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Politics v7.0 Moderation thread Politics v7.0 Moderation thread

05-30-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
such ideas do not deserve welcoming. look at the most recent example of the republican attacking a reporter bc he asked a question. even the witnesses from fox news reported that the reporter did not in any way provoke the attack.

the "conservatives" have rallied behind this attack simply bc the guy was on their team. that is what I mean when I say that conservatives do not own any sort of consistent ideology. they value gaining as much power and destroying their opponents in any way possible. they do not disavow violence. rather they fully support violence against their enemies.

they espouse hate at every level.

they are undoubtedly a blight on society and need to be eradicated.
Sounds like you are talking about leftists to me.
05-30-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
such ideas do not deserve welcoming. look at the most recent example of the republican attacking a reporter bc he asked a question. even the witnesses from fox news reported that the reporter did not in any way provoke the attack.

the "conservatives" have rallied behind this attack simply bc the guy was on their team. that is what I mean when I say that conservatives do not own any sort of consistent ideology. they value gaining as much power and destroying their opponents in any way possible. they do not disavow violence. rather they fully support violence against their enemies.

they espouse hate at every level.

they are undoubtedly a blight on society and need to be eradicated.
Please see my response in the free speech thread. Also, I haven't even looked it up, but I would bet money that the National Review editorial staff did not support that violent Republican.

You are mistaken to group people together as you have done above.
05-30-2017 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
the truth is i don't really care about the politics forums and let the mods do what they want. however, i won't let them ban people who actually want to use the rest of the site. those users can choose exile from this nonsense.
Quoting this, just because I think it likely that I will some day need to avail myself of it.
05-30-2017 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Please see my response in the free speech thread. Also, I haven't even looked it up, but I would bet money that the National Review editorial staff did not support that violent Republican.

You are mistaken to group people together as you have done above.
ok cool you personally dont support such actions. I believe you. but there have been plenty of studies and a huge portion of the so-called "conservatives" do absolutely support the guy.

and cmon. you would support him too. there is 0% chance that you would not vote for him if you lived in montana.

bc you and the rest of the deplorables believein your team. you dont believe in america, freedom, equal rights, freedom of speech, due process, equality, inalienable rights.

you believe in your team. you believe that your team should be crushing the opposition in any way possible. you believe that your team should be oppressing the rights of everyone else.

you are not an american. you are not a patriot. you have succeeded in destroying the country in unimaginable ways.

05-30-2017 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
I nominate pokerodox, a conservative who is respectful to everyone.
Thank you. I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I would decline at this time. I just don't have the time for it.

I think chezlaw is a good mod.
05-30-2017 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bc you and the rest of the deplorables believein your team. you dont believe in america, freedom, equal rights, freedom of speech, due process, equality, inalienable rights.
This is total nonsense.
05-30-2017 , 01:13 PM
Well to be fair Trump would probably say he believes in all those things too, but he has very different definitions of them to the accepted ones.
05-30-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
So what do you actually believe? You never even made clear what kind of immigration you think has a positive economic impact on the host country, or do you believe all groups of immigrants have a positive economic impact like only the most extreme and brainwashed leftists believe?

The bulk of academic studies is on my side and I also know the counterarguments from the left. Do you know them? I am just trying to figure out how clueless you are.

References are given in Tino Sanandajis book, but I won't look for online links to them unless I have to, instead here is a chart from a Danish government sponsored study on the net costs of immigrants.

Fig 1.3: Cost by age, dark blue native Danish, light blue western immigrants, red non western immigrants. At no age group are non western immigrants a net positive to the Danish economy.

Fig 1.4: Light blue adjusts for age demographics, dark blue does not, the last two categories show the net cost for non-western and second generation non immigrants per year in thousands of danish crowns.

Now go and post it back in the thread where it belongs, along with the source so that we can translate it ourselves.

Why is it such hard work getting simple citations from you in place of "here's the name of a book that supports what I'm saying" and "here's a source-less graphic in a foreign language" that could be a depiction of the consumption of different types of Danish lager as far as we know?

Last edited by jalfrezi; 05-30-2017 at 01:22 PM.
05-30-2017 , 01:17 PM
Another swede who pretends to understand the dynamics of American politics but totally doesn't. Shocker.
05-30-2017 , 01:19 PM
Also Marn, when you say

Originally Posted by Marn
These arguments are addressed in the book, i'll get back to this part later
and don't, it comes across as highly disingenuous on your part.

It's almost as if you don't really think you have any supporting evidence at all for your views.

Shocking, I know.
05-30-2017 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Another swede who pretends to understand the dynamics of American politics but totally doesn't. Shocker.
I am not talking about American politics.
05-30-2017 , 01:28 PM
jalfrezi, you are boring me, if you have any arguments of your own to make then go to that thread and make them. Every time is the same thing, I make a claim, you ask for proof and in the end I prove everything and after all that you will have contributed ZERO to the discussion. I am not falling into that trap again. Now put up or shut up.

You made sweeping claims in that thread, why don't you post supporting evidence?
05-30-2017 , 01:31 PM
You have no ****ing idea what proof means, and you're probably boring everyone who doesn't speak Danish.
05-30-2017 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
jalfrezi, you are boring me, if you have any arguments of your own to make then go to that thread and make them. Every time is the same thing, I make a claim, you ask for proof and in the end I prove everything and after all that you will have contributed ZERO to the discussion. I am not falling into that trap again. Now put up or shut up.
What if someone else asked you?

Originally Posted by Marn
These arguments are addressed in the book, i'll get back to this part later

05-30-2017 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
such ideas do not deserve welcoming. look at the most recent example of the republican attacking a reporter bc he asked a question. even the witnesses from fox news reported that the reporter did not in any way provoke the attack.

the "conservatives" have rallied behind this attack simply bc the guy was on their team. that is what I mean when I say that conservatives do not own any sort of consistent ideology. they value gaining as much power and destroying their opponents in any way possible. they do not disavow violence. rather they fully support violence against their enemies.

they espouse hate at every level.

they are undoubtedly a blight on society and need to be eradicated.
Originally Posted by Marn
Sounds like you are talking about leftists to me.
Originally Posted by Marn
I am not talking about American politics.
You're doing a very bad job of that.
05-30-2017 , 01:41 PM
can we take it to the other thread?

Yes everyone continue in the immigration thread please.

and dont make it about the posters Marn (or anyone else).

Last edited by chezlaw; 05-30-2017 at 01:57 PM.
05-30-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Yes, in my humble opinion LG/AJ went over the line in his comments toward Mat and 2+2. The "clincher" was what LG/AJ threatened to do (which I will not disclose for obvious reasons).
I'm a little confused here. Why are you comfortable saying that you approve of the decision but not provide the reason? I don't see any reason not to disclose the "over the line" clincher, let alone an obvious one. If he posted horse porn you don't need to quote the picture, but you could say "he posted horse porn".

To me, it's pretty obvious that conduct that catches a OTB&C should be clearly spelled out. What's the point of vagueness here, besides creating a generalized culture of fear of future punitive actions? If he went over the line, so far over the line he deserved a ban, seems like a description of that conduct would be helpful. Especially in the context of you and chezlaw's well known tactic of shamelessly lying, specifically the most recent ban of that very poster.
05-30-2017 , 07:27 PM
You're going to have to take that up with Mat.

It's not a Pv7.0 mod decision so ATF is probably your best bet if you want to pursue it.
05-30-2017 , 07:29 PM
Mat has asked me not to divulge more information on this.

I will say that Mat chose to ban LG/AJ for reasons having little to do with the Politics v7.0 forum.
05-30-2017 , 07:35 PM
05-30-2017 , 08:00 PM
Best part was that Mat picked the fight with Joe to begin with. Guess he didn't like getting dunked on.
05-30-2017 , 08:09 PM
I think I know the posts. he said he would go around the internet and give 2p2 books bad ratings and link to the white supremacist posts in this forum and link to that massively homophobic post in smp.

so ya, matt banned him bc he threatened to link to the effed up posts on this forum that the admins are intent on defending.
05-30-2017 , 08:13 PM
05-30-2017 , 08:16 PM
I kind of assumed Mat didn't gaf about the 2p2 corporate image or else why would he create unchained in the first place?
05-30-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
I kind of assumed Mat didn't gaf about the 2p2 corporate image or else why would he create unchained in the first place?
well I think in general the simplest reason is the most likely. and it seems pretty obv from his posts in this forum and the existence of this forum and smp why he allows it to exist.

bc he supports those viewpoints and wants to to allow for a platform for such ideas.

at least he has the self awareness to understand that they are deplorable and racist and unacceptable to a large (but shrinking) portion of society.
