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762 murders in Chicago this year.  One question: 762 murders in Chicago this year.  One question:

01-05-2017 , 06:49 PM
Everyone should try good acid at least once, it would give them a different perspective on life and chill them the **** out.

Just make sure to find a safe space first
01-05-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
That neighborhood really made it starkly clear how isolated, individualistic, alienated, reserved, introspective, stunted and asocial my class of society is.
You don't think you making this statement is ironic?
01-05-2017 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Everyone should try good acid at least once, it would give them a different perspective on life and chill them the **** out.

Just make sure to find a safe space first
OK, I'll do it in the politics forum.
01-05-2017 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You don't think you making this statement is ironic?
How so?
01-05-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
OK, I'll do it in the politics forum.
Oooh, lol, I mean a safe space for you! Actually, if you do try acid (not that I think you will want to get on the internet) but stay outta P or you might kill yourself. I'm serial.
01-05-2017 , 06:56 PM
I don't recommend acid to everyone. I'd say you should be pretty mellow and psychologically stable.


One point, and I think the most important, of legalizing is taking it out of the hands of the mob, cartels, street gangs etc. So, legalizing/de-criminalizing heroin and crack are vital. The drug war is an utter failure. You can get heroin inside American prisons. Making it illegal is an empty gesture that causes tremendous harm to society.
01-05-2017 , 06:59 PM
I agree with microbet here. The trouble is more than its worth when it comes to the drug war. Too many deaths are involved.

Of course, when half the country is coked out, I dunno how we will handle that.
01-05-2017 , 06:59 PM
Good point, there are some people too high strung for acid. But they should try it anyway under the right conditions. Like at their psychologists office.

Actually, I think I read somewhere it's being decriminalized for psychological study again, they think it could really help people with PTSD.
01-05-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Oooh, lol, I mean a safe space for you! Actually, if you do try acid (not that I think you will want to get on the internet) but stay outta P or you might kill yourself. I'm serial.
If I stayed in P I'd just kill my own damn self.
01-05-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I agree with microbet here. The trouble is more than its worth when it comes to the drug war. Too many deaths are involved.

Of course, when half the country is coked out, I dunno how we will handle that.
That's the thing. I mean, we still have alcoholism, addiction won't go away. But at least there will be help available, there won't be as much stigma, and people won't be doing their "rehab" in prison.
01-05-2017 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I agree with microbet here. The trouble is more than its worth when it comes to the drug war. Too many deaths are involved.

Of course, when half the country is coked out, I dunno how we will handle that.
There have been some mixed results from studies on how decriminalization affects usage, but it pretty much has no effect. Portugal decriminalized hard drugs 14 years ago and the fears about usage and drug tourism haven't come to pass. There have been significant benefits in harm reduction regarding overdoses and HIV transmission.
01-05-2017 , 07:10 PM
I don't tend to look at other countries as shining examples of how we should do things, but decriminalization of drugs is something that's worth a try. I guess trying it in one state wouldn't work well?
01-05-2017 , 07:18 PM
Seems like Portuguese like their smack as much as anyone else, but yeah, this would happen state by state anyway if the feds ever back off. I just think the hypothesis that it's the law that keeps people from becoming drug addicts is wrong.
01-05-2017 , 07:27 PM
one last time i will name the city and street and say to all you non believers take a stroll down this road and then post here about there not being places you should avoid if you value yourself. BLUE HILLS AVE IN BLOOMFIELD CT. brought to you once again by HIM
01-05-2017 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
There have been some mixed results from studies on how decriminalization affects usage, but it pretty much has no effect. Portugal decriminalized hard drugs 14 years ago and the fears about usage and drug tourism haven't come to pass. There have been significant benefits in harm reduction regarding overdoses and HIV transmission.
This is a myth. I forget the specifics but basically you can be arrested for doing drugs on the street (including smoking weed) but generally speaking simple drug possession is a ticketing offence (and you will have to go to court). Foreigners will totally get kicked out for drug possession.

I heard somewhere that marijuana accounts for about 60% of USA gang drug sales. Also one should at least consider the impact of prescribed opioids and how that creates heroin demand. A lot of prescription opioid use could theoretically be avoided by smoking pot.
01-05-2017 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
This is a myth. I forget the specifics but basically you can be arrested for doing drugs on the street (including smoking weed) but generally speaking simple drug possession is a ticketing offence (and you will have to go to court). Foreigners will totally get kicked out for drug possession.

I heard somewhere that marijuana accounts for about 60% of USA gang drug sales. Also one should at least consider the impact of prescribed opioids and how that creates heroin demand. A lot of prescription opioid use could theoretically be avoided by smoking pot.

While you can be arrested they are down 60% and more than 80% are dismissed without sanction. Percent of people in prison for drugs has dropped from 44% to 24%.

I wouldn't say it's a myth, rather it's not complete decriminalization.
01-05-2017 , 09:26 PM
I think legalizing any drug is not a great idea. I think overhauling the prison system which is a multi billion dollar industry is a better idea. I think over hauling the judicial system is a better idea. In other words, end the ridiculous incarceration for marijuana use.

There are some who believe the legalization of pot in Colrado has been a success. It has brought in 134 million dollars to the state. There hasn't been significant evidence that this legalization has caused health issues.

The opponents point out that the true consequences of legalization won't be known for 5-10 years. Law enforcement is not happy about it. They point to the difficulty of identifying pot in candies, cookies etc when trying to determine if someone is under the influence while driving. They are worried about the possibility that kids will mistake some of these marijuana laden items as snacks. There has been an uptick in emergency room visits because of this, however, it hasn't been deemed statistically relevent. The other concern is that this fast growing industry will skirt regulation much like the tobacco industry.
01-05-2017 , 09:49 PM
The most important drugs to legalize are the ones that criminal gangs are growing/making and selling, fighting over, corrupting police and governments with, buying guns with the money, terrorizing neighborhoods over, filling up prisons and using massive military and militarized police resources to hopelessly try to combat. The most innocent of all victims are the people who have nothing to do with drugs or the drug war yet are its victims and have to pay for it.

The winners of the drug war are the drug cartels and gangs, all the people and companies who are paid to fight, prosecute and imprison them, gun manufacturers and undertakers.

2nd most important reason to legalize is that this is supposed to be a free country and the government shouldn't be telling consenting adults what drugs they can take.
01-05-2017 , 09:58 PM
And it's not a little thing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE have been killed in the drug war in Mexico and Central America. People fleeing the drug war often become the illegal immigration problem that Republicans so lament. This is all because drugs are illegal in the United States. And HUDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans are in prison for drug use and still do drugs in prison anyway.

It's a ****ing disaster on par with a significant real war and we could virtually put an end to it by facing facts and not trying to accomplish something that is impossible and to me wrong on principle as well.
01-05-2017 , 10:43 PM
You nailed it. There are too many people making ridiculous amounts of money keeping these drugs illegal. I don't love the idea of legalizing drugs, however, it may indeed produce a better result.

I think gangs and cartels would find some other business opportunities. I could see an SNL skit coming from this.
01-05-2017 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
one last time i will name the city and street and say to all you non believers take a stroll down this road and then post here about there not being places you should avoid if you value yourself. BLUE HILLS AVE IN BLOOMFIELD CT. brought to you once again by HIM
I'm concerned about what 'HIM' means. Concerned enough to say no more of it in this forum unless some acceptable explanation is produced.
01-05-2017 , 11:36 PM
If you legalize marijuana then the vast majority of 'drug users' will never know a drug dealer other than the gas station and vape store. Practically, if you legalize weed, the whole underworld drug economy gets shattered over night. This will have some bad consequences in the short term but no worse than this ongoing suffering in the poorest communities, who are filled with people who can make a good living when compared to unemployment.
01-05-2017 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm concerned about what 'HIM' means. Concerned enough to say no more of it in this forum unless some acceptable explanation is produced.
I think it means His Internal Majesty. Satan.
01-05-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
one last time i will name the city and street and say to all you non believers take a stroll down this road and then post here about there not being places you should avoid if you value yourself. BLUE HILLS AVE IN BLOOMFIELD CT. brought to you once again by HIM
Googlemaps needs a 'night view' so we can get a better idea of how bad the neighborhood is.!4d-72.6999868

The above is always a bad sign, when you see an old lady/man walking to the gas station in bright red or navy blue thats a good indication that it is not the best neighborhood to be walking around in.!8i6656

Bad sign number two, spray painted street signs, this place belongs to someone. Around here I always see diff 'names' with arrows and that is a clear indication of who should be where and who shouldn't. Sometimes the 'name' is just 'drugs.'
01-06-2017 , 12:43 AM
Something like 1994-1997 I owned 1.6 small apartment buildings in this neighborhood, one on this block:!6m1!1e1

The neighborhood is also shown here:
