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09-20-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
If your a cop who are you worried about more? A white couple in a rich neighborhood or a black person in a poor neighborhood?

throw out the word racism and call it what it is...stereotyping. When your at the poker table and an unknown black guy, Asian guy, middle eastern guy shows up, you use stereotypes to get a read on them right? If I'm walking down the steet and I see 5 black guy's in suits headed my way I dont think anything of it. If it is 5 black guy's who are all tatted up with their pants hanging down looking like gang bangere, I become concerned. This is the same feeling if it was five white guy's fitting this description. Is this racist? Nope!

If your reputation proceeds you, you are gonna be treated based on that stereotype. When a cop pulls over a white couple in a rich neighborhood, what is the stereotype? should he fear they are gonna pull out a gun and shoot. Probably not. Unfortunately, black people have a bad reputation. They quite often have an extensive criminal record. The police know this when they pull them over. This will certainly create a stressful environment were a lot of objects will start looking like a gun. This is why we talk about how you dress and how you act. It matters. Do you think the guy who looks like a gang banger is gonna be treated better or worse than a nicely dressed guy?

Acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck!
mogdig. 100% in favor of police profiling.

Hey Wil, these are the people that agree with you. Where is your outrage? You are so ****ing terrified that Obama wants to work with some companies to help put some warnings on websites that encourage radicalism, but police profiling? Pshhhh, no big deal amiright?

I mean, you did link to Breitbart, so I already know what the answer is going to be. Just thought I would point out what a scumbag you are. Have fun reading Breitbart to figure out why police profiling is a good thing.
09-20-2016 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
lol mongidig you dickhead
Are there any questions I can answer for you? Are you having trouble following the logic?
09-20-2016 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
If your a cop who are you worried about more? A white couple in a rich neighborhood or a black person in a poor neighborhood?

throw out the word racism and call it what it is...stereotyping. When your at the poker table and an unknown black guy, Asian guy, middle eastern guy shows up, you use stereotypes to get a read on them right? If I'm walking down the steet and I see 5 black guy's in suits headed my way I dont think anything of it. If it is 5 black guy's who are all tatted up with their pants hanging down looking like gang bangere, I become concerned. This is the same feeling if it was five white guy's fitting this description. Is this racist? Nope!

If your reputation proceeds you, you are gonna be treated based on that stereotype. When a cop pulls over a white couple in a rich neighborhood, what is the stereotype? should he fear they are gonna pull out a gun and shoot. Probably not. Unfortunately, black people have a bad reputation. They quite often have an extensive criminal record. The police know this when they pull them over. This will certainly create a stressful environment were a lot of objects will start looking like a gun. This is why we talk about how you dress and how you act. It matters. Do you think the guy who looks like a gang banger is gonna be treated better or worse than a nicely dressed guy?

Acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck!
This post tells a story beyond what you intended.

I mean, we've gone from a guy driving through the same area as a suspected robbery, pulled over for a broken light, to "5 black guy's who are all tatted up with their pants hanging down looking like gang bangere[sic]" all in the space of one mess of a post.

Yes, I think that's exactly the kind of thinking that leads to an innocent man being gunned down for following police instruction. Well demonstrated.

Your conclusion could use a little work.
09-20-2016 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
This post tells a story beyond what you intended.

I mean, we've gone from a guy driving through the same area as a suspected robbery, pulled over for a broken light, to "5 black guy's who are all tatted up with their pants hanging down looking like gang bangere[sic]" all in the space of one mess of a post.

Yes, I think that's exactly the kind of thinking that leads to an innocent man being gunned down for following police instruction. Well demonstrated.

Your conclusion could use a little work.
I don't think you understand my post!
09-20-2016 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I don't think you understand my post!
I would hypothesize that that is the fault of the author and not the reader
09-20-2016 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
mogdig. 100% in favor of police profiling.

Hey Wil, these are the people that agree with you. Where is your outrage? You are so ****ing terrified that Obama wants to work with some companies to help put some warnings on websites that encourage radicalism, but police profiling? Pshhhh, no big deal amiright?

I mean, you did link to Breitbart, so I already know what the answer is going to be. Just thought I would point out what a scumbag you are. Have fun reading Breitbart to figure out why police profiling is a good thing.
Hey Master,

I notice your respnses are very angry and bitter and certainly do nothing to add to the quality of the thread. I would suggest trying to gain an understanding of the view of the other side. There is ton out there to learn. Question your own beliefs and possibly learn something. See things from both sides.
09-20-2016 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
I would hypothesize that that is the fault of the author and not the reader
Yet you are unable to say what is wrong with what I wrote.
09-20-2016 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I don't think you understand my post!
No, I mentioned a part of the video where the excuse, and totally not a justification nope not even a little, for shooting a guy with his partner in the car was "There were reports of a robbery in the area". And you managed to get us to "Well if there's five black guys looking all gangster what do you expect?" (loosely paraphrased).

I know you think you followed intuitive, logical pathways, but to anyone looking at your post from outside your head, it's a perfect example of the kind of ******ed thinking that leads to a guy nothing like your description being shot in a situation nothing like your description.

****, even the video I'm talking about managed to put the argument together when he was talking about cops. Why he blanks out on putting the same thought processes towards black people is a mystery only to himself and other racists.
09-20-2016 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Hey Master,

I notice your respnses are very angry and bitter and certainly do nothing to add to the quality of the thread. I would suggest trying to gain an understanding of the view of the other side. There is ton out there to learn. Question your own beliefs and possibly learn something. See things from both sides.
Gee, do I sound angry? I wonder why? It couldn't possibly be because a racist piece of **** has come to the conclusion that the way to curb violence by police against black people is for black people to change the way they dress and move, and hell, maybe even their skin color while they are at it.

Yes. I'm angry. Because people like you actually exist in the world. I'm angry that scum get to believe they are right about things. I'm angry that the next time a black guy dies at the hand of a cop, it will 100% be the fault of the black guy to you regardless of facts.

**** you
09-20-2016 , 11:05 AM
What are your thoughts on what happened in Topeka you ****ing scum?
09-20-2016 , 11:33 AM
I hope you mean Tulsa unless there was yet another one already.

EDIT: I mean, the officer "felt threatened", so what else is there to say?
09-20-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
I hope you mean Tulsa unless there was yet another one already.

EDIT: I mean, the officer "felt threatened", so what else is there to say?
I did. Thank you
09-20-2016 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
What are your thoughts on what happened in Topeka you ****ing scum?
I think that instead of the headline reading "unarmed man shot by cops" it should read "man walks away from cops, disobeys orders, reaches into his car and gets shot by cop".
09-20-2016 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
What are your thoughts on what happened in Topeka you ****ing scum?
Or are you referring to the Kansas Chocolate festivile?
09-20-2016 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
does it surprise you that your concern for diversity and disdain of racism and stuff is dismissed as something other than genuine when you are seen constantly stomping around the "kiddy forum" all whiny, violent and tantrumy?


pretty sure your inability to see things from another persons perspective is severely handicapped by your overbearing temerity in disrespecting said persons opinion.

one can not fault you for your mental shortcomings, which are most probably a result of bad parenting... old dog new tricks, damaged is as damaged does yada.

09-20-2016 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by CarlGustavJung
does it surprise you that your concern for diversity and disdain of racism and stuff are dismissed as something other than genuine when you are seen constantly stomping around the "kiddy forum" all whiny, violent and tantrumy?


pretty sure your ability to see things from another persons perspective is severely handicapped by your overbearing temerity in disrespecting said persons opinion.

one can not fault you for your mental shortcomings, which are most probably a result of bad parenting... old dog new tricks, damaged is as damaged does yada.

FMP sorry

Last edited by CarlGustavJung; 09-20-2016 at 03:23 PM.
09-20-2016 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Gee, do I sound angry? I wonder why? It couldn't possibly be because a racist piece of **** has come to the conclusion that the way to curb violence by police against black people is for black people to change the way they dress and move, and hell, maybe even their skin color while they are at it.

Yes. I'm angry. Because people like you actually exist in the world. I'm angry that scum get to believe they are right about things. I'm angry that the next time a black guy dies at the hand of a cop, it will 100% be the fault of the black guy to you regardless of facts.

**** you
Oh god. Gtfo out with this crybaby bull****. There are people being thrown off rooftops, people being crucified, children getting raped, and you're so worried about someone crossing the street hurting someone's fee fees.

You couldn't be more wrong about your claim that people view it always as the victims fault.

Get your head out of your ass and put things into perspective. Your desire for social acceptance on your opinions is cringey as ****.
09-20-2016 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
mogdig. 100% in favor of police profiling.

Hey Wil, these are the people that agree with you. Where is your outrage? You are so ****ing terrified that Obama wants to work with some companies to help put some warnings on websites that encourage radicalism, but police profiling? Pshhhh, no big deal amiright?

I mean, you did link to Breitbart, so I already know what the answer is going to be. Just thought I would point out what a scumbag you are. Have fun reading Breitbart to figure out why police profiling is a good thing.
No idea what any of this spew means. What websites? What profiling? And I don't usually read Breitbart. Yes, I linked to an article in haste but I dont frequent that site.
09-20-2016 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by CarlGustavJung
you mean coppers shooting black folk for no reason at all am i right?


i know lol yootoobs
I hope everybody on this forum takes the time to watch this video. It's filled with facts and common sense.

Thanks for posting this!
09-20-2016 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I hope everybody on this forum takes the time to watch this video. It's filled with facts and common sense.

Thanks for posting this!

So do you or your peanut of a brain friend Will, have any reasonable explanations in regards to another UNARMED African American male killed by public servants?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
09-20-2016 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Pipedreamer101
So do you or your peanut of a brain friend Will, have any reasonable explanations in regards to another UNARMED African American male killed by public servants?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet Breitbart has a good explanation
09-20-2016 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pipedreamer101
So do you or your peanut of a brain friend Will, have any reasonable explanations in regards to another UNARMED African American male killed by public servants?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
if you are talking about the dude in Tulsa, i dont think the convicted drug trafficker that is probably going to be shown to be on PCP and not complying with officers is a good train to ride.

eta- that there were 911 calls from citizens alleging that he was acting strangely as well.
09-20-2016 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
if you are talking about the dude in Tulsa, i dont think the convicted drug trafficker that is probably going to be shown to be on PCP and not complying with officers is a good train to ride.

eta- that there were 911 calls from citizens alleging that he was acting strangely as well.
"speaking to media Monday, Tulsa police spokeswoman Jeanne MacKenzie said she wasn’t sure what Crutcher did that made police shoot.

Asked why Crutcher wasn’t given immediate medical aid, MacKenzie said she was unsure. "I don't know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people," she said."

Thats the ****ing police spokesperson man.
09-20-2016 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
if you are talking about the dude in Tulsa, i dont think the convicted drug trafficker that is probably going to be shown to be on PCP and not complying with officers is a good train to ride.

eta- that there were 911 calls from citizens alleging that he was acting strangely as well.

Regardless of how you perceive the situation, from the video footage shown although he was not entirely complicit he seemingly wasn't a threat either. It's mind boggling that the NYC bomber was able to be taken into custody relatively unscaved but an "alleged" drug addict was shot dead. did they not think to use tasers or anything else to deescalate the situation?

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09-20-2016 , 10:58 PM
1) she's not gonna say anything until the investigation is complete. That seems fairly standard. i don't know the exact quote but i'm sure it was of the "i don't know at this time" variety or meant to convey that.

2) i dont know anything about the protocols on that. I would assume its way more complex than just walking up to a downed suspect and checking on him. considering the suspect just presented enough "danger" signs for that officer to shoot them(regardless of right vs. wrong), officer safety comes first. They most likely have to ensure the suspect is downed and no longer any possible threat(again right vs. wrong not applying) I'm sure emt was called.
