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Social Justice:  Then and Now Social Justice:  Then and Now

02-20-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Yeah, but none of you (for whatever odd reason) don't say ANYTHING negative about the institution that is the main driver of economic inequality and screwing the poor more and more, and helping make the rich white people more rich.

You can still make it in America, it is just harder and harder...because of the Fed, and the elitists who control it and control our economic lives.

What I was saying, to I think it was that he was saying it wasn't the fault of the poor at all that they are poor and that it is all the white man's fault. That is too black and white. There are many other reasons that some poor people are poor and will stay poor, like substance abuse for instance.

But I really do find it weird how you guys are like so pro-Fed?

You guys basically say rich white men make it so certain groups can stay or get rich, while cock-blocking other groups, minorities or whatever from becoming affluent....

And the one super secretive institution in the Fed, controlled by rich white bankers and politicians...that controls our economic lives and makes the poor poor....isn't the culprit behind economic inequality that you guys cry so much about.

Like WTF????
Is this an exercise aimed at making as many unsubstantiated, misrepresentative claims as possible? Or maybe for some strange reason you're trying to adopt the mindset of a halfwit ex-con who ate up a bunch of anti-govt hogwash to keep all feelings of responsibility for commiting nefarious acts at bay.
02-20-2014 , 07:28 PM
He likes it because he can justify certain bigoted political viewpoints because it doesnt matter something something Fed+invisible black holes.
02-20-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Is this an exercise aimed at making as many unsubstantiated, misrepresentative claims as possible? Or maybe for some strange reason you're trying to adopt the mindset of a halfwit ex-con who ate up a bunch of anti-govt hogwash to keep all feelings of responsibility for commiting nefarious acts at bay.
So you are pro-Fed too. Got it.
02-20-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Way to kill zikzak's action Silver_Man2.
That's just one response to Gambool thinking things are fantastic now!
02-20-2014 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uhh, at least some people thought so. The Fed was created in response to financial crises. Directly. Like a problem was identified(semi-regular banking panics), a solution was designed [/B]

But look at the cluster**** now because of it.
02-20-2014 , 07:48 PM
Things are for sure not fantastic now. They'd be worse without the Fed.
02-20-2014 , 08:07 PM
This just in: The austrian "school" of economics is not a school at all, but instead the antiquated, fully discredited belief system of a bunch of anti-social white men who are as ignorant as they are wealthy.

You're welcome.
02-20-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Things are for sure not fantastic now. They'd be worse without the Fed.
You are probably right about that. In the short term things probably would have been worse then they have been the last few years, had the Fed not intervened.

But because of the intervention things are eventually going to get much worse and for a longer period of time than had we just taken our medicine a few years back and dealt with it.

Have fun with your stock market and economy while you can, before the Fed fairy dust which is keeping them propped up goes away.
02-20-2014 , 09:39 PM

James Grant, Editor and Founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, and Richard Sylla, the Henry Kaufman Professor of the History of Financial Institutions and Markets at NYU’s Stern School of Business.

"""What happened during the program, however, was that both men made the candid and bold accusation that the Federal Reserve, for the first time in its history, has assigned itself the job of propping up the stock market."""

"""Grant had this to say: “New thing – it is in the business of talking up the stock market…The Fed is manipulating prices, especially on Wall Street.” To another question from Mack, Grant says: “The Fed has presided over the decay of finance.”

"""Professor Sylla adds more fuel to the fire, stating: “The Fed seems to have, I think almost deliberately, is trying to push the stock market up. I’ve watched this stuff for 40, 50 years now and this is the first time in my memory when it seemed to be official U.S. government policy that the stock market goes up. And the Fed likes this because it thinks that when the stock market goes up, people who own stocks feel richer, they’ll go out and spend more money, and the unemployment rate will come down.” You can watch the full program here."""

"""Is it possible that the Federal Reserve, with its economic wizards and differential equations, doesn’t know that the more it props up the stock market and Wall Street, the more it is undermining Main Street and exacerbating wealth inequality in America?"""

02-20-2014 , 09:56 PM
You learned how to google. Congratulations!

Of course he's addressing specific monetary policy choices and not ranting that the existence of the Fed is unconstitutional and causes poverty, so swing and a miss there. No racism in that post so it's still one of your stronger offerings.

Guess we would have been better off having the financial system seize up completely and gone into depression. To do otherwise is rigging the markets and preventing the TRUE Americans like Silverman who have STACKED the precious from taking their just place in society.

Lololololol silver bugs.
02-20-2014 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Things are for sure not fantastic now. They'd be worse without the Fed.
A lot of people were denouncing Greenspan's easy money policy saying it would lead to a housing bubble before the housing bubble happened. You know, the housing bubble that led to the credit crunch that led to the Great Recession. It is intellectually dishonest to discuss the Feds role in the recovery without discussing the Feds role in bringing about the downturn in the first place.
02-20-2014 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
gone into depression.
Yeah...that isn't coming or anything...
02-20-2014 , 10:01 PM
Sure. Another discussion of a specific monetary policy choice and not the lol notion that the Fed is not constitutional.

Although reading your rants about "King Obama", I suspect you are from the crazy town Ted Cruz wing of conservatives and think both the Fed and ACA are clearly unconstitutional when they are for sure not.
02-20-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Yeah...that isn't coming or anything...
Keep stacking bro, just around the corner like zerohedge has said for five years. I'll expect it right around when Jiggs actually binks a peak oil forecast.
02-20-2014 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Keep stacking bro, just around the corner like zerohedge has said for five years. I'll expect it right around when Jiggs actually binks a peak oil forecast.
Doesn't matter if I stack or not...

It's coming...

There are no signs of things improving...
02-20-2014 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Fed and ACA are clearly unconstitutional when they are for sure not.
02-20-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by adios
It is intellectually dishonest to discuss the Feds role in the recovery without discussing the Feds role in bringing about the downturn in the first place.
02-20-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
It's almost like there is a court that decides what is constitutional.
02-20-2014 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
It's almost like there is a court that decides what is constitutional.

02-20-2014 , 10:32 PM
Wait is Silver now parodying the stupid arguments conservatives make about court decisions they don't like, or is he sincerely arguing them? Dude is Poe's Law made flesh.
02-20-2014 , 10:44 PM
Economics? Guess what.... they want us to be scared of that too!

What don't conservatives fear?
02-20-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Just wow.

When did 2+2 become a mecca for all the bigots? I don't remember so much trash until the last couple of years and it seems to be getting worse. Stormfront started playing poker?
Supposed to guess which is not like the others.

POG confirmed haven for racists:

Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Question 7: Samuel L. Jackson, Denzel Washington, George Clooney, Barack Obama*

George Clooney - 16

Barack Obama - 8 (+2)
Peter Porker
Booker Wolfbox
02-21-2014 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Keep stacking bro, just around the corner like zerohedge has said for five years. I'll expect it right around when Jiggs actually binks a peak oil forecast.
Not sure what you're referring to. Of what I've read (especially the Pentagon's 2008 JOE) the forecasts have been right as rain.

You should probably stop channeling me. You look more ******ed each time.
02-21-2014 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Economics? Guess what.... they want us to be scared of that too!

What don't conservatives fear?
LOL wat? Your idiot colors showing through again, standard. This discussion about the Fed and it's impact on the poor has nothing to do with fear.

To recap, Silver states more or less that poverty rates are due to Fed policy. Gambool scoffs at that conclusion. I ask Gambool why he scoffs at it? Basically it is because Silver said so according to Gambool.

To say that the Fed policy, monetary policy, is tangentially impactful to poverty levels and poverty rates is laughable. The Fed is basically charged with monetary policy and monetary policy has a huge impact on the economy. The economic health of the US has without a doubt a huge impact on poverty.

Being concerned about the plight of the poor is a noble one in my view. Perhaps a different focus on what changes in monetary policy would better serve the public interest is a worthwhile one. It isn't an either or choice between Austrian monetary policy and the status quo. I'm sure there has been a lot written on what monetary policy changes would better serve the poor. Anyway we have a new Fed chairman that is supposedly a "dovish" so we'll see.
02-21-2014 , 10:20 AM
Here's a link from the International Labor Organization (part of th UN) that basically agrees with Silver in that Centeal Bank policy has not served the poor well.

ILO on monetary policy
