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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

02-18-2014 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Peter Porker
In order to promote my own individual liberty, can someone tell me the highest paying job I can learn in a week?
Programming? Well, the 6 week bootcamps in California shutdown. (Now even learning is forced underground, woohoo!)
02-18-2014 , 11:58 PM
02-18-2014 , 11:58 PM
I assume they hire social rejects??
02-19-2014 , 12:00 AM
Pretty tired of poker and wanting to move to a state where I can't play, so I need a real job.
02-19-2014 , 12:00 AM
02-19-2014 , 12:03 AM
10 weeks, my bad.
02-19-2014 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
Who woulda thought!

Originally Posted by MidyMat
Deuces McKracken = Rednecks Cum Cake

ok ok ok no more anagrams
Haha I enjoyed this one. Your anagrams are a million times better than the AC derail
02-19-2014 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Who woulda thought!

Haha I enjoyed this one. Your anagrams are a million times better than the AC derail
Shut up missiledog.
02-19-2014 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Peter Porker
In order to promote my own individual liberty, can someone tell me the highest paying job I can learn in a week?
Do you have good knees?
02-19-2014 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Peter Porker
Shut up missiledog.
I don't appreciate the implications of this Peter Porker, the only gimmicks I've ever had are Dids and Shame Trolly !!! ! ! !!. !!!!!!

Go ***urself
02-19-2014 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
Programming? Well, the 6 week bootcamps in California shutdown. (Now even learning is forced underground, woohoo!)
Lol this isn't even true you ****ing ******. Jesus christ just crawl back into whatever stupid hole you came from.
02-19-2014 , 01:04 AM
Learning to program in 6 weeks or whatever is lol, but I think there was talk a while ago in the programming forum about bootcamps that lasted around that time and had a very good rate of their students getting programming jobs afterwards. Don't think it required you to have coding knowledge beforehand, but might have required a lot of effort to be put into the application.
02-19-2014 , 01:09 AM
It's not true that they were shut down. They were threatened with regulatory action if they didn't meet standards that every secondary education school in the state has to meet.

So yea to a ******ed ACist that might seem like "shutting them down" but to a normal human being with any common sense it's a complete non issue.

WRT effective coding schools that only last 6 weeks I am a little dubious. I don't doubt you can learn the basics of any language, but deeper concepts take a while to learn and the most common languages are so deep and have such large libraries that I doubt anyone could land anything more than the most basic code monkey job from those boot camps.
02-19-2014 , 01:12 AM
02-19-2014 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Lol this isn't even true you ****ing ******. Jesus christ just crawl back into whatever stupid hole you came from.
He doesn't even think programming should be a profitable career. Eliminating copyright laws isn't exactly great for a developer's chances of receiving compensation.
02-19-2014 , 01:29 AM
Being a novice programmer, I can't remark on that debate really, other than I know it's one of great contention and there are a lot of people in the programming community that want everything to be open sourced and free and available to everyone. When I was in my script kiddie years I thought this was great, now that I know the amount of work that actually goes in to some of these things, I'm less inclined towards that viewpoint.
02-19-2014 , 03:38 AM
AC hijack ruining our pension thread.
02-19-2014 , 03:44 AM
I told a worker today that I didn't care if they kept falling behind everyone else and were struggling to get by because I have a pension and a union and I'll do fine organizing the next hospital. It's time to be mean :/
02-19-2014 , 06:04 AM
I would just like to say that my interactions in this thread with proph have been nothing but performance art. Annoying performance art, I concede, but it was proving the point of how anarchy is not well met in the real world. With no rules, we were free to argue anywhere, and did. And it made this a worse forum to be in. For that temporary state, I apologize.

For my next piece of performance art, I will recommend that everyone put proph on ignore so as to not have to see his crazy, unmedicated, manic screechings. This will incontrovertibly prove that self-regulation does not work. Because, while no one enjoys seeing the insane things a rambling loon rambles about, given the choice between action to improve one's condition and inaction, most people will choose the latter.

02-19-2014 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
Says the racist.

Just because you're black, doesn't mean you're immune to being a racist. Maybe you've changed, but I remember you having a very bad posting history.
Assuming that I'm black just because I'm not a ****ing white supremacist(like all of your intellectual heroes are lol) is a pretty big tell.

But serious, Proph, you're a credulous moron who has been wildly mislead by conmen and wingnuts. If you're actually interested in economics pick up a textbook.

If not, we've heard it all before(ACism is so simple there's practically a script), you're not even being dumb in an original way. Shut the **** up.
02-19-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
Missed the link, I guess.

Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Lol this isn't even true you ****ing ******. Jesus christ just crawl back into whatever stupid hole you came from.
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Learning to program in 6 weeks or whatever is lol, but I think there was talk a while ago in the programming forum about bootcamps that lasted around that time and had a very good rate of their students getting programming jobs afterwards. Don't think it required you to have coding knowledge beforehand, but might have required a lot of effort to be put into the application.
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
It's not true that they were shut down. They were threatened with regulatory action if they didn't meet standards that every secondary education school in the state has to meet.

So yea to a ******ed ACist that might seem like "shutting them down" but to a normal human being with any common sense it's a complete non issue.

WRT effective coding schools that only last 6 weeks I am a little dubious. I don't doubt you can learn the basics of any language, but deeper concepts take a while to learn and the most common languages are so deep and have such large libraries that I doubt anyone could land anything more than the most basic code monkey job from those boot camps.
We don't know if they are going to be shutdown or not. Actually, that article was 2 weeks old, and the action was supposed to be taken already. Did they pay, did the state grant an extension, or was it dismissed all together?

Who does this threatening help?

(BTW, many people can learn python in a week. It's nothing more than finding the right module for the task you want to accomplish.)
02-19-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He doesn't even think programming should be a profitable career. Eliminating copyright laws isn't exactly great for a developer's chances of receiving compensation.
Really? You don't think there would be more developers? I see nothing wrong with competition. You can't own an idea. It's up to the programmer to keep their code secret.

You've obviously never heard of the benefits of the open source model, or patent and copyright trolls.
02-19-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
(ACism is so simple there's practically a script)
02-19-2014 , 12:08 PM
stfu Proph
02-19-2014 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
I would just like to say that my interactions in this thread with proph have been nothing but performance art. Annoying performance art, I concede, but it was proving the point of how anarchy is not well met in the real world. With no rules, we were free to argue anywhere, and did. And it made this a worse forum to be in. For that temporary state, I apologize.

For my next piece of performance art, I will recommend that everyone put proph on ignore so as to not have to see his crazy, unmedicated, manic screechings. This will incontrovertibly prove that self-regulation does not work. Because, while no one enjoys seeing the insane things a rambling loon rambles about, given the choice between action to improve one's condition and inaction, most people will choose the latter.

Oh, you thought the conversation was over? You stopped sticking to the topic, when you understood my analogy. The topic was taxation being modern day slavery, and you basically concede as much:

Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Yes, in America you're not free to do whatever you like in your own home.

Since that has nothing to do with taxation, I think that yes, we are done with that conversation.
Sounds kind of like a plantation, to me. I say this, because no one owns property anymore, with the existence of property taxes. Even if you pay for land in full, it can still be taken from you, if you fail to pay. It may not be a big deal when you're younger and work, or if you're just starting out with nothing, but when you get older and just want to relax on what you've accumulated, you may not have enough fiat to do even this.

Originally Posted by Proph
How do you think it's funded? (Or, why do you think they execute those raids or use those penalties in the first place?)

Governments have a profit motive, too. Force is usually involved in their attempts to gain revenue, though.
Did you miss this post, or conveniently ignore it?

Taxes aren't a happy pile of money, that grants people smiles. That "money" is taken through the compulsion of force.
