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Ultimate who did 9/11 thread Ultimate who did 9/11 thread
View Poll Results: Who was responsible for 9/11
Al Qaeda acting alone
167 34.65%
Al Qaeda with the help of Iran
30 6.22%
Saudi Arabia
20 4.15%
34 7.05%
128 26.56%
The Gingerbread man
70 14.52%
33 6.85%

03-29-2014 , 05:03 PM
"CNN told us so". Why would they lie to us?

Everything we hear on the news is true I thought.
03-29-2014 , 05:41 PM
(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the rather naive young man had been totally misled"
03-29-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
as in this Hypothetical Blasting Scenario, which posits three types of aluminothermic pyrotechnics: a thermate incendiary coating sprayed onto steelwork, nano-thermite kicker charges placed near steelwork, and thin-film nano-composite high-explosives distributed throughout the building.
On how no one noticed...
The simple answer is by disguising the equipment as normal building components, so that not even the workers installing the components are aware of the concealed pyrotechnics. Three aspects of the Hypothetical Blasting Scenario that facilitate this are: the stability and specificity of ignition conditions achievable with aluminothermic pyrotechnics, minimization of the required access to steelwork, and the use of a completely wireless ignition control system.
03-29-2014 , 05:53 PM
Thermite was found in the rubble. Not sure why this is beyond your ability to comprehend but Im getting tired of repeating myself.
03-29-2014 , 05:59 PM
I stopped reading the "report" because of laughing so much but does it say what other possible sources there could be for it in the rubble? Do they say why the NIST report dismisses it?
03-29-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
Awww... the plausible deniability ploy. Adorable.

Yes, because imploring the U.S. Attorney General to alert the U.S. Mashals Service, Customs and Border Patrol to be on high alert isn't at all specific enough. Appealing again to the USAG to reiterate the importance in a special meeting, so animated that it turns into a shouting match: yeah, also easily lost in the fog. Having your bid for increased funding not only rejected, but result in budgetary CUTS to your specific request? Accident. Got it.

It's getting pretty desperate for your "oops, we just messed up" narrative. But, by all means, keep going to bat for a cabal of men guilty of everything from Iran-Contra cover-up to WMD fraud. Seems reasonable.
You don't get it. It doesn't matter what the strength of conviction in a particular report is. LOTS of reports are full of conviction.

Do you want an insanely reactive government? Do you want action every time there's chatter reported? What do you feel about the surveillance state? For it? What's your view on drone strikes directed on thin evidence? Don't care about that so long as action is taken on reports?

I mean, here's a for instance. Deuces indicated to me that he's upset that air defence didn't scramble a fighter and shoot down the planes. Let's imagine for a moment that was actually possible.

You want the air force to shoot down airliners that take the wrong course without anyone finding out why they have taken the wrong course? You realise that if it's just a standard hijack or a crazy pilot who is doing something you don't understand you've just murdered 200 people?
03-29-2014 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
This is not remotely, by any exaggeration, the correct way to interpret the relationship of the administration to the intelligence.
You don't understand how intelligence is gathered?

There is a ton of evidence. It is filtered by analysts, then the analysts' bosses. All the way up the chain. Just because there's a report that says "they're going to use planes", it doesn't mean Bush ever heard a word of it. It likely got filed next to "they're going to use suitcase nukes" and "they're going to use fertiliser bombs" and "they're going to suicide bomb the White House".
03-29-2014 , 06:15 PM
Controlled demolition truthers are among the dullest of the subspecies. Their weird fascination with how the building collapsed makes literally no sense. Why would terrorists bother with the planes if they had rigged the buildings?

After they hit the buildings with planes, was it really a mission critical element of the false flag operation that the buildings collapse?

Just absolutely no critical thinking at all. They see some science-looking bull**** and that is literally all of the thought they are willing to put into it. It's a very weird combination of extreme arrogance ('if I don't understand this, nobody does') mixed with like deep seated feelings of inferiority, like they can't put themselves in the shoes of their alleged conspirators because the conspirators are real important and the truther can't even imagine themselves in that position.
03-29-2014 , 06:16 PM
LOL at you for thinking NIST is credible. Are you unaware that the government censored it all and set the whole investigation set up for massive failure?

Last edited by sup hezbollah; 03-29-2014 at 06:26 PM.
03-29-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Controlled demolition truthers are among the dullest of the subspecies. Their weird fascination with how the building collapsed makes literally no sense. Why would terrorists bother with the planes if they had rigged the buildings?

lmfao are you for real? OMFG how can someone possibly be this dumb?????
03-29-2014 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
LOL at you for thinking NIST is credible. Are you unaware that the government censored it all and set the whole investigation up for massive failure?
How much thermite residue was found at the site? How many people found it and how did they find it? Your report doesn't sound very scientific if it only presents one possible cause for the residue.
03-29-2014 , 06:23 PM
There were never any hijackers you moron. It was a cover-up to divert us from the controlled demolition.

JFC you people are hopeless.
03-29-2014 , 06:25 PM
"Why would there have been hijackers if the building was already rigged".

03-29-2014 , 06:26 PM
If only thermite was an explosive and could explain the explosions that conspiritards claim firemen heard, eh?
03-29-2014 , 06:42 PM
One good thing has come out of this thread. I now know a lot more about aluminium than I did.
03-29-2014 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
There were never any hijackers you moron. It was a cover-up to divert us from the controlled demolition.

JFC you people are hopeless.
Why wouldn't they just detonate the buildings and then blame terrorists for that? AQ tried to blow up the WTC 8 years earlier.

Why go through the song and dance with the planes, which is apparently so obviously implausible even you were able to see through it?
03-29-2014 , 10:53 PM
[X] I was able to see through it.
[ ] Everyone was able to see through it.
[X] Bringing down the buildings with explosives and no planes would have called for a massive investigation
[X} After people saw the planes hit the towers they were fooled and dumb enough to believe that that was the reason for their collapse.
03-29-2014 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
[X] I was able to see through it.
[ ] Everyone was able to see through it.
[X] Bringing down the buildings with explosives and no planes would have called for a massive investigation
[X} After people saw the planes hit the towers they were fooled and dumb enough to believe that that was the reason for their collapse.
Originally Posted by kerowo
How much thermite residue was found at the site? How many people found it and how did they find it? Your report doesn't sound very scientific if it only presents one possible cause for the residue.
03-29-2014 , 11:01 PM
Heres more info about the thermite that was found in the rubble... Yes I know kerowo, these people who posted this are also mentally ill and concocted this for fun as well.
03-29-2014 , 11:02 PM
But the government tells us nothing but truth and has nothing to hide.

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq lol please.

Operation Northwoods

9-11 was a false flag operation
03-29-2014 , 11:04 PM

The red-gray chips of super-thermite found in the dust of the pulverized World Trade Center.

"The evidence for active, highly energetic thermitic material in the WTC dust is compelling...these data suggest that the thermitic material found in the WTC dust is a form of nanothermite, not ordinary (macro-) thermite."
- "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Dr. Steven E. Jones et al, March 2009

One of the most significant events in the search for the truth of 9/11 was the publication in March 2009 of a peer-reviewed scientific paper, written by nine scientists, about the discovery of "active thermitic material" in dust samples from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. A twenty-five-page scientific paper entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" presents physical evidence that an extremely powerful form of super-thermite was used to demolish the twin towers.

The research paper written by an international team nine scientists led by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University analyzes red-gray chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," which was found in dust samples from the collapsed towers. The paper was published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal and marks a historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the Twin Towers, although it has not been widely covered by the media outside of Salt Lake City. If we had a truly free press in the United States this important discovery would be front page news and a subject of discussion on every news outlet in the nation.

Super-thermite is a highly energetic form of thermite (iron oxide and aluminum) in which at least one component is in the extremely fine or nano-size range with particles 100 nanometers (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter) or smaller, often along with silicon and carbon. Super-thermite is an extremely powerful explosive that releases much more energy per gram than any other conventional explosive used in demolition. The chips found in the World Trade Center dust were an extremely powerful form of super-thermite.

- See more at:

03-29-2014 , 11:06 PM
Just the fact that you people look at this picture and arent able to see that clearly there were explosives used for this kind of destruction says quite about about your intelligence level I am sorry to say.

03-29-2014 , 11:13 PM
You are more familiar with this stuff than I am, what concentration of the Thermite was found? What are the other sources of Thermite that could have caused the residue?
03-29-2014 , 11:15 PM
No wreckage of a plane at all at the Pentagon. LOL.

No wreckage of a plane at all in the Pennsylvania field. LOL. No bodies, not a drop of blood anywhere.

Air Force did not intercept any of the planes. LOL.

Underbelly of the plane does not appear to be a commerical airliner. LOL

Impossible cellphone calls made by people travelling at 600 MPH miles in the air. LOL

Larry Silverstein admits to having the building "pulled". Yet the story says the building collapsed due to damage. Nice 5 billion dollar score Larry. LOL

Bush's odd behavior. LOL

All the put options put on those Airlines just before 9-11. LOL

They claim to have found the passport of one of the hijackers on a street sidewalk below, yet the black boxes of the planes (which are made from the most impervious metals known to man) were never even found. LOL

4 amateurs with boxcutters take over the planes and perform unprecedented maneuvers then kill themselves. LOL

I can only pray that someday you people wake up and stop being the moronic sheeple that the government has made of you.
