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Being proud of being white Being proud of being white

12-09-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Look at all the replies in this thread, nothing of substance, just garbage all round.

See this is the problem with you liberals, when i bring up a perfectly legitimate position, that its OK to be proud of your white heritage, and to be proud of your southern upbringing and culture, you just know in your heart of hearts that this is wrong and not allowed. Can you not see how you are brainwashed? You can't even come up with a coherent argument explaining why these things are considered to be so taboo.
I'm sure your upbringing and culture were outstanding but what's so great about your heritage?
12-09-2013 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Look at all the replies in this thread, nothing of substance, just garbage all round.

See this is the problem with you liberals, when i bring up a perfectly legitimate position, that its OK to be proud of your white heritage, and to be proud of your southern upbringing and culture, you just know in your heart of hearts that this is wrong and not allowed. Can you not see how you are brainwashed? You can't even come up with a coherent argument explaining why these things are considered to be so taboo.

There is a real crisis right now where whites are slowly becoming minorities in their own homelands. This is because family values no longer matter and we are all living in a liberal society where sex is viewed with no importance and people are breeding like rabbits, often in non traditional relationships.

Sometimes i wonder exactly when we started to veer into this path where we whites are considered to either play the villian or be worthy of no response other than than pictures or whatever it was that blatant troll person listed in this thread.

I wish that some of you would open your mind a little, drop the political correctness, and see this for what it is. Don't start assuming things about me, what i think and how i feel, just simply accept that its totally OK for me to be proud of who i am, my culture, and my people. I refuse to apologise for anything that people who i have no relation to might or might not have done.

I asked you an honest question, why is Jefferson Davis not in your avatar? What are your thoughts on Davis? These are honest questions here
12-09-2013 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I'm sure your upbringing and culture were outstanding but what's so great about your heritage?
Perfect. If you asked this to anyone other than someone who was white, it would be considered racist, but if you ask me, its okay.

I am happy to answer the question though, i am proud of my white heritage in many ways, is there anything in particular you wanted to ask me about?
12-09-2013 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Look at all the replies in this thread, nothing of substance, just garbage all round.

See this is the problem with you liberals, when i bring up a perfectly legitimate position, that its OK to be proud of your white heritage, and to be proud of your southern upbringing and culture, you just know in your heart of hearts that this is wrong and not allowed. Can you not see how you are brainwashed? You can't even come up with a coherent argument explaining why these things are considered to be so taboo.

There is a real crisis right now where whites are slowly becoming minorities in their own homelands. This is because family values no longer matter and we are all living in a liberal society where sex is viewed with no importance and people are breeding like rabbits, often in non traditional relationships.

Sometimes i wonder exactly when we started to veer into this path where we whites are considered to either play the villian or be worthy of no response other than than pictures or whatever it was that blatant troll person listed in this thread.

I wish that some of you would open your mind a little, drop the political correctness, and see this for what it is. Don't start assuming things about me, what i think and how i feel, just simply accept that its totally OK for me to be proud of who i am, my culture, and my people. I refuse to apologise for anything that people who i have no relation to might or might not have done.
You really are stupid.
12-09-2013 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Perfect. If you asked this to anyone other than someone who was white, it would be considered racist, but if you ask me, its okay.

I am happy to answer the question though, i am proud of my white heritage in many ways, is there anything in particular you wanted to ask me about?
12-09-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
This is only a crisis if you're a racist POS who fears what minorities will do to him. So once again, the person concerned with white pride turned out to be a huge racist. I'd bet on the Washington Generals to win before I'd bet on a guy talking bout white pride not being a racist.
Just to be clear, im a "racist pos" because i worry about the decreasing population numbers of my white brothers and sisters. If you worried about the decreasing population numbers of any other group, its considered fine. This is exactly the type of bias i am talking about here.
12-09-2013 , 02:51 PM
Like i said, it is something that i don't consider to be a good thing, for example i wouldn't ever do it myself. I do however think that if you look at it in context, people worldwide were doing horrendous things at that time, things like tribal warfare, cannibalism were rife. Lets not forget that the slaves were actually sold by their countrymen.

It is a sad thing that people were treated in that way, but people do overlook that some slaves were treated well by their owners, ate at the table, and were given basic education. I do agree that this was the minority though.

We are already paying for the underclass with the massive welfare state and programs like AA. The president is opening a special office for african americans. How far are we going to have to go, or how much time is going to have to pass, before its not taboo to be proud of being white, and feeling kinship with our brothers and sisters in a similar way to people of other colors feel about their own groups?
12-09-2013 , 02:54 PM
No one other than racists are concerned about decreasing population numbers of any particular racial group though.
12-09-2013 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
yeah let's talk about that.

It is estimated that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by pirates and sold as slaves in Africa during this time period
what should we call this ? otoman guilt? islamic guilt?
12-09-2013 , 02:58 PM
Why do i get a feeling that if a minority was dwindling in population numbers, all you liberals would be up in arms about it. I guess that given its whites who carry the burden right now, its impossible to compare the situation.

On an unrelated note, why aren't topics like the treatment of whites in Africa ever discussed here? There are horribly immoral things that are occuring to whites all around the world yet there is never a topic in here about them, or a news article. Its taboo to care, thats why.
12-09-2013 , 03:00 PM
J. Davis did a fine job of bringing you out of the woodwork, ixes.

Yes, slavery was everywhere. If you feel pride for the good your ancestors did you have to feel shame for the bad. You can't say you're not responsible for the bad they did while implying you have some responsibility for the good (which you don't.)
12-09-2013 , 03:01 PM
Because horrible things generally aren't happening to white people anywhere it's a paranoid delusion brought on by being a racist and reading racist websites/ron paul newsletters.
12-09-2013 , 03:06 PM
Are you familiar with Robert Mugabe? Well his actions aren't something that occurred a long time ago and they dont happen anymore. There is a real problem of whites being discriminated against for "revenge". It happens on a worse scale in Africa. But its happening more subtly in first world places too. For example, i have to be ashamed of my history because of slavery. Is it fair to say to a moslem that they should be ashamed of their history because of genghis khan? Or a black person that they should be ashamed because of Idi Amin? I think that its wrong in both instances. Do you?
12-09-2013 , 03:08 PM
No, because feeling pride or shame for things you had no part in is stupid. Claiming to have white pride simply means "I'm a racist."
12-09-2013 , 03:09 PM
Who knew pride could be so insecure?
12-09-2013 , 03:11 PM
No one is telling you to be ashamed of slavery though that's another of your paranoid delusions. It doesn't even make sense, how could it possibly be enforced? We just think it might help to consider slavery's legacy as context for a number of modern issues.
12-09-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
No, because feeling pride or shame for things you had no part in is stupid. Claiming to have white pride simply means "I'm a racist."
So you can't be proud of being from a country that stopped communism, or went to the moon? You have to actually have had to seen the battlefield, or worked for nasa, to be proud of these things?
12-09-2013 , 03:12 PM
I can be proud of the people who did those things.
12-09-2013 , 03:14 PM
Liberals use slavery all the time, for example the AA policy, which is blatantly racist against whites, is justified on the grounds of slavery.
12-09-2013 , 03:15 PM
Yea keep backpeddaling lonely_but_rich. You know lots of people say they are proud to be american, because of things like going to the moon. Or moslems are proud to be moslems because of their contributions to math and astronomy. Your statement made no sense. Admit it.
12-09-2013 , 03:15 PM
12-09-2013 , 03:18 PM
The only reason i read this forum is because there are some pretty good posters in here, like silverman, and ikestoy. The majority of you are brainwashed socialists who are leading the country on a path where one day you will wake up and there will be nothing because the asian countries left us for dust. You can hate whitey all you want, but when hes gone, you are gonna miss him.
12-09-2013 , 03:24 PM
Tell us what your final solution is for the dwindling white population and we'll tell you if you're racist.
12-09-2013 , 03:25 PM
12-09-2013 , 03:27 PM
Being proud of being white or American is so ******ed, its pure luck buddy, you have accomplished nothing. You say you have no reason to be ashamed of the atrocities of your country, which is fair enough, you played no part, but you also played no part in any of the accomplishments of which you are so determined for us all to be proud of.
