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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

10-07-2015 , 08:21 AM
10-07-2015 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'm considering doing what Jbro suggested in that thread, and shoot for 0.05, because I think shooting for 0.08 will leave most people above the limit often enough to be chronic drunk drivers.

My plan wasn't so much about skirting the legal limit. It's because the data show > .08 percent BAC has about a 10x factor for fatal crashes, while < .05 percent BAC is about a 1.4x factor. (It's not quite that simple because of how they bucketed the data, but still should be good enough to draw general conclusions.)
10-07-2015 , 12:48 PM
Masque, FoldNRape, and whatever chez is doing in the clock thread is terrible.
10-07-2015 , 01:01 PM
I'd of gone with DrunkNRape.
10-07-2015 , 01:08 PM
Dammit, missed that one.
10-07-2015 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Masque, FoldN, and whatever chez is doing in the clock thread is terrible.
Yeah, this diversion isn't really going to Fly.
10-07-2015 , 01:38 PM
I mean, your right. Im sure despite my post you will keep wistfully musing about stuff and Masque is going to keep posting his 100,000 words about how he's not a bigot, we just need to make sure the Muslim boy isn't up to no good because MATH and terrorism, and FoldN will post his 150th reason about why his drunk driving and raping isn't that bad. Then spank will argle-bargle something that sort of is akin to English about the whole thing
10-07-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah, this diversion isn't really going to Fly.

When diversion is a routine intention what does it matter if it's a good one or not? I mean it took these guys a year to figure out you developed an interest in politics. I find it hilarious you finally gave a straight answer to the 1000 times you have been interrogated about why are you here?! Lol. You are here to discuss stuff in forums! Who could have guessed?
10-07-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I mean, your right. Im sure despite my post you will keep wistfully musing about stuff and Masque is going to keep posting his 100,000 words about how he's not a bigot, we just need to make sure the Muslim boy isn't up to no good because MATH and terrorism, and FoldN will post his 150th reason about why his drunk driving and raping isn't that bad. Then spank will argle-bargle something that sort of is akin to English about the whole thing
Txs. I will keep talking about politics

My preference is for the content threads not to become personalised tard fest but that's how it is sometimes and it's not the end of the world - I get get caught up in that as well.

Last edited by chezlaw; 10-07-2015 at 01:51 PM.
10-07-2015 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
When diversion is a routine intention what does it matter if it's a good one or not? I mean it took these guys a year to figure out you developed an interest in politics. I find it hilarious you finally gave a straight answer to the 1000 times you have been interrogated about why are you here?! Lol. You are here to discuss stuff in forums! Who could have guessed?
It is weird to see Trolly so bemused about how anyone can get dragged to a place and then find they want to stay around.

I've even pointed out a few times how good I think P is for politics.
10-07-2015 , 02:08 PM
how cute, chez can't even quote a post about foldn without removing reference to his own self-admitted sexual assault
10-07-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
how cute, chez can't even quote a post about foldn without removing ...
I could but chose not to. If it's allowed and posters want to talk about and judge the private lives of others then that's down to them.

Still curious about your name change if it's not too private?
10-07-2015 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I mean, your right. Im sure despite my post you will keep wistfully musing about stuff and Masque is going to keep posting his 100,000 words about how he's not a bigot, we just need to make sure the Muslim boy isn't up to no good because MATH and terrorism, and FoldN will post his 150th reason about why his drunk driving and raping isn't that bad. Then spank will argle-bargle something that sort of is akin to English about the whole thing
And I suppose we'll always have you to tell such riveting stories, hmm?
10-07-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
how cute, chez can't even quote a post about foldn without removing reference to his own self-admitted sexual assault
There was no sexual assault, and there was no admission of one. There wasn't even a real accusation of one, as she took it back as soon as she realized what she said. I don't get why you and others enjoy spreading lies about such a serious subject.
10-07-2015 , 02:39 PM
It takes serious comedic professionalism, skill, and talent to make a funny rape joke and one that only offends rapists. I have yet to see any of these attributes or qualities present in any of the rape jokes I have seen made in these forums.

On the other-hand crude,, repetitive vulgarity is not very respectful of the gravity of the topic.

Finally, it is doubtful that roonil's characterization is accurate due to his history of dishonesty. It's more likely that Foldn is not a rapist just by the virtue of who is making the accusation and their credibility as a witness.

Amateur rape jokes are not a winning internet strategy. IMO.
10-07-2015 , 03:29 PM
Trolly still hasn't let go and accepted that more than one opinion about BruceZ's posts exists. That is a long time to be upset at having half-assed, narrow-minded opinions disagreed with. I really have some concern for the peeps, relating to where all this has lead them now.
10-07-2015 , 03:49 PM
You have to be a pretty mentally defective illiterate to not realize Trolly is well aware there is are dissenting opinions on that topic.
10-07-2015 , 03:55 PM
I heard Spanky molested an Ewok.
10-07-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
You have to be a pretty mentally defective illiterate to not realize Trolly is well aware there is are dissenting opinions on that topic.

Hahahahahaha. It's a race between you and trolly over who invokes BruceZ more often. Maybe you two should help each other let it go instead of making excuses for one another.
10-07-2015 , 04:42 PM
Ummm...I was responding to a post by you that invoked BruceZ? You cant seriously be this stupid, this is some sort of performance art right?
10-07-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Ummm...I was responding to a post by you that invoked BruceZ? You cant seriously be this stupid, this is some sort of performance art right?

Yes, your apparent level of involvement in your opinion on the matter does have staged and dramatic elements about it. Other times though, it's like you just can't help dropping a BruceZ and making an accusation about it.

Really, it's your call how to conduct yourself, but you do look really stupid carrying on about it; and calling smart people 'mentally defective' is like adding stupid to already stupid.

This is why Stupifying is a good word to describe many of your posts, IMO.
10-07-2015 , 05:46 PM
Spank, there is no way you are a smart person, you can cut that delusion off right now.
10-07-2015 , 07:19 PM
From OOT, but here's Yakmelk again with his whole children can consent to sex with adults but I'm totally not saying it's ok for adults to have sex with children I'm just saying

Originally Posted by Yakmelk
This is more of a legal problem then anything else, a child can easily consent. It still makes his story dumb but pretending like this is the only angle is pretty short sighted. The fact that there is a law saying they can't consent doesn't mean they can't consent in the non legal meaning of the word. Pedophilia should be accepted in a way similar to how we've come to accept homosexuality, child molesters still shouldn't be accepted.
10-07-2015 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Spank, there is no way you are a smart person, you can cut that delusion off right now.

Watch out! You gonna get dinged for pap psychology!
10-07-2015 , 08:10 PM
Based on the snippet, Yakmelk needs to explain a lot. How can an adult accept a child's appearance of consent?

He is not arguing for sex ed because children maybe more or less sexually aware or arguing against criminalizing children who try to have sex with adults.

He directly compares pedophilia with homosexuality and seems to think that a hypothetical child's appearance of consent grants an adult immunity from being responsible for sex with a child.

Definitely an objectionable opinion, whether given seriously or in jest.
