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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

05-13-2016 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
I have no idea what you're talking about or what you think needs proving. Maybe you didn't realize that "I was thinking exactly the same thing" was obviously a response to "Jesus you're dumb". I'll lower future expectations accordingly.
At what point in time did you think Trump would win the GOP nomination?
05-13-2016 , 11:02 AM
If you think there's any answer I can give here that will help you, it just further demonstrates that you don't understand what's being discussed.

Back to Trump:
Donald Trump masqueraded as spokesman to brag about himself
Donald Trump on His Tax Rate: ‘It’s None of Your Business’
05-13-2016 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
If you think there's any answer I can give here that will help you, it just further demonstrates that you don't understand what's being discussed.

Back to Trump:
Donald Trump masqueraded as spokesman to brag about himself
Donald Trump on His Tax Rate: ‘It’s None of Your Business’
At what point in time did you think Trump would win the GOP nomination?
05-13-2016 , 11:59 AM
Just make up whatever date you think is most favorable to whatever point you're trying to make and proceed with your earth-shattering gotcha.
05-13-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
Just make up whatever date you think is most favorable to whatever point you're trying to make and proceed with your earth-shattering gotcha.
This is why arguing with idiots is a waste of time. You people. lol
05-13-2016 , 12:13 PM
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
05-13-2016 , 12:25 PM
05-13-2016 , 07:42 PM
If Trump opens up his financials he will be exposed as a fraud. I think this will be an ongoing issue therefore, as his supposed business acumen is the pretend perch from which he sits above all. However, with all the information more or less out there already you might predict people could learn anything about Trump and it won't too much difference. The dumb ****s supporting him are immune to logic and everyone else already hates him.
05-13-2016 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
If Trump opens up his financials he will be exposed as a fraud. I think this will be an ongoing issue therefore, as his supposed business acumen is the pretend perch from which he sits above all. However, with all the information more or less out there already you might predict people could learn anything about Trump and it won't too much difference. The dumb ****s supporting him are immune to logic and everyone else already hates him.
You've either done acid or belladonna, or snort coke regularly because you don't know jack **** what's in trumps financials.

I enjoy the hell out of your opinions, but really, acting like your sleeping with Hillary now, and sharing the low down on Trumps finances.
05-14-2016 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by grenzen
You've either done acid or belladonna, or snort coke regularly because you don't know jack **** what's in trumps financials.

I enjoy the hell out of your opinions, but really, acting like your sleeping with Hillary now, and sharing the low down on Trumps finances.
This is me a month ago:

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
That is disputed. David Cay Johnston, formerly a tax reporter for the NYT and someone who has been covering Trump for a long time, says Trump's net worth is about 1B. You will get no better estimate than that until Trump releases his taxes. My guess is that Trump will never release his tax returns because he is just that narcissistic in protecting his business magnate narrative that he will reach new levels of stubbornness on that for republican nominees.

Here is Fortune magazine yesterday

Tax returns could help determine whether Trump has been overstating — or understating — his income. On a press release with his financial disclosure form released last year, for example, Trump put his 2014 income at $362 million, excluding certain items like interest and dividends. But that figure appeared to include revenue that wouldn’t count as taxable income. For example, Trump’s disclosure form included $4.3 million in “golf-related revenue” over 18 months from his course in Scotland. But the course lost more than $2 million in 2014 after its costs were taken into account. Depending on how it’s reported, a significantly smaller income figure on Trump’s Form 1040 than on his financial disclosure could be a fresh sign that his personal fortune, too, is less than the “more than $10 billion by any stretch of the imagination” that he’s claimed.


A big chunk of Trump’s personal wealth is tied up in the value of the Trump brand name, which he licenses far and wide. The billionaire estimated his personal brand and marketing deals at $3.3 billion when he announced his candidacy last year, but Forbes magazine knocked that down to a much more modest estimate of $125 million. Trump’s tax returns could offer information about how much licensing income he receives, providing new clues about the true value of his brand, according to Thorndike.
The suspicions appear justified. Of course nobody "knows" but we know some things about Trump, his tendencies. He likes to talk himself up far above what he is. I think it will be embarrassing for him to give out indications of the truth and I wonder if he actually will.
05-14-2016 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm just trying to find a way to rationalize how he did what he did. I have a feeling of disbelief and I don't know how to get rid of it. It's almost like he pulled off a magic trick.
Something to consider that isn't often discussed is how Trump's recognition through his reality tv show has boosted his candidacy. I don't know that you can just be a billionaire and automatically poll well. One of the Koch brothers tried to run once and went nowhere, same as Forbes. But a guy who can fund his own campaign, who knows how to play to crowds, and has already been in America's living rooms through the television on a regular basis for years is really an anomaly in the built-in advantage it brings. I mean, I had barely heard of Kasich before this election but I had been hearing about Trump for decades. Kasich is a governor of a state in my region and Trump is a sorry real estate developer. I think that's where the magic is, in Trump's pre-campaign recognition and over blown reputation. He also had a lot of experience getting free attention from the media.
05-15-2016 , 01:12 PM
Even if you take publicity and media exposure out of the equation - trump has one thing that neither the koch brothers or forbes has - credibility with white trash america.

And he has that because he's authentically one of them. He was the trashy kid in the circles he grew up in. The ruffian **** head that no one wanted to spend time with, but who because he came from money was able to buy his way up in the world, and was slowly acclimatized to an upper class environment that still doesn't really accept him. And to white trash who believe that the only thing separating them from the cultural elite is how much money they have - trump is their champion.
05-16-2016 , 03:10 AM
Yeah I think his low info, crude, fearful mentality is a factor explaining his success but mostly insomuch as it produces like minded policy with the tea party/racist scum. I don't think his base quite identifies with him personally on the level you say, Trump being a weird rich guy from NY. Those people don't really know that much about Trump's history. Trump is all about gold trim and marble flooring, like he idolized Richie Rich as a kid and never matured much. He is sort of at odds stylistically and personally with his constituents. These aren't people who knew and loved him previously and begged him to run. These are people who looked up and said "A Wall to keep the Mexicans out? Hell yayuh that's what I'm talkin bout! Trump!"
05-16-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Something to consider that isn't often discussed is how Trump's recognition through his reality tv show has boosted his candidacy. I don't know that you can just be a billionaire and automatically poll well. One of the Koch brothers tried to run once and went nowhere, same as Forbes. But a guy who can fund his own campaign, who knows how to play to crowds, and has already been in America's living rooms through the television on a regular basis for years is really an anomaly in the built-in advantage it brings. I mean, I had barely heard of Kasich before this election but I had been hearing about Trump for decades. Kasich is a governor of a state in my region and Trump is a sorry real estate developer. I think that's where the magic is, in Trump's pre-campaign recognition and over blown reputation. He also had a lot of experience getting free attention from the media.
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
Even if you take publicity and media exposure out of the equation - trump has one thing that neither the koch brothers or forbes has - credibility with white trash america.

And he has that because he's authentically one of them. He was the trashy kid in the circles he grew up in. The ruffian **** head that no one wanted to spend time with, but who because he came from money was able to buy his way up in the world, and was slowly acclimatized to an upper class environment that still doesn't really accept him. And to white trash who believe that the only thing separating them from the cultural elite is how much money they have - trump is their champion.
I don't agree with any of this, and I don't see how you guys can come to these conclusions.

Trump's celebrity status doesn't mean that much. Him being a familiar face may help a little bit as far as recognition goes but I don't think that's his selling point. There's something about his rhetoric that is resonating with people, and it's crossing many different demographics.

As far as the "white trash" vote, I don't agree with your analysis. I think it's just his bluntness that helps him. There is nothing about his life that is similar to poor whites in far as how they grew up.
05-16-2016 , 10:45 AM
His celebrity status means quite a bit. I mean just look at the conversations around here about his business dealing and what not. People tend to think rich people know what they're doing economically and it's certainly helping him IMO
05-16-2016 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
His celebrity status means quite a bit. I mean just look at the conversations around here about his business dealing and what not. People tend to think rich people know what they're doing economically and it's certainly helping him IMO
^ This... regardless of how ******ed the average American's assumption is that rich=politically qualified, or that "what the country needs is a business man" (when it's absolutely big business that has the country on the brink of financial disaster), it's definitely a selling point to the low-information voter... of which this country has in abundance.

In other Trump developments, this is hysterical:

In response to Don's denial of climate consensus, Millions of Americans Now Claim Donald Trump Does Not Exist
05-16-2016 , 11:41 AM
Donald Trump is a shining example of how money can't buy you class.

With or without money, Trump is white trash.
05-16-2016 , 02:41 PM
"White trash" comments are insidious racist spew.
05-16-2016 , 04:43 PM
I'm white enough that I can **** on white people. And I don't have a problem with trash. Some of my extended family is white trash. They're lovely people. But they don't know anything about anything, and are only too happy to take strong positions on issues they know almost nothing about all because they think that being white makes them a special snowflake. This is the trump legacy. This is why he resonates with white trash america.
05-16-2016 , 07:16 PM
His celebrity status means everything here. He's nowhere in this race if not for tabloid coverage of his foibles in the 80's and 90's or the existence of the Apprentice. He's a household name as a result of these things, and that got him his platform.
05-16-2016 , 09:23 PM
Being on television for years gave Trump a sheen of credibility. It's kind of outrageous when you think about that he was going on and on about birther nonsense for years. Under a typical set of circumstances this would render someone irrelevant, disqualify them part of the lunatic fringe. Yet, because he has been given the magical tv stamp of approval, the media's position toward Trump, prior to this election, was something like "So you think there is a grand conspiracy whereby Obama's real birthplace has been buried and a fake history constructed. Do tell, what are your thoughts on the economy? and will you run for president?"
05-16-2016 , 09:28 PM
I mean, come on. If it just takes celebrity status to win elections then celebrities would take turns becoming president. Attributing his success to him being a TV star seems like some really low level thinking.
05-16-2016 , 10:18 PM
Will all the SJWs on this board go away if Trump wins? I can't believe they're actually real people and not hired shills. They're like caricatures.
05-16-2016 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by grenzen
"White trash" comments are insidious racist spew.
Apparently hating poor whites is completely acceptable to SJW's.
05-16-2016 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tiltmonkey2
Apparently hating poor whites is completely acceptable to SJW's.

Of course, they still have their white privilege.
