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Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes! Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes!

04-14-2014 , 12:14 PM
Are you embarrassed now? Or are you so demented that you still think you were right?
04-14-2014 , 12:18 PM
One time i called someone a troll in regular politics and didn't know the rules, post was deleted and i wasn't infracted.

Confirmed biased
04-14-2014 , 12:20 PM
Back to disenfranchised voters and the people who are refusing to take responsibility for the laws that are creating them.
04-14-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Back to disenfranchised voters and the people who are refusing to take responsibility for the laws that are creating them.
Oh, that was the topic? I thought the topic was "liberals bashing anyone with an opposing viewpoint"
04-14-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Also broken record award contender for the ZOMG MSNBC ZING. Although who linked to MSNBC ITT? Is that another lie or just a difference of opinion?
I think Cerveza is the only person in this thread that has confirmed watching MSNBC.
04-14-2014 , 01:57 PM
It is very entertaining though that Cerveza keeps bringing up MSNBC. Like, I think as a conservative he gets tired of educated people laughing at him for watching Fox News, so he's like "I'm gonna throw it RIGHT BACK at those stupid liberals cause THEY'RE watching MSNBC all day!"

Except, we don't. It's reflected in the ratings Fox News brags about all the time, liberals don't give a **** about MSNBC or view it as something that reflects us. The views we espouse here are mostly a result of reading ****, a concept that Cerveza will likely find very confusing.
04-14-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
More time for what? Not looking for anything. I have better things to do with my time. I was just pointing out how you operate. Kind of like how Rep. Elijah Cummings (D) used the IRS....LOL....And, I don't hold grudges.
Umm... but the point is you haven't pointed out how I operate. I've literally never banned anyone in my life. If I ban someone you would likely be the first. And you would be banned because you make false accusations about people repeatedly.


If you didn't do it, well then it was one hell of a coincidence. I'm called an idiot by infraction. I point out an error in your post...I get dinged for an infraction. Quite frankly, I had forgotten about it until Mr.Wookie's post. That tied everything together for me. His wording made it seem like the two of you were in on it. And your enthusiasm for banning someone added to that.
As Wookie pointed out I didn't call you an idiot. Not until this forum at least.

And my enthusiasm for banning you is merely because I'm excited to see you make such stupid claims that I know are wrong. I'm excited that there's a troll here stupid enough to make false claims here about people that they can't prove. A bet you have no chance of losing is the fun.

See, I know you're a liar and a troll. And banning a liar as stupid as you would actually be enjoyable.

Which brings up my next question...Why are liberals so intolerant of other viewpoints? If someone has a different view, you demagogue and then try to ban the person. Seems a bit childish if you ask me.
Again, your every post shows you're either being dishonest or have the reading ability of a middle school student. Perhaps you can clarify which it is?

The only reason I've discussed banning you is because you continually make false claims about people. You would be banned for libel, not over your viewpoints.

And again, you act as if I'm constantly trying to ban people. You based this on... nothing. Since It hasn't happened. Its very clear you're not concerned about the fact that you make up stuff about people. But be clear, this is what will get you banned, not your viewpoints you've expressed so far.
04-14-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
It is very entertaining though that Cerveza keeps bringing up MSNBC. Like, I think as a conservative he gets tired of educated people laughing at him for watching Fox News, so he's like "I'm gonna throw it RIGHT BACK at those stupid liberals cause THEY'RE watching MSNBC all day!"

Except, we don't. It's reflected in the ratings Fox News brags about all the time, liberals don't give a **** about MSNBC or view it as something that reflects us. The views we espouse here are mostly a result of reading ****, a concept that Cerveza will likely find very confusing.
It's really kinda funny last week I did, in fact, read somewhere about how liberal viewers were 'abandoning' MSNBC for various reasons.
04-14-2014 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Oh, that was the topic? I thought the topic was "liberals bashing anyone with an opposing viewpoint"
And you also have done nothing but bash people with opposing viewpoints.
04-14-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Umm... but the point is you haven't pointed out how I operate. I've literally never banned anyone in my life. If I ban someone you would likely be the first. And you would be banned because you make false accusations about people repeatedly.

As Wookie pointed out I didn't call you an idiot. Not until this forum at least.

And my enthusiasm for banning you is merely because I'm excited to see you make such stupid claims that I know are wrong. I'm excited that there's a troll here stupid enough to make false claims here about people that they can't prove. A bet you have no chance of losing is the fun.

See, I know you're a liar and a troll. And banning a liar as stupid as you would actually be enjoyable.

Again, your every post shows you're either being dishonest or have the reading ability of a middle school student. Perhaps you can clarify which it is?

The only reason I've discussed banning you is because you continually make false claims about people. You would be banned for libel, not over your viewpoints.

And again, you act as if I'm constantly trying to ban people. You based this on... nothing. Since It hasn't happened. Its very clear you're not concerned about the fact that you make up stuff about people. But be clear, this is what will get you banned, not your viewpoints you've expressed so far.

You have gleefully discussed possibly banning me in more than one post. That is not false.

You have called myself and other posters with differing opinions racist and other names on more than one occasion. That is not false.

And if you didn't tell Mr. Wookie to give me an infraction, then he should have denied it. He did not. He also shouldn't have brought it up in this thread. His post implied that you two had discussed it. That's what made me connect the dots. Instead, he merely admitted altering the original post. If you did not cause him to issue the infraction, then I will take that back.

Hopefully, you can offer your opinions without calling people racist (or other names) simply because they have a different opinion. As a MOD, you should be upping the level of discourse, not lowering it.
04-14-2014 , 02:23 PM
You aren't called racist for having a different opinion. You are called racist for having racist views. Hope this helps, seems a common cause of confusion among racists like yourself, bahbah, and Silverman.

Lol at mod-lecturing in UNCHAINED
04-14-2014 , 02:26 PM
Dude, editing your post is not a conspiracy or a secret. It's a matter of public record. Everyone can see my name down below your post that says "edited by MrWookie." That's what 2+2's owners have entrusted me to do. I edit posts to remove offensive material. That's what mods do. Also, please show where I "implied" kurto asked me to infract you.

And lol @ your righteous indignation that I dare bring up your infraction when you were already talking about it.
04-14-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

And lol @ your righteous indignation that I dare bring up your infraction when you were already talking about it.
Shirley, there was no righteous indignation. And YOU were the first one to bring it up in this thread in post # 161. I never discussed it prior to that post. In fact, I had forgotten about it. It was two years ago, after all.
04-14-2014 , 03:06 PM
Well, at least Cerveza can NOW truthfully say a mod has threatened with a ban. Notice didn't just ban. Gave clear behavior to avoid.

Can we get off the liberal versus conservative battle royale game and maybe move along back to how to stop disenfranching voters.

Or even how voter ID is going to stop felons may try to who vote anyway, even if their State forbids it.
04-14-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
You aren't called racist for having a different opinion. You are called racist for having racist views. Hope this helps, seems a common cause of confusion among racists like yourself, bahbah, and Silverman.
04-14-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69

You have gleefully discussed possibly banning me in more than one post. That is not false.
I am not denying that I have been discussing banning you since the bet I offered to make with you. This has no bearing on anything I've said. Nor does it have any bearing on your false accusation about me.


You have called myself and other posters with differing opinions racist and other names on more than one occasion. That is not false.
I have never denied calling people racist or other descriptions. That has nothing to do with what I challenged you on what you wrote. Try to stay on topic.


And if you didn't tell Mr. Wookie to give me an infraction, then he should have denied it. He did not. He also shouldn't have brought it up in this thread. His post implied that you two had discussed it. That's what made me connect the dots. Instead, he merely admitted altering the original post. If you did not cause him to issue the infraction, then I will take that back.
I can't really bother to go see what you said to Wookie or what he said. All that matters is you made some incorrect assumptions and then went on to accuse me of regularly trying to ban people I disagree with. The simple fact is, instead of blaming wookie or whomever, you are the one making blanket accusations about people based on your own biased assumptions.


Hopefully, you can offer your opinions without calling people racist (or other names) simply because they have a different opinion. As a MOD, you should be upping the level of discourse, not lowering it.
See, you're still doing it. I don't call someone racist or any other name simply because they share a different opinion. If I call someone a racist or an idiot its generally followed by a precise reason.

You need to realize that the vast majority of people on this forum regularly interact with people with differing opinions and never get accused of being racist. The fact that multiple people have called you racist is only because of stuff you have written.

There are plenty of people who have differing opinions then me (and others as a general rule) who don't get called an idiot. The Silverman's, sputniks and similar posters of this forum are called an idiot regularly by most people because they have a long history of posting idiotic arguments.

You make incorrect assumptions when you think people are denigrating you just because some minor viewpoint differences.
04-14-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
The fact that multiple people have called you racist is only because of stuff you have written.

Ok, then list one post of mine that would justify calling me racist. And not the "liberal" justification that anyone with a differing opinion must be a racist. Also, questioning Spank's assertion that Voter Id laws are "worst than racist" does not make me a racist.

I challenge you to list one post of mine, where I said something that where I belittled someone or some group because of their race. You won't find one.
04-14-2014 , 04:46 PM
Still waiting for that example of voter fraud that would have been stopped with voter ID that justifies disenfranchising thousands and thousands of minority voters.

If you support voter ID laws without addressing this, you are pretty much a combination of either racist or very gullible and stupid.

Do you understand that if there is someone on the voter rolls that shouldn't be eligible for whatever reason (we'll save the discussion of making felons ineligible to vote for a later date) that requiring voter ID wouldn't affect whether these people cast a ballot?

Also, since there is more absentee voting fraud than fraud at the polls, I assume you are in favor of cracking down on absentee voting?
04-14-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok, then list one post of mine that would justify calling me racist. And not the "liberal" justification that anyone with a differing opinion must be a racist. Also, questioning Spank's assertion that Voter Id laws are "worst than racist" does not make me a racist.

I challenge you to list one post of mine, where I said something that where I belittled someone or some group because of their race. You won't find one.
The problem is that you call anything that you don't agree with "liberal" and think that accurately dismisses it.

I'm not willing to revisit your entire posting history but I actually think that in the beginning people were just questioning if you were "an idiot or a troll" because of your horrible arguments.

I know that I didn't outright question if you were a racist until you started arguing that the real racism was affirmative action.

I don't believe for a second that you would ever understand the argument that someone is arguably racist if they make a serious argument that affirmative action is the real racism. And that ties into the "idiot vs troll" part above, by the time people are questioning if you're a racist you've, at the very least, convinced the forum you're an idiot.
04-14-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
The problem is that you call anything that you don't agree with "liberal" and think that accurately dismisses it.

I'm not willing to revisit your entire posting history but I actually think that in the beginning people were just questioning if you were "an idiot or a troll" because of your horrible arguments.

I know that I didn't outright question if you were a racist until you started arguing that the real racism was affirmative action.

I don't believe for a second that you would ever understand the argument that someone is arguably racist if they make a serious argument that affirmative action is the real racism. And that ties into the "idiot vs troll" part above, by the time people are questioning if you're a racist you've, at the very least, convinced the forum you're an idiot.
I did say that Affirmative Action is racist. But, that doesn't make me racist. See, I was raised with the foundation that "two wrongs don't make a right" In fact, Affirmative Action discriminates against one race, in favor of others. You could argue that people who favor Affirmative Action are therefore racist, because they are discriminating against people of a race. To me, discriminating against anyone on the basis of race is wrong. How that makes me racist is beyond logical explanation.
04-14-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
How that makes me racist is beyond logical explanation.
No, it just means you're an idiot of epic proportions, nearing bahbah and silver_dunce levels
04-14-2014 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I did say that Affirmative Action is racist. But, that doesn't make me racist. See, I was raised with the foundation that "two wrongs don't make a right" In fact, Affirmative Action discriminates against one race, in favor of others. You could argue that people who favor Affirmative Action are therefore racist, because they are discriminating against people of a race. To me, discriminating against anyone on the basis of race is wrong. How that makes me racist is beyond logical explanation.
The problem with countering this is what I raised earlier. Due to the fact that you quickly convinced people that you are either just trolling or an idiot, it doesn't really look promising to even have a conversation about the above.

If it makes you feel better, when people call you racist you can gently correct them and say its more likely that most think you're just an idiot. You seem to be constantly championing racist positions but it seems you're just to ignorant to understand why its racist.

I'm happy to go with that explanation if it makes you feel better.
04-14-2014 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Still waiting for that example of voter fraud that would have been stopped with voter ID that justifies disenfranchising thousands and thousands of minority voters.

If you support voter ID laws without addressing this, you are pretty much a combination of either racist or very gullible and stupid.
Until the early 90's you didn't need an ID to board a plane and it was pretty safe to fly. There's no evidence that this policy has made anyone any safer. Did someone have an example of terrorist boarding fraud? I think this law was passed as a way to disenfranchise minorities and keep them off planes.

Shocker a liberal says if you disagree with my position you are stupid or racist.
04-14-2014 , 06:40 PM
I'm sure if Obama and acorn can come up with enough money to drive bus loads of felons around several states ALL IN ONE DAY (that crafty magical negro) then they could probably come up with the bucks for some fake IDs that could fool the 100 year old poll workers
04-14-2014 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
Until the early 90's you didn't need an ID to board a plane and it was pretty safe to fly. There's no evidence that this policy has made anyone any safer. Did someone have an example of terrorist boarding fraud? I think this law was passed as a way to disenfranchise minorities and keep them off planes.

Shocker a liberal says if you disagree with my position you are stupid or racist.
You can still board a plane without a ID, it just takes longer, also the right to vote > the privilege to fly.
