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LOL @ all things libertarian-type !!!1! LOL @ all things libertarian-type !!!1!

05-05-2014 , 09:36 AM
Cliffnotes: Don't worry about Obama cracking down on porn star bank accounts or spying on people or assassinating citizens, guys, some unnamed "rank and file democrats" actually like libertarian ideas so it's probably cool even though hilary will be dropping the same bombs and bailing out the same banks.
05-05-2014 , 09:38 AM
05-05-2014 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Cliffnotes: Don't worry about Obama cracking down on porn star bank accounts or spying on people or assassinating citizens, guys, some unnamed "rank and file democrats" actually like libertarian ideas so it's probably cool even though hilary will be dropping the same bombs and bailing out the same banks.
Remember kids, when the cognitive dissonance hurts too much,

DO: talk about all the bad things that happen in reality land. Make the laundry list as long as possible! Remember, anyone who doesn't self-identify as a libertarian is 100% in favor of everything bad that happens in reality.

DO NOT: talk about how Libertarianism works. Will banks discriminate against some types of professionals in Libertopia? Will "citizens" of Libertarian nations ever be assassinated by DROs? How can we know life will be any better? Goodness, you don't want to go down that rabbit hole.
05-05-2014 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
New improved flavor with 35% less Neo-Confederate sympathy!
05-05-2014 , 10:38 AM

please, use your non-cognatively-dissonanced intellect to tell us all again how ending the war on drugs is NOT a libertarian idea.

Regale us with your tales about how this is somehow all about making YOU PERSONALLY in favor of every bad thing (which, if you read the thread, is actually the tactic you've been employing the whole time, seems weird that you'd be so defensive about it even potentially being turned around on you).

Again, this isn't about YOU. it's about your pathetically transparent argument that doesn't even stand up to the slightest scrutiny.
05-05-2014 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by pvn

What the jesus **** are you talking about, dude? How does D, M, W, L, S or C fit into ANY "perception of libertarianism"???

Let me rephrase for you since you seem to be having trouble. You want to LOL at "all things libertarian type". OK, tell us what's LOL-worthy about people smoking weed if they want to without armed thugs shooting them or kidnapping them and locking them in cages?

What's LOL-worthy about opposing the idea of assassinating US citizens without due process?

What's LOL-worthy about opposing the bulk survelliance state?

Please, you seem to be having all the yuks, let us in on the joke.
Bump for missiledog. You want to LOL AT ALL THINGS LIBERTARIAN TYPE, but somehow if we assume you oppose a libertarian idea there's been some INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST TRICK played on you? So here's your big chance, straighten us out. Tell us what you really mean.
05-05-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
...Right, so rank and file US democrats are getting all of their good ideas.... from libertarians. LOL indeed. Game, set match, thanks...
LOL no. This has nothing to do with comparing US-Democrats-types or Street-gang-types -vs- Libertarian-types.

The point I keep making, and you keep missing, is that none of these 'right side of obvious' issues are 'Libertarian Issues' at all. How could they be... most all of these issues have existed long before Libertarian-type-ism was ever intentionally and professionally think-tank created (1950s), or widely popularized as a commercial brand name (1970s).

But sure, let's take a closer look at the history of Libertarian-type-ism in regard to some of the issues raised ITT...

Current Drone Wars"Rules" of war issueHistorically predates Libertarian-type-ism
Private Drone WeaponsZOMG crazy !!!1!Libertarian-types are proponents
Militarized PolicePublic policy issueLibertarian-types aren't opponents
War on Drug UsersPublic Policy issueLibertarian-types are of mixed opinion
Lying to CongressSimple HonestyHistorically predates Libertarian-type-ism
Surveillance OverreachPublic Policy issueHistorically predates Libertarian-type-ism
Undo Owner InfluenceClass issueLibertarian-types are proponents (not opponents)
Child LaborClass issueLibertarian-types are proponents
Sexual HarassmentGender issueOK with Libertarian-types, as long as it's what they uniquely call 'voluntary'
SlaveryZOMG crazy !!!1!Libertarian-types are of mixed opinion

...You don't care... you're not interested in actually discussing good policies for the sake of improving things, you're instead interested in cheering for the right team and policies are just a means for you to get the "correct" team across the finish line...
You got this somewhat correct.

I'll admit I don't care to actually discuss "good policies for the sake of improving things" at all ITT. This isn't a policy thread. In fact, in it's own snarky way, it's a meta-policy thread. This is a LOL@Something broad brush attack thread. Check out the title: Re: LOL @ all things libertarian-type !!!1!.

Besides, to actually discuss and evaluate Libertarian-type policies "for the sake of improving things" IRL... Libertarian-types would have to both break Rule#1 (see above), and be willing to entertain a hypothetical without getting all butthurt and dissembling.

Other than that, LOL@U.

Your Libertarian-type Manicheanism is shining through again. Are you imagining it's all about the Libertarian-types -vs- the 'Statists' ITT? LMFAO no. There ain't any 'right' team ITT, only a team of clowns. And there ain't no finish line to cross, youz guyz just keep on coming and coming...

...uh huh, and now we're into full reality-distortion mode...
So I just imagineered up the whole 'Statist'-rights L.Ron (Over)lution long con ??
05-05-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by pvn

please, use your non-cognatively-dissonanced intellect to tell us all again how ending the war on drugs is NOT a libertarian.
Man, hippy-dippy social liberals of all stripes have been pushing for legalizing weed since way before internet libertarianism was a thing. You might as well claim that opposing police violence is a uniquely libertarian thing-- o wait, you did that already.

Further, there's no reason a Ron Paul Libertarian-style govt couldn't have draconian drug laws, if that's what the state voters want.
05-05-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
LOL no. This has nothing to do with comparing US-Democrats-types or Street-gang-types -vs- Libertarian-types.

The point I keep making, and you keep missing, is that none of these 'right side of obvious' issues are 'Libertarian Issues' at all.
No, I understand that this is the point you're trying to make. I don't miss it at all. It's just that it's a totally stupid point and self-evidently wrong.

"hey guys let's pretend that weed legalization isn't libertarian because libertarians R DUM they can't possibly like anything GOOD and, bonus, then I can make this dumb thread" BRILLIANT, I LOVE YOU MAN, DONT EVER CHANGE.
05-05-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Man, hippy-dippy social liberals of all stripes have been pushing for legalizing weed since way before internet libertarianism was a thing. You might as well claim that opposing police violence is a uniquely libertarian thing-- o wait, you did that already.
What does this have to do with anything? Now we're defining "libertarianism" as "ideas that came from the internet"? And what does "uniquely libertarian" have to do with anything? Keep moving them goalposts, keep redefining words on the fly, keep digging that dumb hole you find yourself in.

Further, there's no reason a Ron Paul Libertarian-style govt couldn't have draconian drug laws, if that's what the state voters want.
So? I mean, do you really want to play by this standard? Think about it for more than three seconds. And note, if you do want to go with this, it totally undermines your earlier efforts in this thread were you hitched your wagon to the "libertarianism = full-blown anarchocapitalism" gambit.
05-05-2014 , 11:40 AM

except for things people might have talked about before some unspecified "internet" date in the past
and things that might have to do with working inside a consitutional government
except for when I decide I DO want to talk about working inside that sort of government
also exclude this long list of things that 99.999% of people would agree are libertarian but I like them so I need them to be called something else
so, uh, lol child labor
05-05-2014 , 11:42 AM
The great mistake isn't that the drug war is democrat or republican and the great benefit isn't that the drug war isn't libertarian.

The great mistake is the drug war isn't very American. It's outcomes serves none of these principles; peace, liberty, security, and general welfare.

The great benefit is that it is not just libertarians who can realize the great mistake.
05-05-2014 , 11:42 AM
Missile dog,

Hate to break this to you but child labor, sexual harassment and slavery all predate internet libertarianism, so you have to scratch them off your list too.
05-05-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The great benefit is that it is not just libertarians who can realize the great mistake.
I agree. Missiledog doesn't. It's only non-libertarians who get credit for opposing drugs in his moral calculus.
05-05-2014 , 11:52 AM
PVN, to get back to what originally started your discussion with the Trollys, you posted links concerning
1) The drone killing of a US citizen without due process
2) Militarization of police forces
3) An intelligence official lying to congress

You really think most people don't think these are horrendous occurrences? Presumably you posted them because think that in a stateless society these are less likely to occur?

So, why is it less likely that without government:
1) a private, completely unregulated security services company would kill people without due process?
2) a private, unregulated security company would become heavily militarized?
3) a representative of a private, unregulated security organization would not lie about their operations? At least there is a body that is meant to provide oversight and is theoretically accountable to people - i.e. congress - as lol as it is. What kind of equivalent body do you think would exist in a stateless society?
05-05-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
[Shame Trolly !!!1!],

please, use your non-cognatively-dissonanced intellect to tell us all again how ending the war on drugs is NOT a libertarian idea...
LOL just no... I mean WTF do you mean by a 'Libertarian Idea'?
  • Is it an idea that is unique to Libertarian-type-ism? LOL no.
  • Is it an idea Libertarian-types thought of first? LOL no.
    Libertarian-type-ism itself hasn't been around that long.
  • Was Libertarian-type-ism created around this idea? LOL no.
    In fact, we know what think-tank created Libertarian-type-ism. And we know what it was created as: Cold War propaganda.
  • Is it an idea that all Libertarian-types share? LOL no. See L.Ron.
  • Is it an idea that most Libertarian-types share?

    Not in my personal experience. Most self-identifying Libertarian-types I talk to favor legalizing pot for adults, but are in favor continuing prohibition on hard drugs, and pot for kids. Exactly like most self-identifying 'liberals' I talk to.

    Besides, most self-identifying Libertarian-types I talk to are strong 'Statist'-righters, just like L.Ron. And, AFAIK, 'Statist'-rights dogma always trumps Libertarian-type dogma among these idiots...

    So once again, no. In my personal experience, Libertarian-types aren't in favor of legalizing drugs... they favor legalizing pot for adults, and only in those jurisdictions where the legitimate government has duly given their prior permissions.

  • Is it an idea that some Libertarian-types share? Maybe, sure.
    But a whole lot are into Gold-buggery too.

I don't see how it qualifies as a "Libertarian-type" Ideal, except in the weakest sense... like saying certain conspiracy theories are Libertarian Ideals too. Correlation != an Ideal.

But of course, YMMV.

But don't fool yourself... if nothing else, I really gotta believe that most Libertarian-types are also 'Statist'-righters. 'Statist'-righters are simply not against the War on Drug Users... their single and simple concern is only how many points the star-shaped badges have.
05-05-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PokerIMO
You really think most people don't think these are horrendous occurrences?
No. This is a thread claiming libertarian ideas are lol-worthy. Whether "most people" agree that these are bad or not isn't really relevant.

Presumably you posted them because think that in a stateless society these are less likely to occur?
No. This is a thread about libertarianism, not anarchocapitalism.
05-05-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Lif nothing else, I really gotta believe that most Libertarian-types are also 'Statist'-righters. 'Statist'-righters are simply not against the War on Drug Users... their single and simple concern is only how many points the star-shaped badges have.
A) I have no idea what this even means

B) so you want to lol at statist righters? but somehow if you use the word "libertarian" instead it helps your argument because ____________?


* I mean statist righters OBVIOUSLY LOL!!!
05-05-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
LOL just no... I mean WTF do you mean by a 'Libertarian Idea'?
I think the better question is what do YOU mean by it. I mean, this is your thread. So far we have "things that are bad" and "things right-statists like". Seems like a pretty solid definition to me, don't ever change dude.
05-05-2014 , 12:25 PM
Missiledog ideas: betterness

libertarian ideas: worseness

QED, let's go home. Who isn't for betterness? Libertarians, that's who! No need to actually examine any pesky policies, we conveniently definied the terms so no critical thinking is required!
05-05-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
[Shame Trolly !!!1!],

Hate to break this to you but child labor, sexual harassment and slavery all predate internet libertarianism, so you have to scratch them off your list too.
Oh noes... I've been misunderstood.

This thread isn't meant in any way to be limited to post internet-era Libertarian-type-ism and Libertarian-types. When I put "all things" into the title, that's exactly what I meant.

Everything Libertarian-type is fair game !!!1!

Starting with the John Birch Society, through A.Rand's painful scribbles, the Koch bros, all the NAPpy 'voluntary' sophistry, The Republic of Minerva, that flourishing market in children, Borodog/Nielsio/zan nen/Livra, L.Ron's (Over)lution, Adam The Man Kokesh, on up to L.Rand in the news.
05-05-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
No. This is a thread claiming libertarian ideas are lol-worthy. Whether "most people" agree that these are bad or not isn't really relevant.

No. This is a thread about libertarianism, not anarchocapitalism.
Well, anarchocapitalism is a 'flavour' of libertarianism. Which libertarian philosophy are you talking about and do you believe in? The term 'libertarianism' seems to be so broad that its basically pointless talking about it because no-one actually seems to know, or agree on, what on earth it is.

Like, as Trolly has pointed out, it seem like a helluva stretch to think that drone assassinations, militarized police forces, and lying officials being a bad thing is a uniquely 'libertarian' position.

It's like: well, bad thing that happens in a democratic, capitalist society* is bad. Ok, fine. So what's the libertarian alternative? What would it look like, specifically? How would it happen?

*Putting to one side for the moment that there are plenty of other democratic, capitalist societies that don't do half the horrendous things the US govt does.
05-05-2014 , 01:09 PM
I don't know any libertarian types that favor keeping harder drugs illegal. Is this some bizarre San Diego thing? Or maybe an unusual feature of libertarians that join IWW?

Last edited by AlexM; 05-05-2014 at 01:15 PM.
05-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
Any Rabd wasn't a libertarian. She said so herself.
05-05-2014 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by PokerIMO
Well, anarchocapitalism is a 'flavour' of libertarianism. Which libertarian philosophy are you talking about and do you believe in?
It doesn't matter which one I believe in. The title of this thread says ALL THINGS LIBERTARIAN TYPE so why do we need to get into all this semantik subdividing and inquisition?

The term 'libertarianism' seems to be so broad that its basically pointless talking about it because no-one actually seems to know, or agree on, what on earth it is.
I disagree, missiledog seems to know (somewhere down there in his head) what he means by it, and his definition seems to be quite specific given the huge number of things he wants to exclude from being considered under that label.

Like, as Trolly has pointed out, it seem like a helluva stretch to think that drone assassinations, militarized police forces, and lying officials being a bad thing is a uniquely 'libertarian' position.
They don't have to be uniquely libertarian. Again, it's ALL things libertarian type, where's all this need to qualify that after the fact in the small type?

It's like: well, bad thing that happens in a democratic, capitalist society* is bad. Ok, fine. So what's the libertarian alternative? What would it look like, specifically? How would it happen?

Bad thing: war on drugs
what's the alternative: not having one
what would it look like, specificially: what difference does this make? I mean how specific do you want to get? Let's talk about EXACTLY what concentrations of THC we'll allow to be sold in the corner grocery store, if you don't have a SPECIFIC ANSWER then obviously it's some utopian pipe dream! I get it, same old bull**** obstructionist endless-series-of-hoops to jump through to satisfy your disingeous hand-wringing "concern" over the kids, THEN, MAYBE, we'll consider your ideas. OK, sure thing dude.

*Putting to one side for the moment that there are plenty of other democratic, capitalist societies that don't do half the horrendous things the US govt does.
cool story?
