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Donald Sterling UNCHAINED Donald Sterling UNCHAINED

05-07-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So what's the point here, black school kids that take the A train are lesser people?
Lesser? Not my (or anyones) call to make. But I wouldn't want them at my NBA games.
05-07-2014 , 03:27 PM
Once again ladies and gentleman...

05-07-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
His point was that if you ride the A train you'll realize black people are bad. And that liberals have never dealt with any actual black people.

I'm sure everyone feels enlightened by your point. Now he can go back to complaining that people say bless you after someone sneezes and about bowties. And of course blogging about how misterable he is and how he hates his wife.

I am replying from my phone and I don't know how to multi quote.

1. I didn't say all. That would be racist. I am not.

2. I never said liberals (of which I am one) never dealt with any black people. Only with certain kinds of black folks. If all of your interactions are with your cool friends and colleagues then I invite you to delve into the full gamut of the experience.

3. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. I am so pleased. I would read yours but I don't care about you as much as you seem to care about me.

We can't all be perfect gleaming models of humanity like you seem to be.
05-07-2014 , 03:34 PM
"Even black people don't like black people" is an interesting development.
05-07-2014 , 03:34 PM
So you are racist against liberals and school kids from Brooklyn, but not black people?
05-07-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
I wonder what percentage of you PC liberal douches actually grew up around black people? Was your only exposure to black people feel good Hollywood pablum starring Sandra Bollocks and Tom Wanks?

I grew up in NYC. Ride the A train at 3pm on a weekday when school lets out and see what kind of enlightened thoughts you have.
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
Lesser? Not my (or anyones) call to make. But I wouldn't want them at my NBA games.
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease

I am replying from my phone and I don't know how to multi quote.

1. I didn't say all. That would be racist. I am not.

2. I never said liberals (of which I am one) never dealt with any black people. Only with certain kinds of black folks. If all of your interactions are with your cool friends and colleagues then I invite you to delve into the full gamut of the experience.

3. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. I am so pleased. I would read yours but I don't care about you as much as you seem to care about me.

We can't all be perfect gleaming models of humanity like you seem to be.
Multi-quote from the phone with key, seemingly contradictory quotes bolded! (Use the little icon next to the word "quote.") Specifically not wanting the people and type of people that you interact with on the A train to come to your games is not the same as black people in general but you certainly made it souns that way. There are individuals of all nationalities who I would prefer not to interact with-including white people even though I'm white-but I usually don't focus on their race nor do I use it to generalize others of their race. Basically this is the major difference between being a racist and not racist and it's also unclear if you've been able to make this distinction. Like let's imagine a scenario where Magic Johnson is riding the A train...
05-07-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease

I am replying from my phone and I don't know how to multi quote.

1. I didn't say all. That would be racist. I am not.
your original quote pretty much reads that you're talking about all black people.

I wonder what percentage of you PC liberal douches actually grew up around black people? Was your only exposure to black people feel good Hollywood pablum starring Sandra Bollocks and Tom Wanks?
You may not think you're racist but you sure write like one.

2. I never said liberals (of which I am one) never dealt with any black people. Only with certain kinds of black folks. If all of your interactions are with your cool friends and colleagues then I invite you to delve into the full gamut of the experience.
Again... you did. Unless you think putting the word "PC" if front of liberals is a useful distinction. You didn't specify - you simply said 'black people.'

And again, I earlier pointed out that I have been living in NYC for over 20 years and lived in the city for 10. I interacted with 'black people' all the time. Including random people on subway trains, homeless people, business people, jerks, nice guys, etc. And I'm quite certain I'm not the only one who has experienced 'black people.' You come across as simultaneously arrogant and naive when you say really dumb things like you did above.

3. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. I am so pleased. I would read yours but I don't care about you as much as you seem to care about me.
Good for you. I don't often read back on random posters. But when one says something really dumb I'm always curious to see if its representative of all their work.

We can't all be perfect gleaming models of humanity like you seem to be
There's a lot of room between "perfect gleaming models of humanity" - where we really are and people like you.

Model of humanity------------------------------average person here -----------the kind of person who thinks its necessary to make "unracist posts" pointing out that there are not nice black people out there.
05-07-2014 , 05:12 PM
I do think it says something positive about where we are that even this "get a brain pc morans" guy is coy about his racism.
05-07-2014 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
We can't all be perfect gleaming models of humanity like you seem to be.
I love the "yeah I'm a racist and stupid piece of **** who can't even ride public transportation without having a panic attack because my piece of **** parents raised me wrong, what of it?" approach. Difficult to respond to.
05-07-2014 , 07:15 PM
The faux English "funny" nicknames for Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks(I can't even think of what films he's referencing, this has gotta be just generalized anti-Hollywood culture war resentment) are a nice contrast with his outer borough "Dese hoity toity libruls don't even know about how they act like animals on da train, fugeditabout" racism.
05-07-2014 , 07:33 PM
****, ide a bus full of preppy rich white kids just out of school and you'll form some opinions about them as well. Teenagers are ****ing horrible.
05-07-2014 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
I wonder what percentage of you PC liberal douches actually grew up around black people?
Ride the A train at 3pm on a weekday when school lets out and see what kind of enlightened thoughts you have.
So they're all a bunch of hobos because of the ones you saw on an weekday A train in New York?
05-07-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
So they're all a bunch of hobos because of the ones you saw on an weekday A train in New York?
Yes. You might not realize , but the 3am riders of the A train are a perfectly representative sample of the human population.
05-07-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Yes. You might not realize , but the 3am riders of the A train are a perfectly representative sample of the human population.
They probably are when drunk.
05-07-2014 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
"Even black people don't like black people" is an interesting development.
You are missing the point. The point is that he heard a black person say something negative about black people. Therefore, he is justified in being a huge racist. (Duh)
05-07-2014 , 09:13 PM
Nah, I understood his point.
05-07-2014 , 09:56 PM
Racists in an educated society are like The evil Dr Porkchop, never wins much more than an occasional diabolical laugh, gets beat with a child's level of imagination. Racists can better educate themselves out of racism, make no mistake about this. It's not a permanent condition like internet forum history, but it may take effort for a sincere 'not being racist anymore' can show on the record. Really why be racist if the option exists to not be?
05-08-2014 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
and now in AZ
Wanna hang?

Maybe take a road trip up to the meteor impact off I-40?
05-08-2014 , 10:46 AM
When a company makes loads of money, they thank the CEO and give him a huge bonus. When the company loses loads of money, they say the market was to blame and give the CEO a huge bonus to keep him there.

Maybe some jobs aren't as hard as they're given credit for.
05-08-2014 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Wanna hang?

Maybe take a road trip up to the meteor impact off I-40?
I have no clue if this is serious or not, but either way I'm too busy with graduating and moving at the moment. Nothing personal I actually enjoy your clowning despite disagreeing on basically everything.

Originally Posted by PIV
Even though Donald Sterling made hundreds of millions of dollars in the real estate market
he must be an idiot because he is racist? Real estate must be an easy game.
It's possible to be good at business and making money and bad at life. Sterling started with nothing so I suspect he was a shrewd investor who just never got a clue about human interaction.
05-08-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
When a company makes loads of money, they thank the CEO and give him a huge bonus. When the company loses loads of money, they say the market was to blame and give the CEO a huge bonus to keep him there.

Maybe some jobs aren't as hard as they're given credit for.
roonil it sounds like you have it all figured out...

When a NFL team wins, they thank the players and give him a huge bonus. When the NFL team loses, they say the tough league was to blame and give the players a huge bonus to keep him there.

Maybe some jobs aren't as hard as they're given credit for.
05-08-2014 , 10:55 AM

GJGE picking the league with primarily non-guaranteed contracts to make a senseless analogy. Always can count on bahbah for lolz
05-08-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool

GJGE picking the league with primarily non-guaranteed contracts to make a senseless analogy. Always can count on bahbah for lolz
ok, then substitute NFL w/ MLB or NBA. still doesn't change the fact that his post was dumb. Or substitute those leagues will fortune 500 companies that also often give raises to non-CEO employees even when the company loses money.
