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The Spank Debate The Spank Debate

07-12-2016 , 08:48 AM
There is nothing ridiculous about my position and I've never advocated punching the kid.
07-12-2016 , 09:02 AM
Maybe you just don't understand what words mean?

Understandable and acceptable, are two totally different things. Saying something is acceptable doesn't mean you are advocating for something.

If you understand this, then maybe you just need to read posts more carefully?
07-12-2016 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Then you are either completely inexperienced in dealing with children or a fool.

I have countless examples where parents used physical discipline and almost all other adults agreed it was the best course of action.


Guy I worked with said his father only ever hit him once. He liked building home made explosive devices as a kid. He blew up his shed and almost killed his little sister. His father, in a rage, ran across the yard and punched him in the face. He never did that again.


So yeah, while you may think talking nice nice always works, it may not. Like, no ****, no one ever wants to hit a kid but when the next time could result in a fatal situation sometimes you have to really get your point across.

Lol, just went back to the post in question.

Wil were you one of the parents agreeing that punching the kid in the face was the 'best course of action'?

Sure as **** sounds like you've changed your tune on this example since you now say it's unacceptable.
07-12-2016 , 09:24 AM
Yet another classic lol wil
07-12-2016 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
None is this is accurate. You are the one who was talking about going around beating parents with a bat. I suggested you do just that.
We'll add satire to the list of things you don't understand.

I have already agreed that punching a kid is very dangerous and pretty much extreme. I obviously don't advocate that but the circumstances under which it happened were also extreme. You've done your best to misrepresent my position in both cases.
When did you acknowledge how dangerous it is?

How does "obviously don't advocate that" fit in with two pages of you arguing that it was fine for him to do?

It's ****ing disgusting and he could've landed the kid in hospital or worse.
07-12-2016 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Then you are either completely inexperienced in dealing with children or a fool.

I have countless examples where parents used physical discipline and almost all other adults agreed it was the best course of action.

Guy I worked with said his father only ever hit him once. He liked building home made explosive devices as a kid. He blew up his shed and almost killed his little sister. His father, in a rage, ran across the yard and punched him in the face. He never did that again.
Here is Wil describing punching a child as the "best course of action".

Edit: Slow pony
07-12-2016 , 02:26 PM
Your pony is so slow that it needs to be punched in the face to speed it up.
07-12-2016 , 02:31 PM
I just responded to the latest Wil posts before I read the updates to the thread.
07-12-2016 , 02:41 PM
I bet if someone punched you in the face you'd learn to read to the end of the ****ing thread before posting. Wouldn't you?
07-12-2016 , 02:57 PM
Sort of the viewpoint you would expect from the guy who advocates roughing up the inner city citizenry because "hey, otherwise they wont respect cops" and has stated that "a cop punching a suspect in the face a few times isn't abuse"
07-12-2016 , 09:52 PM
I'd never spank my child and think the practice is old, outdated, and in fact detrimental to healthy development of a child.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
07-13-2016 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
We'll add satire to the list of things you don't understand.

When did you acknowledge how dangerous it is?

How does "obviously don't advocate that" fit in with two pages of you arguing that it was fine for him to do?

It's ****ing disgusting and he could've landed the kid in hospital or worse.
You are putting words in my mouth. I've never said they were the best choices or the best course of action. You are welcome to quote. Your previous example of quoting didn't prove your point at all.
07-13-2016 , 07:35 AM
No one said you said it was the "best choice." Everyone heard you say it was fine to punch a kid in the face. Everyone heard you then start walking back from it while saying you weren't walking back from it. It says more about you than perhaps you realize.
07-13-2016 , 08:04 AM
Please quote where I said it was "fine".
07-13-2016 , 08:16 AM
Wil, can you explain what your original point was?
07-13-2016 , 08:26 AM
Lol Wil. You clearly posted that you thought Punching the kid in the face was the best course of action. You can try to semantike it into you were just saying a bunch of other parents thought that but NOT you, but that makes no sense given the context.

Now I suspect you don't actually think it is the best course of action and you just didn't actually think before posting. But lol at trying to pretend like you didn't say you supported it.
07-13-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466

There's nothing disgusting about it. If you catch your kid doing something extremely dangerous or stupid smacking them is acceptable to many parents. Not all situations are the same. It must be nice to be able to say "well my my son almost killed my daughter I would NEVER hit them". I would think most parents here would disagree with you. In this case his father punched him in the face. I think that's a little much but in this case his reaction was justified.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Please quote where I said it was "fine".
I'm equating "justified" with "fine" are you now saying that all along you don't think it is fine for parents to punch children in the face?
07-13-2016 , 10:05 AM
What's more laughable-people who stake out a position and never concede an inch no matter what the evidence is, or people who habitually say laughable things and then walk it back while pretending they never made the orginal statement?
07-13-2016 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Lol Wil. You clearly posted that you thought Punching the kid in the face was the best course of action. You can try to semantike it into you were just saying a bunch of other parents thought that but NOT you, but that makes no sense given the context.

Now I suspect you don't actually think it is the best course of action and you just didn't actually think before posting. But lol at trying to pretend like you didn't say you supported it.
No, I did NOT say that, but it's clear that's what you want me to have said.

Originally Posted by kerowo
I'm equating "justified" with "fine" are you now saying that all along you don't think it is fine for parents to punch children in the face?
This game is just silly. You really really want me to come out and say "yeah dude beating kids up is totally cool". I've never held that view, ever. The word "justified" could have probably been replaced with "understandable" but whatever. I didn't realize I was under such a microscope that every single word and thought must be 100% consistent over 16,000 posts.

I don't speak in absolutes and I don't think reasonable people do. Some responses are harsher than other depending on the circumstances.
07-13-2016 , 10:48 AM
Planting your fist in a kid's face is not understandable
07-13-2016 , 11:58 AM
LOL Wil, spent a day arguing for punching a kid in the face not being abuse and now arguing the only MOST of the time is punching a kid in the face abuse, but other times it isn't and can be totally justified. What a maroon*

*I know that actual word is supposed to be moron, this is a meme Wil not ignorance.
07-13-2016 , 12:15 PM
Here's the context:
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Yeah, I'm not sure if I've ever heard an example of an appropriate use of force as a parent that couldn't have been avoided lots of places before and after the hitting 'became necessary'.

But yeah, that's such an obvious lol wil example.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Then you are either completely inexperienced in dealing with children or a fool.

I have countless examples where parents used physical discipline and almost all other adults agreed it was the best course of action. .
Wil, you quoted this JJ post, and told him he was a fool for not thinking there were appropriate uses of force that could have been avoided.

You said you had countless examples of such use of force and that they were "the best course of action".

You then listed the punching story as one.

You then spent the last 100 posts defending that it wasn't child abuse, even though it's really ****ing dangerous and harmful to punch a child (which I'm pretty sure you didn't acknowledge and then claimed you had).

If you feel this doesn't appropriately represent your view, then you need to stop mashing your keyboard like an idiot and post what you actually think instead of some despicable caricature of yourself.
07-13-2016 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's not black and white. Hitting children is obviously not the optimal way of raising kids. We all know this. That doesn't mean that sometimes it may be deemed necessary. As I've said, nothing is absolute.
Originally Posted by wil318466
We are talking in terms of abuse. I don't consider a seldom occurrence as abuse. You, however, like to play these strange word games.
Originally Posted by wil318466
You are arguing with me over technicalities. I think we can determine the difference between abuse and trying to correct behavior. When I said I don't intervene unless I think you are actually hurting them that doesn't mean I'm intervening in every case of physical discipline. In some cases I agree with the physical discipline.

You are arguing just to argue. The kid with the explosives hobby wasn't encouraged by his father to keep doing it, in fact he was told to stop. He didn't. Then his father punched him in the face after almost killing his sister. He stopped after that.
Originally Posted by wil318466
As I've said, you are arguing just to argue. I think it'd mostly because it's me, but I can't really prove that. Through your track record of replies to my posts in multiple threads it seems obvious. Whatever.

That kid made his own explosives, looking up recipes and mixing stuff together. His father warned him to stop. You must have grown up very differently than me or much much younger than me, as his story was pretty understandable. I knew many other typical kids his age who loved blowing things up or lighting things on fire. It's stupid kid stuff, it happens , get over it.

The real issue is how humorous your behavior is in rushing to denounce other people.
Originally Posted by wil318466
We discussed the issue in a large group of men. The guy essentially said he had to deal with it because he couldnt have his son throwing punches at his wife, especially because he was larger than average for his age.

And yeah, all the men there agreed it was the best way to handle it. Talking to the boy wasn't working, as he tried that multiple times.
There's nothing disgusting about it. If you catch your kid doing something extremely dangerous or stupid smacking them is acceptable to many parents. Not all situations are the same. It must be nice to be able to say "well my my son almost killed my daughter I would NEVER hit them". I would think most parents here would disagree with you. In this case his father punched him in the face. I think that's a little much but in this case his reaction was justified.
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't think I'm taking an extreme stance in this at all. Everything points to physical discipline as being mostly a negative. It most likely doesn't help and could damage the child. This is widely accepted and I very much agree with it. I think most parents do. There are, however, extreme cases where something absolutely must not occur again, and if the option is physical, then so be it.

I gave many examples, ones that came up in my life. You are welcome to pick apart all the scenarios and explain to me what a better option would be and I'd be more than willing to listen.
So here is a compilation of Wil responses to me trying to explain how absolutely ****ing disgusting it is.

Highlights include:

"explain to me what a better option would be". And now Wil has pretended that his incredulity as to knowing what's better is not an indication he thinks it's best...

It was discussed in a "large group of men" and they (he uses "we" to include himself) all agreed it was the best way. Of course, Wil, didn't say it was "best" here. That's semantics.

Calling punching a child "abuse" is a strange word game.

Sometimes, punching a child may be necessary. Nothing is absolute. I don't even want to ask what other forms of abuse Wil considers "not absolute" wrongs.

And, my favourite for its more subtle nastiness, the real issue is not the safety of a child who could've been landed in hospital by his Dad, it's me for speaking against it in this corner of the internet.

Lol, Wil.
07-13-2016 , 01:25 PM
My favorite was the idea that something that only happens once isn't abuse. What could go wrong with that mindset?
07-13-2016 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No, I did NOT say that, but it's clear that's what you want me to have said.

Ok, why don't you explain what you said in that post?

Or we could do this the fun way. Let's bet on if people think your post (in context) is more likely to mean that you supported punching a kid or that you don't support it but just think it's understandable.
