It's not that your vote doesn't matter, it's that you, yourself, are incredibly insignificant, and voting brings you face to face with that. In reality, voting is a very important thing for you to do, but you have such an exaggerated sense of your own self worth that when you compare what you think your worth is to the inescapable math you see in the value of a vote, you have to tell yourself that voting isn't worth your "oh, so valuable" time to maintain your charade.
Dude, not at all how I'm viewing it.

If we actually had a legitimate system then I would vote no matter how insignificant my vote is when compared to the math of how many votes get casted.

Your congressmen are all bought and paid for whores, your president is a bought and paid for whore. Your watching a ****ing broadway play on capitol hill. There is no difference between the people in the two parties. And it amazes me that pretty smart people like you and others actually think it is all legit! ****ing mind-boggling!

And they are laughing all the way to the bank while the unwashed masses are programmed to argue over stupid **** like Chick-Fil-A v.s the gheys.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 02-06-2014 at 02:20 AM.
02-06-2014 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Believing your vote doesn't matter is incredibly narcissistic. It's not that your vote doesn't matter, it's that you, yourself, are incredibly insignificant, and voting brings you face to face with that. In reality, voting is a very important thing for you to do, but you have such an exaggerated sense of your own self worth that when you compare what you think your worth is to the inescapable math you see in the value of a vote, you have to tell yourself that voting isn't worth your "oh, so valuable" time to maintain your charade.
Holy crap, you actually made a good post.
02-06-2014 , 11:00 AM
Lol at Silver Man calling people unwashed masses. Isnt this the dude that got in a fight with a bathroom attendant for asking him to wipe the piss off his hands before leaving the bathroom?
02-06-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
In the 100 years before 1913 the dollar gained a little in strength.

In the last 100 years the dollar has been raped.

Look around you dude....poverty everywhere....people can't afford ****.
pirates vs. global warming.jpg
02-06-2014 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol at Silver Man calling people unwashed masses. Isnt this the dude that got in a fight with a bathroom attendant for asking him to wipe the piss off his hands before leaving the bathroom?
You are an idiot for taking my comment of unwashed masses and thinking I'm meaning it literally.

You are talking about something completely unrelated to what I said about politicians being whores and the president being a whore, and your vote not mattering at all, and you aren't responding to it probably because it makes too much sense.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 02-06-2014 at 04:53 PM.
02-06-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
There is no difference between the people in the two parties. And it amazes me that pretty smart people like you and others actually think it is all legit! ****ing mind-boggling!

And they are laughing all the way to the bank while the unwashed masses are programmed to argue over stupid **** like Chick-Fil-A v.s the gheys.
this would be true if you ignore things like-
only one party has fought to bring nationalized health care
If there's any party fighting for the rights of gays, we can all guess which
One party has been fighting for immigration reform, the other not so much
One site tries to enact some regulations that will put some restrictions on companies ability to pollute, the other party not so much.
One party tries to inhibit the ability of minorities to vote, the other tries to insure that everyone can vote easily...

So if you aren't a poor person needing health care, a sick person who can't get insurance due to a pre-existing condition... if you aren't a gay person who wants to marry or adopt children, a gay person who worries about being fired just for being gay, if you think that companies shouldn't be able to dump waste into rivers, if you're a minority and want to be able to vote... if you're not a woman concerned about being able to control your reproductive choices....

If you're none of the above then maybe Silver Man would be right -- the parties are the same! If you're not a sociopath you might see some really relevent differences between the two.
02-06-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
You are an idiot for taking my comment of unwashed masses and thinking I'm meaning it literally.

You are talking about something completely unrelated to what I said about politicians being whores and the president being a whore, and your vote not mattering at all, and you aren't responding to it probably because it makes too much sense.
People have already responded and shown why your an idiot on the merits. Im laughing at you for looking down on the "unwashed masses" when you are a vile, racist human being.
02-06-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
If you're none of the above then maybe Silver Man would be right -- the parties are the same! If you're not a sociopath you might see some really relevent differences between the two.
Typically the folks claiming that both parties are the same are entirely uneducated.

Imagine the funny looks someone would get if they walked into a gas station and claimed that unleaded and diesel are exactly the same thing, there is no difference between them. This is, of course, completely false. But one or two idiots in the gas station would probably slowly nod their heads and think, "Yeah, he's right!"
02-06-2014 , 06:49 PM
02-06-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Holy crap, you actually made a good post.
It's a Groundhog Day miracle!
02-06-2014 , 07:41 PM
Can we hear about this washroom story? Sounds like something funny actually.
02-06-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Can we hear about this washroom story? Sounds like something funny actually.
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
I thought of you guys today when I was ****faced at this bar in Scottsdale for football.

I went to the bathroom like 5 times during the course of the first wave of football games (small bladder I guess). And there was a 50 year oldish black dude who was a bathroom attendant who hands you a towel when your done washing your hands expecting a tip and had a million little toiletries you could use to freshen up with on the counter too.

I get done going to the bathroom the first time and there was one or two dudes washing their hands already and engaging the dude, so I just walk out without washing my hands and as I'm walking out he's like "dude you gotta wash your hands" or something and I don't think anything of it and just keep walking.

The next two times I went in there I finish up and I just walk straight out while ignoring him basically pleading for me to wash my hands, before I'm even done taking a piss.

4th time, he's like "dude that's disgusting you aren't washing your hands" while there was 2 or 3 other guys in the bathroom. So then i said something like stop talking to me your annoying as ****.

So I go ask for the manager and I tell her, every time I go in the bathroom your bathroom attendant keeps harassing about washing my hands and it's super annoying because I want nothing to do with the guy.

So then I go to the bathroom like 20 mins later and doesn't say a word to me walking in or when I start to walk out. And as I'm walking out I'm like so..I'm guessing your manager talked to you? He's like yeah. So I said something to the effect of good, it's nice to be able to go to the bathroom and not be harASSED anymore. And he obviously said nothing

So after all that, I thought of you guys...and started thinking...OMG, I'm such a racist!! How could I have ignored a black dude 3 or 4 times in a cramped bathroom? You could also see the other white dudes being super super nice to him and engaging and talking to him and like making friends with him in the bathroom practically el oh el. Also, how could I have told him to stop talking to me? And then also go tell the manager to tell him to STFU when I go in there again?

If there was a live feed into that bathroom that you guys' could have seen I have no doubt half of you would have self inflicted bleeding scratch marks all over your faces. WHY???? HOW CAN SM BE SO RACZISCT???
02-06-2014 , 11:32 PM
Not sure what the big deal is about this...

Cramped bathroom, few dudes in there a couple occupying the sinks with a bathroom attendant right there and carrying on a conversation. I don't want to stand there and wait for them to get done washing their hands and then have a bathroom attendant start up a convo with me. And I had planned on washing my hands the next time I went in there but he's chastising me while I am going to the bathroom the 2nd time, so I'm like **** this guy.

Bathroom attendants are weird, it is degrading IMO for a business to even employ one.
