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Social Justice:  Then and Now Social Justice:  Then and Now

02-19-2014 , 03:47 PM
it's a new skyrim shout.
When you use this shout, every white humanoid around 100 feet is paralized for 5 seconds and every asian humanoid is paralized for 3 seconds. Black humanoid gain a 15% attack speed for 8 seconds.
02-19-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira

Actually, playing the "Race Bait Card" is the racists, and their water-bearers on #Team N, most favorite play and discussion escape hatch. The rest of us are perfectly willing to continue the conversations. But how can we when with all this constant whining about "name calling", "yelling and screaming", etc, etc?


Or instead of saying something racist... you can just linkee to a virulently racist website. The website <> is the British National Party's.
02-19-2014 , 04:09 PM

Are you losing a debate cuz ur a ****ing brain damaged autist ? Say racist and when someone call your race card, call their race bait card and you silence the opposition which ends the arguments allowing you to claim victory

the rest of us are perfectly willing to continue the conversations.

02-19-2014 , 04:28 PM
Can I get a cite?

I offer a cite: If you link to racists websites you are either a racist or an idiot, not that those are mutually exclusive. So I'm playing "either a racist or an idiot card" at omnishakira and will be around postin all week.
02-19-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
This may be a hard one to figure out for you two, but if you get sick of being called racist and sexist, instead of trying to play the victim .
Roonil - It is one thing for Fly or Letsgambool and several others to call me racist. And I don't mind it because they are race obsessed, and there is some deficiency going on with them to call me one ENDLESSLY.

You on the other hand are calling me racist but don't even know what I said. And that is why you are a complete tool.
02-19-2014 , 05:08 PM
To be fair, I call you out on your sexism (repeatedly calling women sluts and whores) and on your general craziness (why are we worrying about gay marriage when we might be swallowed by an invisible black hole tomorrow), not just your blatant racism.
02-19-2014 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Fly, shouldnt you in your infinite wisdom understand that the post has 0% to do with math...

I know what privilege is. Im just having trouble understanding the white privilege part.

Do you watch the youtubes i post? The way you usually answer i get the feeling you dont and then i get puzzled how you know i havent watched them.
Honestly, how does one remain so ignorant that he has no concept of what "white privilege" is? He'd have to work pretty hard to remain this ignorant of so much.

No surprise the guy who has issues with feminism seems to be jumping aboard the racist band wagon.

Makes me wonder if you can be a racist but not a sexist? These qualities seem to always be tied together.
02-19-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Liberty Lost
White cultural privilege might be more accurate. Is it really a shock that those who don't assimilate culturally generally end up on the lower rung and those who do assimilate succeed? It isn't racism that creates the problem.

Forgive us evil white people for forging a culture of success and not wanting to change it when we make up nearly 70% of the country. Get on board or get left behind.
Just wow.

When did 2+2 become a mecca for all the bigots? I don't remember so much trash until the last couple of years and it seems to be getting worse. Stormfront started playing poker?
02-19-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
To be fair, I call you out on your sexism (repeatedly calling women sluts and whores) and on your general craziness (why are we worrying about gay marriage when we might be swallowed by an invisible black hole tomorrow), not just your blatant racism.
I've said endlessly that I'm saying it from the elites POV. Like with poor not having insurance...yeah sure...the elite really DEEPLY care about the "riffraff." Which is what they view them as.

Same thing with them not caring about a woman's precious "right to choose" You really think the elite pro-choice people promoting abortion are saying to each other behind closed doors...we have to continue promoting pro-choice because they are so concerned with some 18 year old pregnant's chicks "right to choose" Give me a break...they view them and the rest of us as rats that they get iff manipulating. And in the 18 year old pregnant girl's cases....they view them nothing more than sloots and don't want them to continue breeding like rabbits.
02-19-2014 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Just wow.

When did 2+2 become a mecca for all the bigots? I don't remember so much trash until the last couple of years and it seems to be getting worse. Stormfront started playing poker?
I guess you could say hatred and bigotry were... unchained?
02-19-2014 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Just wow.

When did 2+2 become a mecca for all the bigots? I don't remember so much trash until the last couple of years and it seems to be getting worse. Stormfront started playing poker?
C'mon Kurto...

I'd like to hear a legitimate counter argument to what he said like you usually do.

Just calling people bigots and racists is boring.

If what he said wasn't on some level true...then you wouldn't be so butthurt.
02-19-2014 , 07:51 PM
aside from that being the pseudo-intellectual version of "damn mexicans, LEARN AMERICAN"?
02-19-2014 , 08:08 PM
Remember way back like three hours ago when Silver_man tried to show he wasnt a racist? Yeah, that was fun.
02-19-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
C'mon Kurto...

I'd like to hear a legitimate counter argument to what he said like you usually do.

Just calling people bigots and racists is boring.
I gave a thoughtful response which resulted in crickets. We gotta try various ways to communicate.
02-19-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Remember way back like three hours ago when Silver_man tried to show he wasnt a racist? Yeah, that was fun.
is silverbug american?

I understand shakira and sputnik can at least claim that being from the other side of the pond leaves them ignorant to all the stuff any american deals with on a daily basis/has ingrained in them by learning american history. I mean, I wouldn't know anything about race issues in Denmark or Norway or Sweden or wherever they're from. But I wouldn't act like an idiot and pretend whatever they were talking about didn't exist if that was the topic at hand. I'd just state my ignorance and try to learn.
02-19-2014 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I gave a thoughtful response which resulted in crickets. We gotta try various ways to communicate.
It was. I agree.
02-19-2014 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Remember way back like three hours ago when Silver_man tried to show he wasnt a racist? Yeah, that was fun.
Who cares...

There are lots of different levels of racism.
02-19-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
I understand shakira and sputnik can at least claim that being from the other side of the pond leaves them ignorant to all the stuff any american deals with on a daily basis/has ingrained in them by learning american history.
Sorry, no. You don't get a free pass to post image memes from a white supremacist group just because you're from the UK.

Originally Posted by kurto
Just wow.

When did 2+2 become a mecca for all the bigots? I don't remember so much trash until the last couple of years and it seems to be getting worse. Stormfront started playing poker?
They've always been here. Used to be, they'd get snap-banned for posting their garbage, but now, in their wisdom, the mods have created UNCHAINED where hate group agitprop is welcomed with open arms.

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 02-19-2014 at 09:38 PM.
02-19-2014 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter

Short answer: Not the fault of those getting the small sliver of pie.
The system is rigged to benefit the top shelf at the expense of the lower shelf people.

And it is rigged because of certain un-american things that have been put in place, like the Federal Reserve.

But people can still make it here moreso than most other places.

So to say that it isn't their fault at all that they are getting a small sliver of the pie, is complete BS.
02-19-2014 , 10:02 PM
omni. did you know what the BNP was before you linked to that image? No, right? Do you know why you didn't know? Because you're stupid. You're a deeply, profoundly stupid person. You're an incurious mind with limited capacity for understanding.

So when the growed up talk their fancy talk with the big words and the proper capitalization and you get confused and scared and angry, here's a new rule for you:

You say "thank you". You don't disagree. You should be grateful that people who are not burdened with your disability saw fit to educate you for free. It's a favor they did you.
02-19-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
The system is rigged to benefit the top shelf at the expense of the lower shelf people.

And it is rigged because of certain un-american things that have been put in place, like the Federal Reserve.

But people can still make it here moreso than most other places.

So to say that it isn't their fault at all that they are getting a small sliver of the pie, is complete BS.
Looooool idiot silverbugs
02-19-2014 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Looooool idiot silverbugs
What are you talking about? There is NO GREATER ENGINE of income inequality than the Fed.

It CREATES MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR to BENEFIT high income people in and around Wall Street.

What about the mortgage backed securities the Fed has been buying up? At 40 billion a month?

What's that do??? Bails out the traders of risk for bad loans. Money injected in drives prices UPPPPPP. And that hurts the low and middle income people the most by making their dollars worth less.

You people are ******ed.

You have the 800 pound gorilla in the room screwing most everyone and is the main driver of income inequality, and you bozos think income inequality is because of RACISMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. DUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRR.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 02-19-2014 at 11:24 PM.
02-20-2014 , 12:03 AM
I think we broke it.
02-20-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
What are you talking about? There is NO GREATER ENGINE of income inequality than the Fed.

It CREATES MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR to BENEFIT high income people in and around Wall Street.

What about the mortgage backed securities the Fed has been buying up? At 40 billion a month?

What's that do??? Bails out the traders of risk for bad loans. Money injected in drives prices UPPPPPP. And that hurts the low and middle income people the most by making their dollars worth less.

You people are ******ed.

You have the 800 pound gorilla in the room screwing most everyone and is the main driver of income inequality, and you bozos think income inequality is because of RACISMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. DUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRR.
loooooooooooooool silverbugs.

No I dont think racism or racists like yourself is the primary driver of income inequality but your whole rant is such uneducated tripe not much else to say about it. If you think inflation or the Fed has been the main problem the last five years then double loooooooool
02-20-2014 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Looooool idiot silverbugs
More than one person duly elected to Congress has questioned the constitutional legitimacy of the Fed in its relatively short history, Court cases have been abjudicated.

The power to control the currency is an enormous one. Wright Patman, a Democrat, was a powerful Congressman who had a 48 year tenure starting in 1929 was famous for his opposition to the existence of the Fed. His opposition was based on his belief that it was unconstitutional. There has been and will continue to be, in my view, legitimate and principled opposition to the power it has been granted to the Fed.

Your view that the Silver Man is an idiot for claiming the Fed is responsible for the lot of the poor folks is based on what exactly? Pretty much Bernanke's area of expertise, what his dissertation was based on, was his study of the Feds impact on the Great Depression. He basically concluded that Milton Friedman was correct in his view that the Fed monetary policy was too restrictive thus prolonging the economic downturn far longer than necessary. In fact Bernanke vowed to Friedman, before Friedman died, that he would not let it happen again. There also is a school of thought right now, mostly on the left, that the easy monetary policy of the Fed isn't easy enough. So it is quite clear that monetary policy has a huge impact on the economy and thus the poor.

Now pretty much federal safety net funding is derived from two things. Nominal GDP growth and COLA based on the CPI to which the Fed has created. So the Fed obviously has a huge impact on the lot of the poor. If you are claiming that Fed policy has been highly accommodative to the poor, which apparently you are since you called Silver an idiot for claiming otherwise, I'd like to read your argument. I'm pretty sure your just a libtard trolling here but maybe not.
