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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

09-20-2015 , 04:16 PM
wtf are you talking about bro? I never get banned.
09-20-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
wtf are you talking about bro? I never get banned.
Nobody said you got banned, bro
09-20-2015 , 04:40 PM
Right, but if I was a disruptive moron, I'd get banned. But I don't.
09-20-2015 , 04:43 PM
lol remember when you tried?
09-20-2015 , 04:47 PM
When I tried in the bad poaster thread? Of course not.
09-20-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Fighting for the rights for women to wear burkas is being on the wrong side of liberalism.
09-20-2015 , 06:42 PM
That's definitely one of liberalism's sticky wickets. It's hard to square the circle of religious freedom + pro-women + subjugation of women (by choice? Not sure if possible)
09-20-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
That's definitely one of liberalism's sticky wickets. It's hard to square the circle of religious freedom + pro-women + subjugation of women (by choice? Not sure if possible)
Are you Low Key?
09-20-2015 , 08:28 PM
I think grownups should be allowed to dress themselves. Not seeing any sticky wickets here.
09-20-2015 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
That's definitely one of liberalism's sticky wickets. It's hard to square the circle of religious freedom + pro-women + subjugation of women (by choice? Not sure if possible)
You find each of these to be dichotomous?
09-20-2015 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
I think grownups should be allowed to dress themselves. Not seeing any sticky wickets here.
The obvious counter is that grown ups should be able to dress themselves without threats of violence from their family and social group.
09-20-2015 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
The obvious counter is that grown ups should be able to dress themselves without threats of violence from their family and social group.
Of course. That would be illegal. I'm confident that you don't think it should be illegal for a woman to wear a burqa if she chooses.
09-20-2015 , 08:59 PM
how choosy of a choice is it if it's "a choice", but not really because you'd be alienated from your family/society/etc?
09-20-2015 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Of course. That would be illegal. I'm confident that you don't think it should be illegal for a woman to wear a burqa if she chooses.
I come down on the side of let adults do what they want, but it is an issue I can easily see the other side of. Tien and Low Key are far from making absurd points, and Trolly is ****ing stupid to get all pissy about a reasonable position in this thread. Fits right in with how bad posting equals disagreeing with him.... something I pointed out earlier if you remember.
09-20-2015 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
how choosy of a choice is it if it's "a choice", but not really because you'd be alienated from your family/society/etc?
Sucky situation, but outlawing clothing styles isn't the answer.
09-20-2015 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Of course. That would be illegal. I'm confident that you don't think it should be illegal for a woman to wear a burqa if she chooses.
I am going to go on the side of equating ethical with legal as being problematic.
09-20-2015 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
how choosy of a choice is it if it's "a choice", but not really because you'd be alienated from your family/society/etc?
Agree with ikes, I can totally see this and used to argue the same. In the end I think all you can do is provide people with an environment where they can make their own choice. It is fairly interesting where exactly you would draw the line though, and how much abuse and damage can be behind a behaviour/desire before taking the right for it away.

Also yeah, tien is pretty bad.
09-20-2015 , 10:11 PM
Also roonil, are you Low Key? I've been pretty mad at 'him' for stealing your avatar since I haven't adjusted yet and still think it's you every time 'he' posts.
09-20-2015 , 10:14 PM
yes that's him. harry potter reference and the same avatar. It's him.
09-20-2015 , 10:17 PM
I don't want to get banned, but Voldemort's avada kedavra being reflected back at him was massively beneficial to the European wizarding community.
09-20-2015 , 10:21 PM
wookie has not made it clear if celebrating accidental suicide of a possibly fictional character is ok.

Can we get a ruling wookie?
09-21-2015 , 05:30 AM
I'm not one to post snarky posts, but...
09-21-2015 , 08:14 AM
09-21-2015 , 08:17 AM
I didn't get where I am today without making obscure references to popular culture.
09-21-2015 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Right, but if I was a disruptive moron, I'd get banned. But I don't.
SenorKeeed thinks his drive-by LC posts aren't disruptive and moronic. Hilarious.
