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Politics v7.0 Moderation thread Politics v7.0 Moderation thread

06-24-2017 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think you're the one with the inferiority complex. You've displayed every bad trait a person can show in this forum, on top of being a liar and a person who doesn't honor his bets. Everything about you is absolutely deplorable and you are actually gleeful about it.
06-24-2017 , 03:46 PM
It's no surprise that two PoS should stick together.
06-24-2017 , 03:49 PM
Hey what about me? I'm a PoS too, remember.

Go team PoS.
06-24-2017 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't remember this and I don't remember mat contacting me about it. I think I did say I'd smack fly though.
just saw a post report, but i don't recall this either.
06-24-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Allegedly, (as reported by FoldN), his buddies sister.

But it turned out to be a misunderstanding. She was just mad when she found out getting the FoldNstick was a one time special drunken event and there wasn't going to be a shotgun wedding.
More interesting now is there are specific posters who want to specifically continue to post about this. Because it is attention-grabbing to call someone a (alleged) rapist is one plausibility?
06-24-2017 , 04:37 PM
Spank, why wouldn't we want to bring up Foldn's past Spank? It's indicative of his character and makes it easier to scroll past his Hypergraphia screeds SJWs. If he didn't want it brought up he should't have posted it on the internet.
06-24-2017 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Spank, why wouldn't we want to bring up Foldn's past Spank? It's indicative of his character and makes it easier to scroll past his Hypergraphia screeds SJWs. If he didn't want it brought up he should't have posted it on the internet.
That's all you got?
06-24-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
just saw a post report, but i don't recall this either.
Wil posted a lame threat. You posted soon after and told him to PM you about it. Then Wil posted something about how he was out of line and you or a mod posted something about how threats wouldn't be tolerated, so I assumed that's what you asked him to PM you about.

I never reported anything so I figured either you came across it yourself or someone else reported it.
06-24-2017 , 07:02 PM
Just so it's clear I'm not lying. Starting around post 360 in the Milo thread. (Sorry, can't multi post because the thread is locked. Also, it's hard to say if and/or how many posts Chez deleted. I can't find the specific threat that set off the series of posts below but it's clear Mat and Chez both had a problem with it.)

Mat to Wil: "i, for one, am not so thrilled about koreans talking about nukes. and answer my pm."

chez: "What's not allowed is bringing up other posters familly as a way to insult, attack, troll or annoy them. Wil: Nothing that seems like a threat of violence please."

Wil: "Yep. I shouldn't have said it, it was in response to Jbrochu's idiocy. I'll stop it."

me: "Just so it's clear - I did not report or ask anyone to talk to Wil about his lame threats."
06-24-2017 , 07:11 PM
i didn't think you were lying. i just don't remember.

did i really say i don't like Samoans talking about nukes? admittedly, when i start posting in this forum, i'm not usually sober.
06-24-2017 , 07:14 PM
There's no deleted posts, but I guess maybe it's supposed to be this one, fwiw.
06-24-2017 , 07:16 PM
well named, i may have to demod you so you can go back to posting interesting things and not worry about nonsense moderation issues. this is your first warning. we'll make it a three and you're out.
06-24-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
well named, i may have to demod you so you can go back to posting interesting things and not worry about nonsense moderation issues. this is your first warning. we'll make it a three and you're out.
By my count I've already volunteered to be de-modded twice, so I can't fathom what you're waiting for. :P
06-24-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by well named
By my count I've already volunteered to be de-modded twice, so I can't fathom what you're waiting for. :P
hmm. for a variety of reasons , people on this site who are moderators like to be moderators. if you don't feel like continuing, say aye. and boom it's done.

i think you feel like saying Aye?
06-24-2017 , 07:30 PM
I vote nay.
06-24-2017 , 07:30 PM
I won't say aye quite yet. I will wait a bit longer to see how stuff shakes out re: mod forum discussions.

P.S. the rest of you didn't see these posts. :P
06-24-2017 , 07:31 PM
in case it's not clear, i think well named is awesome. the last thing i want to see is his experience and contributions on this site be ruined because he decided to be a moderator in any forum.
06-24-2017 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Bump. This never got addressed.

Let's say I had a fetish about the word 'turn' just like these fools have a fetish with the r-word. Let's say I acted out on that fetish by, every time someone posted the the word 'turn' in a thread, I popped in and posted shiz like: "Stop Exploding the Thread !!!1! How the heck can we have a productive conversation when peeps are exploding the thread by throwing around the 'turn' word?".

This, and how these fools react to the r-word, are both textbook derailing. Flat out. It's just as physically impossible to explode a thread as it is to scream into a thread. The previous conversation, now derailed, was never about explosions or overly loud speech anyways.

So... what is the Nuevo Baja mod's stance on this kinda derailing & looping tactic ??
In my opinion it's not really the kind of "derailing" I was intending to moderate. I don't think it would be a great idea mostly because I think it involves putting too much of a thumb on the scale in terms of evaluating posting quality. I don't think the mods should effectively decide who wins arguments, and that's what it sounds like to me.
06-24-2017 , 07:33 PM
They wont be ruined by anyone how knows his posting in the first place. Hes like a like a damn saint.

Ahh you mean ruined for him. Yeah i guess.
06-24-2017 , 07:36 PM
Cheers. I'm going to make dinner now and drink more.
06-24-2017 , 08:28 PM
Would it be possible for well named to say Aye for chez and whosnext?
06-24-2017 , 10:28 PM
How about we just make WN the mod and boot chez & co. back to SMP?
06-24-2017 , 10:43 PM
why would trolly and noodle be adding value to the thread repeating the contentious refusal to let go they usually do?

Nah mean,

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 06-24-2017 at 10:43 PM. Reason: impage
06-24-2017 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
It's no surprise that two PoS should stick together.
I just agree withe wat will sed. Ware not ganing up on yuo
06-24-2017 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
How about we just make WN the mod and boot chez & co. back to SMP?
isn't that what i just said?
