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China massing troops on Vietnam border... China massing troops on Vietnam border...

05-24-2014 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
In any case, that's some pretty awful posting equating ZH to Alex Jones. Miles apart, sorry.
ZH is worse because it can fool more people.
05-24-2014 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by chytry
ZH is worse because it can fool more people.
So, yes. The passages check out. Got it.
05-24-2014 , 03:05 PM
So wierd that war hasn't started yet. It's almost like armed conflict wasn't imminent.
05-24-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So wierd that war hasn't started yet. It's almost like armed conflict wasn't imminent.
Some people recognize developments over a longer time scale... others - usually hyperactive trolls - dismiss developments if they don't happen overnight.
05-24-2014 , 05:50 PM
Sooooo....not imminent then. Cool.
05-24-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Sooooo....not imminent then. Cool.
Were those ever my words, you confused little boy? Nope, they weren't.
05-24-2014 , 06:09 PM
My bad. I thought you at least read the headline of the article before you posted it.
05-24-2014 , 09:42 PM
Is there ever a chance that China just goes apesh*t and invades the whole world?
05-24-2014 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Isn't there some kind of rule about never fighting a land war in Asia?
I don't see lil' Kim binge eating over it.
Oh wait...
05-25-2014 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
My bad. I thought you at least read the headline of the article before you posted it.
Of course I read it. But you're lazily (as always) trying to suggest the headline is precisely my sentiment.

Do I think it's a newsworthy story? Absolutely...

Do I think bullets will fly this week? This month? No.

Did I type the headline in the OP? No.

Shut up.

Last edited by JiggsCasey; 05-25-2014 at 12:55 AM.
05-25-2014 , 12:57 AM
Peak oil? More like peak Tesla Tank.
05-25-2014 , 02:43 AM
Nixon shoulda nuked Hanoi back when he had the chance.
05-25-2014 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
Of course I read it. But you're lazily (as always) trying to suggest the headline is precisely my sentiment.

Do I think it's a newsworthy story? Absolutely...

Do I think bullets will fly this week? This month? No.

Did I type the headline in the OP? No.

Shut up.
05-25-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
yeah, that's about what expected you'd offer.

can always tell when the discussion is over and you have to bail.

dishonest d***.
05-25-2014 , 05:36 PM
Update: still no armed conflict
05-26-2014 , 12:37 AM
They're trying to starve them out.
05-27-2014 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Update: still no armed conflict
LOL... epic troll. Because if it doesn't happen overnight, it's not happening.

I'm sure that when FDR froze all Japanese assets in July of 1941, weeks later there were deep-thinkers like you trolling "still no armed conflict yet."

That's not really the point, genius.

Meanwhile, just today:

Vietnam boat sinks after collision with Chinese vessel

The BBC's Martin Patience says that whatever the truth, the sinking is likely to further escalate tensions between the two countries, given that for the past few weeks they have engaged in skirmishes at sea.

The two are locked in an intensifying dispute over South China Sea territory.

Vietnam has protested against China moving its Haiyang Shiyou 981 rig to waters also claimed by Hanoi, at a spot near the disputed Paracel Islands.
05-27-2014 , 03:03 PM
"I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you!"
05-27-2014 , 03:04 PM
What was the point of this thread?

We could have a broader discussion about China's aggressiveness in the South China Sea. That is clearly an important issue but the end game there isn't going to be an invasion of Vietnam.

You posted a link to an article with a headline about imminent armed conflict, talked about troop movement near the Vietnam border and the western response to imminent armed conflict...then got really angry when people tried to make the topic about imminent armed conflict between China and Vietnam. Why make such a sensationalistic first post if you didn't want to discuss a sensationalistic topic?

So start over Jiggs. If you don't want to discuss China potentially invading Vietnam, what exactly is it that you want to talk about?
05-27-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
What was the point of this thread?

We could have a broader discussion about China's aggressiveness in the South China Sea. That is clearly an important issue but the end game there isn't going to be an invasion of Vietnam.

You posted a link to an article with a headline about imminent armed conflict, talked about troop movement near the Vietnam border and the western response to imminent armed conflict...then got really angry when people tried to make the topic about imminent armed conflict between China and Vietnam. Why make such a sensationalistic first post if you didn't want to discuss a sensationalistic topic?

So start over Jiggs. If you don't want to discuss China potentially invading Vietnam, what exactly is it that you want to talk about?
Where linking to precisely what is happening is "sensationalist."

Oh Gambool. You're so desperate to sugarcoat world events. One would guess your entire livelihood is based on the gumdrops/lollipops confidence of the markets.

Unfortunately, you don't get to steer the discussion. The thread does exactly what it's supposed to do: ... 1) acknowledge tensions (based on dwindling access to natural RESOURCES) in the South China Sea, and 2) lure ADHD trolls like you into posting stupidly.

Mission accomplished.
05-27-2014 , 03:26 PM
OK then, so you do really want to talk about China rolling troops across the Vietnam border.

Update: Still no Chinese troops steamrolling into Vietnam

Also update from the future

China isn't going to be invading Vietnam
05-27-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
OK then, so you do really want to talk about China rolling troops across the Vietnam border.

Update: Still no Chinese troops steamrolling into Vietnam

Also update from the future

China isn't going to be invading Vietnam
Troll, who said anything about guaranteed invasion?

You're so deep in denial, it's like you're trying to reassure yourself that everything is fine at every turn of world events. Scared little boy.

You won't answer, because you're aware of your limitations on the issue, but as China's energy consumption reaches a soft ceiling, do you think they'll just stop drilling so as to not upset anyone in the region?

When bullets fly some time in the next 1-5 years (whether between them and Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan or anyone else), please seriously think about leaving the forum, and more time reading a book or two.
05-27-2014 , 03:44 PM
I didn't start a thread on the imminent conflict between China and Vietnam, so not sure why you are asking me.

No, I don't think that China is going to stop drilling. No, I don't think its going to lead to a war in the South China Sea in the next 1-5 years.

I do commend you with providing an actual testable thesis and am happy to exile bet with you on the outcome if you wish.
05-27-2014 , 03:47 PM
**** that. Keep Jiggs. He beats Deuces' pseudo-intellectual babble any day. Also Jiggs' is stable in his consistency.
05-27-2014 , 03:51 PM
Obviously he beats Deuces, and I'll be shocked if he actually exile bets.
