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Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left

06-27-2014 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
so we can all post our favorite college professor's speeches now.... cool
Actually, I've never heard of this guy before. Didn't know Colleges allowed conservative viewpoints.
06-27-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
It wouldn't matter where he cut it off. Every passage is misleading RW tripe, even IN context.
Funny, you're doing exactly what the article says the liberals do, and you don't even seem to realize it,
06-27-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Funny, you're doing exactly what the article says the liberals do, and you don't even seem to realize it,
06-27-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
CERVEZAAAAAAAAA has the word "privilege" spelled correctly like two inches on his computer screen below the title box (because he copy-pasted that one, ldo), and he still can't spell it right? You ****ing moron, the title alone is a testament to your idiocy in starting this thread.
Gee, I guess, you've never ever misspelled a word in your life?
06-27-2014 , 02:38 PM
Almost as if there is a tyranny of clichés.
06-27-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
don't let your ODS lead you to this fate... get help now.

Mark Mayfield, MS Tea Party leader, found dead
That dude was a major arsehole. Going to a nursing home to get pictures of an opponents wife - not cool. Way out of bounds.
06-27-2014 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69

Charges of white privilege make it sound as if every Caucasian is automatically successful. The fact is most are not. Few are born with silver spoons in their mouths. The vast majority needs to work hard to achieve the objectives they desire.
Found the stawman
06-27-2014 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
CERVEZAAAAAAAAA has the word "privilege" spelled correctly like two inches on his computer screen below the title box (because he copy-pasted that one, ldo), and he still can't spell it right? You ****ing moron, the title alone is a testament to your idiocy in starting this thread.
Your name being green is a testament to your idiocy.

It seems the same fellows that are supposed to help the site are doing the most to harm it.

One can only assume that is the owners' intent, since they presumably made the appointments.
06-27-2014 , 02:42 PM
Also it's "whiteness" not white skin color. The Irish usually have paler skin color than most but weren't considered white.
06-27-2014 , 02:43 PM
It's funny, at face value I assume stuff like the OP copied is meant as nothing more than an attempt to troll Democrats, get them all riled up, angry at the ludicrous maniacal bs invented out of thin air, usually in a "take our worst traits and say someone else has them" sort of way.

And then I remember that it's really folks like the OP who are supposed to get riled. OP is clearly mad. Very mad. About liberals.

06-27-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Also it's "whiteness" not white skin color. The Irish usually have paler skin color than most but weren't considered white.
What have you got against the Irish?
06-27-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Proph
Your name being green is a testament to your idiocy.

It seems the same fellows that are supposed to help the site are doing the most to harm it.

One can only assume that is the owners' intent, since they presumably made the appointments.
You're a ****ing idiot too if you don't know what UNCHAINED is.
06-27-2014 , 02:44 PM
Liberals, because they are liberal, assume they are more compassionate than anyone who disagrees with them. From elementary school on, they are praised for their concerns about the welfare of others — even though this kindness is only manifested in verbal declarations.

Likewise, from the earliest grades, their teachers applaud their superior intelligence. Since they agree with the principles they are being taught and regurgitate them on cue, they are regarded as unusually perceptive. Critical thinking, although orally encouraged, is, in practice, punished.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Liberal privilege and the lies of the left
No one ever praised me for being a compassionate liberal in elementary school
06-27-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Found the stawman
Quick, fix your post before goofyballer comes after you!
06-27-2014 , 02:46 PM
Oh good, proph is here. Now the collection of completely insane, off the rails lib'rul haters is complete.
06-27-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
What have you got against the Irish?
Nothing, just correcting the college professor
06-27-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Funny, you're doing exactly what the article says the liberals do, and you don't even seem to realize it,
Think so? Then roll up your sleeves and let's cover the meat of the issue, graph by graph. Wanna go right now?

I think you know it's all baseless crap.
06-27-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Quick, fix your post before goofyballer comes after you!
No, because I know the rules of copyright on forums.
06-27-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Interesting choice of where to cut it off. Might I be so bold as to recomend at least the next sentence be included 'Far more pervasive is “liberal privilege.” '

So a casual passer by does not get the impression the article is about race relations?
nevermind thought I was quoting the OP

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 06-27-2014 at 02:54 PM. Reason: .
06-27-2014 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Found the first of a nearly endless cascade of stawmen
FYP. It's like the intellectual equivalent of a Jeff Foxworthy routine. "If you never learned how to think for yourself, you must be a LIBERAL!!"
06-27-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
No, because I know the rules of copyright on forums.
I was referring to the typo, you did mean strawman, right?
06-27-2014 , 02:53 PM
Is this not privilege? Is it not a form of protection others do not obtain? Yet liberals consider it their due. They become huffy if their motives are questioned. Then they drive up truckloads of excuses they expect to be accepted without dissent. If this still doesn’t work, they attack their critics as playing politics (which, of course, they do not).

Nowadays, when publicly queried, liberals trot out focus group tested talking points. After this, they stonewall their questioner by changing the subject. But the full depth of their privilege is revealed when the pubic subsequently refuses to be outraged.
OK even if we say this were true, that being a liberal is a privilege that doesn't invalidate white privilege. I'll throw the word out there because this esteemed professor probably hasn't heard of it, intersectionality. It means that you can be relatively privileged in one identity but be persecuted for other, so you could be advantaged in being a liberal but still be disadvantaged in being black.

Of course that's taking the professor at his own terms
06-27-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
Think so? Then roll up your sleeves and let's cover the meat of the issue, graph by graph. Wanna go right now?

I think you know it's all baseless crap.
If one is a liberal, any nasty thing one might say about an opponent is passed over in silence. The cruelest invective is regarded as appropriate, given the sins of the target. Even vulgarity is excused because it emphasizes the understandable passion of the speaker.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Liberal privilege and the lies of the left

Please continue.
06-27-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You're a ****ing idiot too if you don't know what UNCHAINED is.
It's a place where I can call you out on your hypocrisy without fear of getting banned. (I hope.)

I apologize if using your own words against you offends you. I didn't mean to interrupt your 2-minute hate.
06-27-2014 , 02:55 PM
yellow flag spanktehwookie poasting moderator error. I turn myself in.
