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Immigration and refugees Immigration and refugees

07-22-2017 , 12:29 AM
No. The voting booth cares what the **** i think.
07-22-2017 , 12:50 AM
See fellow conservatives, this is what you get when you actually attempt to have a conversation with a liberal. They don't want to answer your questions, they just want to spout their memes and their critical theory and their white guilt, and when you address it with the socratic method and with facts, they fall apart like dry paper.

Progressivism is bankrupt. It's over. A thing of the past. Take heart.
07-22-2017 , 01:00 AM
RIP we hardly knew ye
07-22-2017 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by batair
The voting both. And those who fought against the Know Nothing like you. And the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
you base policy on the romantic prose of a poet

07-22-2017 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
See fellow conservatives, this is what you get when you actually attempt to have a conversation with a liberal.
Not a liberal. And you want me to be precise in my labeling. Yeah sure. A few of you are lucky im as restrained as i am.

They don't want to answer your questions,
The Irish answer was good it just went over your head. It should fully inform you of my views on letting people from the third world into the US. Im for it.

I know you want to keep em out and its not a color race based thing. Alright fine. What ever helps you sleep at night.

they just want to spout their memes and their critical theory and their white guilt, and when you address it with the socratic method and with facts, they fall apart like dry paper.

Progressivism is bankrupt. It's over. A thing of the past. Take heart.
Was not looking for a conversation with you, more making statements. As far as your virtue signaling and demand for cooperative conversation. No.
07-22-2017 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Not a liberal. And you want me to be precise in my labeling. Yeah sure. A few of you are lucky im as restrained as i am.
Wtf does this even mean? Also you are almost certainly a liberal.

The Irish answer was good it just went over your head. It should fully inform you of my views on letting people from the third world into the US. Im for it.
It didn't go over my head I fully understand the reference. It was also not a good response. I asked you if you believe there is a qualitative difference between immigration policy choices, to which you said you thought open borders were the same as no immigration, and then you said the Irish thing, to which I asked you in response if you believe that all immigration filtering is racism, or otherwise based on discriminatory impulses, to which you did not respond.

I know you want to keep em out and its not a color race based thing. Alright fine. What ever helps you sleep at night.
Incorrect. Immigration is necessary unless our birth rate goes up. What I am asking you is how do you create an immigration filtration policy, or do you consider all immigration filtering some type of negative discrimination or racism? Obviously anyone who answers the latter is a complete moron.

Was not looking for a conversation with you, more making statements. As far as your virtue signaling and demand for cooperative conversation. No.
Seems like pretty much every leftist in this place just likes to make one line statements, relevant or not, and when someone engages their nonsense they run for the hills because Nazis. I'm assuming the left has always been this way which goes a long way to explain why western countries are in the absolute ****hole after 75 years of liberal rule.

Last edited by DoOrDoNot; 07-22-2017 at 01:54 AM.
07-22-2017 , 01:58 AM
Wtf does this even mean? Also you are almost certainly a liberal.
did you not know hes a space marine with almost 300 confirmed kills? you best be thanking your lucky stars hes restrained
07-22-2017 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Seems like pretty much every leftist in this place just likes to make one line statements, relevant or not, and when someone engages their nonsense they run for the hills because Nazis.
For starters, maybe try not assigning a label to everyone that remotely tries to engage. Better yet, gfys on a DoOrNob.
07-22-2017 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
For starters, maybe try not assigning a label to everyone that remotely tries to engage. Better yet, gfys.
Awww, boo boo. Don't like being labeled? How do you think we liked unfairly being called racist for 75 years? Now you have Trump to deal with. Two terms.

You know keep it up though, you totally won't piss more and more people off and drive them into our loving arms to win even more elections.
07-22-2017 , 02:09 AM
Incorrect. Immigration is necessary unless our birth rate goes up. What I am asking you is how do you create an immigration filtration policy, or do you consider all immigration filtering some type of negative discrimination or racism? Obviously anyone who answers the latter is a complete moron.
it just isn't necessary, you can debate whether immigration is good or not. But its not necessary in first world economies regardless of birth rate. Hong kong, 1.24 births/women, singapore 1.23, japan 1.4, all highly developed stable countries with close to 0 net immigration.

the idea that you absolutely need to import people to support your social programs is just silly.
07-22-2017 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Awww, boo boo. Don't like being labeled? How do you think we liked unfairly being called racist for 75 years? Now you have Trump to deal with. Two terms.

You know keep it up though, you totally won't piss more and more people off and drive them into our loving arms to win even more elections.
Keep thinking people don't want to talk to you for reasons other than you're a douchebag.
07-22-2017 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Wtf does this even mean? Also you are almost certainly a liberal.

It didn't go over my head I fully understand the reference. It was also not a good response. I asked you if you believe there is a qualitative difference between immigration policy choices, to which you said you thought open borders were the same as no immigration, and then you said the Irish thing, to which I asked you in response if you believe that all immigration filtering is racism, or otherwise based on discriminatory impulses, to which you did not respond.
Right i answered the part i wanted to and ignored the rest. See non cooperative.

Incorrect. Immigration is necessary unless our birth rate goes up. What I am asking you is how do you create an immigration filtration policy, or do you consider all immigration filtering some type of negative discrimination or racism? Obviously anyone who answers the latter is a complete moron.
People would not like mine if i had my ideal. You would have not borders. Immigration solved!!

But as a realist in a world with them i do have answers to your questions but as is said..not interested.

Seems like pretty much every leftist in this place just likes to make one line statements, relevant or not, and when someone engages their nonsense they run for the hills because Nazis. I'm assuming the left has always been this way which goes a long way to explain why western countries are in the absolute ****hole after 75 years of liberal rule.
Nah. If there are any conservatives out there that come at me with respect ill give it and give an honest back and forth. You did not do that but demand it from me. No.
07-22-2017 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
did you not know hes a space marine with almost 300 confirmed kills? you best be thanking your lucky stars hes restrained
I mean restrained in calling people bigots and racist. If you dont think im less apt to break out those terms then others around these part you have not been paying attention.
07-22-2017 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Well since your progressivism is based on Marx and Freud, two crackpots who have both been totally debunked, that means you believe in your system of thought (progressivism) as credulously as a religious fundamentalist.

I mean geez it's like talking to a 4 year old.
Freud is a genius and fundamental to modern day psycology idk why you are lumping him in with Marx.
07-22-2017 , 02:25 AM
The Irish answer was good it just went over your head. It should fully inform you of my views on letting people from the third world into the US. Im for it.

I know you want to keep em out and its not a color race based thing. Alright fine. What ever helps you sleep at night.
the whole irish immigration thing misses the context of when that occured. Yes there was no filter on Irish immigration, but in the 1800s the US has no welfare and no universal sufferage. People coming in had to make it in the US based on their own merits or leave, and most people who failed to contribute left.

When you import people with no filter, give them social assistance which most need because they are coming to an alien language and culture, and give them the vote within 5 years so they can vote for more social assistance that is a recipe for disaster.

The US doesn't have this insane policy currently as legal immigration is actually quite difficult rn however some countries are doing this, Sweden being the best example. We'll see the consequences within 30 years and it won't be pretty.
07-22-2017 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by batair
I mean restrained in calling people bigots and racist. If you dont think im less apt to break out those terms then others around these part you have not been paying attention.
07-22-2017 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
Freud is a genius and fundamental to modern day psycology idk why you are lumping him in with Marx.
lol u trollin
07-22-2017 , 02:31 AM
If were going to have to have them who said id have opened borders. Not me. I would let the poor in though. Sorry.
07-22-2017 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Keep thinking people don't want to talk to you for reasons other than you're a douchebag.
Somebody call the wahhhhhmbulance.
07-22-2017 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
lol u trollin
not trolling in the least.

most of his breakthrough ideas have seeped into western culture so you only associate him with his silly ideas like penis envy

the unconscious mind, the importance of early childhood to later development, and the primacy of the base desires of our primitive minds underling our veneer of the rational all stem from Freud. His good ideas have become so accepted that we don't even associate them with Freud.

comparing him to Marx is completely uncalled for.

Last edited by BitchiBee; 07-22-2017 at 02:47 AM.
07-22-2017 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
You wont be able to cite me calling someone a racist. Not that i did not just imply that with dot. But i dont even go there often.

I never even called the one who cant be named a racist. Though im pretty sure he knows what i think!

As far as bigot. There are a few religious bigots against Islam around. You have to condemn its as a whole to get there. Think im more then fair.
07-22-2017 , 02:57 AM
I'm loling at the idea that people are lucky not to be called racist or bigot by you on 2p2
07-22-2017 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
I'm loling at the idea that people are lucky not to be called racist or bigot by you on 2p2
Well the people getting called those things whine about it constantly and tell us thats why trump won so i showed restraint to the fainting couches. Thanks for correcting my thinking.

Last edited by batair; 07-22-2017 at 03:13 AM.
07-22-2017 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
See fellow conservatives, this is what you get when you actually attempt to have a conversation with a liberal. They don't want to answer your questions, they just want to spout their memes and their critical theory and their white guilt, and when you address it with the socratic method and with facts, they fall apart like dry paper.

Progressivism is bankrupt. It's over. A thing of the past. Take heart.
You're wasted and going to feel embarrassed about this series of posts in the morning. Or maybe - and this possibility is even worse - you're actually being serious and are really stupid enough to believe that some minuscule interaction between two randoms on a small message board is capable of finally defeating progressivism once and for all!
07-22-2017 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You're wasted and going to feel embarrassed about this series of posts in the morning. Or maybe - and this possibility is even worse - you're actually being serious and are really stupid enough to believe that some minuscule interaction between two randoms on a small message board is capable of finally defeating progressivism once and for all!
Progressivism defeated itself. We're just ringing in the death knell goofy.
