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This thread is a petition to remove Spank as a mod This thread is a petition to remove Spank as a mod

08-31-2014 , 09:50 PM
Who said anything about proof? Occam's razor suggests he's FOS. That doesn't mean he actually is.

Except, of course, that I've thoroughly proven him wrong on this anyway.
08-31-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Okay, I understand. I did support my claim, so it is the rejection which is not supported. Is that correct?
I would assume the rejection rests on the original claim. But it's not me you want to be arguing with.

I wasn't trying to win
Baloney. You dragged it into another thread, there's nothing about that isn't 'trying to win'.
08-31-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
I would assume the rejection rests on the original claim. But it's not me you want to be arguing with.

Baloney. You dragged it into another thread, there's nothing about that isn't 'trying to win'.
I respect your opinion, but dragging it into this thread was to reveal what maybe behind the OPs motives for making it, besides the obvious personal grudge.
08-31-2014 , 10:09 PM
Dids get over it for christs sake. You are no longer a mod your power tripping days should be over.
08-31-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I respect your opinion, but dragging it into this thread was to reveal what maybe behind the OPs motives for making it, besides the obvious personal grudge.
Dids' motives for making it are that he thinks you're a terrible mod and that it matters who mods this place. I'm agnostic on the first and disagree with the second, hence I'm not on board for the ouster.

Seriously, you have really gone downhill posting-wise since you started as a mod. I've never seen it happen nearly so bad before, and I've known some posters quite well before they became mods.
08-31-2014 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Dids get over it for christs sake. You are no longer a mod your power tripping days should be over.
He definitely has a profound sense of entitlement, just one of his many insufferable qualities. Could a person possibly be more smug, more full of himself? And with so little merit to back it up. I doubt it.
08-31-2014 , 10:35 PM
LOL if there's one thing kioshk can get behind it's whining about hurt feelings. Daddy raised you to be the picture of a Southern Gentleman, eh? Bitchmade to the core and dumb as a box of ****ing rocks.
08-31-2014 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like, not to get all SMP in here Sklansky style, but if witches were real and they had access to evil sorceries, burning them seems pretty reasonable, right? Like a village facing demonic possession and **** like that SHOULD immediately focus all their energies on finding the source of that evil and burning it out, lest a Hellmouth be created and The Dark Lord gain a foothold on the realm of man.
I'm still chuckling at this. It has to be a candidate for post of the year.
08-31-2014 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I respect your opinion, but dragging it into this thread was to reveal what maybe behind the OPs motives for making it, besides the obvious personal grudge.
Oh so suddenly it's OK to speculate about motives... just so long as that speculation doesn't involve racism?

LOL. spanky your breakdown here is going to end up with you demodded and probably banned, you know that, right? You can see the end of the rollercoaster, you're going to get more and more hysterical and probably eventually permaban like 8 people in one fell swoop because they were cyberbullying some rando for Holocaust denial or whatever, and then you'll get the boot.
08-31-2014 , 10:45 PM
All is calm on my end and my calm is growing. Let's see who can remain calm ITF the longest. Who is the calmest political poster and can remain so, starting now.
08-31-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh so suddenly it's OK to speculate about motives... just so long as that speculation doesn't involve racism?

LOL. spanky your breakdown here is going to end up with you demodded and probably banned, you know that, right? You can see the end of the rollercoaster, you're going to get more and more hysterical and probably eventually permaban like 8 people in one fell swoop because they were cyberbullying some rando for Holocaust denial or whatever, and then you'll get the boot.
So you are just speculating when you tell people they are the KKK?
08-31-2014 , 10:57 PM
08-31-2014 , 10:57 PM
spank- Were you debating between those posts and decided to split the difference and make both of them? Like the calm one, maybe you thought it made you look entirely insane, but the other one was really emotional and dumb, so it was a tough call?

spank, you know you didn't invent this "calling anything racist is equivalent to accusing someone of being in the Klan so don't call anyone who isn't currently lighting a cross racist" argument.

That's the sort of transparently reverse-engineered bull**** line racists have been spewing for decades. Your new assistant Alex in particular has trotted it out a few times. I don't think you trying the exact same line is going to win people over who were unswayed before.
08-31-2014 , 11:00 PM
spank for real the internet is whatever and none of this **** matters, but Jesus Christ man. Get it together.
08-31-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
All is calm on my end and my calm is growing. Let's see who can remain calm ITF the longest. Who is the calmest political poster and can remain so, starting now.
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
So you are just speculating when you tell people they are the KKK?

We have our first loser of the competition
09-01-2014 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Anais

We have our first loser of the competition
Please stop.
09-01-2014 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
spank for real the internet is whatever and none of this **** matters, but Jesus Christ man. Get it together.
You do seem to take it very seriously. Which is okay, man. I can go either way, calmly.

You are aware human beings are what make this place, right? If you are going to take it as seriously as you seem to do, a correct frame of reference in this regard may help.

Or do you think that human beings don't really matter? Or is it how human beings are treated that doesn't matter?

Should we treat people different if we are connecting with them via tubes of electrons rather than face to face. That is one of the questions of the internet which you seem to already have answer for, but why?
09-01-2014 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Stop giving him the attention he wants guys. He's got the whole forum talking about him and the poor, abused, chronic victim child inside of him is absolutely loving it.
For example a person saying this to another person on the internet has prompted only one complaint, a request to please stop. If a person said this to another person in a crowded room of people who knew each other, would there be the same amount of silence on the matter?

That is assuming a person would normally say this to another person's face in the first place.
09-01-2014 , 02:47 AM
If you wanted people to stop you wouldn't take the fight to them. Which you have on several occasions. You're a bad liar, spank.

Maybe go read over what Mat said to you. Actually take advice instead of trolling around.
09-01-2014 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
For example a person saying this to another person on the internet has prompted only one complaint, a request to please stop. If a person said this to another person in a crowded room of people who knew each other, would there be the same amount of silence on the matter?

That is assuming a person would normally say this to another person's face in the first place.
You're still going
09-01-2014 , 03:12 AM
You asked me to stop, I did, and now you're responding again to the exact same post i made 12 hours ago saying "look how persecuted i am!!!"

Do you want to drop it or don't you? Because it sure looks an awful lot like you do not.

Don't try to out troll a master troll. I know your game well.
09-01-2014 , 04:03 AM
Spanky I don't care whether you're a mod or not and I really don't care about any of this race stuff anymore, but man you have one hell of a persecution complex.

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Funny thing.... I called a speech therapist friend to explore why people were always mocking my language here on 2+2. This conversation led to the revelation that bullying is the bigger problem.
People 'make fun' of your 'language' for one reason: nobody can understand what you're saying. If you had bad spelling, bad grammar, it was obvious you don't know how language works, nobody would make fun of it. Even swissmiss doesn't cop as much as you, in fact apart from one single post I've never seen someone point out her language except for when she lied about getting 100% on some English SAT test. Your language is fine, and it's obvious you understand how to put sentences together well. What's wrong is you structure your posts so someone has to guess at what you're trying to say, all the time.

This is a forum that runs on people reading what others write. When a large number of people start telling you that your posts are incomprehensible, maybe consider that it's because your posts are actually incomprehensible instead of sticking your fingers in your ears with the typical 'lalalala bullies!'. There is a time and place for creative writing, but if you try to write creatively and lots of people respond with 'what the **** are you talking about?' then consider that it may not be that you are a special little creative flower, but that your creative writing sucks and needs to be worked on if you want to continue to be creative and actually understandable.

Like ****, have you just done this your entire life? Never admit that you might actually need to improve something when criticized, and it's just that everyone else is a bully?
09-01-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Spanky I don't care whether you're a mod or not and I really don't care about any of this race stuff anymore, but man you have one hell of a persecution complex.

People 'make fun' of your 'language' for one reason: nobody can understand what you're saying
This combined with 'you have a persecution complex' is a pretty weak response. It is an easy cop-out that puts the entire onus of communicating effectively on one- side and ignores the quality of content in the discussion on both sides.

I understand discussing how people treat other people on the internet is a challenging topic. One which involves facing some serious mistakes people make and that breeds discomfort. I understand that some folks are not up to the challenge.

If you have any questions or would like me to clarify anything, please let me know.
09-01-2014 , 10:50 AM
Seems like there will be no de-modding but can we still exile Dids?
09-01-2014 , 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Anais
My short list for replacements is, in no particular order, rjoe, Paul d, kero, and zik zak.
My short list for replacements: nobody.
