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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

12-30-2015 , 10:16 AM
Lets ask JohnyC, samsonh and Wil if they in fact do because they are the only ones so far that seem to care at least a tiny bit.
12-30-2015 , 10:18 AM
income inequality is a real problem
12-30-2015 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
income inequality is a real problem
We've had this discussion bahbah thinks you can just add fish
12-30-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Lets ask JohnyC, samsonh and Wil if they in fact do because they are the only ones so far that seem to care at least a tiny bit.
Wil, Johny, deuces, Bahbah ...yup my story checks out the forum morons
12-30-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
No I was saying divide LG's IQ by 2 then compare that to Johny's IQ. Just joking though.
Same as multiplying Johny's IQ by 2. An IQ of 51-70 has a specific meaning.
12-30-2015 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
Same as multiplying Johny's IQ by 2. An IQ of 51-70 has a specific meaning.
That's good, but I didn't put any thought into it like that at all.
12-30-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Posted by a vocal trump supporting cousin on social media today.

Is there anything specifically in this video that you object to, or is the problem that bigots use it to fuel their racism/xenophobia?
12-30-2015 , 12:46 PM
That is a brave women.
12-30-2015 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Is there anything specifically in this video that you object to, or is the problem that bigots use it to fuel their racism/xenophobia?
Is there anything specifically that you object.?

I find the video interesting... and disturbing ATST. I find the numbers that the lady quoted disturbing. Its math right? I mean you guys talk samples, maths yada all the time around here.

Im not even trolling here. Could someone PLEASE show me exactly how her math is soo way off that one could not come to those numbers unless they are purposely misrepresenting?

I need further debunking.

Thank you in advance

Last edited by NoQuarter; 12-30-2015 at 12:53 PM. Reason: lol ninjas
12-30-2015 , 01:11 PM
Wil I recall you rambling on for weeks about Trump's riches, fawning over him like a groupie and constantly getting into contests over who makes what. I didn't know you were the one who made that bet with LG which is funny since I called out that you would have been obsessed by the answer - thinking someone else had made that bet.

I think you might be gold digging like Kim K & that those are ruses to try to find out who you should latch onto. Im sure LGs momma has warned him about girls like you who have dollar signs in their eyes but still.

Last edited by Lilu7; 12-30-2015 at 01:24 PM.
12-30-2015 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Is there anything specifically that you object.?

I find the video interesting... and disturbing ATST. I find the numbers that the lady quoted disturbing. Its math right? I mean you guys talk samples, maths yada all the time around here.

Im not even trolling here. Could someone PLEASE show me exactly how her math is soo way off that one could not come to those numbers unless they are purposely misrepresenting?

I need further debunking.

Thank you in advance
It seems fine, the PewResearch on this subject is often quoted and afaik not been countered with other objective research. The video is fine as well and gave me a chuckle again about people like Ben Affleck (who is lol even though Gone girl is a reasonably good movie), I expected something a little more .... rednecky instead of this.
12-30-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Is there anything specifically that you object.?

I find the video interesting... and disturbing ATST. I find the numbers that the lady quoted disturbing. Its math right? I mean you guys talk samples, maths yada all the time around here.

Im not even trolling here. Could someone PLEASE show me exactly how her math is soo way off that one could not come to those numbers unless they are purposely misrepresenting?

I need further debunking.

Thank you in advance
I don't have any major objections to what she says in that video. We've had the discussion in some other threads about the Pew polls, and there could be flaws in how they're interpreted. Better polls with clearer questions may be needed. We should also compare them to similar polls of the religious in the West to get a fuller perspective.

For the most part I see no problem with what Raheel Raza says in this video and in her writings. She has called for outlawing publicly wearing the Niqab and Burka in Canada, which may be a bit much, but it's her perspective and she makes some good points. She is a Muslim woman trying to modernize her religion and facing a lot of push back from people you would expect, like other Muslims, and people you might not expect, like liberals in the West. Also her efforts gain her some unsavory allys, like bigots and religious Christians who dislike Muslims for their own bad reasons. That's part of what makes these discussions so challenging.
12-30-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Wil, Johny, deuces, Bahbah ...yup my story checks out the forum morons
I don't care how much money you make gambool. Of course, you can't tell that I take any opportunity to expose your character. You're a moronic ass, and I've had you pegged for awhile. When you're not insulting people (usually with super creative and witty "lol insert-poster-name-here") you (if there is a topic on which you can't readily cut and paste some establishment mantra) usually say something quite stupid. It's very obvious when you are trying hopelessly to think for yourself or are butchering someone else's argument. So what you just said yesterday for example:

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Trump has to win over 50% of the delegates during the primary process or else he's almost certainly sunk after the first ballot at the convention. So if he gets delegates in proportion to the graph you are showing, he's dead. In a three way fight between Trump/Cruz/establishment (likely Rubio) he has almost no shot.
is pretty moronic. You actually think that the current proportions can hold throughout the whole primary. Did you even notice that Rubio (the guy you cite above as "likely") is already scrambling to reassure his investors? You think they are going to keep pouring money into that? And then you just assert that Trump has no shot in the unlikely (though you seem to be banking on it) brokered convention with no reasoning? Have you ever observed a primary before? One way it works is that when donors feel like you're not gaining support and aren't going to win then they stop giving money. They don't think "I hope all this money provides for a good showing" lolol.

Any time any actual thinking is required you fail gambool. All you do is follow the consensus or, like in the case of net neutrality, the corporate line. And if you don't understand the the basis of the consensus opinion or if there isn't one clearly defined on a particular topic you will treat us to the products of your laughably inept faculty.
12-30-2015 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I don't have any major objections to what she says in that video.
Anyone interested in an honest discussion should have a major objection to one of her first claims, her naked assertion that most terrorism is committed by Muslims. That's only true if you are nakedly biased and define terrorism as violence by Muslims. Any fair definition of terrorism will issue more indictment to the West AINEC.

We've had the discussion in some other threads about the Pew polls, and there could be flaws in how they're interpreted. Better polls with clearer questions may be needed. We should also compare them to similar polls of the religious in the West to get a fuller perspective.

For the most part I see no problem with what Raheel Raza says in this video and in her writings.
Mere polls are not sufficient to study an issue like this. There are experts who actually study this topic and they conclude that Islam is not the problem- Western aggression is driving the dynamic. Here is an article discussing a recently published study from U of C.

What 95 percent of all suicide attacks have in common, since 1980, is not religion, but a specific strategic motivation to respond to a military intervention, often specifically a military occupation, of territory that the terrorists view as their homeland or prize greatly. From Lebanon and the West Bank in the 80s and 90s, to Iraq and Afghanistan, and up through the Paris suicide attacks we’ve just experienced in the last days, military intervention—and specifically when the military intervention is occupying territory—that’s what prompts suicide terrorism more than anything else.
That is a quote from the study itself. Here is a quote giving some context:

religious fervor is not a motive unto itself. Rather, it serves as a tool for recruitment and a potent means of getting people to overcome their fear of death and natural aversion to killing innocents. “Very often, suicide attackers realize they have instincts for self-preservation that they have to overcome,” and religious beliefs are often part of that process,
It is stupid to blame a religion for everything wrong with a culture or every action we don't like coming from a group. That is a drastic oversimplification guided by purposeful bigotry, an attempt to smear the group with a wide brush and sidestep legitimate grievances of that group. So your problem with Raza should be that her entire thesis is based on a false propaganda which is contradicted by serious research by our best academic institutions and by our own security estimates which (correctly) predict rises in terrorism with invasions, not spontaneously increasing religiosity.
12-30-2015 , 06:34 PM
That sounds like a classical argument we've never heard before, let me guess. The Muricans and west be them baddest terrorists right ?
12-30-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
income inequality is a real problem
If you believe that do you also believe that YOU will be better off if gambool only makes $40k next year?
12-30-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
We've had this discussion bahbah thinks you can just add fish
Oh wow. A quick skim read shows bahbah putting on a clinic for abysmal posting, as usual, and LetsGambool laying the smack down. Standard.
12-30-2015 , 07:50 PM
Sometimes I actually feel a little bad for bahbah because I know he is slow & I think he might be challenged. But he does show support for some pretty horrible stuff. Whoever he gets his politics info from & mimics like a parrot is just doing the poor fellow a disservice
12-30-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
That sounds like a classical argument we've never heard before, let me guess. The Muricans and west be them baddest terrorists right ?
This is always a tough argument. Let's just say.

1. Killing innocents deliberately is clearly worse than killing innocents by accident or as predicted "collateral damage"

2. The options states have to inflict violence are very different from those of non state actors.

3. The violence of big states will hurt/kill more people in total, due to the sheer size/scale/power they have.

4. Labeling something "terrorism" or not, is hugely value laden statement with very limited descriptive power, and obfuscates the discussion.

I doubt any reasonable person would disagree with any of the above, but yet we all struggle to discuss terrorism and state violence with any objectivity... why is that?
12-30-2015 , 08:09 PM
I would also add that trying to discuss any particular case of violence/terrorisn without looking at context/cause beyond religion alone or some version of "they hate our freedom" should be a non starter, and doesn't require any less revulsion of the violence itself.
12-30-2015 , 09:01 PM
Bahba's a fundamentally ****ty person.
12-30-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Isaac Rebluff
I want the president that has the highest probability of reacting to Islamic terrorism with a violent counter-reaction. In other words, I want them crushed and destroyed if they attack us. So when I go through the candidates, I think the most likely candidate to supply what I want in the event of Islamic terrorism is Donald Trump. And that is why I will vote for him.
1. Do you think that dropping more bombs etc in the middle east will prevent terrorism?

2. Do you think a violent counter reaction is a disincentive for terrorists?

3. How has this strategy worked out so far?
12-30-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Isaac Rebluff
I want the president that has the highest probability of reacting to Islamic terrorism with a violent counter-reaction. In other words, I want them crushed and destroyed if they attack us. So when I go through the candidates, I think the most likely candidate to supply what I want in the event of Islamic terrorism is Donald Trump. And that is why I will vote for him.
Who is them? The terrorist networks? Or just random ME countries they might happen to come from?
12-30-2015 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Bahba's a fundamentally ****ty person.
But is it his fault? The guy seems a little challenged and if most ppl are influenced by their parents I imagine it is tenfold for bahbah. He consistently communicates like a 11-12 year old which leads me to think that's around his intelligence level. He always seems confused & seeking clarification because he doesn't understand what's being talked about.

The forum as a whole seems a little over his head, I think he might be able to keep up in sports threads maybe. I'd be interested to learn how he came across this forum in the first place because I can't picture him successfully reading one of the twoplustwo books from cover to cover
12-30-2015 , 09:26 PM
ISIS 100 percent wants president Trump so nice work

Send me a postcard from your tour of duty serving in the Middle East
