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Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left

08-21-2014 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Unlike you, my purpose here is not to use first person plural as much as possible in some misguided attempt at speaking for the forum. I'm not scowering 2+2, looking for opportunities to lead relationally aggro efforts against internet randos, putting forth the effort of spewing pure, unfiltered vitriol tens of thousands of times, racking up record amounts of temp bans along the way.

That is you, bro, #dudeliterally. You should be proud.

minor nit:

08-21-2014 , 10:51 PM
not sure that's a minor nit

beginning to wonder if bitterman actually got a diploma from a reputable school

though i think i've already wondered this
08-22-2014 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
what can I say? Though you post rarely, you've shown that you're remarkably easy to mock and you will post something so dumb to get everyone laughing.

You've yet to explain the scandal about soy milk?! Sure - we assume you stupidly think everyone who drinks it believes they're drinking dairy milk... but maybe what you're thinking is even dumber then what you seem to be implying? .
I post rarely, because unlike many on these threads, I have a life outside of 2+2. I have a business to run. I have a family to enjoy time with. I have better things to do during the day than troll these threads.

As for the "soy milk scandal" as YOU called it. I never said it was a scandal. I just used it as an example to explain how "Global Warming" was now being marketed as "Climate Change", when it came out that the earth has actually been in a cooling cycle. So "Global Warming" had to be repackaged and marketed differently as "Climate Change" because there was too much money to be made. It's a business, no different than "Soy Milk" that originally was "Soy Juice" but it didn't sell, so it was repackaged as "Soy Milk". And the Veg Heads rejoiced and bought it up. And it was so successful that then came "Almond Milk" and the others.

It's not a scandal, so don't put a "gate" at the end of soy milk. It's just clever marketing.
08-22-2014 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I post rarely, because unlike many on these threads, I have a life outside of 2+2. I have a business to run. I have a family to enjoy time with. I have better things to do during the day than troll these threads.

As for the "soy milk scandal" as YOU called it. I never said it was a scandal. I just used it as an example to explain how "Global Warming" was now being marketed as "Climate Change", when it came out that the earth has actually been in a cooling cycle. So "Global Warming" had to be repackaged and marketed differently as "Climate Change" because there was too much money to be made. It's a business, no different than "Soy Milk" that originally was "Soy Juice" but it didn't sell, so it was repackaged as "Soy Milk". And the Veg Heads rejoiced and bought it up. And it was so successful that then came "Almond Milk" and the others.

It's not a scandal, so don't put a "gate" at the end of soy milk. It's just clever marketing.
The earth isn't in a cooling cycle, certain areas of the earth are in a cooling cycle. Big swings in certain areas are causing additional big swings in other areas, hence why climate change is a more accurate descriptor, even though on a whole, the changes in climate are brought about by a general overall warming
08-22-2014 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I post rarely, because unlike many on these threads, I have a life outside of 2+2. I have a business to run. I have a family to enjoy time with. I have better things to do during the day than troll these threads.

As for the "soy milk scandal" as YOU called it. I never said it was a scandal. I just used it as an example to explain how "Global Warming" was now being marketed as "Climate Change", when it came out that the earth has actually been in a cooling cycle. So "Global Warming" had to be repackaged and marketed differently as "Climate Change" because there was too much money to be made. It's a business, no different than "Soy Milk" that originally was "Soy Juice" but it didn't sell, so it was repackaged as "Soy Milk". And the Veg Heads rejoiced and bought it up. And it was so successful that then came "Almond Milk" and the others.

It's not a scandal, so don't put a "gate" at the end of soy milk. It's just clever marketing.
So why is soy milk a scam that only liberals have fallen for?

Sending out those conservative chain letters and facebook posts isn't running a business BTW
08-22-2014 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
The earth isn't in a cooling cycle, certain areas of the earth are in a cooling cycle. Big swings in certain areas are causing additional big swings in other areas, hence why climate change is a more accurate descriptor, even though on a whole, the changes in climate are brought about by a general overall warming
You just couldn't restrain yourself. Keep spouting repeating that nonsense over and over until you believe it.
08-22-2014 , 09:18 AM

a business, no different than "Soy Milk" that originally was "Soy Juice" but it didn't sell, so it was repackaged as "Soy Milk".
link? Because there's a good chance you totally made this up or stole the idea from a Lewis Black bit and didn't realize comedy isn't a historical lesson.
08-22-2014 , 09:19 AM
What racket are you in cerveza? Running your own herbalife "business"?
08-22-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I post rarely, because unlike many on these threads, I have a life outside of 2+2. I have a business to run. I have a family to enjoy time with. I have better things to do during the day than troll these threads.

As for the "soy milk scandal" as YOU called it. I never said it was a scandal. I just used it as an example to explain how "Global Warming" was now being marketed as "Climate Change", when it came out that the earth has actually been in a cooling cycle. So "Global Warming" had to be repackaged and marketed differently as "Climate Change" because there was too much money to be made. It's a business, no different than "Soy Milk" that originally was "Soy Juice" but it didn't sell, so it was repackaged as "Soy Milk". And the Veg Heads rejoiced and bought it up. And it was so successful that then came "Almond Milk" and the others.

It's not a scandal, so don't put a "gate" at the end of soy milk. It's just clever marketing.
Wow. That's an incredible amount of condensed wrong. Thank you. You do deliver!

It's cute that you clearly do no research beyond chainmails. Not only is your history on the use of terminology completely wrong, you're even wrong on what parties were involved and why. Sadly for you, most people here know how to look things up before they post. So you again just look dumb.

And to be clear, I'm speaking about both your examples of global warming and soy milk. They're both completely wrong - so much so that it would almost appear that you were trying to be wrong on purpose.

Let's look at soymilk - you claim it was called soy juice and then changed as a marketing event. Isn't it odd then that there are articles from the late 1800's comparing the nutritional value of soy bean milk to dairy milk? Furthermore, the notion that it should be called soy juice instead of milk is largely out there because it was a Lewis black routine. Not because of marketing. It is fitting that you would be pushing punch lines of jokes as facts though. It explains why you seem so ignorant.

I'll close this post with a big excerpt on Frank Lutz - propaganda guy for conservatives who, among other things, is credited with the Bush administration using the term climate change instead of global warming. Note- there are other documents one can cite showing how the scientific community has used the terms but that's clearly too highbrow and fact based for the kind of troll who thinks comedian's jokes about soy bean milk counts as research.

Although Luntz later tried to distance himself from the Bush administration policy, it was his idea that administration communications reframe "global warming" as "climate change" since "climate change" was thought to sound less severe.[18] Luntz has since said that he is not responsible for what the Bush administration did after that time. Though he now believes humans have contributed to global warming, he maintains that the science was in fact incomplete, and his recommendation sound, at the time he made it.[19]

In a 2002 memo to President George W. Bush titled "The Environment: A Cleaner, Safer, Healthier America", obtained by the Environmental Working Group, Luntz wrote: "The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science.... Voters believe that there is no consensus about global warming within the scientific community. Should the public come to believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly. Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate, and defer to scientists and other experts in the field."[20]

In 2010, Luntz announced new research that shows the American people are eager for Congress to act on climate legislation that would promote energy independence and a healthier environment. "Americans want their leaders to act on climate change – but not necessarily for the reasons you think," Luntz said. "A clear majority of Americans believe climate change is happening. This is true of McCain voters and Obama voters alike. And even those that don't still believe it is essential for America to pursue policies that promote energy independence and a cleaner, healthier environment." In reference to recent political events, Luntz added: "People are much more interested in seeing solutions than watching yet another partisan political argument." [21]
I'm sure you'll ignore the fact that this doc shows not only that the republicans recognized that the science was against them but that the public wasn't aware of this yet so they still had time to try to confuse the uninformed members of the public. They set out to confuse idiots like you and you play your part perfectly. The nice thing about you is we all know that even you reading about how they knew the scientific was coming against them and them acknowledging that they're going to basically lie about it - you'll still continue believing the lie.

Too funny.
08-22-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
Wow. That's an incredible amount of condensed wrong. Thank you. You do deliver!

It's cute that you clearly do no research beyond chainmails. Not only is your history on the use of terminology completely wrong, you're even wrong on what parties were involved and why. Sadly for you, most people here know how to look things up before they post. So you again just look dumb.

And to be clear, I'm speaking about both your examples of global warming and soy milk. They're both completely wrong - so much so that it would almost appear that you were trying to be wrong on purpose.

Let's look at soymilk - you claim it was called soy juice and then changed as a marketing event. Isn't it odd then that there are articles from the late 1800's comparing the nutritional value of soy bean milk to dairy milk? Furthermore, the notion that it should be called soy juice instead of milk is largely out there because it was a Lewis black routine. Not because of marketing. It is fitting that you would be pushing punch lines of jokes as facts though. It explains why you seem so ignorant.

I'll close this post with a big excerpt on Frank Lutz - propaganda guy for conservatives who, among other things, is credited with the Bush administration using the term climate change instead of global warming. Note- there are other documents one can cite showing how the scientific community has used the terms but that's clearly too highbrow and fact based for the kind of troll who thinks comedian's jokes about soy bean milk counts as research.

I'm sure you'll ignore the fact that this doc shows not only that the republicans recognized that the science was against them but that the public wasn't aware of this yet so they still had time to try to confuse the uninformed members of the public. They set out to confuse idiots like you and you play your part perfectly. The nice thing about you is we all know that even you reading about how they knew the scientific was coming against them and them acknowledging that they're going to basically lie about it - you'll still continue believing the lie.

Too funny.
Chain mails... it appears you are the one regurgitating garbage in chain mails. The "science" that Al Gore Jr was pushing had been debunked by the scientist that Gore credits for founding the Global Warming movement. Gore got pissed and called him senile.

It is amazing that you are blaming Frank Lutz for the "Climate Change" scam. Sorry, nobody's gonna buy that one except a dumb offense.

As for Lewis Black...the soy juice bit was funny, but was around long before he did his version of it.

Now, why don't you borrow Dids's stuffed tiger and relieve some of that built up frustration.
08-22-2014 , 09:59 AM
You'll probably make it through your whole life without realizing that you are not a smart man.
08-22-2014 , 10:26 AM
Cerveza, what business do you run?
08-22-2014 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Cerveza, what business do you run?
I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies.
08-22-2014 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
You'll probably make it through your whole life without realizing that you are not a smart man.
keep telling yourself that!
08-22-2014 , 10:52 AM
Yeah- that weak ass attempt makes me more and more convinced dude is so dumb he thought liberals though Soy Milk was really milk.

Just completely outmatched by anybody with the ability to google. You're trying to win a knife fight without any ****ing arms.
08-22-2014 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies.
how many illegal aliens does your landscaping company employ, out of curiosity
08-22-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Yeah- that weak ass attempt makes me more and more convinced dude is so dumb he thought liberals though Soy Milk was really milk.

Just completely outmatched by anybody with the ability to google. You're trying to win a knife fight without any ****ing arms.
You are a rich have a wealth of ignorance. But, hey if you can go through life happy that way...keep on keepin' on.
08-22-2014 , 11:11 AM
You do realize your insults are even dumb?
08-22-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
how many illegal aliens does your landscaping company employ, out of curiosity
That is a very racist question, Gringo!
08-22-2014 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Chain mails... it appears you are the one regurgitating garbage in chain mails. The "science" that Al Gore Jr was pushing had been debunked by the scientist that Gore credits for founding the Global Warming movement. Gore got pissed and called him senile.

It is amazing that you are blaming Frank Lutz for the "Climate Change" scam. Sorry, nobody's gonna buy that one except a dumb offense.

As for Lewis Black...the soy juice bit was funny, but was around long before he did his version of it.

Now, why don't you borrow Dids's stuffed tiger and relieve some of that built up frustration.
truly weak sauce reply.

I can document all of sources none of which are from chainmails. Yet (as always with you) you cannot do the same.

For instance - you're still defending 'soy juice' vs soy milk as a marketing gimmick to fool liberals despite the fact that its been referred to as soy bean milk for well over a century. (and the product itself has been around for centuries but we know you don't know or care).

Real life - its been called soy bean milk since the 1800s.
in Cerveza's mind - it was called Soy Juice but changed to market it to liberals.

Its hard to imagine that you aren't just trolling because its hard to believe you are actually this stupid. I prefer to believe you are just dishonest and trolling but I'm obviously just guessing.

Regarding climate change/global warming - it is typical that you characterize it as some Al Gore scam that he created while being completely ignorant of the fact that it all came from the scientific community and Gore was only trying to get their word out. But props to you framing it in a way that makes you look as ignorant as humanly possible.

Where credit is due - nice slipping in a Monty Python reference. I was a little surprised to see it since Month Python fans generally seem a little more intellectual and decidedly liberal then you. Though to be fair, there was plenty of low brow humor from that troupe too.
08-22-2014 , 11:48 AM
Pretty sure he's the teenage son of a man with a shrubbery business. He wanted to choose a job he could answer potential follow ups about correctly.

I mean, maybe a successful business owner chooses "cerveza69" as an alias here. Maybe.
08-22-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
That is a very racist question, Gringo!
actually, what's racist is you assuming i meant only a race that uses 'gringo'
08-22-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
this is my truly weak sauce reply.

I can document none of my sources. But I'm obviously just guessing.

Where credit is due - nice slipping in a Monty Python reference.
I fart in your general direction!
08-22-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
I fart in your general direction!
So now I'm wondering if you're just entirely FoS. A shrubbery business owner followed up with this Monty Python line? Hmmm...
08-22-2014 , 12:40 PM
Flatulence ITT. I wonder if it is caused by too much cow tit juice?
