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Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)? Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?

10-26-2015 , 09:06 PM
I find it hard to get annoyed at steeeeeeelhouse when I'm laughing so hard at his posts.
10-28-2015 , 11:59 AM
Steelhouse is the GOAT troll or someone who is all sorts of confused.
11-03-2015 , 11:14 AM
Two wistful musings on bad posters...

(1) It's really a shame that over-the-line Sexists aren't treated like over-the-line racists ITF.

(2) WTF with the handful of posters who now only post to whine about the mods, and post nothing else.
11-03-2015 , 12:19 PM
(1) seems to extend beyond over the line sexists and includes over the line homophobes as well. I'm not sure why the difference in tolerance.

(2) I generally think we are all better with those posters confining themselves to posts about moderators than having them post other **** as well.
11-03-2015 , 12:36 PM
the problem with 1 is that misogynists at least have come up with language to mask their hatred. They rarely rant about women specifically (well, around here at least - OOT is another story), and instead complain about feminists or Social Justice Warriors, the new dog whistle for anyone who sympathizes with the plight of women.

Like, racists can't just come out and say, "Gawd I hate black people." No, they instead have to use dog whistles like "urban". Because it's totally fine to say, "There's a problem with urban culture." No one bats an eye. But if you say, "There's a problem with black culture," well that's pretty obvious.
11-03-2015 , 12:41 PM
We have drawn kerowo's attention to it, He initially said:

Originally Posted by kerowo
The world is a ****ty place and the powers that be care about racist hate language more than they care about gender based or sexual orientation based hate language. At this point all we can do is point out how ****ed up John and Foldn are for their hate language and hope Spank's support doesn't convince them they are in the right.
When we pointed out that he clearly could do something if he wished to, he eventually arrived at:

Originally Posted by kerowo
I'm happy with the rules in PU as they are. I think having other users mock someone who says stupid things is a more effective deterrent than having an internet tough-guy mod tell them they are breaking some rule.
So it seems like he's saying he only bans OTT racist stuff because the powers that be insist on it. Otherwise he would just go with mocking for that as well. It's hard to understand though. Over the line sexism and homophobia is not merely saying stupid things any more than over the line racism is.

The truth might be as Roonil says that it's just harder to mod in practice because it's less obvious.
11-18-2015 , 12:12 PM
What purpose does Teh Jabber-Wookie serve here in Los Dos Politardias?

If he willfully refuses to communicate (which he does), and he promiscuously interjects his gibberish into threads (which he does), then he's the textbook definition of a troll: someone who is intentionally trying to disrupt an online conversation. If the frequency of such trolling becomes in itself disruptive (which it has) then that's the textbook definition of spamming.

Of course, trolling and spamming aren't necessarily against the rules here in Baja Politadia. I'm not complaining about modding, my point is, again... what positive purpose does Teh Jabber-Wookie serve? Anyways... since he seems unlikely to just go away... I'll share a little secret. Teh Jabber-Wookies gibberish can be decoded using this technique...

Go to Google Translate. Take that Teh Gabber-Wookie gibberish, then use that website to translate it into Arabic. Then using the back-n-forth arrows in the middle, translate that Arabic to Chinese (simplified), then to Bengali, to Greek, to Japanese, to Cebuano, then to Esperanto. Finally translate that Esperanto to English, and add some 1-4 letter words to improve flow. For example:

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The evidence that LG is part of a shame and smear campaign is vast and dates back over a year. If you haven't been paying attention or don't want to do the work to learn about it, you may want to snidely mind business you actually know about.

I'd think carefully about if you are the type of person to promote and participate in smear campaigns. That is the type of activity which can ruin your integrity and wreck your character.

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie ~ Decoded
Samsung is a major distortion of the shame and of the campaign, a one-year return sign. If you learn the more you see. I do not want to keep you. You may need to think about what the Norm Snyder knows re: something.

You are the kind of people to participate in enrichment activities in cases of offense. I always find it well thought out. In this, it is the security activities that could destroy your character.
11-18-2015 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
What purpose does Teh Jabber-Wookie serve here in Los Dos Politardias?

You are lord and master of my purpose? LMAO you need to go back to the spank thread, scumbag.

I question your purpose to assert information about me. I willfully reject and question your behavior, and assertions including your presumption of power over my purpose and allegations about my linguist communication capability. How about that for some willpower you weak-willed smear artist?

Your false air of knowledge , authority and importance about spank is denounced.

Your campaign of shaming and smearing is rejected and defeated. Accept defeat and move on.

Your behavior is totally independent of my purpose. I accept no responsibility for your choices in behavior and posting. You failed and lost, get over it.

Making false about spank is only going to progressively make you falser and falser. Look how false you ended up before when you tried it.
11-18-2015 , 12:54 PM
Well, that happened.
11-18-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Well, that happened.

The good part is the fact that he posted now, proves his complicity by connecting all his previous spank behavior with yours, Roonil's and LetsGambool's. The narrative write's itself on the matter.

So do you plan to persist or are you considering wising up?
11-18-2015 , 01:06 PM
Skanky is talking in third person now?
11-18-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Skanky is talking in third person now?
I could reveal to you it's purpose....
11-18-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
... You are lord and master of my purpose? LMAO you need to go back to the spank thread, scumbag.

I question your purpose to assert information about me. I willfully reject and question your behavior, and assertions including your presumption of power over my purpose and allegations about my linguist communication capability. How about that for some willpower you weak-willed smear artist?

Your false air of knowledge , authority and importance about spank is denounced.

Your campaign of shaming and smearing is rejected and defeated. Accept defeat and move on.

Your behavior is totally independent of my purpose. I accept no responsibility for your choices in behavior and posting. You failed and lost, get over it.

Making false about spank is only going to progressively make you falser and falser. Look how false you ended up before when you tried it.
So... translating to Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Greek, then English this time gives (yeah, I got lazy)...

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie ~ Decoded
You are my Lord. How do you learn to control what their goals are? LMAO should get down to the elegant dick.

The first question is your purpose, is it in order to confirm the information about me? It is confirmed by my deliberately refusing to challenge my behavior and your submissions, including the electricity for their own goals, and accusing my language skills of being poor communicate cases.

So... which someone will power the distortion of your artists that will not be strong? And who condemns the power and the importance of knowing all about your false air of elegance? I refuse shame and your paint, defeating the campaign. I accept defeat and move forward. Your behavior is completely independent of my lack of goals. Behavior and dissemination of select facts of which I accept no responsibility. It is the failure, I lost, get over it.

False on elegance, will make you gradually falser falser. You can see how you can end up with being fake, as ages ago when I tried it.
11-18-2015 , 01:17 PM
Shame trolly, when did you become scared to admit what you are really doing ?

Are you also scared to take it back to the spank thread?

You have behaved like a weak-willed zealous creep, but are you a coward too? I'm ready to respond to your spank output. Are you ready to own up to it in the appropriate place?
11-18-2015 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Shame trolly, when did you become scared to admit what you are really doing ?

Are you also scared to take it back to the spank thread?

You have behaved like a weak-willed zealous creep, but are you a coward too? I'm ready to respond to your spank output. Are you ready to own up to it in the appropriate place?
Ok, I think I have it figured out now: Teh Jabber-Wookie gibberish -> Arabic -> Chinese (simplified) -> Greek -> Esperanto -> English. Then add 1-3 letter words to improve flow. This gives us...

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie ~ decoded
Trolley... shame, when I was afraid to admit that you do truth? Are you also scared behind the elegant theme?

I behaved like a weak creep when excited, but will I be too cowardly? I would like you to produce and be graced by your answer: Do you want to keep the correct position?
11-18-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I'm ready to respond to your spank output.
11-18-2015 , 01:40 PM
Getting down to the elegant dick is a great tagline for a homophobe like spank.
11-18-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Okay, maybe #temSMP ruining threads was slightly worth it just for this
11-18-2015 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Getting down to the elegant dick is a great tagline for a homophobe like spank.

Why are you accusing spank of being a homophobe?
11-18-2015 , 01:47 PM
You know what you posted LMAO you have been tried and convicted. You just spent a morning telling me we don't have to cite anything!
11-18-2015 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Shame trolly, when did you become scared to admit what you are really doing ?

Are you also scared to take it back to the spank thread?

You have behaved like a weak-willed zealous creep, but are you a coward too? I'm ready to respond to your spank output. Are you ready to own up to it in the appropriate place?
Not that it matters, since you willfully refuse to communicate. But here's your response. As a courtesy, I did a reverse-translation by taking my response, removing any 1-3 letter words that only improve flow, then translating -> Esperanto, Greek, Chinese (simplified), Arabic, and then illused the 'English' option to arrive at your kinda gibberish...

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1! ~ coded into Teh Jabber-Wookie gibberish

Hey, German wookie from Jaber: Guan you !!!1!

A Guan
11-18-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Why are you accusing spank of being a homophobe?
RU ready for my spank output?
11-18-2015 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
You know what you posted LMAO you have been tried and convicted. You just spent a morning telling me we don't have to cite anything!
I do recall my position and it was open-minded and smart. Your argument to support your accussation that spank is a homophobe was narrow-minded, incomplete, and whiny- like most of your opinions about people.

We don't need cites to observe how terrible a critic and judge of people you are.
11-18-2015 , 02:47 PM
Do you want to cite your "open-minded and smart" position? Of course not! You are mentally defective waste of life!
11-18-2015 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I do recall my position and it was open-minded and smart. Your argument to support your accussation that spank is a homophobe was narrow-minded, incomplete, and whiny- like most of your opinions about people.

We don't need cites to observe how terrible a critic and judge of people you are.
Actually translates to...

Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie ~ decoded
I do not remember my position. Is it open-minded and intelligent? Your argument in support of your accusation, Your Elegance... it is a narrow atentita-homophobic, and incomplete, like most whiny opinions about others.

We do not need quotes to observe how people fear criticism and condemnation.
At this time, I'd just like to implore Teh Jabber-Wookie here to (reverse-translated into his kinda gibberish, as a courtesy)...
LG's offered you to spit only half - he's training the educated idiot !1!
