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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

11-20-2015 , 02:46 AM
Is ID like voter ID, or ID like intelligent design? Because the former has been welcomed, and the latter is clearly RGT.

But if you think that Deuces and Jiggs beating the same drum week in and week out for years on end is what this world really needs, well, ok. For the record, they both got to say their piece in Alta for some time. You're welcome to peruse the archives and read the same **** they're posting right now when they posted it in Alta.
11-20-2015 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Name two topics you want in here that aren't allowed in Alta.
Cmon chez, two topics, hell one topic. Give us a taste of what you want (er, not want, that's far too strong), what you'd prefer(?) to talk about.
11-20-2015 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Is ID like voter ID, or ID like intelligent design? Because the former has been welcomed, and the latter is clearly RGT.

But if you think that Deuces and Jiggs beating the same drum week in and week out for years on end is what this world really needs, well, ok. For the record, they both got to say their piece in Alta for some time. You're welcome to peruse the archives and read the same **** they're posting right now when they posted it in Alta.
ID as in intelligent design. It's a political topic as well as a religious one, more so imo. The only reason I won't get involved is we spent years talking about it in SMP before we created RGT and I'm done with it - no reason why others shouldn't talk about it

I don't think it matters what you or I or anyone thinks about the drum beat or repetitiveness of some posters. If they want a thread to talk about it then there's absolutely no problem with them doing so. Nor is there any problem with them posting in other threads about other topics if they want to.

Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Cmon chez, two topics, hell one topic. Give us a taste of what you want (er, not want, that's far too strong), what you'd prefer(?) to talk about.
Most of my interest are covered by P, not sure I can think of anything. I'm a weird sort of person who likes to know others can talk about what they want even if I'm not interested.

Last edited by chezlaw; 11-20-2015 at 03:11 AM.
11-20-2015 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Is ID like voter ID, or ID like intelligent design? Because the former has been welcomed, and the latter is clearly RGT.

But if you think that Deuces and Jiggs beating the same drum week in and week out for years on end is what this world really needs, well, ok. For the record, they both got to say their piece in Alta for some time. You're welcome to peruse the archives and read the same **** they're posting right now when they posted it in Alta.
I guess I am being anal but "what the world needs" is a poor choice of words. I mean the world doesn't need any posts in the Politics Forum, not my posts not your posts, not chez's posts. I think what you mean is that as moderator your view is that their posting is such that the quality of the discussion suffers too much from their posts. As moderator of course who posts and the rules are pretty much left up to your discretion.
11-20-2015 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
ID as in intelligent design. It's a political topic as well as a religious one, more so imo. The only reason I won't get involved is we spent years talking about it in SMP before we created RGT and I'm done with it - no reason why others shouldn't talk about it

I don't think it matters what you or I or anyone thinks about the drum beat or repetitiveness of some posters. If they want a thread to talk about it then there's absolutely no problem with them doing so. Nor is there any problem with them posting in other threads about other topics if they want to.

Most of my interest are covered by P, not sure I can think of anything. I'm a weird sort of person who likes to know others can talk about what they want even if I'm not interested.
This is a critique and isn't intended to be negative, one thing that is different is the P forum tends to encourage more threadzillas. For instance if you made an OP about how Obamacare subsidies need to be changed, you'd more than likely get it lumped into the Obamacare thread. I stated more than likely because there are multiple threads on the same topic but generally speaking consolidations of posts per topic is encouraged. Some people like that, some people don't. I don't have a preference for the record. On this forum it is way different regarding consolidation of threads.
11-20-2015 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Is ID like voter ID, or ID like intelligent design? Because the former has been welcomed, and the latter is clearly RGT.

But if you think that Deuces and Jiggs beating the same drum week in and week out for years on end is what this world really needs, well, ok. For the record, they both got to say their piece in Alta for some time. You're welcome to peruse the archives and read the same **** they're posting right now when they posted it in Alta.
Actually the intelligent design topic has political aspects associated with it. For instance there are people advocating that in public schools intelligent design should be taught and given equal status to evolution. A small minority people are advocating this of course but the subject matter taught in public schools certainly affects politics.
11-20-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Name two topics you want in here that aren't allowed in Alta.
1. Mewling about the moderation of UNCHAINED.

2. Residual BruceZ butthurt.
11-20-2015 , 08:50 AM
LOL at listening to Chez about anything, he is part of the problem, he wants Serious Discussion of Topics and yet doesn't make any points in threads, then insults LG, then bitches about the tone of the forum. Now he wants a CPU that differs from Alta only in who moderates it. This forum is for kooks and racists from Alta as well as idiots who have managed to avoid an outright ban and instead got an exile. The majority of the front page threads are about PU posters and how bad they suck, these threads are dominated by Spank who because of his unique history is being given another chance to improve his posting. My guess is once he improves and there aren't 40 posts a day from him and 120 posts complaining about his posts this place is going to dry up and just be Dueces making **** up about 9/11, Jiggs slowing losing his **** because no one cares about his pet psychosis and not much else.
11-20-2015 , 08:54 AM
Spank who because of his unique history is being given another chance to improve his posting.
Que? Can you elaborate on this?
11-20-2015 , 08:58 AM
He was modded and de-modded twice, that's enough notoriety that he's been given more rope for us to wring our hands with.
11-20-2015 , 09:02 AM
lol, so Matt drunk-mods him as a joke and that gives him an unlimited pass to **** up the forum?
11-20-2015 , 10:00 AM
Don't cross Mat, Elliot banning John is him just imitating Mat...
11-20-2015 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by frommagio
You and I see this differently. I think kerowow and the other new mods made every effort to help spank, and showed incredible patience and understanding. Other posters did also - there was a new one the other day (can't remember his name), but he ran into the same wall as everyone else. [EDIT: It was Bladesman87 in the ID thread.] We've all tried to engage with him.

The mods have been very forgiving and helpful. But it's like having your beautiful child grow into some uncontrollable psychotic young adult still living in your house - you love your kid, but at some point you need to think about survival for the rest of the family.
I agree Kerowo tries and I appreciate it. I'm also a big fan of his style of modding even though I totally disagree about threatening to ban Spank.

It's not about him saving PU as something fun or interesting or useful, his view is:

My guess is once he improves and there aren't 40 posts a day from him and 120 posts complaining about his posts this place is going to dry up and just be Dueces making **** up about 9/11, Jiggs slowing losing his **** because no one cares about his pet psychosis and not much else.
although that's a bit of an exaggeration it's basically correct if we carry on with minimal rules. 'not much else' being the slanging match which while most enjoyable is only worth a couple of threads.

I agree with wookie that if he can't manage to cope with PU without having to ban spank for bad posting then better just to shut it down. I think that would be a shame and prefer a different way forward.
11-20-2015 , 11:19 AM
I would prefer the way forward where you and spank both disappear forever, but we cant all get what we want!
11-20-2015 , 11:23 AM
Either keep it UNCHAINED or ban spank, but please just make a desicion and stop with the endless discussions and halfassed threats that you don't followthrough on.
11-20-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Either keep it UNCHAINED or ban spank, but please just make a desicion and stop with the endless discussions and halfassed threats that you don't followthrough on.
That is just silly. Endless discussions are the main purpose of PU.
11-20-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Actually the intelligent design topic has political aspects associated with it. For instance there are people advocating that in public schools intelligent design should be taught and given equal status to evolution. A small minority people are advocating this of course but the subject matter taught in public schools certainly affects politics.
This, of course, has been and is still allowed in Alta. No one gives a **** right now because it's a solved problem.
11-20-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I would prefer the way forward where you and spank both disappear forever, but we cant all get what we want!
I don't want you to disappear despite our differences but as we so often do we agree about a lot. My response to someones preference for a containment thread for Spank
Well we all have preferences and that one didn't get enough support. My preference is for the forum to have rules and to try to make it not just a place for us idiots to post badly. That's not what people want either apparently.
11-20-2015 , 11:59 AM
You'll find there's a family of friends living here,
a small group of minds, and hearts;
With some of us clever and some of us not,
At times you can't tell us apart.

There's one who is cranky, and one who is shy,
And one who is really uncouth;
And just when you think you have discovered who's who,
You'll really uncover the truth.

You guys should really try to be nicer to each other.
11-20-2015 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If you are going to ban spank for bad posting, it's time to just shut the forum down. If you hate him, put him on ignore. If you hate the people who don't, don't post here. But this forum's raison d'etre is for idiots to post badly.
This simply isn't true. The reason this forum exists is to be able to post personal attacks and conspiracy stuff and other things that aren't allowed in politics. It's totally fine to ban people like spank who are continuously disrupting the forum with off topic and incomprehensible babble.
11-20-2015 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Either keep it UNCHAINED or ban spank, but please just make a desicion and stop with the endless discussions and halfassed threats that you don't followthrough on.
You can do both. Banning one disruptive ****** doesn't make the forum chained.
11-20-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I've come to the opinion that the Bad Posters thread should be moved to Alpha as an Unchained thread, but that this place should be nuked.

I don't even mind you personally Spank, but all the bull**** surrounding you snuffs out anything interesting that could possibly develop here.

Is it too soon to tell you I told you so? I still exist as the both the primary object of the argument and the holder of the more accurate information about the object of the argument. Regardless of my response.

Look nothing personal, but you are complaining about arguing in a argument forum and you aren't treating every participant as individuals in your argument blame assessment. It's not just about my ability to responsively argue in an argument forum.
11-20-2015 , 12:32 PM
****** -- you aren't arguing. You're constantly spouting nonsensical and non responsive gibberish. If you were actually arguing there would be no problem.
11-20-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I don't want you to disappear despite our differences but as we so often do we agree about a lot. My response to someones preference for a containment thread for Spank
Well I wouldn't care if you'd just post instead of chezzing, but we know that's not happening! You cant chez any more than spank cant spank
11-20-2015 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well I wouldn't care if you'd just post instead of chezzing, but we know that's not happening! You cant chez any more than spank cant spank
I wouldn't care if you would just post instead of being an obsessive nutter who wants people to disappear.

None the less I don't want you to disappear. Not caring for some aspects of other people is not that big a deal.
