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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-28-2014 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
succeeding when its harder is a good predictor without further information.

I'm not sure what information would tell us that someone who succeeds in something from a disadvantaged group is not more likely to be better at that thing than someone who does equally well from an advantaged group
I'm really not trying to be obtuse here, but I see no reason to think that scoring well on the MCAT and having good undergraduate GPA predicts skill as a doctor. I'm more familiar with law school, though, so maybe the two aren't as similar as I think.
09-28-2014 , 09:16 PM
Are people still pretending the emotional appeals to racism don't exist if a person is mistakenly labeled a racist?
Are people also pretending that the racist label, in various forms, has never been mistakenly applied in the forums?

Edit: Ah, yes. Even delighting in it.
09-28-2014 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Your definition of "racist" involves looking into someone's soul. Sadly, I can't do that. So my definition of "racist" is people that do and say racist things.

And the reason to call a person saying racist things a "racist" is conciseness and because that's how the English language works.
Except that's just wrong as you must know. Just because you can't look deeper doesn't mean that racist person doesn't refer to their character

Its just causing trouble when you know it will be misunderstood. It was and it is and you still do it, most likely because you enjoy it.
09-28-2014 , 09:25 PM
It's useful for marking people who misunderstand his meaning. And it's useful to mark those people.
09-28-2014 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Your definition of "racist" involves looking into someone's soul. Sadly, I can't do that. So my definition of "racist" is people that do and say racist things.

And the reason to call a person saying racist things a "racist" is conciseness and because that's how the English language works.
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Except that's just wrong as you must know. Just because you can't look deeper doesn't mean that racist person doesn't refer to their character

Its just causing trouble when you know it will be misunderstood. It was and it is and you still do it, most likely because you enjoy it.

i don't normally take sides, but i don't see how you think he's wrong.

if i say i won't see a black doctor, i'm racist. in a disgusting sort of way. but if i say i feel weird about seeing a black doctor because there's all kinds of media telling me i should, and therefore i check out a black doctor's credentials especially carefully before seeing him, then i'm still racist, but also trying to be part of the solution. assuming we all agree that racism is something that should not exist.
09-28-2014 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I'm really not trying to be obtuse here, but I see no reason to think that scoring well on the MCAT and having good undergraduate GPA predicts skill as a doctor. I'm more familiar with law school, though, so maybe the two aren't as similar as I think.
I'm not familiar with the terms but their besides the point.

The only things we know is they did equally well and for one there were more obstacles along the way.

Easy choice for me.
09-28-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The second.
Oh, that's pretty easy then imo. There's no "just made it" into that category. If you're an unrepentant racist then you easily qualify. That's pretty much all it takes.

As your son so wisely points out, if you can take a moment to even internally think that you might be biased or thinking in a prejudicial manner, you're not part of the "get out of my gene pool" category. Simple as that.
09-28-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Except that's just wrong as you must know. Just because you can't look deeper doesn't mean that racist person doesn't refer to their character
1. It's not wrong. It's like, exactly how the English language works. Your definition makes it impossible to ever know if someone is a racist - which seems like you've made our language kind of useless.

2. I agree it refers to their character. But I think saying and doing racist things is an indication of your character.

Originally Posted by chezlaw
Its just causing trouble when you know it will be misunderstood. It was and it is and you still do it, most likely because you enjoy it.
I don't think it will be misunderstood. And yes, I do get enjoyment out of someone that says/does racist stuff getting upset about getting called a racist.
09-28-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
As your son so wisely points out, if you can take a moment to even internally think that you might be biased or thinking in a prejudicial manner, you're not part of the "get out of my gene pool" category. Simple as that.
I don't suppose you will ever believe me but Bruce passes that test easily.
09-28-2014 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Oh, that's pretty easy then imo. There's no "just made it" into that category. If you're an unrepentant racist then you easily qualify. That's pretty much all it takes.

As your son so wisely points out, if you can take a moment to even internally think that you might be biased or thinking in a prejudicial manner, you're not part of the "get out of my gene pool" category. Simple as that.
What about the 'get out of the forum' category? Your previous post implied you feel enabled to decide who other people communicate with here.

Also, does this mean that you think AlexM and BruceZ are not racists? If so, does it bother you other people do? Considering that means they are filth not fit to belong in the fellowship of humanity from your view, it is hefty burden to put on innocent people, eh?
09-28-2014 , 09:41 PM
Let's take emotion out of it. If someone says a bunch of stupid stuff, we call them things like idiot, dummy, etc. There's no way to know everything someone knows - especially on something like an internet forum with limited interactions. It's quite possible that someone I call stupid is actually really knowledgeable and smart in certain other areas - maybe even more than I am in some sort of global way.

But I'm still going to call them an idiot because that's a concise way of summing up my opinion of them based on the limited information I have.
09-28-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
1. It's not wrong.
Its not you're using one way to describe two different things

2. I agree it refers to their character. But I think saying and doing racist things is an indication of your character.
Seriously! that's the point and why you need two different ways to describe it.

Indications can mislead. Inferences can be wrong. As this fiasco demonstrates too well.

I don't think it will be misunderstood. And yes, I do get enjoyment out of someone that says/does racist stuff getting upset about getting called a racist.
It is misunderstood. I know you enjoy it.
09-28-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I don't suppose you will ever believe me but Bruce passes that test easily.
I don't doubt that actually. And I don't think he should be perma-banned either. But I also am glad he's not a mod even if it means he doesn't post here anymore. No amount of abuse from authority is worth whatever contribution he had to offer imo.
09-28-2014 , 09:45 PM
As this fiasco
what fiasco?
09-28-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Let's take emotion out of it. If someone says a bunch of stupid stuff, we call them things like idiot, dummy, etc. There's no way to know everything someone knows - especially on something like an internet forum with limited interactions. It's quite possible that someone I call stupid is actually really knowledgeable and smart in certain other areas - maybe even more than I am in some sort of global way.

But I'm still going to call them an idiot because that's a concise way of summing up my opinion of them based on the limited information I have.
How can you delight in calling people racist using incomplete information if emotion is taken out of it?

You have given enough information here in this post to conclude you are an idiot, or at least someone who has no problem jumping to idiotic conclusions about a person and enjoying their pain-filled response. No wonder you fit in so well with certain other posters.
09-28-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Let's take emotion out of it. If someone says a bunch of stupid stuff, we call them things like idiot, dummy, etc. There's no way to know everything someone knows - especially on something like an internet forum with limited interactions. It's quite possible that someone I call stupid is actually really knowledgeable and smart in certain other areas - maybe even more than I am in some sort of global way.

But I'm still going to call them an idiot because that's a concise way of summing up my opinion of them based on the limited information I have.
Saying their an idiot when its taken very differently to saying they said something idiotic would be putting the emotion in it.

That would rarely apply because its not usually heated with idiocy. With racism and on this occasion it clearly applied, there's no excuse for not making the effort to be clear.
09-28-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
1. It's not wrong. It's like, exactly how the English language works. Your definition makes it impossible to ever know if someone is a racist - which seems like you've made our language kind of useless.

2. I agree it refers to their character. But I think saying and doing racist things is an indication of your character.

I don't think it will be misunderstood. And yes, I do get enjoyment out of someone that says/does racist stuff getting upset about getting called a racist.
It's hard for me to undestand why you and others don't get that it's problematic to label everyone you think says racist things a racist, when you have guys like Anais and many others saying they are vile and we should hate them. That doesn't allow you much room to be wrong. Hard to walk that back when you've gone all in like that.

Well Named was arguing we are all a bit racist, and we should call people out when we see it, and that's fine. Tomdemaine did just that with Bruce, while also saying he's a pretty good guy otherwise. So that kinda doesn't work with the whole, they're vile and hateful business.

Edit: Please forgive the crosspost from SMP:

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'm never sure which definition of racism pvn et al. is working with from post to post. By the dictionary definition one must hate or feel superior to another racial group to be racist. By another definition widely accepted in Politics forum one can be named a racist for holding positions that "enable" systematic racism, e.g., having racial insensitivities, too little empathy, holding conservative views, even discussing the rationality of certain stereotypes.

So there exists a scale, from say 1-100, that puts Fox News junkies somewhere near 20, avg Joe at 10, Politics forum reg at 5, and a cup of tea at 0. I see no problem here, as long as everyone operating under this definition understands anyone who's not a nice cup of tea is racist to some degree, understands these numbers are debatable, and that hate and superiority don't enter the scale until much higher, say around 50. This allows Tomdemaine and others to be consistent when they say Bruce is "a clear racist," but otherwise a pretty nice guy.

It should be noted though, that many people not operating under this graduated definition consider "a clear racist," to not be a nice guy at all - I guess at least 50 on the scale. I'm not just including Bruce (who obviously took great offense) and myself, but much of the rest of 2+2, and even quite a few Politics regs who have stated publicly they are in favor of hating racists, one going so far as to say he'd not try to stop them killing themselves. I suspect many of them, including pvn, are confused in their thinking, using the graduated definition sometimes, then inconsistently falling back on the dictionary definition at other times. This allows them to internally justify mistrusting, hating, and smearing Bruce.

Last edited by FoldnDark; 09-28-2014 at 09:54 PM.
09-28-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
what fiasco?

I'm not defending Bruce here, I know what he did. But others didn't behave so well either and with a bit more care and a bit less fun on their part we might have had a much better outcome, maybe not who knows.

I still have a tiny hope we might but I'm not betting on it.
09-28-2014 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
It's useful for marking people who misunderstand his meaning. And it's useful to mark those people.
Not really. Obviously it is useful to mark the card carrying members.

The reason we make it clear that we are hating on a behavior or an idea rather than labeling a person is because it allows them the opportunity to change.

It is one of the first things you teach parents who are underperforming as parents, couples that are underperforming as couples, and teachers who are underperforming as teachers.

If I presume that you actually care about the problem of racism due to some sort of normal-ish human emotions, it should be pretty clear that maximizing the odds of people correcting their behavior.

I am fairly sure that if the only people were the ones you find deserving of life (atheists, non-pot smokers, antiracists, etc.*) procreated, you'd have never been born. Given that you seem at least fairly smart and well-read, I assume that you are doing some sort of ironic aping of part of the worst parts of conservative-racist thinking with a liberal bent.

(It is a fairly popular technique. We started doing comparative studies of iq differences between racists and nonracists to ape Herrnstein and Murray. Some liberal research psychologists are a bit cruel to make a point at times.)

*I don't pay attention enough to have your full list.
09-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Seriously! that's the point and why you need two different ways to describe it.

Indications can mislead. Inferences can be wrong. As this fiasco demonstrates too well.

Yawn. Once again I have no interest in defining a word in a way that it can never be used. It's absurd.

As far as I'm concerned this 'fiasco' wasn't caused by inferences being wrong. My inference still stands due to no new information ever being brought to light.
09-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Foldn, I don't agree with the idea that all racist people or racist actions automatically make somebody a horrible, whatever was said.

That's just as much a stupid definition as what Chez is advocating.
09-28-2014 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It's hard for me to undestand why you and others don't get that it's problematic to label everyone you think says racist things a racist,

Just wanted to add that I think it's absurd for a group of people to enable/tolerate the **** Bruce said while simultaneously banging the drums about the power of the word 'racist'.

And to be fair, I find it equally absurd to see people championing the cause of denouncing racism while making sexist remarks or mocking mental illness.
09-28-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Yawn. Once again I have no interest in defining a word in a way that it can never be used. It's absurd.
Its not about definitions. You are deliberately refusing to recognise a distinction many people recognise even though refusing to recognise it is causing a problem.

That would be absurd if you didn't have a reason to do it.
09-28-2014 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Its not about definitions. You are deliberately refusing to recognise a distinction many people recognise even though refusing to recognise it is causing a problem.

That would be absurd if you didn't have a reason to do it.

This whole thing is about definitions.

And I don't think it's causing a problem. Please point out one problem caused by someone who says racist things being called a racist.
09-28-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
The reason we make it clear that we are hating on a behavior or an idea rather than labeling a person is because it allows them the opportunity to change.
Anyone who has gotten this far while maintaining racist attitudes has probably been given plenty of opportunity to change via kinder, gentle methods and it may be time to use something that involves less coddling.

I'm likely to give more leeway to someone whose racism seems to be the result of ignorance vs. someone whose racism seems to be the product of well-developed thoughtfulness on the issue.
