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Being proud of being white Being proud of being white

01-05-2014 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Their intentions are irrelevant. You didn't reply to what I wrote a page or two back.
lol at their intentions are irrelevant. their intentions are the ENTIRE ****ING PROBLEM, YOU ****ING MORON.
01-05-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
lol at their intentions are irrelevant. their intentions are the ENTIRE ****ING PROBLEM, YOU ****ING MORON.
Students wore American flag tees for whatever reason. Whatever they thought or hoped would happen is essentially irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that someone wearing the American flag on cinco de mayo would be considered provocation. That's shameful.

The school helped promote that attitude by telling the students to change their shirts or go home. What did that teach the Mexican students? That their holiday and flag supercede the American flag or the right to wear it?

Even more disturbing is the assumption that wearing the American flag that day would lead to violence. That tells me the school is afraid of its Mexican students and their reactions. In which case... Forget what we're teaching, or not teaching American students about tolerance. Since when is it ok to teach intolerance for the flag of the country you came to for supposedly a better life? ****ing Mindless, right?
01-05-2014 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2

Students wore American flag tees for whatever reason. Whatever they thought or hoped would happen is essentially irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that someone wearing the American flag on cinco de mayo would be considered provocation. That's shameful.

The school helped promote that attitude by telling the students to change their shirts or go home. What did that teach the Mexican students? That their holiday and flag supercede the American flag or the right to wear it?

Even more disturbing is the assumption that wearing the American flag that day would lead to violence. That tells me the school is afraid of its Mexican students and their reactions. In which case... Forget what we're teaching, or not teaching American students about tolerance. Since when is it ok to teach intolerance for the flag of the country you came to for supposedly a better life? ****ing Mindless, right?
01-05-2014 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Students wore American flag tees for whatever reason. Whatever they thought or hoped would happen is essentially irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that someone wearing the American flag on cinco de mayo would be considered provocation. That's shameful.

The school helped promote that attitude by telling the students to change their shirts or go home. What did that teach the Mexican students? That their holiday and flag supercede the American flag or the right to wear it?

Even more disturbing is the assumption that wearing the American flag that day would lead to violence. That tells me the school is afraid of its Mexican students and their reactions. In which case... Forget what we're teaching, or not teaching American students about tolerance. Since when is it ok to teach intolerance for the flag of the country you came to for supposedly a better life? ****ing Mindless, right?
01-05-2014 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
Like I said, lots of gangsters at the school. Gangsters don't get bullied, you know what I mean?
01-05-2014 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Ugh, you'll never get it! A silver ounce has always been a silver ounce and always will be a silver ounce, that will never change. The only thing unstable and fluctuating is the fraudulent U.S. dollar. Which was a promise to pay in silver and that promise was broken.

I'm prayyyying that the dollar gains some more fake strength and pushes silver back down to 5$/oz.
lol. I care about how many eggs I can buy with my dollars and silver and gold. I can only buy 2/3rds of the amount of eggs with as I could with same amount of silver as a year ago.

A brick has always been a brick and a rock has always been a rock, that will never change. Exchange ratios between things matter, yo.
01-05-2014 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
Settle down. You are embarrassing me. Capish?
01-05-2014 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Like I said, lots of gangsters at the school. Gangsters don't get bullied, you know what I mean?
lol, if there's anything else that was needed to confirm that you are just a flaming bag of racist white **** that needs to be murdered by the government at the first opportunity, it's that ****ing post right there.

just ****ing off yourself and spare the rest of the civilized world the trouble of dealing with your worthless piece of **** ass.
01-05-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Relax, lady.
It is usually said as "hush, woman" when saying that a man's panties are in a bunch.
01-05-2014 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
lol, if there's anything else that was needed to confirm that you are just a flaming back of racist white **** that needs to be murdered by the government at the first opportunity, it's that ****ing post right there.

just ****ing off yourself and spare the rest of the civilized world the trouble of dealing with your worthless piece of **** ass.
Hush now, my child. You are ruining the fun we are having.

Last edited by BrianTheMick2; 01-05-2014 at 02:26 AM. Reason: I'm assuming you are white. If you aren't please let us take care of our own as they would wish upon themselves.
01-05-2014 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
lol. I care about how many eggs I can buy with my dollars and silver and gold. I can only buy 2/3rds of the amount of eggs with as I could with same amount of silver as a year ago.
And 3 years ago you could have bought 3 times more eggs with silver and gold than you could have two years before that.

But so what? Neither of our examples here matters. You are looking short term I am not. What I am concerned with is how many eggs will a dollar buy 15-30 years from now.

So it is kind of strange you use the example that you can buy 2/3 the amount of eggs with your silver that you could last year, when it is set in solid stone that you will not be able to buy nearly as many eggs with a dollar 15 years from now as you can right now with that dollar.

I don't care if silver goes to 5$ next year or 75$ next year. I'm not in it for the short term and I don't transfer my dirty crumply dollars into silver to get more dirty crumply fraud dollars. I reject the corrupt scam political system, so every ounce of silver I buy is a vote against our fraud system and dollar.
01-05-2014 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
lol, if there's anything else that was needed to confirm that you are just a flaming bag of racist white **** that needs to be murdered by the government at the first opportunity, it's that ****ing post right there.

just ****ing off yourself and spare the rest of the civilized world the trouble of dealing with your worthless piece of **** ass.
Haha. murdered by the government. Geez man, can't you pick up your bootstraps and do it yourself? Or hire a hit man or something?

Gubment is busy with teh healthcarez ...they can't do it all for you...
01-05-2014 , 02:37 AM
I vote January for white history month its 1st month of year most states have snow on the ground and it a nice lead in to black history month any thoughts.
01-05-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Haha. murdered by the government. Geez man, can't you pick up your bootstraps and do it yourself? Or hire a hit man or something?

Gubment is busy with teh healthcarez ...they can't do it all for you...
i have plenty of KCl, if you just want to drop by my lab, i'll be pleased to administer it myself.
01-05-2014 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
lol, if there's anything else that was needed to confirm that you are just a flaming bag of racist white **** that needs to be murdered by the government at the first opportunity, it's that ****ing post right there.

just ****ing off yourself and spare the rest of the civilized world the trouble of dealing with your worthless piece of **** ass.
And what? The article said there were gangsters at the school...

You have a problem with me poking fun by saying "you know what I mean"?

The article said tensions had been high the year before and in general between whites and Mexicans. It sounds like both sides have gang members, and I don't line up your definition of "bullying" with this. It is too broad, much like your wide net for calling people racists. It sounds like these kids of both races want to fight each other.

When I think of bullying I'm thinking of that weakling kid they showed on sportscenter where the grade school football team rallied behind him for some other kids calling him names. Or that freshman irish girl who committed suicide for being called a whore constantly by other girls for going out with the senior QB.

Also, you must have never watched Lockup on MSNBC, plenty of white methed out gangsters who say "you know what I mean." In fact, a few months ago there was a white guy at my poker table who wouldn't shut the hell up for a half an hour, and he said "you know what I mean" maybe 900 times before going to the bathroom. And when he went to the bathroom I said to a couple other players, I wonder how many years total in his life he has spent in prison. I don't think they understood what I was getting at.

And don't be so quick to call me a racist... I don't pigeonhole degenerates as just minorities and let the whites off the hook. I am equal opportunity on all that.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 01-05-2014 at 03:02 AM.
01-05-2014 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
if you just want to drop by my lab
Weird, I pictured you more as a big rig semi truck driver, or a welder maybe.

01-05-2014 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
It is usually said as "hush, woman" when saying that a man's panties are in a bunch.
That doesn't sound right... maybe it's a regional thing, chief.
01-05-2014 , 02:54 AM
I'm a big rig semi-truck driver
01-05-2014 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
my dirty crumply dollars
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!! I made a bet that I could make you say
crumply dollars at 1-1 odds with a "dirty crumply" 10x kicker!!!!!!!!

I was seriously concerned that you were going to say "crimply" instead of "crumply." The woman I made the bet with is seriously pissed. Watch your back, bro.

Last edited by BrianTheMick2; 01-05-2014 at 03:09 AM. Reason: I have more to add. The bet was really sick and you don't want the details.
01-05-2014 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!! I made a bet that I could make you say
crumply dollars at 1-1 odds with a "dirty crumply" 10x kicker!!!!!!!!

I was seriously concerned that you were going to say "crimply" instead of "crumply." The woman I made the bet with is seriously pissed. Watch your back, bro.
Where is this woman...? Like sort of behind you off to the right or left like when guys bring their girlfriends to watch them play poker? Except she's watching you type on the computer?

Also, PM me how good she was at doing it on a scale of 1-10, after she's done.
01-05-2014 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
That doesn't sound right... maybe it's a regional thing, chief.
Possibly. "settle down, woman" aimed at a dude is the common denominator, right?

Anyway, I'd rather handle this myself. You seem smart and all but he seems to be claiming schooling, which offends my white ass educated self. I don't want him around no more anywhere near my kind. That he thinks he belongs near my kind offends my senses.

You can have the leftovers. I got this.
01-05-2014 , 03:22 AM
You got this.
01-05-2014 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Where is this woman...? Like sort of behind you off to the right or left like when guys bring their girlfriends to watch them play poker? Except she's watching type on the computer?

Also, PM me how good she is at doing it on a scale of 1-10.
Right behind my left shoulder giggling at you. Scale of 1-10... Well, she is watching me type this, so 10-ish. She has no gag reflex. She did have one but we've been working on fixing that. I think 10 just based on that.
01-05-2014 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
You got this.
Your avatar is distracting.
01-05-2014 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Where is Danny Trejo when we need him? If not us, then who?
Danny Trejo is with us always, but sometimes he works in mysterious ways.
