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08-07-2013 , 04:14 PM
ShaneG, I know it can be frustrating with those who don't know the truth but be patient, how could they?

I do, but only because I was involved in one of the more famous conspiracies. It was 1961 and the Russians had just put a man into space. Not very far into space, mind, but space nonetheless and the US needed a response. The evidence suggests that this much actually happened. Everything else, it is hard to tell what really happened and what was faked. The one thing I do know for a fact is that the 1969 lunar landing was faked and I know this because this is what I was involved in. I was just out of high school, I had ambitions of becoming a filmmaker but no means of realizing them and I needed money so I joined the army. I didn't enjoy my time there, it was so far removed from what I wanted to, but sometimes things just come together. NASA were looking for a cameraman to film science experiments and that secrecy was a priority so it had to be someone from inside the government or armed forces, ideally someone with little to no contact with the outside world. My sergeant knew about my interests and so he recommended me.

The landing was shot in a sound stage in Georgia. I don't know exactly where. I was picked up from my base in a truck with no windows and it didn't stop until we arrived already in the sound stage. I don't know if the people in the space suits were the actual 'astronauts', it probably doesn't matter. Everyone else there was armed forces like me. No one talked about why we were there, we knew better than to ask questions. It took a while to get everything we were told to but it was surprisingly easy given that the picture quality was supposed to be poor and you never see any of the astronaut's faces. Obviously there were some things, like the flag, that we could do little about but we found that the little details didn't actually matter that much when there were bigger distractions.

To that end, the rocket certainly was real. I wasn't involved in that in any way but I, like everyone else, watched it take off. There's no faking that thing. They sent it into space, where it went after that is anyone's guess. It's funny, they probably put nearly as much effort into faking it as it would've actually cost to actually go there (assuming it was possible at the time). There have been lunar missions since and there's a decent chance that they (or some of them) were real (certainly there'd be less incentive to fake them) but none have got anything like the publicity the first did. It was a PR masterstroke, much more than it was a technological one, that once and for all asserted the US's technological and organizational dominance over the USSR. The funny thing about history is the more time passes the less it matters. Now it barely even seems to matter that it was faked, the result would've been the same.

Whether or not other conspiracies are true, I have no idea. They well could be. Ultimately it barely even matters; such conspiracies always seem to have short term goals that could be accomplished through other means. The US would've overcome the Soviets with or without the moon landing (and one could argue that the money could have been better spent, fake or not), and that's what matters. And, hey, any furthering the public's interest in science and discovery is ok by me.
08-07-2013 , 04:17 PM
08-07-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I like how Deuces whined like a little bitch that I called him ******ed but he's totally blase about calling Dids too small minded and afraid to be as clued in as Deuces. Which, again, appears to be based on a guy saying "pull it".

Funny how that **** works.
flyperbole is an apt name for you. You know fly, just because you are glancing back at the original argument as you carelessly construct your straw man that doesn't magically make him look real to the rest of us. I know you it looks different in your mind but honestly to the rest of us your straw men look like exactly what they are.

So in your view Larry Silverstein is just "a guy". OK. Again it's not so much him saying "pull it" that I find interesting so much as him both having contact with the emergency response in the heat of a firefight and seemingly directing their operations.
08-07-2013 , 04:20 PM
08-07-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
That was actually pretty awesome. Usually conspiratards are at least smart enough to try and obfuscate the fact that they're totally uninformed.
I try to remain totally uniformed by biased sources making impossible claims. It is a difficult task though.
08-07-2013 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
So in your view Larry Silverstein is just "a guy". OK. Again it's not so much him saying "pull it" that I find interesting so much as him both having contact with the emergency response in the heat of a firefight and seemingly directing their operations.
Yeah, that is ridiculous. But it makes perfect sense to think that he had contact with the demolition team and was seemingly directing their operations.
08-07-2013 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I try to remain totally uniformed by biased sources making impossible claims. It is a difficult task though.
And yet you pull off uninformed so very well!
08-07-2013 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
flyperbole is an apt name for you. You know fly, just because you are glancing back at the original argument as you carelessly construct your straw man that doesn't magically make him look real to the rest of us. I know you it looks different in your mind but honestly to the rest of us your straw men look like exactly what they are.

So in your view Larry Silverstein is just "a guy". OK. Again it's not so much him saying "pull it" that I find interesting so much as him both having contact with the emergency response in the heat of a firefight and seemingly directing their operations.
Be careful. Fly's placed thermite in his straw man.
08-07-2013 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Laika
ShaneG, I know it can be frustrating with those who don't know the truth but be patient, how could they?

I do, but only because I was involved in one of the more famous conspiracies. It was 1961 and the Russians had just put a man into space. Not very far into space, mind, but space nonetheless and the US needed a response. The evidence suggests that this much actually happened. Everything else, it is hard to tell what really happened and what was faked. The one thing I do know for a fact is that the 1969 lunar landing was faked and I know this because this is what I was involved in. I was just out of high school, I had ambitions of becoming a filmmaker but no means of realizing them and I needed money so I joined the army. I didn't enjoy my time there, it was so far removed from what I wanted to, but sometimes things just come together. NASA were looking for a cameraman to film science experiments and that secrecy was a priority so it had to be someone from inside the government or armed forces, ideally someone with little to no contact with the outside world. My sergeant knew about my interests and so he recommended me.

The landing was shot in a sound stage in Georgia. I don't know exactly where. I was picked up from my base in a truck with no windows and it didn't stop until we arrived already in the sound stage. I don't know if the people in the space suits were the actual 'astronauts', it probably doesn't matter. Everyone else there was armed forces like me. No one talked about why we were there, we knew better than to ask questions. It took a while to get everything we were told to but it was surprisingly easy given that the picture quality was supposed to be poor and you never see any of the astronaut's faces. Obviously there were some things, like the flag, that we could do little about but we found that the little details didn't actually matter that much when there were bigger distractions.

To that end, the rocket certainly was real. I wasn't involved in that in any way but I, like everyone else, watched it take off. There's no faking that thing. They sent it into space, where it went after that is anyone's guess. It's funny, they probably put nearly as much effort into faking it as it would've actually cost to actually go there (assuming it was possible at the time). There have been lunar missions since and there's a decent chance that they (or some of them) were real (certainly there'd be less incentive to fake them) but none have got anything like the publicity the first did. It was a PR masterstroke, much more than it was a technological one, that once and for all asserted the US's technological and organizational dominance over the USSR. The funny thing about history is the more time passes the less it matters. Now it barely even seems to matter that it was faked, the result would've been the same.

Whether or not other conspiracies are true, I have no idea. They well could be. Ultimately it barely even matters; such conspiracies always seem to have short term goals that could be accomplished through other means. The US would've overcome the Soviets with or without the moon landing (and one could argue that the money could have been better spent, fake or not), and that's what matters. And, hey, any furthering the public's interest in science and discovery is ok by me.
Thanks for the insight. That's a truly remarkable story. I'm not big on the science behind it all, but from what i've read it seems impossible to send man too far out there due to the temperatures in the atmosphere.
08-07-2013 , 04:44 PM
Should have waited longer before replying.
08-07-2013 , 04:53 PM

The WMD question alone, without the context of 911, would have never been enough to go to war with Iraq. If you really think that you are just flat naive. 911 allowed the ruling power to do many things they wanted to do: raid the treasury, militarily defend the oil resources of the middle east, and of course roll out the Patriot Act- which we now know was simply cover for a power grab unprecedented in history. These were not goals that could have been accomplished under the pre 911 status quo (AINEC) and they were the major goals of the ruling power.
The group capable of the conspiracy you suggest (because their ability is only limited by your rather fertile imagination) could easily accomplish the above goals without killing 3000 Americans. The scope of coordination and expertise, all under the veil or secrecy required for your idea to be true means speaks to a sizable group with remarkable abilities.

Basically you've stumbled upon the problem with the ending to the classic comic book "Watchmen"

The smartest minds in the world get together to save the world from nuclear war and the best they can come up with is an alien squid.

It's simply unfathomable that 9/11 would be the most reasonable solution to the "problem" this hypothetical group faced giving the power they'd have to posses to do what you think they did.

I think you grossly overestimate the degree of difficulty in getting support for a war in the middle east and the patriot act. I suspect that you could manufacture a credible enough threat to move the war forward without having to kill anywhere close to 3000 people.

You can look at the degree to which the issues with the NSA are not resonating with the general public and realize you could get America to swallow the Patriot Act in the face of something other than 9/11.

And again, this imagined group with all its power and ability to do this got caught because you heard a guy say "pull it" on a video? Just doesn't pass a spit test.
08-07-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Laika
The one thing I do know for a fact is that the 1969 lunar landing was faked and I know this because this is what I was involved in.
Your story is BS. Everyone knows Stanley Kubrick filmed the real fake moon landing.
08-07-2013 , 05:01 PM
Also, why was this dude working with Firefighters or whatever? Because it was probably the most bat**** crazy day in the history of our country and nothing make sense?

It's like when an OOT poster talks about his crazy girlfriend and then people try and break down his story because the girl didn't act as they expected. OF COURSE SHE DIDN'T, SHE WAS ****ING CRAZY.

Weird things happen in crisis and structure breaks down. When my office's building burned down at one point some IT director was taking instruction from 23 year old entry level me as to what to do simply because I was the knowitall loudmouth who started telling him what to do when nobody else would.
08-07-2013 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by aiminglow
Your story is BS. Everyone knows Stanley Kubrick filmed the real fake moon landing.
hey, why do you think his story is bs? The Stanley Kubrick link seems like more of a myth just because of the hidden meanings behind 'The Shining'.
08-07-2013 , 05:11 PM

You may enjoy the movie "Room 327" imo. It's a documentary that goes way deep into the exploration some folks you might view as likeminded do with the subtext and conspiracies surrounding The Shining.
08-07-2013 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
Thanks for the insight. That's a truly remarkable story. I'm not big on the science behind it all, but from what i've read it seems impossible to send man too far out there due to the temperatures in the atmosphere.
If only we had the technology to insulate and heat or cool things.

Given you said something that stupid, though, the probability I'm assigning to 'you're a troll' just got significantly higher.
08-07-2013 , 05:51 PM
The game is up, Laika posted his story, and it adds up as making sense.

So if they fake the moon landings, then it's safe to assume they can fake whatever. One of my concerns, is that it's becoming a chore, having to break down all of these psy ops just to be able to discern what is real and what is not. This may be one of their agendas, to confuse people into not knowing what reality really is, and this seems to be how they have so many people in this complicit and docile state where their television set forms their reality for them.
08-07-2013 , 06:05 PM
08-07-2013 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Laika
ShaneG, I know it can be frustrating with those who don't know the truth but be patient, how could they?

I do, but only because I was involved in one of the more famous conspiracies. It was 1961 and the Russians had just put a man into space. Not very far into space, mind, but space nonetheless and the US needed a response. The evidence suggests that this much actually happened. Everything else, it is hard to tell what really happened and what was faked. The one thing I do know for a fact is that the 1969 lunar landing was faked and I know this because this is what I was involved in. I was just out of high school, I had ambitions of becoming a filmmaker but no means of realizing them and I needed money so I joined the army. I didn't enjoy my time there, it was so far removed from what I wanted to, but sometimes things just come together. NASA were looking for a cameraman to film science experiments and that secrecy was a priority so it had to be someone from inside the government or armed forces, ideally someone with little to no contact with the outside world. My sergeant knew about my interests and so he recommended me.

The landing was shot in a sound stage in Georgia. I don't know exactly where. I was picked up from my base in a truck with no windows and it didn't stop until we arrived already in the sound stage. I don't know if the people in the space suits were the actual 'astronauts', it probably doesn't matter. Everyone else there was armed forces like me. No one talked about why we were there, we knew better than to ask questions. It took a while to get everything we were told to but it was surprisingly easy given that the picture quality was supposed to be poor and you never see any of the astronaut's faces. Obviously there were some things, like the flag, that we could do little about but we found that the little details didn't actually matter that much when there were bigger distractions.

To that end, the rocket certainly was real. I wasn't involved in that in any way but I, like everyone else, watched it take off. There's no faking that thing. They sent it into space, where it went after that is anyone's guess. It's funny, they probably put nearly as much effort into faking it as it would've actually cost to actually go there (assuming it was possible at the time). There have been lunar missions since and there's a decent chance that they (or some of them) were real (certainly there'd be less incentive to fake them) but none have got anything like the publicity the first did. It was a PR masterstroke, much more than it was a technological one, that once and for all asserted the US's technological and organizational dominance over the USSR. The funny thing about history is the more time passes the less it matters. Now it barely even seems to matter that it was faked, the result would've been the same.

Whether or not other conspiracies are true, I have no idea. They well could be. Ultimately it barely even matters; such conspiracies always seem to have short term goals that could be accomplished through other means. The US would've overcome the Soviets with or without the moon landing (and one could argue that the money could have been better spent, fake or not), and that's what matters. And, hey, any furthering the public's interest in science and discovery is ok by me.
The real mystery is how the username 'Laika' remained unregistered for so long. I'm genuinely shocked.
08-07-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Invoking the "aren't you guys poker players" while demonstrating the type of reasoning that would have you folding a winner because you're reading something imaginary into how somebody shifted in their seat to fart and you know it was just a fart because you heard and smelt the fart is pretty special.

Deuces, the arrogance isn't that you're disagreeing with the herd. It's WHY you're doing it. It's that you're granting your point of view and the incredibly flimsy "evidence" that supports it credibility that it in no way, shape or form deserves simply because it's your idea. The arrogance is a person convinced that they're the one with the right level of skepticism and ability to reason when they're openly demonstrating an inability to do exactly that and rejecting common sense to latch onto a half-glimmer of an idea. The only meaningful foundation for your position is your own belief in it's validity. That's arrogance. You're not special because you're the one guy seeing the light, you're avidly not special because you're hung up on nonsense when the herd has correctly judged and moved on.

Was the herd right about the Gulf of Tonkin incident? Was the herd right about their being WMDs in Iraq? Was the herd right about Iraq involvement in the 911 attacks? We can go through history and point out tons of places where the herd was wrong which are very analogous to this situation across the relevant aspects. The herd does what is best for the herd, which they quite often judge is to eat what's fed to them and proceed to stick their heads in the sand. Until the supply of cheap goods runs out why rock the boat?

I don't think I am special because I am the one guy seeing the light. I think I am special because I am the one guy not willing to put a puzzle together in the dark and assume the image would hold up were the lights turned on. I am the one guy (in this discussion anyway) who recognizes the absence of light. The lights were never turned on here and the puzzle has been tucked away.

Given that what you think you know is not knowable (and therefore you don't know it), it is correct to give extra probability to a theory of flimsy evidence-unless you have some disproof of the controlled demolition theory. For example: in controlled demolitions X always is present but X is absent here. Or maybe you can explain to me why Larry Silverstein had input on the decision to call off the firefighting efforts if that is all he was doing.
08-07-2013 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Be careful. Fly's placed thermite in his straw man.
Good then all the conspirators will be able to smell the culprit.
08-07-2013 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
So in your view Larry Silverstein is just "a guy". OK. Again it's not so much him saying "pull it" that I find interesting so much as him both having contact with the emergency response in the heat of a firefight and seemingly directing their operations.
Originally Posted by Larry Silverstein
I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
A) Doesn't actually claim either implicitly or explicitly to have made the decision; in fact claims the opposite

B) Doesn't make any sense at all for him to be referring to demolition in that context

But yeah, definitely worth ignoring stuff like Popular Mechanics over.
08-07-2013 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Or maybe you can explain to me why Larry Silverstein had input on the decision to call off the firefighting efforts if that is all he was doing.
Deuces, maybe you can explain to me why Larry Silverstein had input on the decision to blow up the building? If there was some conspiracy it almost certainly had to be someone higher up than him. So why was he the one that made the decision?
08-07-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I don't think I am special because I am the one guy seeing the light. I think I am special because I am the one guy not willing to put a puzzle together in the dark and assume the image would hold up were the lights turned on. I am the one guy (in this discussion anyway) who recognizes the absence of light. The lights were never turned on here and the puzzle has been tucked away.
08-07-2013 , 06:58 PM
Invoking Iraq as evidence of a 9/11 conspiracy makes me suspect you arent old enough to remember the run up to the Iraq war. They had to repeatedly lie to the public, got caught lying - which btw is evidence they didnt cause or let 9/11 happen - and even then the majority didnt think it was a good idea even though everyone thought it was likely they had WMD stashed somewhere because we sold it to them.

If the end goal is to invade Iraq then just have a chemical weapon attack on a military boat in the gulf of Iraq or some settlement in Israel and blame Saddam. You dont burn 3 trillion bucks with the aim of having a trillion dollar war and dont actually link them directly. Its just stupid to think it could have happened that way.
