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Political Rap Battle Political Rap Battle

06-26-2014 , 04:25 PM
Some wack MC cervez69
must come from a family drinkin too many whine

Steps to me, says I lack functional skills
While I'm busy head-capping ideological ills

Bad posters thread got nothing on me
before I was born I was already free

Partisan assassin, head above the game
Got ideas worth more than all the sex, money, and fame.

Step to me and I will be the blameless decider

Spanktehposter Human Being #1 bona-fider.

06-26-2014 , 05:08 PM
Straight outta Canada crazy mother****er named Ted Cruz from the Gang called Tea Party with attitude.
When congress is off..he get's his sawed off...squeeze the trigger and geese are hauled off.
Liberals too if you **** with me. The partys gonna have to come get me. Off your ass that's how I'm going out, for the liberals thats showing out. Liberals start to mumble, they wanna rumble. Mix em and cook'em in a pot like gumbo, going off on a liberal, wit a gat that's point at their ass so. Give up your seat, Aint no tellin when the Tea Partys down for a Jack move.... Here's a voting keep you poor and stupid. You'll end up like Charles Manson.

Gerrymandering is the tool, dont make me act the mother****ing fool. Me and you go toe to toe no maybe...I knock liberals out of congress daily...yo weekly monthly and yearly until them dumb mother****ers see clearly....That i'm down with a capital T.E.A. Liberals you can't **** with me...So when I'm in your district you better duck...Cause Ted Crazy as ****. As I leave believe I'm votin gainst Obama....But when I come back boy...I'm comin straight outta Canada
06-26-2014 , 05:10 PM
Word is born.
06-26-2014 , 05:19 PM
Dudeimbitter, be a quitter
Drop that awful hashtag **** cuz this ain't twitter
Give it up son, your posts ain't awesome
No one ever gave mad props while in your lesson

You think you know RAINN, this ain't some fake game
We can ask them what they think - it's not some huge pain
A little email, surprised you didn't bail
When you saw their thoughts on your opinions of females

You are the king of turds, no one has been lured
By your wordy stupid posts that just make us bored
I'm rhyming slant here, like Emily did yeah
Maybe shut up for a while, we'll buy you a beer
06-26-2014 , 05:39 PM
And Ammurica #1 has voted

2 percent spankdawookie
1 percent low key
97 percent GOVMAN !!!!!!! KING
06-26-2014 , 06:45 PM
Hey listen posting party people,
This your host with a screen name the color of money....

Check your head when you bow to the king,
Where you gonna be when there's a freedom ring?
This aint no USA idol, this aint no sing
This is where we wear our rhyming bling.

So give your brain a teach and good rap play.
Even for whining drunk suckas dat spray and pray mid-day.

Find the beats for these rhymes in your own damn head,
No moves-fakin-sucka-poastin-crimes ,and enjoy the thread.
06-26-2014 , 09:09 PM
Deuces wild, and it's time to get McCrackin'
Got pocket 7's and I'm bout to get my stack in
Your rhymes are so weak they should call you McWhacken
Style is fake like a 9/11 hijackin'
06-27-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Dudeimbitter, be a quitter
Drop that awful hashtag **** cuz this ain't twitter
Give it up son, your posts ain't awesome
No one ever gave mad props while in your lesson

You think you know RAINN, this ain't some fake game
We can ask them what they think - it's not some huge pain
A little email, surprised you didn't bail
When you saw their thoughts on your opinions of females

You are the king of turds, no one has been lured
By your wordy stupid posts that just make us bored
I'm rhyming slant here, like Emily did yeah
Maybe shut up for a while, we'll buy you a beer
A DIBspearean Sonnet:
Wrecking fools even in iambic pentameter.

Shut the f*** up with those Mickey Mouse rhymes,
Your a** shouldn't have typed even a letter.
What you and yours will see in 14 lines,
Is prose I crush, but rap? Well, dude, I'm better.

So Fly et al., they try to handle me,
Through true debate, or character attacks.
I take their posts and start dismantling,
And line by line I expose all their cracks.

And Ikes, your wife, she sees a therapist.
He's young and strong, not Dids the drooling geezer.
When first exposed, my d*** done scared the b****,
It's twice the size of what you use to "please" her.

Team Fly's unpolished, crude liberally;
Your side's abolished, #dudeliterally.
06-27-2014 , 12:40 AM
It's a little tale of a cat named fly
and a dude named I'm better
Don't ask why.

Rape is the thread and drunken sex
Where I come from,
Knocking boots is not a hex

Wanna get real, leave gender behind,
Stop playing games of whose bigger mind

It's really up to you in a matter of yes or no,
A sucker really guessing, it's the truth to know

Seriously peeps, we are talking about rape,
not a limit contest of whose better to judge
How is ending rape helped with a pointless grudge?
Enjoy the smell of poo, oh flinging ape
What proud outcome of a thread about rape.
06-27-2014 , 02:12 AM
Ladies and Gentleman, I hope you enjoy the show
Props to all the posters, toasters, you know...

Let me crossfade
move across a line
about the rap game
and a thought of mine

Pull back the curtain, what did you expect
Playing da puppet little man respect
I huffed and I puffed
Blew your house down but
Very few of you all I'd consider ass clowns.

Whack posting makes even more wiggity wack
is ikestoys always frontin the attack?

Cut toe walking cross broken mirrors
front being funny got witty clown tears

Imitating to mock how choice be why act
Word take downs have a little and no tact.

I'm the greatest of all time and space infinity
and it's all about me
Everybody can say it
plain to see

Rhyme in a circle, rhythm turns dance
Could you expect this to result from random chance?

Shouts to Hulk Hogan, gimmick that can rhyme and better dude notarizing sick rhyme. If not for a low key that rang in good time, to bring it like lauper, time after time. Govman is king, Could make orange and gum rhyme, peace to the crew and to me and to you. spankteh-baddest-illest-dopestposter-wookie ruling the universe without even trying. That didn't rhyme.
06-27-2014 , 09:37 AM
See that Aspergers **** and know that DIB's on it
Y'all are pussy like you came to the rap thread with sonnets
You got a mental disability and facts don't calm it
Haven't posted something smart since we saw Halley's Comet

Like the last girl you ****ed I can't remember
If you've ever posted **** that's respectful to both genders
Your goal is catching drunk sluts at the end of a bender
And making sure your people never need a public defender
You just whine like your *******s tender
From a month of being owned
And being way too ****in' dumb to surrender
People take those word bombs and just return to sender
Cause times a precious thing and **** it's almost September
That's when rape season starts, right?
When you like to put a target on a teen who's drinkin' too much natty light?

You ****in' suck at every form of expression
Think that punishing the males is a form of oppression
Weird that RAINN never answered your question, that's half the lesson
You ain't a poet bitch but you should do a Plath impression.
06-27-2014 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Terry "Hulk" Hogan
Deuces wild, and it's time to get McCrackin'
Got pocket 7's and I'm bout to get my stack in
Your rhymes are so weak they should call you McWhacken
Style is fake like a 9/11 hijackin'
What you know about a stack?
Your style is whack
Gimmick account of a hack
Bastardization of a throw back

A monkey could do better

A monkey does do better

No cheddar

Fake tan
Here's a plan:

Instead of going on about **** ikes made up
Bring your roll to shoe shoe so I can whack it up

Smack you up

Bluff three streets and then straight
Chimp stare you up
06-27-2014 , 11:00 AM
Wow I get no love on mine WTF
06-27-2014 , 12:04 PM
Attention all comrades, fallin in line
Spitn out cher black faces, rhythm n rhymes
Context, schmontext, 'sall whitepower
Oy, that stinks! Get in line for the showers

Stand straight, eyes down, enlist your attention, men
Cheeks firm, holes tight like fists full of Benjamins

March, two three four, why thats lambtastic!
Follow your Gizmo, while she stops traffic..

Now this parade's a movin to the beat of a drum
Floatn through the forum like a fun dumb scrum

Two plus two is a sum of n itch
Creepin up your balls to your Politics

Sound off! One two!
Sound off! Three four!
One two three four, one two...
Suck it Mr. Wookie!
06-27-2014 , 02:29 PM
(wipes doo doo from da mic)

Foldndark, after going all-in
Sniping from a gimmick
Camping to "win"
06-27-2014 , 02:33 PM
Listen up, even posters bad
Talkin about the time we had
correct like Mike's song, I'm verily bad
I'm a breeder and a seeder and a stay at home dad

left school in second grade,
never looked back
til sleeping alone on cold rail rack

So damn "poors", alls we could do was read
begging at the library like a moocher in need

So lock me down kindly
don't make the mistake
that any mind is limited
by mere give and take

It's yo own damn brain against yo own damn mind
shouts out to Q-Tip for helping the find

When it comes down to business
of what is real @ #feel
Going round n round
the cyclical wheel

A hamster inside
or Ship Captain grip
Whichever, whatever
no matter the pride
we are all just a blip
06-27-2014 , 03:40 PM
If I could drop one piece of wisdom on the jokers in this forum,
it would be to get used to the idea of PRESIDENT RICHARD J. SANTORUM!

Ricky's got principles, Ricky's got style,
Ricky's gonna crush that harpy Hillary by a mile!

Oh Ricky take me with you, I can help the nation heal,
the Senate will confirm me as Secretary of Keepin' It Real!
06-27-2014 , 04:16 PM
FlyWF Guerilla MC
dropping bombs on civilians
that farmboy bonanza partisan ****stain of a thread
cause cerveza69 pretends to be dead

I'm on a farm, bitch. Whatcha gonna say?
You think I subscribed to dat underwear smear of a thread
To take dat peripheral diarrhea of the mouth and big head?
Never forget- I sat in The South.
Looky, looky, somebody made your bed
Food that you eat comes from a farm
a person's location occupation is doing you harm?

Step into the arena, drop the chains and come correct
It's not which way is the other, it's the way which is next.

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 06-27-2014 at 04:22 PM. Reason: dyslexic MC on the mic. props
06-27-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
If I could drop one piece of wisdom on the jokers in this forum,
it would be to get used to the idea of PRESIDENT RICHARD J. SANTORUM!

Ricky's got principles, Ricky's got style,
Ricky's gonna crush that harpy Hillary by a mile!

Oh Ricky take me with you, I can help the nation heal,
the Senate will confirm me as Secretary of Keepin' It Real!
I heard rumor about Santorum, Rick
That he secretly really doesn't like Dick.

I obviously replied 'that biz is not mine'
continued with a vibration quite fine
that I know what my business is,
but who doesn't is
apparently Santorum, Rick
06-27-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by govman6767
Wow I get no love on mine WTF
Take the mic mutha******. Get your own love.
Stop fooling and fronting
not looking down from above

pick up the mic, go styling beastie
rather than limp and wet like a thing that's yeastie

stand on your throne
wave your guns in the air
stick your ass out like you got nobody care
Ted Cruz disciple busted out on a dime
govman on point
serve dished the next rhyme.
06-27-2014 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
What you know about a stack?
Your style is whack
Gimmick account of a hack
Bastardization of a throw back

A monkey could do better

A monkey does do better

No cheddar

Fake tan
Here's a plan:

Instead of going on about **** ikes made up
Bring your roll to shoe shoe so I can whack it up

Smack you up

Bluff three streets and then straight
Chimp stare you up
I'm not gonna lie, brother, those rhymes are funky fresh. But the worst lyrical beatdown the Hulkster has ever faced came from the Macho Man. Still stings, man.

06-27-2014 , 10:25 PM
Deuces McKracken this buds for you
putting ball into goal and follow'n through

holographic buildings are imaginary things
keep'n on posting not count'n the stings

Got thumb in the business, treating people right
got stoopid on the interwebz -n- found a big fight.

Not like a Tyson, ain't biting no ears
posting a duck tale to a soundtrack of jeers.

Whether Gambloring or Gambooliing
It's definitely not gambling
too long didn't read
under your title
You are better than senor keeed?
imagination is vital

Never don't keep going
splicing words, groove flowing

Go off the cliff, can a duck die?
holographic wings make you fly.

Look at him go!
06-29-2014 , 07:57 AM
Even in raps
You're steady straw manning me

Your discourse doesn't rise
to the level of Sean Hannity

Wookie jr's sanity

Is in question
Did I mention?

I got no fear of pols detention
Blessed with skills
of perfect retention

I know all the rules
which I can cite
But they didn't save Jiggs
from false indict

So do what you do
always Wookie number 2

You're street cred's a no-show
since you became the popo
