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Point, Laugh and Chuckle at Gun Nut ******s ITT Point, Laugh and Chuckle at Gun Nut ******s ITT

06-04-2013 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It takes an idiot to know one, making calling people idiots summarily- LOL @ U.

Truly smart people will never call a person an idiot or use similiar ad hominems because they know an idiot has no further argument than that and that getting another person to call them an idiot is a clever way out of being proven an idiot. Clever though, not smart.
I have tried hard not to. Riverman isn't stupid, he's just completely blinded by his emotions to the point of rage. Sooner or later he will figure that out. It's not like he's Phill or something.
06-04-2013 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
does the gun have a purpose other than lowering the probability of your death?

If yes, carry on (maybe).

If no, trouble.
WAT? A huge amount of the utility of firearms comes from recreational use.
06-04-2013 , 07:04 PM
06-04-2013 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
WAT? A huge amount of the utility of firearms comes from recreational use.
was referring to ike's plan to buy a firearm "for protection." on a different page. Whoops, quotes may have proven helpful
06-04-2013 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
was referring to ike's plan to buy a firearm "for protection." on a different page. Whoops, quotes may have proven helpful
Meh not a plan, just a consideration. Don't think I'll go this route, although the logic posted against getting a gun for protection itt has been completely ******ed.
06-05-2013 , 09:23 AM
Why? If you buy something in order to make you less likely to die and you actually become more likely to die, you have not made a good decision.
06-05-2013 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Why? If you buy something in order to make you less likely to die and you actually become more likely to die, you have not made a good decision.
06-05-2013 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Why? If you buy something in order to make you less likely to die and you actually become more likely to die, you have not made a good decision.
oh look another ****** who can only parrot others, and can't tell the difference between correlation and causation.
06-05-2013 , 02:07 PM
I'm unsure why, but this thread is absolutely hilarious to me. Lirva//DBL/River's posts all made me laugh out loud.
06-05-2013 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Why? If you buy something in order to make you less likely to die and you actually become more likely to die, you have not made a good decision.
Originally Posted by ikestoys
oh look another ****** who can only parrot others, and can't tell the difference between correlation and causation.
probably not necessary to be a dick to someone who's not being rude and is making an honest point.

explain how he's wrong instead of being a ****

this forum could be a great place to come and talk about the stuff that wookie has been a ****ty mod and banned people from talking about, or it can just be a bunch if insults.
06-05-2013 , 11:20 PM
Complaining about insults and bannings after your side is decimated by bannings for insults is lol******ed.
06-06-2013 , 01:28 AM
Points and laughs at the gun grabbers. You are never going to get them. Deal with it.

The butthurt is strong with some of you.
06-06-2013 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
Good enough for me. Ban Internet Explorer.

06-06-2013 , 02:39 AM
Funny thing about the term "gun grabber" It implies being unarmed. If a person is already grabbing a gun it makes it impractical to try and grab another LDO.

How stupid is it for armed people to fear unarmed people? Are animals even this stupid?

No wonder some people think you should prove skill and responsibility before you can bear arms in the community.

Artist: Ice T / Track: Home Invasion *****NSFW*****
06-06-2013 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
can't tell the difference between correlation and causation.
06-06-2013 , 06:39 PM
Fellas I hate to break it to you but those damn ivory tower *******s have, you know, done studies with fancy elitist methods like regression analysis. Amazingly, more guns = more gun deaths. Incredible.
06-06-2013 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Funny thing about the term "gun grabber" It implies being unarmed.
lol no it doesn't.
06-06-2013 , 07:40 PM
regression analysis itt
06-07-2013 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
more guns = more gun deaths.
LOL NO. You have been disabused of this ridiculous fallacy at least 100 times. You can keep saying it but its simply not true.

There is no correlation between increased gun ownership and increased gun deaths in the US. In fact the oposite has happened for over 30 years now, we have millions more guns per year and yet we have millions less gun deaths per year. This is indisputable.

Historically homicide rates in your hero countries like the UK and Japan have remained unchanged, and have always been lower that the US.
06-07-2013 , 07:26 AM
[QUOTE=NeBlis;38837411]we have millions more guns per year and yet we have millions less gun deaths per year. This is indisputable./QUOTE]

Can we get a little data here? Very interested.
06-08-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
we have millions more guns per year and yet we have millions less gun deaths per year. This is indisputable./QUOTE]

Originally Posted by wil318466
Can we get a little data here? Very interested.
Here is a chart with some relevant figures for 2012. Sales have been higher under Obomber but this is within a few % points of average.
Also the NSSF compiles industry stats but I was trying to cite a non industry source.

However you look at it the US gun stockpile grows by a huge number every year.

And yet violent crime continues to drop and drop year after year. We are at 40 year lows and still declining.

Although shocking incidents like Sandy Hook and Aurora are incredibly rare. Selection bias is a hell of a drug and media sensationalism feeds that addiction.

All this ******ation abut ZOMG!1 TEH GUNZZZ!!11!! is distracting and counter productive. Violence can and should be reduced, but that comes through education, mental health, and etc not by banning the possession of certain machines
06-08-2013 , 02:15 PM
Your idiotic herp derp more guns fewer deaths omg how can that be if guns cause deaths is either stupid or dishonest. Maybe gun prevalance isn't the only thing that affects crime rate?

Try some real science.

More gun = more homicide (multiple studies)

More guns = more suicide (multiple studies)

Differences in mental health cannot explain more guns = more suicide

Adolescents who commit suicide with a gun use the family gun

Fatality rate for suicide attempts with a gun is much higher than other methods

More guns = more fatal gun accidents

Kids killed in gun accidents are shot by other kids

More guns = more violent deaths to kids

Child firearm suicide more impulsive than by other means

Parents incorrectly believe their kids have not handled the family gun - cite is on the harvard page but there's not a good link i can find

Infant homicides are not committed with a gun

Unsupervised firearm handling by adolescents often involves shooting a gun

More guns = more female violent deaths (two studies)

Owners of semi-automatic guns are more likely to binge drink than other gun owners

Gun ownership creates external psychic costs (by a margin of more than 3:1 americans would feel less safe, not safer, as others in their community acquire guns)

It is better to create a safe environment than to rely on educating children not to touch guns (cite on he harvard site, google unhelpful

At college more guns = more gun threats

Students with guns at college are more likely to misuse alcohol (same deal as others)

Guns are not used millions of time each year in self-defense

Most purported self-defense gun uses are gun uses in escalating arguments and are both socially undesireable and illegal

Firearms are used more often to intimidate intimates than in self-defense
06-08-2013 , 02:42 PM
LOL nice link diarrhea. where did you copy paste from?

I will have to get back to refuting each of them... but you know that I already have in the other thread many times.
06-08-2013 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
Maybe gun prevalance isn't the only thing that affects crime rate?

Tools dont cause violence, the users of those tools do. And more of a given tool does not create more violence... I realize that your a ****ing idiot but even you should be able to figure this out.
06-08-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis

Tools dont cause violence, the users of those tools do. And more of a given tool does not create more violence... I realize that your a ****ing idiot but even you should be able to figure this out.
I assume you're not an idiot but you still seem incapable of comprehending that maybe there could have been even fewer violent crimes/gun crimes/whatever during the same period if gun sales hadn't increased.
