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Ultimate who did 9/11 thread Ultimate who did 9/11 thread
View Poll Results: Who was responsible for 9/11
Al Qaeda acting alone
167 34.65%
Al Qaeda with the help of Iran
30 6.22%
Saudi Arabia
20 4.15%
34 7.05%
128 26.56%
The Gingerbread man
70 14.52%
33 6.85%

07-21-2015 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Airline pilots have been accused of spreading chemtrails, never sued for defamation.
NASA people have been accused of faking the moon landing and lying about the Earth being round, never sued for defamation.
The Queen of England has been accused of being a giant alien evil lizard, never sued for defamation.

Well the conspiratards are probably right about one of those...

07-21-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
A hoax in that the sound was added or in that the firefighters + camera man were pretending to hear a loud something at the same time that startled them?
The huge explosion sound was added in to a video of the people reacting to something else.
07-21-2015 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Irony @ 1:04 the news guy says explosions before building collapse (speaking of the other buildings that had collapsed already).

Also I like the nice clean, calm, infant holding lady that decided to hang around a bunch of falling down buildings and explosions, and talk of attackers and stuff to give an interview....with her infant.....absolutely the perfect opportunity for 15mins, **** the kid amirite? In b4 "they were blocks and blocks away!!! LOL
Things that sound like explosions are A) not necessarily caused by explosives, B) probably very common in the area at that time (collapsed buildings all over the place so debris scattered around, some VERY large, some falling, settling, things breaking, fires still raging). There is nothing ironic or suspicious about this.
07-21-2015 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
A hoax in that the sound was added or in that the firefighters + camera man were pretending to hear a loud something at the same time that startled them?
As suspected, I was correct that this video was determined to be fake. Here's a summary with some other discussion about it:

When this video first cropped up I did a quick analysis of the sound, and even that was enough to determine conclusively that the explosion had been added to the video post-recording. I'm interested to see that Mike managed to track down an original copy of the video and it's interesting it appears in the documentary, but the fact remains it was not recorded live on the scene.

The audio signature of the explosion is totally at odds with the rest of the sound being recorded on the video. A number of key characteristics are giveaways:

1. The speaking in the video causes the microphone to peak, but the much louder explosion does not. This is physically impossible if the two were recorded in the same place, at the same time, by the same microphone.
2. The dynamic range of the explosion greatly exceeds that of the sound in the rest of the video. This is easy to spot because explosions have quite a distinct audio signature that makes them notoriously difficult to capture on low quality microphones due to the limit in dynamic range. The sort of explosions you hear in movies are generally built up from multiple separate recordings, and/or captured with multiple different types of microphone. For a more familiar illustration of what I am talking about, consider the difference in the sound of a rock band's drum as recorded professionally versus as recorded on a single video camera microphone. Professional recording of a drum kit requires multiple microphones. In more elaborate as many as ten or twelve microphones might be utilised to capture a single drum kit.
3. The explosion has a wider stereo signature than the other sound in the video. In simple terms, this means there's a noticeable difference between the left and right channels of the explosion. This is a tell-tale indicator that the sound in question has been created in a studio and not recorded in the field. Wide or narrow stereo sound is literally dependent on how far apart the two microphones are (just as 3D depth is created by altering the separation between two cameras used to capture 3D images). When utilising a microphone mounted on a camera, even if it is a discreet stereo microphone (i.e. actually two separate microphones) they are located almost in the same place, and the difference in sound is negligible.

These three characteristics combined clearly indicate that the sound on that video was not recorded on the same device as the rest of the video. I.E. it is fake. Even if WTC7 was destroyed by a bomb, and other videos had irrefutably captured the explosion, this video would still be a fake.


The biggest give-away to me was the fact that only the man on the phone seems to react in any way. The man barely visibile to the left doesn't even flinch.


And the version with the subtitles is faked as well.....the subtitles do not match what the guys actually says.....clever trick but turn off the monitor and listen to the soundtrack only and its not at all clear what he says but it is NOT that "Seven is exploding!"

and for the record, those original versions of the video have been deleted and reuploaded all in mono and re-panned to the center, so hooray for honesty.

At absolute best, the video is in serious doubt and it doesn't matter anyway, because documentary footage shows that this video was shot shortly after the twin towers' collapse and many hours before WTC7's collapse making it completely irrelevant even if it were a legit "explosion" sound (don't forget, loud bangs are not unexpected in collapses and fires).

Last edited by Gorgonian; 07-21-2015 at 01:14 PM.
07-21-2015 , 12:58 PM
So, one of the people who voted for "Israel" finally got back to me, ironically enough it was the user "Bageled". I asked why he thought Israel did 9/11,

"I had to pick one and just watched a conspiracy documentary where 5 Mossad Agents were arrested and the released by NYPD."

I guess that's enough to convince some people

I heard some ... um... Vietnamese agents were arrested and released by NYPD, I think i'll make a "conspiracy documentary" about it.
07-21-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Seriously, I don't care.
Cool story.

What is it about thermite theory that you DO care about then?
07-21-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
Cool story.

What is it about thermite theory that you DO care about then?
It's so easy to prove it wrong and show how ridiculous the people that believe it are.

The LIHOP theories are much harder to prove one way or another. It's not basic physics but human actions that may or may not have happened. It's doubtful we'll ever know all of the details of who knew/did what.
07-21-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
It's so easy to prove it wrong and show how ridiculous the people that believe it are.

The LIHOP theories are much harder to prove one way or another. It's not basic physics but human actions that may or may not have happened. It's doubtful we'll ever know all of the details of who knew/did what.
actually, in terms of actual litigation, they're much, much easier to prove... because they rely on simple, separate interrogations checked against each other and against the public record; i.e. direct evidence in court. ... All that's lacking is bravery (will power to just see it through) by some independent team.

"I was at O'Blarney's Pub until 2 a.m." This statement can be checked quickly. If the check falsifies it, everyone can understand its significance.

As we've seen with climate change (and 9/11 controlled demolition theory), science can be effectively muddied by those with an alternate agenda. Look at pollution liability cases, where there's a vast history of deep-pocketed defendants bringing in "experts" who prostitute themselves for generous fees. It numbs the effect on a jury's mind.

Fingerprints are one thing. It's something else to analyze the temperature at which steel is sufficiently weakened and determining whether or not an unproven amount of burning jet fuel, in unspecified concentrations and unknown locations could have compromised steel supports. Besides, the physical evidence is long gone. That ship has sailed (no pun intended).

If, hypothetically, Phil's wife really did hire a hit man to kill him, there should be some record connecting the flow of money from her to the killer. Finding a connection strengthens the working model. Not finding one either doesn't help or weakens it. In the case of 9/11, hundreds of articles and investigations strengthen the connection.
07-21-2015 , 08:11 PM
Wait, are you really claiming that LIHOP is easier to prove than that the buildings didn't fall from controlled demolitions?

Jiggs, what world do you live in?
07-21-2015 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Wait, are you really claiming that LIHOP is easier to prove than that the buildings didn't fall from controlled demolitions?

Jiggs, what world do you live in?
Jesus... you really are stuck on stupid, aren't you?

Read it again, or don't and maintain whatever gorilla logic you prefer.
07-21-2015 , 08:37 PM
LMAO you watch WAY too much Law and Order dude.
07-21-2015 , 08:56 PM
Jiggs, never change.
07-21-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Jiggs, never change.
In other words: "Oh, I read that totally fault for suggesting you're comparing a positive with a negative... I'll pretend it's still on you, though, when my reading comprehension fails me."

07-21-2015 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
LMAO you watch WAY too much Law and Order dude.
Yeah, that must be it, huh troll with mod buttons?

I guess you don't have the courage to answer my rather simple question. You're not sure why you "care" about thermite theory.
07-21-2015 , 09:21 PM
I trolled you just as much before I was a mod. JJ nailed it.
07-21-2015 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I trolled you just as much before I was a mod. JJ nailed it.
He nailed getting it 100% backwards... But it's satisfying knowing you both are loosely admitting its "harder" to prove the official "oops, we were just caught off guard" storyline holds any water.

"It's harder, so I pretend I don't care." Noted.

07-21-2015 , 09:28 PM
Whatever, I don't care.
07-21-2015 , 09:52 PM
Jiggs, you realize that it's not that we don't understand you, right? It's that you live in your own little world and there's no point engaging you because you'll always be right in your own little world and you'll probably never leave your world and enter reality.

So, yes. Your post was silly.
07-21-2015 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Jiggs, you realize that it's not that we don't understand you, right? It's that you live in your own little world and there's no point engaging you because you'll always be right in your own little world and you'll probably never leave your world and enter reality.

So, yes. Your post was silly.
I could apply the same for your little world. ... But it's not just "my world," fascism apologist. It's the reality, as spelled out by U.S. lawmakers, and against which your final rallying point is feigned ignorance and feigned apathy.

That you're too lazy and devoted to stress-reducing fraud doesn't change the facts that U.S. allies funded the attacks, U.S. intelligence knew about the attackers, and U.S. leaders obstructed justice re: the attacks. Walking you through that evidence has left you pretty impotent, to the point that you're punting to this above.
07-21-2015 , 11:29 PM
Your little world isn't about LIHOP. It's about how you view the world and throw out facts that don't conform to your core beliefs.
07-21-2015 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Your little world isn't about LIHOP. It's about how you view the world and throw out facts that don't conform to your core beliefs.
Jesus... Wtf is that even supposed to mean, asshat? ... Give an example of what you're trying to say here, or we can accept that you're just hoping your Will Farrell approach to this discussion wins the day for you.

What facts have I presented that "don't conform to my core beliefs?" This should be amusing. ... But then, you'll probably remain cryptic and punt. It's what you do.
07-22-2015 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
What facts have I presented that "don't conform to my core beliefs?"
None, that's the point.

But assuming that's just a typo - do you really not know? Your religion is the religion of PEAK OIL and everything is viewed through that lens. The fact that you can't even give us something that could happen that would cause you to doubt your belief in PEAK OIL is how we know its a religion and not based in reality.

Anyway, proving MIHOPers wrong because of their flawed physics is >>>>> much easier than proving LIHOP right/wrong. That's obvious to just about everybody that's not you.
07-22-2015 , 09:05 AM
According to an in-depth study by NIST, the fire in building 7 put excessive lateral pressure on the support structure of one of the floors causing it to buckle and fall triggering a cascade which resulted in the building's collapse.
07-22-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
It's about how you view the world and throw out facts that don't conform to your core beliefs.
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
What facts have I presented that "don't conform to my core beliefs?"
Originally Posted by jjshabado
None, that's the point.

But assuming that's just a typo - do you really not know?
Wow... OK, dude. Makes no sense at all. ... But somehow mine is the typo, not yours.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
Your religion is the religion of PEAK OIL and everything is viewed through that lens. The fact that you can't even give us something that could happen that would cause you to doubt your belief in PEAK OIL is how we know its a religion and not based in reality.
Well, that's not a fact, considering I have given many things that could happen that could falsify peak oil - including finding 3 or 4 new Saudi Arabias of easy-to-extract light crude at >31 API. They're just not having any luck. But speaking of reality, you're a ****ing idiot who can't seem to flesh out what you're ever trying to say. Mainly because you're a fairly horrible writer, and you're not very confident in your understanding of the subject matter.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
Anyway, proving MIHOPers wrong because of their flawed physics is >>>>> much easier than proving LIHOP right/wrong. That's obvious to just about everybody that's not you.
LOL!!! ... Actually, that's been my entire point the whole time, dip****. You guys focus 100% of your energy on what's easy. What's not easy is defending against LIHOP, so none of you bother and instead pretend you don't care.

Are you following this discussion lucidly? Or are you just that dumb? Read it again from the beginning. Slower this time.

Last edited by JiggsCasey; 07-22-2015 at 11:28 AM.
07-22-2015 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
Read it again from the beginning. Slower this time.


Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
What is it about thermite theory that you DO care about then?
Originally Posted by jjshabado
It's so easy to prove it wrong and show how ridiculous the people that believe it are.

The LIHOP theories are much harder to prove one way or another.
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
actually, in terms of actual litigation, they're much, much easier to prove...
And yet...

Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
LOL!!! ... Actually, that's been my entire point the whole time, dip****. You guys focus 100% of your energy on what's easy. What's not easy is defending against LIHOP, so none of you bother and instead pretend you don't care.
lol Jiggs?
