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Immigration and refugees Immigration and refugees

06-06-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I know about Japanese internment, I'm less familiar with seizure of Japanese wealth - do you have any reading on that for me?

Also worth noting here that people placed in internment camps were eventually paid reparations.

But anyway, do you plan on answering the question I asked?
Sure. I would say if you took every single dollar from every white person in the United States it would eventually go back to where it was. I'd actually be worried it would get worse.
06-06-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Sure. I would say if you took every single dollar from every white person in the United States it would eventually go back to where it was. I'd actually be worried it would get worse.
So you're going with, 3. white people when depleted of all of their wealth still produce the same number of doctors, with an outside chance of 1. white people when depleted with all of their wealth will eventually produce more doctors?

Cool, thanks.
06-06-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
This is an idiotic lie. We've shown you the evidence that the job market is racist. But that's "mumbo jumbo" right? Any time you hear some evidence of racism, you just call it "mumbo jumbo."

Instead of spreading complete and utter bull****, why don't you cite something that shows that the US isn't racist. Got anything besides your feelings?
Yeah, some people have some bias. Gee, is that breaking news?

I've also read that Asian sounding names have similar callbacks to black sounding names. Go look at the statistics of how that turns out.

Asians also are discriminated against in colleges. Blacks get a boost.

What's it all mean? Nothing. Look at the results. Yeah, sure, there's some bias and people are biased towards their own people. Completely normal.

No problem, I'll still win.
06-06-2017 , 05:36 PM
I'm wondering if some of these countries are starting to consider internment camps since they are already infiltrated.

I heard there are 20,000 individuals who are under suspician.
06-06-2017 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
So you're going with, 3. white people when depleted of all of their wealth still produce the same number of doctors, with an outside chance of 1. white people when depleted with all of their wealth will eventually produce more doctors?

Cool, thanks.
I apologise for some reason I was thinking we were talking about wealth, not doctors being produced.

I would say it would stay about the same. I don't see why the lack of wealth would produce less doctors out of a group. Many of these types of things are cultural and happen all across the world. There's no reason why Germans should be good at making pianos yet they sure make good pianos. People drift towards certain professions or roles and it happens all the time, everywhere. Koreans aren't naturally gifted ice skaters or golfers, and Indian American kids don't dominate the spelling bee because of an Indian spelling gene somewhere.

Serious question: do you think about these things at all? Like, if seems you enjoy throwing out these "gotcha" statements, but they aren't anything close to a "gotcha".

It's almost comical.
06-06-2017 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Single motherhood is 72% in the black community. Gee, i wonder what could be the ****ing problem here?
I don't know. What is it?
06-06-2017 , 06:06 PM
It's not a gotcha at all. It's an invitation for you to show us the inner logical processes that lead you to various conclusions, including this one:

Originally Posted by wil318466
I apologise for some reason I was thinking we were talking about wealth, not doctors being produced.

I would say it would stay about the same. I don't see why the lack of wealth would produce less doctors out of a group.
Like, it didn't even occur to you that being a doctor involves multiple degrees and paying a crapton of money. You seriously think that you could take away all wealth from white people and they'd still just keep on going to college and then graduate school and medical school like they already do, no problem.

There's no "gotcha" here, I'm just happy that anyone considering your arguments gets to see that this is how the brain of the person writing them actually works inside.
06-06-2017 , 06:08 PM
Citation needed to support contention that there is a brain
06-06-2017 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
It's not a gotcha at all. It's an invitation for you to show us the inner logical processes that lead you to various conclusions, including this one:

Like, it didn't even occur to you that being a doctor involves multiple degrees and paying a crapton of money. You seriously think that you could take away all wealth from white people and they'd still just keep on going to college and then graduate school and medical school like they already do, no problem.

There's no "gotcha" here, I'm just happy that anyone considering your arguments gets to see that this is how the brain of the person writing them actually works inside.
Sure. Absolutely. Many Asians come to this country dirt poor and their children rise out of poverty in one generation. My wife's mother and father are dirt poor and they produced 4 children that are all in the top 3% of income earners. It's not a magical coincidence.

The same families would produce doctors and the lack of wealth wouldn't stop them. Poor Chinese kids crush rich black kids in academics. Money has nothing to do with it. If what you were saying was true only rich people would produce doctors. It's total idiocy what you are suggesting.

Wake up.
06-06-2017 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Wake up.
"Wake up" from someone contending that ~every white doctor practicing today would still have become a doctor if they grew up broke. That's a doozy.
06-06-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
"Wake up" from someone contending that ~every white doctor practicing today would still have become a doctor if they grew up broke. That's a doozy.
You make yourself look really foolish by making idiotic statements. I know a few doctors, none of them grew up rich. Granted, I don't know the demographics of doctors in general but I know what patterns happen to groups due to culture and interest. There's a good reason why Indian Americans kids absolutely dominate the spelling bee. There is an ACTUAL REASON WHY. Indian American kids do not have a natural ability to spell words out over other races.

What is wrong with you?
06-06-2017 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I know a few doctors, none of them grew up rich.
Oh, ****, I guess that proves that ~every practicing white doctor in the US would still have the same life outcome if they grew up broke!
06-06-2017 , 06:36 PM
There is a large body of research into the question of intergenerational mobility. All of it says that mobility has declined dramatically in the modern era. cf. this article, but there are many other studies with similar conclusions.

I've also provided evidence in the past that calls into question this idea that poor Asian immigrants enjoy an especially high rate of mobility. I'd say both of these claims are [citation needed]:

Many Asians come to this country dirt poor and their children rise out of poverty in one generation.

Poor Chinese kids crush rich black kids in academics. Money has nothing to do with it.
06-06-2017 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Yeah, some people have some bias. Gee, is that breaking news?

I've also read that Asian sounding names have similar callbacks to black sounding names. Go look at the statistics of how that turns out.

Asians also are discriminated against in colleges. Blacks get a boost.

What's it all mean? Nothing. Look at the results. Yeah, sure, there's some bias and people are biased towards their own people. Completely normal.

No problem, I'll still win.
Racial discrimination isn't a problem because it's completely normal?

And what does "look at the results" mean? Black people deserve to be discriminated against?
06-06-2017 , 06:46 PM
TiltedDonkey brought up this post recently in the Trump thread for different reasons, but I think it applies well here too:

Originally Posted by wil318466
If I believed women would make 23% less than men, I would NOT be spending the amount of money I currently am on her education. Why would I bother if I knew she would never be paid equally? Only a fool would throw away their money on something they can't change.
wil why are you throwing away any money on her education at all if you believe she can still be a doctor or whatever she wants to be without your investment?
06-06-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by well named
There is a large body of research into the question of intergenerational mobility. All of it says that mobility has declined dramatically in the modern era. cf. this article, but there are many other studies with similar conclusions.

I've also provided evidence in the past that calls into question this idea that poor Asian immigrants enjoy an especially high rate of mobility. I'd say both of these claims are [citation needed]:
Total nonsense. Absolute mumbo jumbo.

I'm telling you from an Asian person's perspective how bad these ideas and stats are. Liberals wanted to cover it up using the high powered Asians and Indians who came to America educated already. Complete rubbish. I'm Asian and I know a lot of Asians and I'm immersed in the culture and the attitudes behind learning and education.

You want to believe that crap, fine. But know that it annoys people and causes resentment. White people are not evil racists looking to keep a brother down. It's absurd and I personally think it's deplorable for you people to do that.

Take your white guilt and go somewhere else with it. I'm sick of hearing it. Go sell all your possessions and donate to a minority (I'll pm you my PayPal if you wish) if you want to make yourself feel better, but know that many people resent and dislike your narrative.

No one wants your pity.

Last edited by wil318466; 06-06-2017 at 07:08 PM.
06-06-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Racial discrimination isn't a problem because it's completely normal?

And what does "look at the results" mean? Black people deserve to be discriminated against?
I'm saying it can easily be overcome. And yes, people are biased towards people like themselves. Duh. It's hard to eliminate totally but it's definitely not the limiting factor at all.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
wil why are you throwing away any money on her education at all if you believe she can still be a doctor or whatever she wants to be without your investment?
Because I choose to invest my money in what I wish. She could very well become a housewife. I'm fine with it.

I'll send her to the best schools I can provide. I'm happy to do so and I don't want anything in return.

Unless she becomes a billionaire and then I may ask for a jetski. Always wanted a jetski.
06-06-2017 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Oh, ****, I guess that proves that ~every practicing white doctor in the US would still have the same life outcome if they grew up broke!
No one would say adequate resources don't help. I had to work full time while going through college because my father died. It hurt my grades. If I didn't have to work life would have been immensely easier.

Still, money doesn't provide guarantee to success at all. Many poor people overcome their obstacles and many rich people squander their opportunities. Mentality and attitude are probably much more important to outcome than finances. You can't just spend your way to becoming a cardiologist.
06-07-2017 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
juan keeps getting mad that people don't play 88 questions with him. But he never spells out his argument.

Do you think liberals are afraid to say that there are some minor genetic differences between people with African ancestry and people with, say, European ancestry? No one is afraid to say that. It's obvious.

Do you think liberals are afraid to say African-Americans in general are more interested in playing basketball than European-Americans? Again, you're wrong. That's probably true as well.

I wanted to make a long response to this whole thing but I really don't think it dignifies a response, however you phrased it appropriately. There are a bunch of average soccer players who would be absolute killers at basketball, and a bunch of average basketball players who would be assassins at soccer.

That's all it really deserves because this is ****ing 2017. As a bonus here are some gifs of Jordan Kilganon dunking.

06-07-2017 , 04:56 AM
It's been like pulling teeth but wil finally just says black folk are inherently dumb.

Ok so where to we go from here? 1 down, 63 million to go?

Originally Posted by wil318466
Sure. Absolutely. Many Asians come to this country dirt poor and their children rise out of poverty in one generation. My wife's mother and father are dirt poor and they produced 4 children that are all in the top 3% of income earners. It's not a magical coincidence.

The same families would produce doctors and the lack of wealth wouldn't stop them. Poor Chinese kids crush rich black kids in academics. Money has nothing to do with it. If what you were saying was true only rich people would produce doctors. It's total idiocy what you are suggesting.

Wake up.
06-07-2017 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
TiltedDonkey brought up this post recently in the Trump thread for different reasons, but I think it applies well here too:

wil why are you throwing away any money on her education at all if you believe she can still be a doctor or whatever she wants to be without your investment?
He also said if she could potentially earn less then he wouldn't bother educating her, to hell with what she might need or want.

It's incredible.

Well, potentially. My troll alarm is going off again now.
06-07-2017 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Nations don't take in asylum seekers to turn a profit on them during their lifetime. It's a sick and shallow way of looking at the world, and exposes your real thoughts on the subject and your abject lack of humanity. I hope most Swedes are better human beings.

Dude that is the lie we have been told to accept this mass immigration from the third world. The majority of our immigration is precisely this kind of immigration when including their family reunions which is basically economically equivalent.

Had the politicians told us that we have to sacrifice some of our wealth to help these people in our country and compared that to the alternative of foreign aid to war zones and their neighboring countries, then we wouldn't have been nearly as positive to this development. People feel betrayed by all the lies told and the tides are turning in public opinion. Not sure if it is too little too late though.

Those second generation immigrants from non western countries you have such hope for are the cause of our non-go zones and count for a large percentage of terrorist attacks committed in Europe.

Eastern Europe seems to be spared from such problems, I wonder why?

Last edited by Marn; 06-07-2017 at 02:27 PM.
06-07-2017 , 03:09 PM

Have you read or heard of the book "The Strange Death of Europe" by Douglas Murray?

I haven't read it yet but it looks quite interesting, in relation to what you are talking about.
06-07-2017 , 03:17 PM
BS, I haven't read it, but I will look it up.
06-07-2017 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
Dude that is the lie we have been told to accept this mass immigration from the third world. The majority of our immigration is precisely this kind of immigration when including their family reunions which is basically economically equivalent.

Had the politicians told us that we have to sacrifice some of our wealth to help these people in our country and compared that to the alternative of foreign aid to war zones and their neighboring countries, then we wouldn't have been nearly as positive to this development. People feel betrayed by all the lies told and the tides are turning in public opinion. Not sure if it is too little too late though.

Those second generation immigrants from non western countries you have such hope for are the cause of our non-go zones and count for a large percentage of terrorist attacks committed in Europe.

Eastern Europe seems to be spared from such problems, I wonder why?
Eastern Europe makes for an interesting comparison, I agree. As well as not suffering from fundamentalist terrorism, it's also in a somewhat depressed state having been largely occupied by Nazis, Communists or both, and many of its people have emigrated to Western Europe. I have family in one such country and despite the problems with small scale terrorist attacks I'd much, much rather live here.
