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Obama wants the Marines to dress up in girly hats Obama wants the Marines to dress up in girly hats

10-26-2013 , 12:35 PM
Yes, that's right. Obama, who of course personally oversees military dress codes, decided to effeminize our fighting men and women and weaken our image abroad by designing silly new hats for them to wear, according to Fox News. Aside: is "effeminize" even a real word? idk, but I'm running with it here anyway.

Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats

Look how girly they look! Especially the one on the left! These silly hats are supposedly based on a hat design worn by Sgt. Maj. Dan "Sissy-Boy" Daly, who won the Medal of Honor twice and famously yelled “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?” as he led a charge against the Huns in WWI wearing a silly hat and a pink sun dress.

Of course, lefty liberal mouthpiece Stars and Stripes is trying to cover for the administration by claiming that Obama had absolutely dick to do with the change.
10-26-2013 , 01:13 PM
10-26-2013 , 02:10 PM
I'm sure Obama didn't have anything to do with it(I'd think military hats should be about 2500 on his list of priorities). But who did and why would you want to change the marines dress hats? I thought their covers always looked pretty sharp.
10-26-2013 , 02:12 PM
Colbert's segment on this was really good.
10-26-2013 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
I'm sure Obama didn't have anything to do with it(I'd think military hats should be about 2500 on his list of priorities). But who did and why would you want to change the marines dress hats? I thought their covers always looked pretty sharp.
The US military spends an INSANE amount of time and money fiddling with uniforms and dress codes. But it pays off, bc they can totally blend in this couch:

10-26-2013 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed

lol wow. lol murica

Last edited by Toocuteforthis; 10-26-2013 at 03:28 PM. Reason: lolmurica
10-26-2013 , 03:30 PM
lol lol murica
10-26-2013 , 10:52 PM
Just hit me who the new hat looks like Charles de Gaulle!! maybe inspector Clouseau.
10-27-2013 , 10:02 PM
Important politics aside, **** those new stupid covers. C'mon you sons of bitches, don't you want your new dumb idiot cover. Chesty Puller would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't so busy being awesome.
10-27-2013 , 10:04 PM
They look exactly the same
10-27-2013 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by losing all2
Important politics aside, **** those new stupid covers. C'mon you sons of bitches, don't you want your new dumb idiot cover. Chesty Puller would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't so busy being dead.
10-27-2013 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
They look exactly the same

No. they might look alike to someone who doesn't know wtf they're talking about, just like OJ and Mt Dew is alike to someone else who doesn't know wtf he's talking about.

Boom, tables turned.
10-27-2013 , 11:30 PM
All services should get rid of any type of headgear in dress uniform and either none or ball caps for field uniform.
10-27-2013 , 11:45 PM
Whateva, Chef Boyardee.
10-28-2013 , 09:21 AM
Just issue the guys vaginas to even the playing field. Those things are tough, can take a real pounding.
10-28-2013 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by sweep single
I'm sure Obama didn't have anything to do with it(I'd think military hats should be about 2500 on his list of priorities). But who did and why would you want to change the marines dress hats? I thought their covers always looked pretty sharp.
You need to stop posting during recess and work on your ****ing multiplication tables.
10-28-2013 , 11:40 AM
This could be cross posted in multiple threads as it touches on so much:
(1) Death of the Republican Party - cause this is the kind of crap that they focus on to feed their froth. It also shows how childish and neanderthal they feel their demographic is. This isn't quite as bad as freedom fries but same ballpark.
(2) Fox news thread on why they're such a crappy network. First, its an outright lie if you believe the military (and have common sense). To believe that the President is involved with the design of the uniforms... its beyond asinine. You'd like to think their viewers would see through it but I'm sure they know their crowd best. (for some reason comments are disabled. I'm sure there would have been some laughs to be found there)

Similarly, I heard a snippet of some story too about Limbaugh freaking out that football players are wearing pink to raise awareness about cancer. just looked it up and copied this headline from Media Matters:

Rush: NFL Wearing Pink For Breast Cancer Proves There's A National Assault On Masculinity
Limbaugh: "The Chickification Of Everything Is Taking Place ... Feelings Are Triumphing Over Common Sense"
This is the kind of neanderthal thinking that drives so much of the right and, I believe, keeps them from expanding their audience. Who can want to associate with these idiots?
10-28-2013 , 11:47 AM
Ha. Went to Freeper site. Knew it would have some laughs. I started out pleasantly surprised to see an ex military man posting that the story was ridiculous. On further inspection, I see that its just a post of an editoria from Business Insider. It reads:

The Story About Obama Wanting Marines To Wear 'Girly' Hats Is Total B.S.
Business Insider ^ | October 24, 2013 | Paul Szoldra

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2013 4:24:29 PM by EveningStar

There's a big story getting passed around in military circles and beyond from The New York Post that President Obama wants the Marines to start wearing 'girly' caps...

As a Marine veteran who knows how these changes actually happen, I can tell you the story is 100% B.S. The bottom line: The President doesn't involve himself in what troops happen to be wearing...

"The President in no way, shape, or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover," said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a spokesperson for the Marine Corps. "We're looking for a new cover for our female Marines for the primary reason that the former manufacturer went out of business. The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover." ..
At any rate, I thought this was a promising start. Then I read some of the comments:

Yes, and Henry II never ordered Beckett to be assassinated. But his buddies knew what he wanted.
To: EveningStar

OK, Cpt. Maureen. You just keep believing that BO would never pay attention to the minutae of emasculating the troops when it suits your purpose.
And we should believe this is BS because..........

This asswipe in the White Hut is a psychologically disturbed muslim, nutcase Marxist! He is capable of any damned thing and you, poster, very well know this. Shilling for this Cupcake?
My favorite:
Hey, Paul, I’m a Marine veteran too and I also know how these things work. You assume a normal state of affairs within the Pentagon. Things work differently when we have a Kenyan King, so **** off with your expert opinion.
anything goes, I reckun, when it comes to diverting attention from Benghazi
This story is from ‘Business Insider’, which is a Democrat propaganda publication meant to look like a competitor of Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, etc. Therefore, it cannot be trusted and neither can this guy Paul Szoldra. I’m saying he’s probably a liar and his story should not be trusted.

Sure, maybe Ubama didn’t give the order directly, but it is a known fact that the scumbag liberal Democrats love to screw around with the Marines. For example, it is well known that the Clinton mob was relentless in trying to make Marine Corps boot camp train men and women together, like the army. The Marines told the Clinton mob to go play in the street.

Ubama and the Chicago mob (descendants of the Capone mob, remember) are playing tougher. I’m not sure what the body count is for top military commanders fired by Ubama, but it’s unprecedented - - through the roof. A large part of that has to do with the sodomization and feminization of the once-proud US military, but the rest is strictly for intimidation. Play (scumbag liberal Democrat) ball, or you’re gone.

If Paul Szoldra isn’t a liar and a rat operative, then why is this story in ‘Business Insider’?
I can't decide if reading the Freeper site is healthy. Sometimes I laugh. Then I get depressed. These are some of the dumbest people on earth.

On a positive note, it makes me realize in comparison how much lower the ****** population is here.

10-28-2013 , 01:13 PM
I'm impressed with the Thomas Beckett reference, tbh.
10-29-2013 , 04:17 AM
Will no one rid me of these turbulent hats?
