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07-21-2017 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Are you sure it wasn't fake-leftists?
They do like to do that.

Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation
07-21-2017 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
And the other problem is that many here are actually a part of that radical left mindset, like Fly, et al, ie, who slurp down jugs of the critical theory, everything is about power, white privilege, no nuance accepted kool aid, and then there's a sort of slow gradient of those who only drink cups and sips, who will dismiss those posters as not important while simultaneously cheering them on
Dude, no posters on here are important, it's a message board with like 10 posters. Nothing we do here matters at all.

Secondly, people post for different reasons and while Fly definitely has a reasonably high false positive rate I find his posting to be entertaining.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
and often seriously freaking out about the alt-right and nazis taking over the country, never, ever considering opening a link from one of the ever growing lists of suspected hate sites that will soon encompass half the internet (youtube is on the chopping block I see), and never acknowledging what a bubble they've created for themselves by doing this.
Wat? You're saying I should go check out StormFront or else I'm in a bubble or am I misunderstanding you? Because, like
1) I actually did check out StormFront once to see what it was like.
2) I'm pretty sure posters like 5ive and FlyWf who you would criticize the most as being in a bubble are actually the ones among the left here who actually do look at right-wing stuff on a regular basis.
3) I'm pretty sure I don't need to frequent hate sites to avoid "living in a bubble".

Also lol at YouTube being on the chopping block, noone is calling YouTube a hate site.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
And then there is the shrinking middle, who look at all of this and wonder where it is leading, and where it's already taken us. I was actually surprised, and depressed when Well Named, someone who I thought was able to both understand the budding social justice theories of intersectionality, critical theory, etc, but also held a more rational and introspective view that was willing to engage criticism, then so quickly dismissed even viewing a video, presumably because it can be nothing but alt-right wing propaganda. Still nobody here is even willing to consider the idea it might be more than just that.
Again, a few points:
1) I didn't watch the video but if you read my posts I said that the reason I didn't watch it was I didn't care if it was legit. And the reason I didn't care if it was legit is because I know similar and legit things exist and so the legitimacy of your specific video wasn't relevant.

2) People have limited time and noone wants to be linked ****ing youtube videos as sources. The contingent of posters here who like to post youtube videos think we are dismissing them because of the source or whatever but no, we are dismissing them because they are EXTREMELY INCONVENIENT.

Ditto for like, entire chapters of books.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I mean, I can try to find a source that any of you might briefly consider is not simply propaganda to dispute Well Named's sadly incorrect claim that no serious civil rights activists "are attempting to justify their position on discrimination on the basis of their race." , like Vice, but it will be ignored. I can promise you David Pakman is nowhere near Alt Right, but after viewing this video, you'll either add him to the list, or dismiss this evidence as anecdotal. Continued sources will be labeled gish gallup. Yall have a bevy of tools at your disposal to enforce the iron law.
Uh, wait, that video was meant to support that there are serious civil rights activists making that argument. The video of the college kid? He's a serious civil rights activist?

And yes, as explained above, the videos will be ignored.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'm happy to admit there is plenty of alt-right propaganda on youtube, but there is also plenty of valid criticism, and lots of stuff in between. You might consider it's just your walled off minds and the iron law leading you to believe it's just propaganda.
Okay... but doesn't this directly contradict your previous claims about how there is no middle yada yada?

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Anyhow, I don't know how much more evidence you guys need that identity politics is a dangerous game that leads to tribalism, and that tribalism is not a friend to the causes many of you champion.
Yeah.. as Bladesman said.. volume is not your issue.
07-21-2017 , 12:53 PM
Whats funny is if you argue against FoldnDark he puts you in a tribe. Even if you dont belong.
07-21-2017 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Twitter trolls gonna troll.
07-21-2017 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Dude, no posters on here are important, it's a message board with like 10 posters. Nothing we do here matters at all.

Secondly, people post for different reasons and while Fly definitely has a reasonably high false positive rate I find his posting to be entertaining.

Wat? You're saying I should go check out StormFront or else I'm in a bubble or am I misunderstanding you? Because, like
1) I actually did check out StormFront once to see what it was like.
2) I'm pretty sure posters like 5ive and FlyWf who you would criticize the most as being in a bubble are actually the ones among the left here who actually do look at right-wing stuff on a regular basis.
3) I'm pretty sure I don't need to frequent hate sites to avoid "living in a bubble".

Also lol at YouTube being on the chopping block, noone is calling YouTube a hate site.

Again, a few points:
1) I didn't watch the video but if you read my posts I said that the reason I didn't watch it was I didn't care if it was legit. And the reason I didn't care if it was legit is because I know similar and legit things exist and so the legitimacy of your specific video wasn't relevant.

2) People have limited time and noone wants to be linked ****ing youtube videos as sources. The contingent of posters here who like to post youtube videos think we are dismissing them because of the source or whatever but no, we are dismissing them because they are EXTREMELY INCONVENIENT.

Ditto for like, entire chapters of books.

Uh, wait, that video was meant to support that there are serious civil rights activists making that argument. The video of the college kid? He's a serious civil rights activists.

And yes, as explained above, the videos will be ignored.

Okay... but doesn't this directly contradict your previous claims about how there is no middle yada yada?

Yeah.. as Bladesman said.. volume is not your issue.
Yes, I consider students shutting down a school and their professors who support it to be serious civil rights activists.

No, I don't expect you to go to every hate site, but what happens is that practically any source that provides information that is critical of the prevailing social justice narrative here is labeled a hate site, alt-right propaganda, terrible source, etc, and treated the same. See Bladesman's recent post.

I'm sorry you don't like videos, I realize it can be cumbersome. They do have a way of actually showing visual evidence though, so that is important to support certain claims. I dislike it too, because it's hard to quote things from videos, and the inevitable obfuscation I'll soon face on this will be difficult to disprove to those who don't want to view the evidence.
07-21-2017 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Should try to put forward candidates with better ideas.
Ok, so you went with

Kathy Griffin et al are bad, therefore TiltedDonkey should try to put forward candidates with better ideas.

I.. have questions.

1) I thought we agreed that Kathy Griffin et al are not candidates, so how is their badness/goodness related to the ideas of the candidates?
2) I don't really choose the candidates, so I was looking for a more practical step.
3) "Candidates with better ideas" than... who? Kathy Griffin?

FWIW I don't think I'll be voting Kathy Griffin in 2020 or the next 2016.

Originally Posted by JiggyMac
I don't know about you in particular. I actually think you're making an honest effort to engage here. (You could knock it off with the insults though. Note I only respond to insults tit-for-tat. I'm willing to enter an armistice here.).

Criticize Trump's ideas. Stop calling your opponents "racists, bigots, Nazis".

Might be a good start.
Trump does not have a coherent ideology and he is not very smart.
07-21-2017 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Whats funny is if you argue against FoldnDark he puts you in a tribe. Even if you dont belong.
I'm hoping he starts to listen more to folks than professors about tribalism, for balance.
07-21-2017 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
You are a dumbass.

"We regret to inform you that KPFA has canceled our event with Richard Dawkins. We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt — in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.
KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier"
Yes, where does it say there anybody other than the radio station implored that this cancellation was made?

****ing nowhere.
07-21-2017 , 01:01 PM
Like walk me through the steps here. Dawkins is invited by a radio station to give a talk and schedules it at Berkley. They later rescind the invitation noting that they disagree with his Twitter musings.

Where exactly is the scary left running rampant happening here?
07-21-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Ok, so you went with

Kathy Griffin et al are bad, therefore TiltedDonkey should try to put forward candidates with better ideas.

I.. have questions.

1) I thought we agreed that Kathy Griffin et al are not candidates, so how is their badness/goodness related to the ideas of the candidates?
2) I don't really choose the candidates, so I was looking for a more practical step.
3) "Candidates with better ideas" than... who? Kathy Griffin?

FWIW I don't think I'll be voting Kathy Griffin in 2020 or the next 2016.

Trump does not have a coherent ideology and he is not very smart.
Nobody told you to vote for Kathy Griffin.

Stop with the ad homing of Trump might be a good start.

What policy has Trump implemented that you disagree with and what would you rather see done? And what would candidates you're looking at in 2018 put forward or do differently?
07-21-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yes, I consider students shutting down a school and their professors who support it to be serious civil rights activists.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
No, I don't expect you to go to every hate site, but what happens is that practically any source that provides information that is critical of the prevailing social justice narrative here is labeled a hate site, alt-right propaganda, terrible source, etc, and treated the same. See Bladesman's recent post.
Ok. This is a non sequitur unless by "visit hate sites" you actually meant "read the links and watch the YouTube videos I link here". I read Bladesman's post and it doesn't attack the legitimacy of the sites you post links to, it attacks the way you post them.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'm sorry you don't like videos, I realize it can be cumbersome. They do have a way of actually showing visual evidence though, so that is important to support certain claims. I dislike it too, because it's hard to quote things from videos, and the inevitable obfuscation I'll soon face on this will be difficult to disprove to those who don't want to view the evidence.
Man visual evidence is not needed for many things. Like, for example, your claim about "serious civil rights activists" does not require visual evidence.
07-21-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Like walk me through the steps here. Dawkins is invited by a radio station to give a talk and schedules it at Berkley. They later rescind the invitation noting that they disagree with his Twitter musings.

Where exactly is the scary left running rampant happening here?
You're saying that happened on its own and they didn't receive letters of complaint? Get your head out of your ass.
07-21-2017 , 01:15 PM
If the claim you are trying to dispute is that "no serious civil rights activists 'are attempting to justify their position on discrimination on the basis of their race'" then there's two steps

1) establish that some person (or group) is a "serious civil rights activist"
2) establish that said person or group is attempting to justify their position on the basis of their race

Before bothering to contest (1) in regard to students at Evergreen (which, meh, Evergreen is a pretty unique environment), I'd first be more interested in hearing how the events at Evergreen (which, to be clear, I've previously stated I think were indicative of some dysfunction at the school) satisfy condition (2), because I don't see it.

What is required is an argument to accompany whatever supported evidence is offered. What did they actually say or do that constitutes saying "we're right because we're black"? Especially given how many of the protestors are, in fact, not black.
07-21-2017 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
You're saying that happened on its own and they didn't receive letters of complaint? Get your head out of your ass.
Do you have evidence that they did? Because I read their statement. Did you read a different statement outlining different circumstances?
07-21-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Nobody told you to vote for Kathy Griffin.
Okay, well I'm trying to puzzle out why you think my level of caring about Kathy Griffin (et al) should be >0. Currently it is 0.

Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Stop with the ad homing of Trump might be a good start.
First, lol "ad homing".

Second, calling Trump dumb is not an ad hominem for a couple reasons:
a) ad hominem is "a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself." In this case, Trump is the substance of the argument; he is not the arguer. The arguer here would be you.

b) Trump's intelligence level is directly relevant because being intelligent is necessary for performing well at the job. Even if a person who is known to be unintelligent has not yet made any egregious errors, one should not want that person as President.

Originally Posted by JiggyMac
What policy has Trump implemented that you disagree with and what would you rather see done?
I mean, Trump has implemented ~nothing as far as I can tell, but:

1) The travel ban. I would rather see no travel ban.
2) The bill rolling back privacy protections for browsing history, etc. I would rather see those protections remain in place.
3) I don't support Jeff Sessions' policy of going super hard after all drug offenders. I think the Obama era policy was better.

There are other things that are proposed but not done, i.e.

4) The wall. I would rather do nothing, i.e. not build a wall.
5) I don't want any of those Congressional bills regarding healthcare to become law.
07-21-2017 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
You are a dumbass.

"We regret to inform you that KPFA has canceled our event with Richard Dawkins. We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt — in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.
KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier"
Why are you calling someone a dumbass in a post where you show him to be correct? Sounds like you're the dumbass, this is some pretty bad arguing.
07-21-2017 , 01:31 PM
If I were involved in the KPFA decision, my opinion would probably have been that Dawkins is interesting and knowledgeable enough to be worth inviting and listening to even if you strongly disagree with him on Islam or find some of his comments offensive. I think uninviting him on this basis is sort of lame. Note that I've never really liked Dawkins that much, and I think most of his more philosophical work in regard to atheism is kind of meh. But uninviting him on this basis is also meh imo. This is where I think the kinds of cultural criticisms that foldn is fond of referencing (i.e. when he cites Obama, or various other opinion pieces) have some merit.

On the other hand, there is clearly no legal free speech issue there whatsoever.
07-21-2017 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Okay then, you want to dispute they're serious or consequential. I've heard this one before. Yet their mindset is what dominates discourse in the P forum. Good luck trying to argue any conservative, moderate, or even fairly liberal points about racism, sexism, Islam, anything that might question the idea that white cis males hold the power, are oppressing marginalized groups, and that is the most important thing to focus on in any discussion related to said issues.

Ok. This is a non sequitur unless by "visit hate sites" you actually meant "read the links and watch the YouTube videos I link here". I read Bladesman's post and it doesn't attack the legitimacy of the sites you post links to, it attacks the way you post them. Man visual evidence is not needed for many things. Like, for example, your claim about "serious civil rights activists" does not require visual evidence.
He wrote, "1000's of terrible ones". And this is part of the problem. That's the judgement constantly and flagrantly made of practically anything or anyone that doesn't tow the party line, who provide legitimate criticisms. There's lots more video that will be deemed "terrible ones" from that protest and others showing civil rights activists using concepts like white privilege (which do represent valid critiques of society as Well Named can probably teach us) to bludgeon others who disagree with them, dismiss their arguments as invalid, and do precisely what Well Named claims doesn't happen. But then maybe you and he will fall back on the "serious" definition.

Fine, dismiss Fly, crowds of masked Antifa, students at colleges and their professors egging them on, as 'not serious' civil rights advocates. Actually condemn that behavior (shouting down views you dislike, for example), and argue with them why it's wrong. That's what needs to be done more, imo. Publicly. Instead of cheering them on because they're "entertaining" and their hearts are in the right place, or whatever else you use to give them the benefit of the doubt while you simultaneously label and dismiss those you* disagree with white supremacist alt-righters, and ignore their criticisms. This would help bring things back toward sane, less tribal thinking on all ends and we might actually see the right (who are better at tribalism) lose power.

* not you, the royal you

Last edited by FoldnDark; 07-21-2017 at 01:40 PM.
07-21-2017 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Second, calling Trump dumb is not an ad hominem for a couple reasons:
a) ad hominem is "a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself." In this case, Trump is the substance of the argument; he is not the arguer. The arguer here would be you.

b) Trump's intelligence level is directly relevant because being intelligent is necessary for performing well at the job. Even if a person who is known to be unintelligent has not yet made any egregious errors, one should not want that person as President.
We are not going to debate Trump's intelligence level. He was smart enough to get elected President - it directly refutes your assertion that he is dumb.

I mean, Trump has implemented ~nothing as far as I can tell, but:

1) The travel ban. I would rather see no travel ban.
2) The bill rolling back privacy protections for browsing history, etc. I would rather see those protections remain in place.
3) I don't support Jeff Sessions' policy of going super hard after all drug offenders. I think the Obama era policy was better.

There are other things that are proposed but not done, i.e.

4) The wall. I would rather do nothing, i.e. not build a wall.
5) I don't want any of those Congressional bills regarding healthcare to become law.
1) Great policy. It's why he got elected. You don't like it, have your party run better candidates. It might help if they don't call their opponents deplorable.
2) I don't know - Google can do it but Comcast can't? I mean, I guess I don't like it. I assume both Google and Comcast anonymize the data sets before advertisers can purchase them. Buying Paul Ryan's browsing history" is a strawman.
3) I don't think Trump will go along with this. Jury is still out.
4) Once again, run a better candidate. When Trump builds the wall and it costs too much, have your new candidate point that out. Seems to be working so far.
5) I didn't want Obamacare to become law. It's been a disaster for me.

Last edited by JiggyMac; 07-21-2017 at 01:39 PM.
07-21-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Why are you calling someone a dumbass in a post where you show him to be correct? Sounds like you're the dumbass, this is some pretty bad arguing.
Dumbass gonna defend dumbass. Whaddya gunna do?
07-21-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by well named
If I were involved in the KPFA decision, my opinion would probably have been that Dawkins is interesting and knowledgeable enough to be worth inviting and listening to even if you strongly disagree with him on Islam or find some of his comments offensive. I think uninviting him on this basis is sort of lame. Note that I've never really liked Dawkins that much, and I think most of his more philosophical work in regard to atheism is kind of meh. But uninviting him on this basis is also meh imo. This is where I think the kinds of cultural criticisms that foldn is fond of referencing (i.e. when he cites Obama, or various other opinion pieces) have some merit.

On the other hand, there is clearly no legal free speech issue there whatsoever.
I don't think it's a legal issue. It's just a bad look. Not free speech, just dumb.

Berkely didn't ban. However, if the University pressured KPFA, I might have a problem. I doubt Dawkins would sue them to find out though.
07-21-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Okay then, you want to dispute they're serious or consequential. I've heard this one before. Yet their mindset is what dominates discourse in the P forum.
Yes. If that mindset "dominates discourse" about those subjects in the real world you should be able to provide an example that isn't some college kid.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Good luck trying to argue any conservative, moderate, or increasingly fairly liberal points about racism, sexism, Islam, anything that might question the idea that white cis males hold the power, are oppressing marginalized groups, and that is the most important thing to focus on in any discussion related to said issues.
Why? Because the college kids are going to come find me?

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
He wrote, "1000's of terrible ones". And this is part of the problem. That's the judgement constantly and flagrantly made of practically anything or anyone that doesn't tow the party line, who provide legitimate criticisms.
What? You think he is calling them "terrible ones" because they "provide legitimate criticisms"?

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
There's lots more video from that protest and others that showing civil rights activists using concepts like white privilege (which do represent valid critiques of society as Well Named can probably teach us) to bludgeon others who disagree with them, dismiss their arguments as invalid, and do precisely what Well Named claims doesn't happen. But then maybe you and he will fall back on the "serious" definition.
Yeah I heavily dispute that randoms are important. They are randoms. All kinds of random people do all sorts of random stupid **** all the time and none of it matters.

A "serious civil rights activist" is some sort of prominent, respected voice. Not a random college kid. Not some protester screaming. Come on man.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Fine, dismiss Fly, crowds of masked Antifa, students at colleges and their professors egging them on, as 'not serious' civil rights advocates.
I have no idea who Fly is in real life so for all I know he is a "serious civil rights activist" but like the persona FlyWf on 2+2 obviously isn't. If you tried to give a FlyWf post as an example of a "serious civil rights activist" doing X that would be ridiculous. HE'S JUST SOME RANDOM ON THE INTERNET!

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
That's what needs to be done more, imo. Publicly. Instead of cheering them on because they're "entertaining" and their hearts are in the right place, or whatever else you use to give them the benefit of the doubt while you simultaneously label and dismiss those you* disagree with white supremacist alt-righters, and ignore their criticisms.

* not you, the royal you
I just think you have a vastly inflated sense of
a) the importance of randoms
b) the ability of anyone to control the actions of randoms

Last edited by TiltedDonkey; 07-21-2017 at 01:52 PM.
07-21-2017 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
In this video, Vice outlines the situation at Evergreen College. It is only a brief story, and does not provide all the context behind the situation, of which there is some that puts this in a slightly better light, imo. But this video highlights what appears to be cult like behavior of students, effectively holding administrators hostage, requiring escorts for them to go to the bathroom, chiding them for using hand gestures while speaking. This behavior appears to be driven by their fierce opposition to white privilege, which is being advocated against by many of their professors, and who also appear to be supporting these protests.

Like I said, there is more context to this story, like the history of perceived grievances these students have been fighting against, much like at other schools like Mizzou and Yale, and Weinstein's previous criticism of some school policies that have been considered to address them.

Outside of this forum I don't follow anything about US campuses and their internal politics, so forgive me if I know nothing about Evergreen (as in, not even sure where it is, never mind the political climate of that area). How about you tell me what's actually going on there, and why you disagree with it, instead of just giving me a youtube video and expecting me to deconstruct the whole situation from there?

Don't just tell me there's "more context". It's your point, you're supposed to provide the context that this is an example for.
07-21-2017 , 01:48 PM
When 'nazis' speaking closed the clinic on campus, the protestors were the University's rationale for closing the clinic. Appeal from authority, who is going to defy?
07-21-2017 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Yes, our radicals are better than your radicals. Hell, we even have to defend Richard Spencer because your side ****ing punched him - and everyone on the Right hates Richard Spencer. And then we have to tell you why you don't punch Nazis. smh
'You don't punch Nazis,' eh? As I've mentioned before, I come from an RAF family. You will perhaps recall what the Third Reich looked like in 1945 after the RAF had finished with it. It looked like the face of the ****ing Moon. That's what Nazis have coming to them. Except in the United States, apparently, where they're just fine.
