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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

02-02-2016 , 02:43 PM
trolly, saying people overemphasize one aspect of a broad based investment isn't financial advice. In general most people over emphasize cutting costs while not putting enough emphasis on increasing revenues. It is a very simple minded approach.

However, we aren't ITT to talk about investing. We are here to talk about the guy that is going to help America start winning. If you want to talk about investing ITT we can discuss how much better our economy and most domestic investments will be under TRUMP as opposed to our current president or Hillary/Bernie.
02-02-2016 , 02:47 PM
Bahbah apparently not satisfied with being a ****ty poster, also now has delusions he's a moderator.

We are here to talk about the guy that is going to help America start winning.
This is the Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton thread?

trolly, saying people overemphasize one aspect of a broad based investment isn't financial advice. In general most people over emphasize cutting costs while not putting enough emphasis on increasing revenues. It is a very simple minded approach.
If only there were mountains of data available on whether active investing earned enough extra alpha to make up for costs.

Also bahbah on calculating costs

Originally Posted by bahbahmickey View Post
As a private wealth advisor it is important to know how are income tax system works so know that I have a fairly good idea how it works.

Originally Posted by suzzer99 View Post
Lol then why the hell won't you answer my question? Exactly how much more is a head of household making $250k (or $275k if you want) going to pay if we let the Bush tax cuts expire on the top earners like Obama wants?

Originally Posted by bahbahmickey View Post
3% or $7,500. What is your point in asking this question?
02-02-2016 , 02:53 PM
I like to emphasize not paying fees to advisors who can't outperform low cost index funds. It's a very simpleminded approach.
02-02-2016 , 03:20 PM
I wasn't trying to act like a moderator. I am just following the rules (or whatever rules the mods make up today/tomorrow). I got threatened with a ban recently so I am trying to stay on my best behavior and that includes not talking about something ITT that has its own thread.

We don't win anymore... We have to make our country great again, and TRUMP will do that.

Do the TRUMP HATERS in this thread believe that the socialist has a better chance to beat hillary than TRUMP does of cruz/rubio?
02-02-2016 , 03:29 PM
Then STFU, we'll discuss what we want in this thread.

Do the TRUMP HATERS in this thread believe that the socialist has a better chance to beat hillary than TRUMP does of cruz/rubio?
bahbah SHOOK now reduced to comparing Trump to Bernie Sanders.
02-02-2016 , 03:40 PM
Lol at LG telling someone to STFU because we can discuss what we like in this thread
02-02-2016 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Do the TRUMP HATERS in this thread believe that the socialist has a better chance to beat hillary than TRUMP does of cruz/rubio?
Bernie isn't a socialist is he?
02-02-2016 , 03:45 PM
chez shook today too after his boy went down last night.

What a day for America.
02-02-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
chez shook today too after his boy went down last night.

What a day for America.
what an obsessive weirdo you are LG.
02-02-2016 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Then STFU, we'll discuss what we want in this thread.

bahbah SHOOK now reduced to comparing Trump to Bernie Sanders.
In a shocking turn of events gambool doesn't want to talk about the the topic of the thread.

I never compared one of the most American presidential hopeful to the most anti-American presidential hopeful. I simply asked those of you who haven't YET hoped on the TRUMP bandwagon how do you think his odds compare to that of the guy that dems talked into running against Hillary because they thought it would ensure her of an easy victory.
02-02-2016 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Bernie isn't a socialist is he?
Bernie's a communist in the guise of a socialist.
02-02-2016 , 04:12 PM
Guys,since I am from Bulgaria could you tell me the following:
1-Who has the bigger respect from society-Hilary or Trump?
2-Who is 'better' for the economics in the USA-in other words,who will make economic better?
3-Do you think if Obama could have gone for 3rd campain that he would have been elected again?
4-Do you think that your candidates want to become president to help your country or just for the money?
5-Is there and have theer been any corrupted president in your history so far?
02-02-2016 , 04:33 PM
02-02-2016 , 05:11 PM
1) tie maybe more hillary not by much
2) Hillary
3) yes based on the weak Republican field.
4) not for the money, there not much money relatively speaking no one runs for president for the 400k/year salary when they can make more elsewhere most are already rich.
5) the most would be Nixon because of watergate, corrupt might be too strong of a word, it was more stupid than anything he was going to win the 1972 election by a landslide anyways. see past presidential elections
02-02-2016 , 05:16 PM
1) Tough to say. The media has more respect for hillary, but I think the people respect TRUMP more.
2) TRUMP & it isn't close.
3) He would win the dem nomination uncontested, but I suspect he'd lose against whatever repub hopeful makes it by a small margin.
4) I think all of them are running to do what they believe is best for the country.
02-02-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by vladoivanov
Guys,since I am from Bulgaria could you tell me the following:
1-Who has the bigger respect from society-Hilary or Trump?
2-Who is 'better' for the economics in the USA-in other words,who will make economic better?
3-Do you think if Obama could have gone for 3rd campain that he would have been elected again?
4-Do you think that your candidates want to become president to help your country or just for the money?
5-Is there and have theer been any corrupted president in your history so far?
1) by favorabilty ratings, hillary.

2) hillary, since we have no clue what trump will do, unless he implements his stated policies, in which case massive advantage hillary.

3) yes, but i don't think he would have. i think 8 years has been enough for him.

4) best for the country and also to hold power. definitely not the money, we don't pay the potus jack****. you can make a helluva lot more in private industry and not age 20 years in an 8 year time span,

5) sure. most obvious recent example is nixon, but i don't doubt at all that most of them have done a few favors for people or been involved in some "stuff". we aren't electing saints, we are electing politicians. hell, even reagan has iran-contra on his record, and the guy is practically sainted.
02-02-2016 , 06:51 PM
Bahbah compare and contrast Hillary and Trumps economic platforms for us.
02-02-2016 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by vladoivanov
Guys,since I am from Bulgaria could you tell me the following:
1-Who has the bigger respect from society-Hilary or Trump?
2-Who is 'better' for the economics in the USA-in other words,who will make economic better?
3-Do you think if Obama could have gone for 3rd campain that he would have been elected again?
4-Do you think that your candidates want to become president to help your country or just for the money?
5-Is there and have theer been any corrupted president in your history so far?
1. Trump. In reality he inherited his father's wealth and not done well with it. In perception, he is a shrewd self-made billionaire. Hillary, in perception and reality, rode Bill Clinton into her career.

2. Who knows. H. Clinton would facilitate more of the same trends- widen the gap between the rich and the poor, free up capital to expand the labor market and up the divorce rate between American companies and American workers. Trump has some more populist leanings but is a buffoon who doesn't figure to achieve any agenda he makes.

3. Of course he would. America is a very fearful, conservative nation. If the world doesn't blow up under someone's watch then Americans feel that leader must have the magic touch and don't want to risk change.

4. Trump is probably just bored and using his campaign stops to express his crankiness. Clinton started out as an over achiever thinking she was so smart and had all the answers. Now disillusioned and driven by angst and hatred, she is just completely twisted and obsessed with winning some big game where she gets all the prizes she really deserves. Neither of these two give a single solitary **** about the people of this country.

5. All recent presidents have been corrupt, though not necessarily broken the law. We have a system of legal corruption in the U.S.
02-03-2016 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by vladoivanov
Guys,since I am from Bulgaria could you tell me the following:
1-Who has the bigger respect from society-Hilary or Trump?
2-Who is 'better' for the economics in the USA-in other words,who will make economic better?
3-Do you think if Obama could have gone for 3rd campain that he would have been elected again?
4-Do you think that your candidates want to become president to help your country or just for the money?
5-Is there and have theer been any corrupted president in your history so far?
1. Depends who you ask. I you ask the liberal Hillary wrote the book It Takes a Village and it is so true you need a big government to take care of people and make jobs. If you ask a Trump supporter, he is a self-made businessman who put his own cash on the line and dodged the liberal trash to get where he is - on top a winner.
2. Depends who you ask.
3. Probably. People love incumbents, and even libertarians love not being in war.
4. Fame, friends, and parties they are both rich as hell. Trump imho, really wants to help the country. Hillary just wants to get elected and decorate the white house. In many ways she and Obama have the same politics.
5. Nixon, but they all are corrupt in a way. You got be be careful of everything you do as anything that you do that might be found illegal and can be twisted by your opponents to make a scandal. Talk shows need scandals to keep up the ratings. But, they have no need to do anything for money as they can make bank giving speeches or writing books after they leave office. So corruption is rather low. While in office they live like kings.
02-03-2016 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Depends who you ask. Depends who you ask.
Let's get another opinion then.

he is a self-made businessman who put his own cash on the line

If McCain had won in 2008 I think Trump would be running as an outlandish Democrat in 2016 instead of an outlandish Republican.
Trump doesn't really care about politics, he cares about power and has spoon feed his supporters what they want to hear and they are eating it up.

Last edited by xalas; 02-03-2016 at 07:07 AM. Reason: post script
02-03-2016 , 11:26 AM
Thank you for your answers,guys!
The reason I asked the last question is because I want an advice from you.
Here is the situation in my country-we have like 12 parties,but absolutely all of them are corrupted,including the people there.The politician decided to take 16 Billion levs(our currency-1$=1.80 levs) loan from Europe.It was before like a year.The salaries havent risen-they are frozen,or absolutely the same.However,some things like electricity and other accommodations have risen-which is the absolutely the opposite of what should have happened.So here is my question:
If you had the same situation in the USA-what would you do?
What,if for example,you find your next president in a situation they take some money that were for the people,for himself/herself.Or,it would never happen?
What would you do if both parties agree to a budget for like culture of about of 500mil and you find out that they had stolen like 100mil for themselves with the following script:Some organization have to do some work and needs like 10 mil,but the organization is close to some politician and does work for like 1 mil and the other 9 goes to the politian?How would you react to that or that never happens in the USA?
Sorry for any mistakes made here,just have been wondering how are those things threatened in the USA.
Sorry if this is not the right topic also.
02-03-2016 , 01:18 PM
it happens in the usa on a pretty regular basis, although not with the presidency. we have a LOT elected officials who have spent time at "hotel fed" or been forced out of politics because of out and out corruption.

google "abscam" to start.

we have a long long history of corrupt officials in the usa. senators, house reps, governors, judges, you name it, we've had it.
02-03-2016 , 02:28 PM
Yes, we have corruption in the USA, but when compared to other countries we are pretty damn good.
02-03-2016 , 02:39 PM
Bahbah going to completely ignore the question about why Trump is superior on the economy because he is a low information idiot.
02-03-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Bahbah going to completely ignore the question about why Trump is superior on the economy because he is a low information idiot.
Trump will be better for the economy, because he wants to lower minimum wage. Who says low interest rates hurt the economy. When Reagan had 18% interest rates the economy was supposedly improving. Obama has done nothing for the economy, he got in at the bottom of the crash so it looks like everything is improving. The deficit should hit $1 trillion this year. What caused the housing crisis in the first place, cheap debt and liberal ideals. What did Obama do to help the economy? Nothing, it improved due the deadlock in congress. It improved by itself without the C student. The only true way to improve the economy is full reserve banks. Thus the bank depositors do not have to pay for the rich mans pipe dreams, houses and cars.

Last edited by steelhouse; 02-03-2016 at 03:14 PM.
