Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Can you be transracial as well?...
Sure, you can be bi-racial too.
Race isn't a biological construct, it's a social construct. Historically in the US, up through the early 20th century, Irish was considered a different race than British, and were discriminated against in a racial manner. Today in the US, four of the official (and optional) census categories are "white ~ non-Hispanic", "white ~ Hispanic", "black non-Hispanic" and "black ~ Hispanic"... so things don't break down in nice little racial-only categories even today.
Now, this may not be the case in contemporary Briton. But there's still lots of places in the world where, what are now considered one racial-grouping in Briton, is considered quite different racial, or racial-cultural, or racial-national groupings. Just pick one of those other places where you, as an ex-pat, could possibly be considered in multiple categories... and there you are !!!1!
Likewise, you can be trans-racial, without the need for surgery another way... just learn some acting skills. Including perhaps a little make-up skills. My late friend Sebastian was a Jew, a white guy, and had a stereotypical NY accent. He was also a bit actor, and because of his physique, was routinely cast as a Sumo wrestler. He didn't speak Japanese, he didn't have many lines, and would just phonetically memorize those... but if had learned to be fluid in Japanese, he could have easily passed for a Sansei, and probably as a Nisei.
Lastly, of course, you could have some surgery done. But note... race is a social construction, just changing superficial external characteristics, like eye shape or skin shade, ain't ever going to be enough by itself to change your perceived racial identity. If you say, had a buncha surgeries to superficially look like a different race (as defined by whatever society you are embedded in), but didn't change all the other, and more important, parts of your perceived racial identity... you'd just take on the identity of a freak (ex: M.Jackson).
...and I can I have my transracial surgery paid for by the NHS?
IDK. Does the NHS pay for exotic and purely cosmetic surgery in general? Like, say having a tail prosthetic implanted? If so... I don't see why not.