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Standoff in Nevada, Is a "Range War" on the horizon? Standoff in Nevada, Is a "Range War" on the horizon?

04-16-2014 , 12:31 AM
So are you the rancher?
04-16-2014 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Yup.....the corrupt federal government sympathizers side......
How do you feel about your buddies using Hamas tactics ie human shields?
04-16-2014 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by goofball

Is there a side to this other than LOL nutty militia types and their connection to the current republican party?
No the basic facts on the other side aren't even correct. It's in the realm of coffins for FEMA and black helicopters kind of side.
04-16-2014 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Yup.....the corrupt federal government sympathizers side......
Lol racist silverbugs
Lol coupon hawking
LMAO stacking
04-16-2014 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lol racist silverbugs
Lol coupon hawking
LMAO stacking
Uh ok?
04-16-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
to try and get to another, equally stupid, losing position in the never ending parade of wrong which is your life.
Just not as wrong as most of those who don't even have a basic ID lol.

And you support them!

And I would be happy if they would just go get one, then they can vote AND open a basic checking account!
04-16-2014 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Just a reminder Bundy says he doesn't recognize the USG and only obeys Nevada law but in all likelihood he hasn't read Nevada law, because Nevada law expressly pledges allegiance to the USG.
I'm not one to cry lolsource like many of you leftwing dingbats do.

But is this source the equivalent to Freedomworks or Prison Planet on the left?
04-16-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
But is this source the equivalent to Freedomworks or Prison Planet on the left?
The Atlantic is an American magazine founded (as The Atlantic Monthly) in 1857 in Boston, Massachusetts, and now based in Washington, D.C. It was created as a literary and cultural commentary magazine and quickly achieved a national reputation, which it has held for over 150 years. The magazine has been important for recognizing and publishing new writers and poets, and encouraging major careers. It has also published leading writers' commentary on abolition, education, and other major issues in contemporary political affairs.
LOL SilverMan.

By the way, the picture on that Atlantic article shows one of those heavily armed BLM snipers you're so scared of. Oh wait, no it doesn't. That's a protester.
04-16-2014 , 11:45 PM
Exclusive image of militants radicalized by extremist clerics who have flocked to the American hinterlands known as Nevada

04-16-2014 , 11:50 PM
The site of USMC cammies is causing a rustling of my jimmies. At least one of the turds got a proper haircut and shaved his damn face.
04-17-2014 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Exclusive image of militants radicalized by extremist clerics who have flocked to the American hinterlands known as Nevada

Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
The site of USMC cammies is causing a rustling of my jimmies. At least one of the turds got a proper haircut and shaved his damn face.
At least they are fighting for something.

Not expecting free crap like the Occupy trash.

And I am sure you had nothing negative to say about how those dirty smelly derelicts looked.
04-17-2014 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
At least they are fighting for something.

Not expecting free crap like the Occupy trash.

And I am sure you had nothing negative to say about how those dirty smelly derelicts looked.
Occupy from my personal encounters were delusional idiots and I do take issue with people wearing the uniform my Brothers died in to a protest.
04-17-2014 , 02:11 AM
Those are some goofy looking sheep ****ers.
04-17-2014 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Occupy from my personal encounters were delusional idiots and I do take issue with people wearing the uniform my Brothers died in to a protest.
That is totally fair. My bad. Just so used to the posters here thinking that those "delusional idiots" (which is what they are) aren't delusional....and dirty....

Curious though, what if any or all of those guys in uniform are former military? Would your thoughts about them be different if they were v.s. if they weren't?

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 04-17-2014 at 02:42 AM.
04-17-2014 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
That is totally fair. My bad.

Curious though, what if any or all of those guys in uniform are former military?
I'm sure they can buy our Unis from surplus stores but it still upsets me to see it used for political gain, from either side.
04-17-2014 , 07:02 AM
Easter Bundys

04-17-2014 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
At least they are fighting for something.

Not expecting free crap like the Occupy trash.

And I am sure you had nothing negative to say about how those dirty smelly derelicts looked.
Not to point out the obvious but these guys are expecting free crap as well, or rather reduced price crap. They are just less democratic and more violent than Occupy.
04-17-2014 , 10:28 AM
Silverman is obviously out of his mind and all, but I gotta defend him on one point: Baby Blues BBQ in Venice Beach is magnificent. It may be a small chain or whatever but the food is pretty mindblowing for a California BBQ place.

That said, I have been fascinated with this situation from the start. Normally, I can at least see both sides of a situation, even if I typically agree with the more "liberal" side (usually because both facts and human empathy support that side). Like sure, I can see why you think voter ID laws make sense since they sound logical, but when you look at the entirety of the situation it's clear that they would be responsible for way more disenfranchisement than actually preventing any voter fraud and that they are being advanced as part of the Repub agenda (this can be debated in other threads, just using it as an example).

In this case, though, people are acting like Bundy somehow represents them and their dislike for the federal government when it really boils down to him ignoring a law for his own gain and then flaunting it. If someone else did decide to use that land illegally-we'll say peyote farming for the sake of argument-and it affected his cattle and business in some way, I'm sure that he'd have no problem with the federal government helping to remove any barriers to his profit. And it's not like people actually care whether he has cattle on the land, or sheep, or a solar farm or whatever - they just think he should be subject to the same laws as everyone else. Let's say you made $20,000 a year and didn't pay any income taxes (because you're anti-government or something) and the IRS never noticed because they didn't audit you, then one day you won the lottery and didn't pay your taxes on it and NOW the IRS noticed because you owe them millions of dollars and while they were at it they noticed that you never paid your earlier taxes. You wouldn't be justified in having not paid your earlier taxes because "it wasn't hurting anyone"; you would be in violation of the law, it's just that you would now be noticed. It just seems ridiculous to stand up for this guy to the point where you are showing up heavily armed and willing to throw your wives and children in front of gunfire to make a "point" that would be lost on the vast majority of Americans.
04-17-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
****ing campers
in middle school i played a lot of Halo and i this post.
04-17-2014 , 02:50 PM
to me the most interesting thing about this story is the power the right-wing infotainment machine has to get people like SilverMan all hyped up and pissed off about virtually anything.

1 rancher gets court ordered to pay grazing fees on federal land: for millions of Americans this is the lead story where they get their news, and (silverman is a prime example) they are very VERY mad about it. im sorry but wtf is going on?

please tell me where this analogy fails: imagine MSNBC leading all their news programs day after day with a story about a group of armed Black Panthers who are guarding a project building so they can stop Comcast from shutting the cable and internet connections a poor black family has been stealing for years without a subscription.
04-17-2014 , 03:27 PM
Silverman being the biggest sheeple in PU while constantly ranting about the sheeple is completely standard and unsurprising.
04-17-2014 , 05:02 PM
But what if he is right and all us others are wrong
04-17-2014 , 05:04 PM
you don't even know what it about........................

its turtles not sheep, sheep
04-17-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Silverman is obviously out of his mind and all, but I gotta defend him on one point: Baby Blues BBQ in Venice Beach is magnificent. It may be a small chain or whatever but the food is pretty mindblowing for a California BBQ place.

That said, I have been fascinated with this situation from the start. Normally, I can at least see both sides of a situation, even if I typically agree with the more "liberal" side (usually because both facts and human empathy support that side). Like sure, I can see why you think voter ID laws make sense since they sound logical, but when you look at the entirety of the situation it's clear that they would be responsible for way more disenfranchisement than actually preventing any voter fraud and that they are being advanced as part of the Repub agenda (this can be debated in other threads, just using it as an example).

In this case, though, people are acting like Bundy somehow represents them and their dislike for the federal government when it really boils down to him ignoring a law for his own gain and then flaunting it. If someone else did decide to use that land illegally-we'll say peyote farming for the sake of argument-and it affected his cattle and business in some way, I'm sure that he'd have no problem with the federal government helping to remove any barriers to his profit. And it's not like people actually care whether he has cattle on the land, or sheep, or a solar farm or whatever - they just think he should be subject to the same laws as everyone else. Let's say you made $20,000 a year and didn't pay any income taxes (because you're anti-government or something) and the IRS never noticed because they didn't audit you, then one day you won the lottery and didn't pay your taxes on it and NOW the IRS noticed because you owe them millions of dollars and while they were at it they noticed that you never paid your earlier taxes. You wouldn't be justified in having not paid your earlier taxes because "it wasn't hurting anyone"; you would be in violation of the law, it's just that you would now be noticed. It just seems ridiculous to stand up for this guy to the point where you are showing up heavily armed and willing to throw your wives and children in front of gunfire to make a "point" that would be lost on the vast majority of Americans.
Thank you on the backing me up on Baby Blues BBQ. Yeah, it is a small chain but whoever was flaming me for it being a chain seemed to putting it in the same category as a chili's or TGIF type chain.

And to your post...

Who came to the ranch heavily armed first? The feds or the hobos?

I don't know i think it was pretty cool that a bunch of cowboys game on their horses with guns to intimidate the initial intimidators.

They are sick of an overreaching gigantic government full of sewer rat politicians like Harry Reid. I can respect their position and putting their necks on the line like that. Somehow you guys think that is ridiculous while you text, surf on the internet, and watch Breaking Bad. Like gosh, that is so 1700's, cowboys and guns and horses and ranchers? OH, but those snipers are totally kewl.

Then at the SAME time, you guys champion a bunch of derelict, dirty, delusional hard drug users, camping out in city plazas chanting the same old tired annoying libtard chants with absolutely no cohesive message. The degens that made up a vast majority of that movement are the exact same types of people that required many businesses in Portland to not let randoms come in to use their bathroom because they all end up shooting heroin in there.

Show me all those random degens who want to use a restroom of a private business in Portland and they'll mostly match up to the types of derelicts you see camping out at Occupy.

Now, this isn't a one or the other type thing. I could 10000000% understand if you guys are against what these cowboys and riffraff are doing in Nevada, IFFFFF you are also mostly against the Occupy trash. But you guys champion these absolute clowns in Occupy.

I'm totally cool with Bluffmynuts' position on the Nevada protesters, because he thinks the Occupy trash are delusional also. He is consistent, and I can respect that. And at the same time, I am not 1000% for the protesters and Bundy, because there seem to be a few moving parts and back stories to the motivations of both sides.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 04-17-2014 at 05:36 PM.
04-17-2014 , 06:13 PM
Did I miss Occupy movements threatening armed revolt, or is Silverman trying to link two pretty unrelated things?
