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Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)? Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?

02-25-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Why are you throwing in "presumably" women? Are you trying to imply how women imply rape is what annoys me? That's not the case. I'm talking in general terms here.

So, this is a yes.

That's my point. How we can describe what happened is dependent on the person's feelings. Even if those feelings change over time. So 3 weeks from now if I all of a sudden have a change of heart and describe the events differently, I could presumably press charges. Of course, I wouldn't win, but I could try.

And that's the kind of stuff that is annoying to people. Situations aren't defined. They must be taken into context.
Ok np, people in general, men and women.

Actually they are, there's a criminal code that does precisely that.
02-25-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Why are you throwing in "presumably" women? Are you trying to imply how women imply rape is what annoys me? That's not the case. I'm talking in general terms here.

So, this is a yes.

That's my point. How we can describe what happened is dependent on the person's feelings. Even if those feelings change over time. So 3 weeks from now if I all of a sudden have a change of heart and describe the events differently, I could presumably press charges. Of course, I wouldn't win, but I could try.

And that's the kind of stuff that is annoying to people. Situations aren't defined. They must be taken into context.
Yes, presumably you could. Welcome to the human condition. I doubt many people do a complete 180 on how they feel about the consensuality of their sexual history. I'm sure it happens, but I wouldn't worry too much about hoards of women and men (am I doing it right?) coming out of the woodwork to say that despite formerly believing that they had consented, they now in fact believe that they were sexually assaulted.
02-25-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
That's my point. How we can describe what happened is dependent on the person's feelings. Even if those feelings change over time. So 3 weeks from now if I all of a sudden have a change of heart and describe the events differently, I could presumably press charges. Of course, I wouldn't win, but I could try.
That is more or less correct. Victims can take a long time to come to terms with what happened to them. We have to avoid pap psychology because it's hard to understand this stuff and the way victims react has often been used against them.

Maybe we can see a loose analogy between this and being physically hurt. Sometimes we can carry on for some time with no pain and without even realising we are hurt. Because it's physical we have no trouble accepting the delayed claim that people are hurt even if they said they were fine at the time.
02-25-2016 , 02:56 PM
Given wil's recent hot takes on gamer gate and link to a source who wanted to legalize rape on private property, his views here on rape shouldnt be very surprising to anyone. Hopefully his contribution to a rape permitting climate never comes back to a person close to him (but totally not a family member).
02-25-2016 , 03:03 PM
In before a bunch of examples of people changing their minds about what happened that night. Then I'll say "and what's the point of these examples?" to which I'll be told "that people change their minds about what happened", and then I'll ask "therefore, what? What would you like to see changed?"
02-25-2016 , 03:13 PM
How should society deal with these flip-floppers? No takesy backsies? One mulligan allowed on what you believe happened?
02-25-2016 , 03:16 PM
The chezlaw/FoldN solution is to say "bitches be crazy" and denigrate the woman's mental health, but Im not sure that's the best approach
02-25-2016 , 03:21 PM
Being obsessively weird isn't a great approach LG.

It's just making you pathetic now.
02-25-2016 , 03:24 PM
Chez, what do you think of the phrase "Bitches be crazy?" How appropriate is it to use in a case where the woman believes she was raped? When you asked FoldN "do you mean she was mentally ill", what were you getting at?
02-25-2016 , 03:38 PM
Chez, if what LG is saying is true, and I'm sure he can find the quotes if pressed then you just saying he's mental doesn't make you look any better.
02-25-2016 , 03:40 PM
It's a phrase I would obviously never use or approve of.

Make whatever you like of my question. It's pretty clear you are just looking for a way to have a go at me. It's sad if that's what your obsession has come to but you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Take a deep breath and we can move on if you like.
02-25-2016 , 03:45 PM
It does happen all the time. I had a girl lie one time and basically accuse me of rape and then take it back rather quickly after she got the attention she wanted and got me in trouble. I had sex with one of my best friend's sisters after a crazy night out drinking. We were both wasted and it just happened. I didn't follow through with any type of relationship for several reasons, but mainly because I wasn't that into her. About a month later to get back at me for not calling her she told my buddy I had sex with her while she was passed out. Then, after the damage was done she admitted she was awake. Bitches be crazy. Wouldn't be surprised at all if that were the case here.

Cops are familiar with this type of behaviour, ie, girls crying wolf, and if they correctly identified this as that type of situation by interviewing her, then they aren't at all to blame.
--FoldN on lying "bitches be crazy" making up rapes, she was awake that must have been consent!

Dont forget he actually wrote "bitches be crazy" as part of that story.

That was a tautology. For example, LG is a bitch. LG is crazy. (LG is a little crazy bitch who will probably be exiled from P and PU in a few months for making a stupid bet). Ergo, bitches be crazy.
--FoldN the rapist

By crazy do you mean mentally ill?

Can you imagine hanging out with LG in real life? Constantly going on and on about his weird interpretation of something that happened decades ago.

Or perhaps he behaves like a normal person in real life.

But sure, you'd never approve of it.
chez complaining FoldN getting called out for using bitches be crazy (note: chez never says anything about "hey, that girl thought you raped her, maybe cool it with the bitches be crazy?"
02-25-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It does happen all the time. I had a girl lie one time and basically accuse me of rape and then take it back rather quickly after she got the attention she wanted and got me in trouble. I had sex with one of my best friend's sisters after a crazy night out drinking. We were both wasted and it just happened. I didn't follow through with any type of relationship for several reasons, but mainly because I wasn't that into her. About a month later to get back at me for not calling her she told my buddy I had sex with her while she was passed out. Then, after the damage was done she admitted she was awake. Bitches be crazy. Wouldn't be surprised at all if that were the case here.

Cops are familiar with this type of behaviour, ie, heartbroken girls crying wolf, and if they correctly identified this as that type of situation by interviewing her, then they aren't at all to blame. They were doing their job. It's not as easy as it looks you know. If she was being legit and they really intimidated her into being quiet because they care more about football than the citizens they swore to protect, or they were paid off by boosters, etc. then they're of course scum.
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I didn't give consent either. Maybe I was raped. Anyway, I'm glad she didn't go to the cops.
First quote, he doesn't keep his story straight. It goes from changing her story rather quickly to a month later.... who knows what she thought during that month or who she told the story to during that time.

2nd quote he replied to someone saying drunk people can't consent.

I mean LOL chezlaw if these are your friends. I am sorry for you.
02-25-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Chez, if what LG is saying is true, and I'm sure he can find the quotes if pressed then you just saying he's mental doesn't make you look any better.
I don't say he is mental.

Maybe he can produce something that will impress you but why would that matter? You can defend that obsessive wierdo as much as you like.
02-25-2016 , 03:48 PM
Chez reason for existence is that Politics on twoplustwo has been too mean to scumbags. You should feel sorry for him.

I don't say he is mental.

Maybe he can produce something that will impress you but why would that matter. You can defend that obsessive wierdo as much as you like.
chezlaw is online now Report Post
You know what makes it easier to defend a poster? When they dont rape someone or tone police criticism about "bitches be crazy". Someday, maybe by some miracle, you will take responsibility for what you post and not just whine about the kiddies and cry when one of your terrible friends gets criticized for being a scumbag human. Probably not though, you dont have the emotional IQ or social skills to do so.
02-25-2016 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I don't say he is mental.

Maybe he can produce something that will impress you but why would that matter? You can defend that obsessive wierdo as much as you like.
Sure thing boss.
02-25-2016 , 03:52 PM
Pathetic attack on me after all that buildup LG. That's the best you can come up with after all these years?

I wonder if even Kerowo can stomach pretending to be impressed.
02-25-2016 , 03:55 PM
Did he miss the posts where you called Foldn out on raping some woman, shaming her to change her story, and using "bitches be crazy?"
02-25-2016 , 03:57 PM
That and chez laughing and asking if it meant mentally ill and wondering why I am saying anything "all these years" later while, of course, ignoring the whole rape thing and slur of the victim.

Yeah, he is being deliberately obtuse as usual.
02-25-2016 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Did he miss the posts where you called Foldn out on raping some woman, shaming her to change her story, and using "bitches be crazy?"

Is that going to help you pretending to be impressed?
02-25-2016 , 04:02 PM
No?? That's not the type of thing you call people out on, not your bag.
02-25-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
No?? That's not the type of thing you call people out on, not your bag.
Something like that. You can find me discussing the issues at some length in the drunk sex and rape sketch If you're interested.
02-25-2016 , 04:06 PM
Cheeselaw is the same type of guy as the guys at the BBC who let Jimmy Savile and the other guy molest kids.
02-25-2016 , 04:07 PM
hahahahah. Zero responsbility for his actions. Classic chezlaw.
02-25-2016 , 04:07 PM
I mean, you don't even want to distance yourself from guys who are openly racist or someone who says "bitches be crazy" after rape accusations.
