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LOL @ all things libertarian-type !!!1! LOL @ all things libertarian-type !!!1!

05-13-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
No. There will be no taxes. A lottery would be sufficient in generating the revenue necessary. The force and theft currently exhibited by governments is unnecessary.

No. States should not be allowed to collect taxes, because taxation is theft. If a group attempts to steal from people under the guise of taxation, the people have a right to defend themselves. It would be suicide to attempt that, in this era.

Yes, since both agree to all of the conditions beforehand, via contracts.

(You were serious? All of this isn't self-evident?)
So you don't believe in a libertarian government as much as anarchy. I suppose Capitalism will suffice to replace everything the government does now?

So how does national defense work with no taxes?
How do people in sparsely populated rural areas pay for infrastructure that is currently covered by taxes?
And of course there is the question of the poors and the social safety net. Since there is no "common good" in such a place, only a bunch of individuals solely concerned with increasing their own assists at the cost of everyone else's?
05-13-2014 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
If you feel that way, I have succeeded. You have bullied yourself effectively by continuing to engage in getting your own behavior repeatedly stuffed back in your face.

The best part of this post, is the last part. Where you bully by using yet another bald appeal to self-doubt with your accusations of indoctrination.
It's a good thing I've been nice, then, eh?

Just calling them like I see them, spanktehbadwookie.

I can't help it if you are offended. The only person with control over your emotions, is you.
05-13-2014 , 10:39 AM
05-13-2014 , 10:41 AM
05-13-2014 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
wat? I'm asking some pretty simple questions, I'm not saying anything is so. I even kep it within your three sentence limit!
you said you had proven that IF we want to be logically consistent AND we believe taxes=theft then we must also believe rent=theft. I asked to see your work and you got all offended and said you (or one of your buddies) had already shown that work in this thread. Can you provide a link to that proof?

yes or no?
05-13-2014 , 10:45 AM
Another reason tax is not theft: Personal Responsibility. How? Well think about it.
05-13-2014 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
So you don't believe in a libertarian government as much as anarchy. I suppose Capitalism will suffice to replace everything the government does now?
How does a "government protecting people's rights" become "anarchy", through your eyes?

Yes, capitalism/free trade would go a long way in making the necessary replacements.

(People really think we need the NSA? Or any of the other various 3 letter departments?)
05-13-2014 , 10:46 AM
also note that it would be a lot easier to find your previous statements if you only posted via one account. Of course, it's entirely possible you want to make it as difficult as possible for people to do that, in which case carry on.
05-13-2014 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Will there be no taxation in Libertopia? What if states want to collect taxes? Will landlords be able to charge their tenants rent?
05-13-2014 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
How does a "government protecting people's rights" become "anarchy", through your eyes?

Yes, capitalism/free trade would go a long way in making the necessary replacements.

(People really think we need the NSA? Or any of the other various 3 letter departments?)
You refuse to say what your lib government will actually do only imply that it will be less than half the size of the current government.

You imply that it will be small enough to be funded by one of the least impressive lotteries on the market.

"government protecting people's rights" becomes anarchy when it is too small or too underfunded to be at all effective.

I do think we need the NSA because other governments spy on us and there are non-government groups that want to attack our country. I don't think they need to be as thorough as they are now but there is a difference between the validity of the mission and way the mission is carried out.

How are rural folks going to pay for infrastructure in your world?
05-13-2014 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Is this really your big reveal?
05-13-2014 , 11:13 AM
Tax is theft works best if you received nothing for your taxes, which is false.

Rent is theft works best if you consider taxes to be a fee for use of the country.

I'm sure MD will correct me if this is an oversimplification.
05-13-2014 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
[1]So how does national defense work with no taxes?
[2]How do people in sparsely populated rural areas pay for infrastructure that is currently covered by taxes?
[3]And of course there is the question of the poors and the social safety net. Since there is no "common good" in such a place, only a bunch of individuals solely concerned with increasing their own assists at the cost of everyone else's?
[1.] If you were threatened, you wouldn't defend yourself? If your friends were threatened, you wouldn't defend them? But, maybe you're right. We need more defense, because of all of the **** we're stirring up in the world with our current "defense", right?

[2.] Why do you assume these people are helped by taxes? If it's a rural area with a sparse population, you most likely mean out in the country. A large percentage of those people are more self-reliant. (That's why they moved there in the first place. To get away from you and your silly lawls!)

[3.] People will only help others, if force is involved? Charity won't exist? You obviously haven't heard of the charities being shut down in certain states, simply because they didn't have a permit.
05-13-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
No. There will be no taxes. A lottery would be sufficient in generating the revenue necessary. The force and theft currently exhibited by governments is unnecessary.
Sufficient in generating revenue? Should we just trust you on this Proph? It has been questioned and attacked repeatedly by essentially everyone and you never give any reason for anyone to believe this is anything but a joke. I mean seriously, you can't even identify what central authority would be running the lottery or what specifically would need funding! It's like you're terrified of things not vague.
05-13-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I do think we need the NSA because other governments spy on us and there are non-government groups that want to attack our country. I don't think they need to be as thorough as they are now but there is a difference between the validity of the mission and way the mission is carried out.
You realize they all trade information, right?

The NSA claims not to spy on its own citizens, which has been proven to be a lie, given the Snowden leaks, but technically they aren't doing the spying, if they request the information from other governmental spying agencies.

How does the NSA spying stop other countries from spying, again? Or, do you think that the NSA spying is okay, because everyone else is doing it?

What if "the mission" is to squash dissent?
05-13-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
[1.] If you were threatened, you wouldn't defend yourself? If your friends were threatened, you wouldn't defend them? But, maybe you're right. We need more defense, because of all of the **** we're stirring up in the world with our current "defense", right?
So no national defense and essentially an isolationist world view. why would I defend my neighbor when I wouldn't help them when they lose their job or are murdered for not paying rent?

[2.] Why do you assume these people are helped by taxes? If it's a rural area with a sparse population, you most likely mean out in the country. A large percentage of those people are more self-reliant. (That's why they moved there in the first place. To get away from you and your silly lawls!)
I assume these people are helped by taxes because they are helped by taxes. Their infrastructure isn't much cheaper than infrastructure in more densely populated areas. We've been paying a tax on our phone bills for decades to make sure they get as good of phone service as in cities. You really only know how the world "should" work and not the way that it actual does do you?

[3.] People will only help others, if force is involved? Charity won't exist? You obviously haven't heard of the charities being shut down in certain states, simply because they didn't have a permit.
Why doesn't charity work now? There is nothing stopping people donating to charity now and there are tax incentives for it and yet it isn't very effective. I guess once all the poors and undesirable races are killed off the population will be small enough for charity to be more effective... Oh, why do you think people would help other people? The entire lib system is set up to protect individuals properties, there is nothing in your system that even pays lip service to the idea of being a community.
05-13-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Sufficient in generating revenue? Should we just trust you on this Proph? It has been questioned and attacked repeatedly by essentially everyone and you never give any reason for anyone to believe this is anything but a joke. I mean seriously, you can't even identify what central authority would be running the lottery or what specifically would need funding! It's like you're terrified of things not vague.
Take my word on it?

Of course not! Think it through yourself.

Oops, I see my mistake!

For some reason, you fail to grasp that this government would be voluntary, and there might be multiple. How can I describe a constantly changing entity that revolves around the market, when you have no concept of how capitalism works, as evidenced by your questions?
05-13-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
You realize they all trade information, right?

The NSA claims not to spy on its own citizens, which has been proven to be a lie, given the Snowden leaks, but technically they aren't doing the spying, if they request the information from other governmental spying agencies.

How does the NSA spying stop other countries from spying, again? Or, do you think that the NSA spying is okay, because everyone else is doing it?

What if "the mission" is to squash dissent?
What if it isn't? You are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water, you assume that everything the government does is awful and there is nothing of value. You have to for your world view to make sense. Yes, I know they all share information that is the NSA's job, to get signals intelligence and share it with the other intelligence agencies.

It's also very, very amusing to think good will is going to prevent the same or worse levels of 'bad things' being done in your no-government system.
05-13-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
You really only know how the world "should" work and not the way that it actual does do you?
I know how the world works.

That's why I propose changing it.

"Who will build the roads?"
"Who will put up the telephone lines?"
"Who will feed my kids?"

Why Or, why don't you voluntarily pay someone to do these things, instead of forcing others to pay for you?

(All of this is ignoring the incompetency and misuse of funds in government, too, btw.)
05-13-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Tax is theft works best if you received nothing for your taxes, which is false.

Rent is theft works best if you consider taxes to be a fee for use of the country.

I'm sure MD will correct me if this is an oversimplification.
When I mug people, I give them a rose, and that makes it all okay.
05-13-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Yes, I know they all share information that is the NSA's job, to get signals intelligence and share it with the other intelligence agencies.

It's also very, very amusing to think good will is going to prevent the same or worse levels of 'bad things' being done in your no-government system.

Government is the best vehicle for evil.

Can't let silly bumps, like rights, get in the way, can we?
05-13-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
When I mug people, I give them a rose, and that makes it all okay.
How romantic!

If only police officers were as sensual as you...
05-13-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Tax is theft works best if you received nothing for your taxes, which is false.

Rent is theft works best if you consider taxes to be a fee for use of the country.
We'll ignore the fact that whether you "get something" or not for your taxes has nothing to do with whether they're morally justifiable or not.

These two sentences do nothing to show that IF tax=theft then necessarily rent=theft. It's just two random, unconnected opinions.
05-13-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
For some reason, you fail to grasp that this government would be voluntary, and there might be multiple. How can I describe a constantly changing entity that revolves around the market, when you have no concept of how capitalism works, as evidenced by your questions?
Wait, what? How is that going to work? Multiple Voluntary Governments? So you would break the United States into a bunch of fiefdoms? So how is the inevitable conflict for resources going to be handled in MVG land?
05-13-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Proph

Government is the best vehicle for evil.

Can't let silly bumps, like rights, get in the way, can we?
Where is the right to privacy in your 3 rights?
